"Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

How about another Snickers? Sara did something to Nick like she hide Nick's whoobie or something and he tickle her to tell him where she hide it.
Time for another SinCityx challenge! Deodorant and a kiss? Well technically Sara kissed Greg in your nail polish challenge but I aim to please. ^_~

Sara was eating her lunch in the break room. Crime was slow today and she was working on a cold case. How boring. Everyone else was out on a field assignment, so she figured no one would care if she took her break early.
"Hey, Sara how you doing?"
"Greg?" Sara looked up, he just entered wearing a nice, black suit. Wow he looked great... his hair was styled and he was wearing some dark blue shades.
"Don’t you have a court day?" Sara put her sandwich down.
"Yeah. They called for recess so I swung by to see if anyone needed any help," Greg looked around and took a seat across from her.
"Nope. I’m doing some lab work, everyone else is on a case. Nothing much is going on," Sara sighed. Then she looked at Greg, scrunching up her nose, she leaned in.
"Greg... what are you wearing?"
"The suit? I bought it. I don’t rent suits," he waved his hand as if he didn’t believe she could suggest such a thing.
"No... you smell like... I don’t know -- did you dump cologne on yourself?" Sara was trying to distinguish what he smelled like. It wasn’t really overbearing or even that strong. But it was definitely distinct.
"Oh," he grinned, "You mean my deodorant?"
"Deodorant is not supposed to smell that strong."
"Well, I’ve been catching some commercials for those special deodorants for guys. You know, Tag body spray and Axe?" She looked blankly at him, so he just continued, "Those commercials always show the guys spray the stuff on, and all these girls swarm around him. I’m testing their little advertising. I couldn’t decide which one to wear so I sprayed them both every where."
"Oh," Sara nodded in understanding. Only Greg would do something silly like this -- and pull it off without seeming completely insane.
"So is it working?"
"Huh?" Sara was lost again.
"Do you want me?" Greg wagged his eyebrows and Sara burst out laughing.
Greg waited patiently until her laughter died down.
"I don’t know," she spoke up, "You’re gonna have to come closer. Maybe if you walk around, some of the other girls will swarm around] you."
"Laugh all you want, but at the court house I got two phone numbers."
"...From women?"
"Yes!" Greg leaned back on his chair, then sat back up, posing a question to a bemused Sara.
"What deodorant to you use?"
"I don’t use any-" she tried to explain.
"Oh come one, you have to use something," Greg cut her off. He got up and leaned in to her. She was more than surprised when he inhaled and stepped back for a minute.
"Well, what’s that fruity scent," Greg asked, in a mock accusing tone.
"I do shower Greg." Sara gave him an exasperated look.
"Oh. You’re hair smells nice,” Greg said lamely.

Suddenly, someone stepped up behind him. He didn’t expect, and he definitely wasn’t pleased at the voice that followed, "You know, that could be seen as sexual harassment, Greg. Do you need to go to the seminar?"
Greg turned around slowly, like a rabbit being cornered by a mountain lion.
"Hey Grissom..." he replied weakly. His boss did not look happy, "I was just..."
Greg turned to look at Sara. He shot her a look for assistance. After she watched him squirm for a few seconds, she got up and told Grissom, "Don’t worry, he had my permission. He didn’t believe I didn’t wear perfume, so I told him to check and see."
Grissom pursed his lips, thinking it over.
"Alright," he said at last, "Just don’t do let me catch you doing that again," with that subtle warning, Grissom left.

Sara turned to Greg who looked somewhat relieved, "You know perfume can dull your senses. I don’t wear any when I‘m at work. That doesn‘t mean I don‘t wear deodorant or perfume at all."
"Really?" Greg was getting his courage back, "When do you wear it?"
"On dates and things like that," Sara smiled at him. "Would you like to know what kind?"
"Well, meet me after shift at my house," Sara grabbed her bag, but before she left, she turned around slowly, and walked up to Greg.
She kissed him, cutting off his words. It was slow and lingering, and when she let go he still had his eyes closed, his lips puckered.
Sara gave him a pinch, which brought him out of it.
"Oww," Greg was a little dazed. Then he looked a Sara with a victorious smile, "So the deodorant thing did work!"

