Formula 1

As the dutch woman here I have to say: Albers did so good! He finished! And he had a cool race against Speed. I like Speed btw. I like Speed very much. :D He just has to start racing better.

AWw man, Kimi had bad luck with that stop, again! :( But I like that the championship is somewhat more interesting now. What did I forget...ah well.
Whoa I didn't know there's F1 thread in here...
Hello Dutchie :D

I can't believe Kimi got pole position... well, it didn't last long but I'm still glad he at least finished three (podium! yay!! :D) Hell even I'm glad that he finished at all (he gets so much bad luck that sometimes I have to expect for the worst :(). Apart for the reason that, if I'm not mistaken, hadn't he never finished GP Germany before?

Anyway, any news/comfirmation about who goes to what team?

I still can't imagine Kimi wearing another colour... I mean, I'm so used of him wearing Mclaren's black/white and I definitely can't cheer for another team... That would be so odd.
And for God's sake, not Renault. For some reason, just say that Alonso/Renault isn't my favorite. As for Ferrari... I can't stand Kimi being under Michael's 'shadow'. :(

But if Mclaren's reliability doesn't improve in the future... *sigh* :rolleyes:
WillowsWannaBe said:
Did ya like Baumgartner when he used to take part?

häh? sorry, didn't get it.
please explain. :D
ETA: oh wait, there was something but I forgot the details.
why should I don't like him? Honestly I don't care about him. I have enough other fav drivers.
as I wrote before F1 is not a good place for friendships.

I'm stupid, klien finished 8th and not 7th. sorry, I'm a little bit confused sometimes.

Michael can win the championship as long as he'll retire afterwards.
then I'll throw a party!! :p
I was at the race yesterday (I was at Hockenheim the whole weekend), it was great. It was my 2nd at an F1 race (first time was 5 years ago, also at Hockenheim). Ferrari was by far the best, but I still liked the race. I like the BMW team, but unfortunately it was a very bad weekend for them :(. But I really like Jenson Button as well, so I'm happy Honda found something, so there a bit quicker again. Kimi drove a great race, good to have him back on the podium. And I'm happy for Klien as well, he deserved more points this season (especially Monaco), now he got finally one.

I'm not a fan of both Michael and Alonso, but if I have to pick one, i'd rather go for Schumacher. Alonso always starts to wave to slower cars even if they are miles away and they're not it the way at all. I would love to have Kimi and Alonso in one team, to see who's the best. I think Kimi will win, but of course we have to see. Kimi still can go to Renault, but I think (and hope) we will stay.

I forgot Scott Speed, I love him too. He'll probably stay with Toro Rosso next year, that's good. He lost his car in qualifying not far from were I sat, but his and Liuzzi helmet look very much the same if you're in the crow. On TV you can see the difference, live you can't. Luckily our neigbours (Dutch, just like me), had a scanner with live Dutch commentary, so I asked them who was it, unfortunately it was Scott :(.

I really hope Klien can find a seat next year, otherwise I hope he goes to DTM, to the Red Bull Audi team. I like DTM as well and I'm an Audi fan, so I wouldn't mind that. But I'd rather have him in F1!
That was too German.
I promise I'll never do it again.
I meant,
excuse me, I don't know what you mean.
I found a Dutch formula 1 fan that loves Scott Speed?? :eek: Daisy, meet your long lost twin! ME! :D How old are you? Where do you live???

Inge can I come to your party? :p
inge said:
That was too German.
I promise I'll never do it again.
I meant,
excuse me, I don't know what you mean.

No... it's Finnish - that's why I was shocked :lol:

It's like... "huh?" in Finnish :D
you know what?
It means the same in German. :lol:

of course you're invited Dutchie.

Today is the 30th anniversary of Nikki Lauda's fire accident. the horrible accident happende at Nürnburg-Ring and he had so much luck that he's still alive.
30 years after Lauda jokes about the accident and named it 'his barbecue'.
You know what? It doesn't exist in Holland. :lol: Yeah, I'm invited! *brings popcorn*

My name mate. Though I'm a woman, and he's a man. But okay. :rolleyes: It's good that he can joke about it. I wonder if I would. And could.
It's a little bit macabre to joke about it like that.
But Lauda has a strange sense of humor. :rolleyes:
He's very direct and says his opinion even if could hurt the other person.
Dutchie said:
I found a Dutch formula 1 fan that loves Scott Speed?? :eek: Daisy, meet your long lost twin! ME! :D How old are you? Where do you live???

Lol, there are more, I'm sure :lol: ;)

I'm 21 and live near Utrecht, in the centre of Holland.
Me too, I live in Gorinchem, not all too far from Utrecht too. And I'm fifteen. Yeah there are probably more...but not on this funny. :lol:

Inge, that's not nice of him. :(
Jacques Villeneuve is out for Hungary, will be replaced by Robert Kubica. Although Kubica is really doing a good job, I still hope Christijan Albers will be lined up as Nick Heidfelds partner next year. I don't see Jacques staying, although he's doing a good job as well.
no Villeneuve? :(
I'm sad.
Okay, the last years he wasn't so good like his first few years but he was always one of my fav's.
is he coming back? :(

I know Dutchie, but it's better that way as someone says to you all the time that you're doing a good job and that you're a his best friend and then talking bad behind your back.