Formula 1

I don't think Räikkönen will go to Renault. They have Rosberg and probably Kovalainen coming there soon.
I know Alonso and Räikkönen won't be in same team and now that Alonso switches to McLaren... I think I just stop watching. Reasons

1. McLaren has been very dear for Finns and for me and I just cannot stand Alonso.

2. If Räikkönen goes to Ferrari... I hate Ferrari.

3. Rosberg is German and not a Finn (despite that his daddy is) so I'm so not cheering for him.

4. Next time I will watch when Kovalainen gets to F1

McLaren has resources to make winners.. think of when Häkkinen was world champ.
McLaren has resources to make winners.. think of when Häkkinen was world champ.

That's true. But somehow I don't understand why they had have so many malfunctions e.g. with motor. And Mika's last year was a disaster!
I don't like Ferrari either but Kimi and Michael in the same time would be interesting. I don't think that Kimi would help Michael like the others did.
I miss Mika!!! :(
He was the only one who kicked Michaels a*. :lol:

The new rules are soo confusing. :rolleyes:

I also read that Red Bull wants to start a NASCAR team. Mateschitz is crazy. :rolleyes:
I hope that they will reveal soon news about next year, who will drive and which car. It might be interesting!

Yeah, that's true; Mika was piece of rock in Michael's shoe. :lol: I miss those old rules, e.g. they can change motor everytime they need to.
I loved Häkkinen :D He was so... you know, normal. Kimi has bit "I'm better than everyone else" attitude. I just love to watch DTM nowadays when Häkkinen drives.
Well, I'm not so sure about 'cause I've heard that Kimi has warm personality (although they call him iceman), but he hate so much publicity that he can't handle it and his behavior look like a bit cold. But of cource, I don't know him personally :confused:
ThumpyG42 said:
They're planning to enter him in a few races later this season, but he has to pass the driving test for NASCAR first, which I reckon won't be a problem.

when is 'later this season'? I don't know much about NASCAR. How long does a season take? which months?
Formula One ends November (I think).
I'm asking because it could be possible that Montoya leaves during the season. This could be interesting.
Maybe 'P. De la Rosa' will drive the last races. :confused:
inge said:
when is 'later this season'? I don't know much about NASCAR. How long does a season take? which months?
Formula One ends November (I think).
I'm asking because it could be possible that Montoya leaves during the season. This could be interesting.
Maybe 'P. De la Rosa' will drive the last races. :confused:

I'm not sure of an exact time line, but the NASCAR season ends in November as well, and resumes in February. So I would assume in a few months time that they may try to start him in a race or two. I've also read that he could be released early from his F1 ride and that Pedro de la Rosa may well run the rest of the races in that car.

Oh...that thing about Red Bull starting a NASCAR team? Also true. One of my three favorite drivers recently announced that he will be driving for them next season...the cars will be Toyotas.

*isn't sure if she's off topic or not* :confused: :p

ETA: Looks like Montoya has already left McLaren. McLaren-Mercedes accelerates Montoya's departure from F1
Oh, de la Rosa is back? Hakkinen was so cool! To quote Inge: He was the only one who kicked Michaels a**. That's right. :lol:
It's the French Grand Prix today . Commentators just said that Alonso, after the Montoya'stuff, want to stay with Renault but apparently is too late . They already replaced him .
Poor drivers, 51°celsius on the circuit today, it's gonna be hard for them and the cars !
I don't really like Ferrari so good luck to Renault (I know, I'm a little biased) ;) and Alonso .
The first thing I noticed: No Montoya - no start collision. :lol:

oh no, schumacher won again. :(
the 'battle' between alonso and massa was interesting. the remains were boring. :p
I was glad that Schumi won. It will bring some excitement to Championships :D

Kimi finished! Wooohoo! and de la Rosa drove well :eek:
Okay, now it's boring. Schumacher won again. :rolleyes:
I was so sure that kimi would win. :(

I'm happy that klien finished 7th. I'm not his greates fan but I don't like the way how his team treat him.
I know that F1 is a hard business and it's not a place for friendship and sympathy but they are mean.

I don't think that he will drive F1 next year. :(
Red Bull wants to dismiss him.
The good point Schumi winning was the fact that now champioship title with be more exciting :D

And I'm glad Kimi got ahead of Button in the end :D