I liked writing this one, and decided to incorporate those commercials (which always seemed so exaggerated!) :D
Anyway, I gotta get started on those other suggestions! Leave comments and suggestions right here! :)
I love those commericials. I like the one when this girls boyfriend comes to pick her up on a date and her mom starts hitting on him and her shirt unbottons...
Anyway I liked it! <3 I don't have another challenge yet, but I'm thinking!
Adzix here's you're request for the aftermath of Pirates of The Third Reich. It's not exactly a "juicy ending"... more angst than anything. But he does comfort her, and she seems to forgive him! ;)

He informed her, he asked her, he even pleaded with her, but she refused to testify at the trial. They had strong forensic evidence against the disturbed doctor, but his lawyer had him plead insanity and he was sent there for thirty years, instead of jail.

It figures.

It was a hard blow for everyone, but no one felt it worse than Grissom. He vowed to help her. He saw her rage and stopped her, assuring her that he would do everything in his power to get the murderer behind bars.
Now he would have to go see her -- tell her that her daughter’s killer was not going to prison. What kind of justice was that?

He drove to her house, still feeling upset, but knowing he would have to mask his feelings in front of her.
That was the one thing he knew he could do.
She opened the door, trying to decipher his expression. He did not show anything. He didn’t want to upset her. Yet.
"I need to talk to you about the case," he spoke to her as soon as they sat down.
She took a deep breath, "Yes?"
"He... pleaded insanity. He’ll be going away for thirty years. He won‘t harm anyone again," he tried to make it seem like it was not a big loss.
She looked somber. "Until they let him out. He won’t harm anyone until they let him out." she looked pale and fragile.
Grissom hated when she looked like that. She was a strong woman. Now look at what that crazy man had reduced her to. But there it was... the word ‘crazy’. That’s what stopped him from going to jail; he seemed insane, a sociopath who would be better off sent to a mental institution.
"He’ll be long gone before he gets out. Or at the very least, he’ll be too old to do anything," Grissom tried once again to comfort her.
"Age does not stop a killer," she spoke in a deathly quiet voice. "And nothing will bring my Zoe back..." she choked back a sob.
She was trying her best to hold her emotions in. She did enough crying while she laid in bed.
The night after her daughter's murder.
The night after the killer was captured.
The bitter tears she thought were spent cam back full force.
She was crying in front of him and there was nothing she could do to stop.
"I’m sorry... I’m so sorry," he murmured.
His arms were wrapped around her, holding her tight, just like the night he tried to stop her from getting rid of that damned man...
"No," she wretched free. "If you hadn’t stopped me, he would’ve been dead. He would’ve gotten what he deserved," she yelled at Grissom, more tears streaming down her face.
He didn’t do anything. He knew she wasn’t really angry at him. She was just upset at the whole situation, and he couldn’t blame her.
"I couldn’t let you kill him," he spoke softly, "they would’ve tried you for murder. And killing him wouldn’t back your daughter, either."
She sobbed once more, knowing he spoke the truth, but refusing to listen. He put a hand on her shoulder, and she just leaned into his embrace.
She was too tired. Tired of fighting him. Tired of feeling this way. Tired of sleepless nights and dark, empty thoughts.

She cried into his shoulder, letting him comfort her.
He saw her when she was most vulnerable, and he hoped she would forgive him someday.

Angsty yes, but it could be a good lead into the first LH/G ficlet I posted. Hope I didn't fail! Time to work on my next suggestion...

Gilbert, what's a whoobie? :lol:
I don't know. On the episode called King Baby, Nick say Whoobie or Whoopie (Whatever he said.) I tried to figure what it was.
Hestia, yet another amazing Gil/Lady H story! I think the newest one if my favorite; Somehow emotional Heather just has her ways of making the story that much better. You are a terrific author (Writer? Whatever; Same diff. :)) and I cannot wait to read whatever you shall write next!
i'm amazed too :) thanks so much for your work!!! great job!!me and Catherinesmyidol are both G/LH freaks :lol: and we'll for sure be reading your stories ;) oh, and juicy ending is still possible to come later :lol:
Gilbert, sorry about taking so long. The woobie thing got me scratching my head. And when I found out what it was I had to think of a believable reason for Nick having one... without further ado, here it is. :)

The alarm clock was ringing right in his ear. He reached out to hit the snooze but couldn’t locate it, He got up and looked around, still half asleep. When he finally located the pesky alarm, he turned it off. It was 7:30am and he got out of bed with a yawn.

