Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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kaylyne said:
ETA: Rebec - the convo goes:
GIL: Where are you and Lindsay going this year?
CATH: Disneyland. With the parents.
GIL: Quality time with Dad?
CATH: Oh, yeah. And Sam wanted to take us on the Tangiers jet but my mother refused. Said it wasn't the tradition. So now we're driving. Yeah, that'll be a hell of a road trip.
GIL: Have fun. Say 'hi' to Sam.
CATH: Will do.

kaylyne thanks for clearing that up for me, it'll a long time before I get to watch s6 (most probably late next year) I'm not really holding my breath given what I've heard about the season so far but I'll still watch it for the GC scenes :)

Welcome aboard gems and keep up the spirit! :D

Happy birthday Hottie ! did I not know it was your birthday? I wish you the best of birthdays,'re awesome ;)

Congrats on a new thread! Totally lovin' it. Sorry I'm late, I was held up by stupid reading which I must do...supposedly.

Love that conversation in..Spellbound, I think it is? Such a classic GC moment. Season 6 has not allowed enough of those comments for my liking.
Speaking of likeable comments, I feel that gil has been losing his famous punchlines in the later seasons. He has become so tensed and serious which is so unlike the more cheerful gil in the earlier seasons. He returns to normal occasionally (sp) when he is around cath but nowadays he gets to spend less time around cath much
Yay. Glad to see old friends back (Angie, High) and new people join. We just can't resist the love of PureJoy, can we? ;)

Speaking of What's Eating Gilbert Grissom?, it reminds me of a fic written by Caroline titled Bindings. It's an alternative version of WEGG and is very well written. But it's still WIP. I really hope we'll get to see it finished soon.

So...are we going to move on to *squee!* Formalities? You see, when you really think about it, there were so many tiny C/G moments in season 5 although the team was split up. And because they were split up, those little momeents felt even more bitter-sweet. Ah I miss the gool ol' days.

Hi, everyone ! geez, you're really taklative , hard to follow when you're not there only 24h :D
Before to go on Formalities (thanks for the pic, Erica) ,
Happy Birthday , HOTTIE/TUSHIE ...
^ LOL Catherine. C/G shippers are inspired. That's why we have wicked ideas, hilarious caps, funny rants (yes, funny) and meaningful (OMG) discussions all in one thread. ;) Hehe I'm not here 24/7, but I try to sneak in whever I have a chance, even when I'm at work and my boss is sitting right behind me. LMAO.

And you're welcome. The more PureJoy, the merrier. ;)
Oh how I love Formalities - well, parts of it anyway.

* --the bowtie--
*sigh* love the outtakes of this, especially when they start laughing after she ties it crooked.

* --the napkin--
"What can I say about Conrad Ecklie?" -- Now, how many people would actually do that to someone who's just a co-worker (I'm talking about dumping an impromptu speech on them, like Gil did to Cath). That scene couldn't have been done if it had involved any other cast members.

* --Gil notices Sofia--
Sofia changing out of the dress, with her overalls covering. I can somehow imagine that Catherine has done that numerous times herself. You know, come to think of it - didn't Cath have a red dress on too? That might explain Gil's abstracted look when he saw Sofia changing.

* --Cath takes it in stride--
CATH: I thought you were going to process the scene with Grissom.
NICK: I was. He said he had it covered. Sofia Curtis is up there with him.
CATH: Right ... Ecklie's right hand.
NICK: Hmm?
CATH: Ever do a case with her?
NICK: Uh-uh. Hey, I heard Grissom stuck you with his speech.
CATH: A napkin is not a speech.

* --Gil/Sofia: white noise?--
SOFIA: One of those kids is still holding..... I'm gonna let Brass know.
SOFIA: That time I was talking to you.
GRISSOM: What? Sorry. I was, uh, treating it like white

You know, if it was Cath that had been talking to him, he'd have heard every single word.

* --Gil's looking out for Cath--
CONRAD: Least you got your money's worth out of the rental. I just wanted to let you know, no hard feelings about you leaving the banquet. You're just ... doing your job.
GRISSOM: Have you decided yet who's going to be the day shift supervisor?
CONRAD: Well, Sofia's a logical choice, but nothing's official yet.
GRISSOM: You should consider Catherine. She's earned it.
CONRAD: I'll, uh, I'll give it some thought. Oh, you know ... I'd love to get a copy of your speech. Just a
little souvenir for my scrapbook.
GRISSOM: I'll get you a copy.
CONRAD: That'd be great.

Oh, Ecklie definitely knows what happened with the speech. Plus, he has a sweet spot for Cath, so he did give her the supervisory position, but being the ass he is, he didn't give her the right shift.

