"Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

Yeah I agree with Sandles21.
Also make a Sandles fic where...
Sara ends up pregnant and nobody knows who the baby belongs too... uh oh :O (Of course the baby looks exactly like Greggo)
brassfan24 thanks for this new, original challenge! I agree that Brass should be happy! Actually, I’m thinking this will be a sort of “sequel” to my previous Brass story. That poor guy deserves a good woman. Hope you liked what I came up with. :)

The music was droning softly in the background, and Brass was already on his third drink. Grissom and Catherine had invited him to go out, obviously noting the sour mood he was in lately. After some useless attempts to cheer him up, they just bought some beers and sat quietly.
After twenty minutes of silence, a piercing beeper had broken the quiet, Grissom standing up apologetic and telling the two that he was needed on a decomp heavy on bugs.
He had remembered asking Catherine if she was going as well, but she declined, opting to stay with her ‘friend’.
That was how they ended up there. Two half drunk crime fighters in a dim bar with karaoke droning off somewhere in the corner.
"Well, this is nice," Catherine said rather sarcastically.
"Yeah. Let‘s get out of here," Brass got up and paid the tab.
"You didn’t have to pay for my drinks also," Catherine objected.
"Don’t worry," he reassured her, "I know the guy. I just put it on my tab.”
Catherine was not very reassured.

Outside, the cool night air did much to sober them up. But they still didn’t trust themselves to drive, so they hailed a cab.
"So, you go to that bar often?" Catherine was not one to judge but with his gloomy mood she thought he might get the idea that he could drink his problems away.
Brass settled back in his seat, his eyes closed, "You mean do I drink a lot?" he chuckled to himself.
He dimly remembered a similar conversation he had with Sara. He was so worried about her. Then there was the problem with Ellie...
Knowing what it felt like to be on the other end kept him from snapping at Catherine.
"You wanna talk about it," she sounded a little concerned.
"Not really. At least not here," Brass sat up when he realized the taxi was already at his house.
"Alright, we’ll talk about it inside."
He was definitely taken aback. He wasn’t sure if heard her right, and she could tell, so she clarified, "Come on. We’re going inside and we’re gonna talk about it. I know you didn’t want to spill anything in front of Grissom, but I’m not him, so I want to know,"
She was persistent, and after he paid the cabbie, he led her inside.

"Nice house. You live here by yourself?" She looked around with a slight smile.
"Yeah," he walked over to his couch and sat down. Catherine followed suit.
"Jim, talk to me," she said softly, reaching out her hand and tentatively touching his shoulder. "What’s been going on with you?"
He didn’t immediately respond but finally decided he might as well tell someone.
"My daughter was here about a week ago," he didn’t look up but felt her tighten her grip on his shoulder.
"She just came and left. It was a hard blow for me, you know."
Catherine nodded. She had a daughter of her own and couldn’t imagine experiencing such a loss. She knew how much he cared about her and she was overwhelmed with feelings.
"You’re a good father," she said softly, "And she was probably confused. Ellie... loves you in her own way. You’ve been nothing but kind from what I’ve seen, and I... would’ve been proud if my husband had been half as nurturing as you are."
He laughed bitterly.
"I was never there for her when she was young," suddenly he looked up and stared straight a Catherine, "Cath, don’t make the same mistake I did. You have to be there for Lindsey," she was surprised but recognized the truth in his words.
"Don’t end up like me..."
She got up and got him a glass of water.
"I’m so sorry Jim. I’m sorry about everything... everything that's happened to you - to me." She spoke with a renewed determination. "I’m going to help you get through this. You’re not alone,”

With those words, he smiled. A real, genuine smile. Brass closed his eyes - he was so tired. But he didn’t have to worry if Catherine would still be there when he woke up.

Very angsty at first, but I tried to curb it and give you some hope at the end. What is life without hope?
Well, looks like I have two challenges awaiting me! Late Easter challenge? Oh how can I pass up Greg dressing up like a bunny? :D I’ll get right on that, Sandles21
Wow, that was awesome. I loved it. I don't know if I'm a lone or not but I think that Jim and Catherine would make a great couple. :D
Hestia that was great! I'm a Jim/Catherine shipper myself so I love the pairing and you did a nice job with both characters. Nice touch of angst with a little hope for at least the morning.

Should also add my kudos for your Brass and Ellie story. Nicely done as well!
that made me go all melty inside. Well done, Hestia, Jim deffinately needs someone to help him get through everything that's happened
Sandles21 I included a little sandle in your Easter request. ;) I hope you like it.

It was Easter but the CSIs had no time to celebrate or anything of the sort. They were all gathered around ready for assignments. Everyone was there except for a certain spiky haired DNA whiz.
"Where’s Greg?"
"Looks like he’s coming in late," Grissom said. He handed out the assignments, "Warrick, Nick, you’ve got a smash and grab, Catherine and Sara you’re with me. We’re going to the Tangiers,"
Catherine smirked at how Grissom made it sound.
Before they got up they heard a loud thump and some yells. Followed closely by some laughter.
"Nice suit Sanders," that was Hodges and the CSIs rushed over to see what caused all the giggling and uproar.
Imagine their surprise when they saw Greg, dressed in a full rabbit costume, clutching a basket of colorful eggs.
"You have got to be kidding me," Nick said, amusement in his voice.
"I’m the Easter rabbit, hooray, the happy Easter rabbit, hooray," Greg was singing nonsensically.
Grissom stepped out. Sure Greg was funny, but at the moment he was distracting the lab techs.
"Greg what are you doing in the ridiculous costume?"
Greg stopped and tried to look brave, "Uhh... free egg, Grissom?"
He handed him and egg and hopped over to the other CSIs, leaving Grissom stunned and wondering if he was dreaming. Grissom pinched himself just to be sure.