After brushing his teeth and washing away the last remnants of sleep from his eyes, he walked to the kitchen. Something smelled pretty good.
"Morning sleepy head," he smiled at her voice.
"Sara? Since when are you an early bird?" Nick stifled a yawn and walked over to her. She was simmering some coffee.
"I’m microwaving pancakes. You know the microwave is my only friend. That and the coffee pot," Sara replied with a smile. She felt him wrap his arms around her, and grabbed hold of his hands.
"Are they almost done?" Nick was getting hungry.
"Check the microwave. It should be close," she slowly loosened his grip. "I gotta check the dryer."
"You did the laundry too? Marry me!"
Sara laughed at him, "We’ll talk. I’ll be right back."
She walked off, heading for the little laundry room.
The microwave gave off a loud beep, and Nick took out the pancakes. He served them up, and put out the syrup, then looked back towards the hallway. He decided she wouldn’t mind if he ate just one...
"Are they done?"
He gulped piece he had in his mouth, "Yeah. Come eat, Sar."
She walked in after a while and immediately noticed the missing pancake. It was not hard to tell; she microwaved four, and now there were only three.
She smiled to herself as she concocted a little trick she’d play on him.
"By the way, I washed a really raggedy looking blanket you had lying in a corner of your closet. Looks like it didn’t survive the dryer. It’s totally torn to pieces," she helped herself to a pancake.
"My woobie? You washed my woobie?"
"Your what?" Sara tried not to laugh. Her mouth was full and she didn’t want to choke.
"I had it since I was five! It’s very... special to me," he looked a little panicked.
"More special than me?" She teased.
"Come on, Sara, you know what I mean," he looked at her expression and she was cracking up. "You didn’t really wash it, did you?"
"Maybe," she took another bite.
"Sara, where is my woobie?" He got up and advanced on her.
"I’m not sure. You might have to refresh my memory," she starting to get up, noting that Nick was in the ‘attack position’.
"I think I know how to make you talk," he got closer, his legs bent slightly...
'He wouldn’t,' she thought.
"Nick what are you-"

Too late! With a mighty leap he tackled her onto the carpeted floor. He tickled her mercilessly, knowing her weak spots.
"Stop," she gasped between laughs,
"Where is it? I’ll stop when you tell me," he grinned oh so evilly as she writhed in tickled agony.
"Alright, I’ll talk! I didn’t wash it - it’s under the bed!"
He jumped off her and dashed to his room. It was indeed under the bed, safe and sound. Just a little dusty.
"My woobie," he smiled. He folded it up and put it back in his closet. The top shelf.
"So... back in your room, huh?" Sara stood by the doorway.
"Yeah. And I think I’m still hungry," Sara raised an eyebrow at Nick, "but not for pancakes."

Hope everyone liked it. I'm thinking of working on a challenge I spotted over at the fanfiction challenge/ideas thread...
Any suggestion, comments, corrections: right here! And I'm glad so many of you appreciate my "ficlets" You guys rock! :D
Oh god, I had a laugh attack.
Good job!
Now for Sandles.
Has to involve Sherlock Holmes not related to Who Shot Sherlock.
Muust be funny.
Has to involve Greg talking in an Irish accent.

God I'm random.
Adzix said:
me and Catherinesmyidol are both G/LH freaks :lol: and we'll for sure be reading your stories ;)

I completely agree; We're G/LH freaks and proud! :D I have a challenge for you, if you don't mind. Take your time though; I'm very patient and can see you have several other challenges...

-Involve something to do with a lip stick smudge
- A french fry, a song of your choice, Heather being funny and Gil surprised when she laughs

Sounds weird but I think it'll be good!