* --Cath knows how to get out of the bad jobs - delegate them to someone else--
NICK: Man, there must be over a hundred shoeprints in here.
CATHERINE: Even more fingerprints on those buttons. Good luck.
NICK: Thanks a lot.

Hey, it was his idea!!!

* --Gil tries a new technique/Cath is amused--
GRISSOM: (to himself) Definitely not synthetic. Medulla is 14 microns in diameter. Continuous cortex. Imbricate scales.....I'm thinking sheep. Merino. Fine wool
for fine fabrics.
CATHERINE: Why are you talking to yourself?
GRISSOM: I'm trying a new technique.
CATHERINE: Is it working?
GRISSOM: I have no idea. Aniline dye. Most likely BASF or Dupont. Probably used by every high-end garment maker in the world.
CATHERINE: And black wool is definitely not used for party dresses. So it's got to be from those tuxedo boys in the suite.
GRISSOM: You'll have to take their clothes.

Cath's smirk is priceless!!

* --a bad line?--
CATHERINE: "Not deceptive."
NICK: So, Dean Tate was telling the truth.
CATHERINE: Well, according to the polygraph, yeah.
WARRICK: Hey, guys, I got a work card hit off of that maple syrup print.
CATHERINE: Let me guess. Mrs. Butterworth?

I heard (in the commentary, maybe) that the actors did not want to have that cheesy Mrs B line in there.

* --Cath/Greg: Mentor/pupil--
CATHERINE: Well, there he is, stepping onto the main elevator from the 15th floor. Alone.
CATHERINE: You crack this kid's head open, all that would come out would be T and A.
GREG: I think you said that about me once.
CATHERINE: Actually, more than once.
GREG: What's the time code?
GREG: That's right after Janelle Macklin's last call to her voice mail. Just like he said. Let me access the message.
CATHERINE: So when are you going to be doing your final proficiency?
GREG: Every time I ask Grissom, he says, "next time out." And then I end up here.
GREG: Okay, here it is.

I love how they flirt - in a way only they can. I think somewhere prior, I missed the "Tough shift" - "you did say SHIFT, right" line. (so cute)

* --the bowtie (part 2)--
She glued it! ARGH!!! Well, that means Gil still needs to have Cath around to tie a new one for him.

* --Cath/Brass--
having a drink at the end, discussing the wrap of the case.

*sigh* oh how I miss the good old days of CSI.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Thanks gals! :D Yes please, Ali! I need GC spoilers! :D

Wow I just couldn't get tired of that deliciously hot pic of GC Erica! :eek: *squee* I love Formalities, aside from the GC scenes, I also loved the case and the teamwork of the team on the ep. I love the cases when they involve teenagers and the Old Vegas. :D Oh and going back to What's Eating Gilbert.. I love the case more on WEGG than The Execution of CW. It was creepier, Gil shined in the episode, plus the GC team work was evident in the ep.

* --the bowtie (part 2)--
She glued it! ARGH!!! Well, that means Gil still needs to have Cath around to tie a new one for him.
Love your thinking kaylyne! :)

*Commercial break*

*drumroll* The GCtv poll is back again :lol: The Categories on this poll are based on the MTV Movie Awards. So blame them for the category names. ;)


*sends love to the one who made this dayum hot banner*

Best Male Performance
Best Female Performance
Best Villain
Best Comedic Performance
Best GC Song
Best Kiss, Best Action, Best Fight

You may choose 4 or 3 in the categories.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

ah formalities. i love how gil pushes cath's qualifications on ecklie. he knows she's the right person and you know what else, gil plays politics for her. he's not the kind of person to go recommending people in a casual conversation. he'd already recommended her to the director now he was working ecklie.

and the bowtie scene (the first one). ah so romantic. so hot. so wtf are tmtb thinking when they have a scene like this already?????

and the glued bowtie scene. they are playing footsie under the table. too cute.

and last but not least.


brother/sister relationship my a$$!!!!!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

You're right, Coolc, all the epi is great (well, nobody can forget the first sweet scene) :) love the way Gil meets Sofia and his way to look at her when she's speaking alone !
One of my fav scene is when Cath catches him speaking alone too :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Btw, I bumped into an old article, guess what George Eads thought was the most bizaare thing he learned on CSI: "George added "The time that Billy made Marg's character put the skinned hand on her hand and then press for the fingerprint." :lol: Hey I think he's a GC shipper. LOL! There were lots of bizaare things that happened on CSI and he could've answered his own scenes.. Its good to know that the GC scenes are memorable even to the actors. :D

No offense meant to the other shippers of course. Just accidentally bumped into this interview.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

^ Haha I definitely loved that scene! Both Gil and Cath were SO cute in it. They seem to always have their own ways to get each other. Well, we all know about Cath, but this time Gil convinced her to "give him a hand" even though she didn't want to. The power of love. No? :lol: Anyway, good for George!
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