"Are you crazy? Or drunk?" Nick asked the grinning CSI rabbit .
"Or both," Catherine added. But she was smiling.
"We never celebrate any holidays. Valentines Day, Halloween, St. Patrick’s day," he complained mildly, "But this year, I wanted to celebrate Easter in my own way."
"Did this involve nearly giving Grissom a heart attack?" Warrick wondered.
"Relax," he handed Nick and Warrick some pink and red eggs, "I cleared it with Ecklie... sort of."
The two women just rolled their eyes.
"I told him I wanted to celebrate Easter, and he said I could do anything except throw a party," he smiled at the loophole he thought up.
"This," he gestured to his rabbit suit, "Is not a party."
With his little explanation over, he gave Catherine a nice yellow and orange egg, then gave Sara a chocolate brown egg with yellow polka dots.
"These are cute and all," Nick was saying while suppressing a grin, "but are you planning on working in that costume?"
"He’s got a point," Catherine added, "You look like you raided the plushies and furries closet." She shivered at the disturbing thought.
"Uh oh, that’s not a happy Ecklie."
Grissom walked over to Greg. He overheard his reasoning, and decided Ecklie didn’t appreciate the 'loophole'.
"If I were you, I’d get out of that costume," Grissom advised the young CSI.
"Yeah, I better get to the nearest bathroom." With that, Greg hopped off, Ecklie close behind him, "Get back here Sanders!"

Catherine and Warrick were the first ones who realized their eggs could open up.
"Hey, there’s a chocolate in my egg," Catherine said in surprise.
"I got a marshmallow peep, and a coupon for more - marshmallow peeps," Warrick raised his eyebrow before letting out a laugh. "How did he know I liked these?"
Nick and Sara were now fiddling with their eggs.
"That Greg," Nick laughed in surprise, "He put a real egg in this damn plastic egg!"
Sara was now curious and trying to open her egg, "Mine is stuck."
She strode over to her bag, looking for a nail file. After she finally cracked it open she gasped.
"What did he give you?"
"Ummm... just a note," Sara quickly sealed up her egg, and excused herself.
"Just a note?" Catherine wondered, not believing her for a minute. She caught a flash of something gold. ‘Unless the note was gold. I doubt it.’

Sara met up with Greg. He was out of the suit - thank goodness he had worn something underneath, even though he was sweating in that oven-like suit.
She went up to him and gave him a big hug, her new gold necklace sparkling under the sun.

Oh, now I have to work on SinCityx's challenege! Not to tough, but I'll probably take a while. :)
Leave any comments or corrections here, and tell your friends to come leave suggestions here. I'll be happy to oblige, no problem!
Thats soo adorable, if anyone gave that to me I'd give them a kiss not a hug... er depending on who they were. I gotta a lot of weirdo's in my school so maybe not.
Great job!
SinCityx, I rolled this idea around my head for a while, and this is what came out. Enjoy. ;)

Things aren’t always what they seem.

Sara was speechless. She thought it was the stomach flu… How could this have happened? Literally? How did it happen? She couldn’t even remember the last time she...
‘No way,’ she asserted. There must have been some mistake.

But there it was. Clear as day: her test was positive. Sara almost fainted.
She was pregnant. This explained a lot while bringing up new questions. What would she tell the rest of her team? They were bound to notice a certain roundness after a few months.
With a long sigh and confused mind, she called Grissom.

That’s what the banner read. All her friends were there, some were a little confused, but Catherine was understanding and comforting.
"So, do you know who the... father is?” Nick tried to ask tactfully. There wasn’t enough tact in the world...
"None of your business,” she mumbled.
"I think that would be a mood swing."
Sara eyed Warrick evilly. She had half a mind to jam the fork by her plate into his head. But then thought better of it. ‘Too many witnesses,’
"When are you due, Sara?" Catherine served her a slice of cake.
"Eight months, I think." She was still a little fuzzy on the conception date.
"We’ll be there for you." The older woman smiled at her and she decided she was okay with it.
Greg was off in the corner, he looked a little confused and he didn’t say a word to Sara. ‘How odd,’ but then she thought he must’ve been sad that he missed his chance...
She was a little sad too, as a matter of fact.

It was an excruciating seven and a half months. She was in labor for 36 hours and she was screaming the whole time.
Catherine was out in the waiting room. Nick and Warrick were in the gift shop looking for the right balloon and something for Sara‘s nerves. They hoped the hospital sold Excedrin.
Greg looked nervous. He was sitting down and he had confided in Catherine that nine months before, he and Sara had drank one too many drinks. But he wasn’t sure what happened afterwards.

"It’s a boy!"
Catherine and Greg rushed over to see the exhausted mother.
"Are you okay?"
"What do you think," Sara gave Greg a look. She looked over at Catherine, "Ummm, can I have a moment alone with Greg?"
She gave the two a look.
"Sure. I gotta tell the guys to buy the blue blanket."

They were alone and Sara spoke first, "We were really drunk... I think I remember what happened."
Greg smiled at her. He looked even more nervous than before but it was an excited kind of nervous.
"I want to name him after his grandfather."
"Papa Olaf would be proud," Greg smiled at her, grasping her hand.
Their baby boy cried out as the two proud parents smiled.

Sappy and fluffy ending but I get a case of that from time to time. :D
Thanks for all your great comments and praise. It helps me out knowing that people actually like my writing!
OMG that was so cute!
I second SinCity's challenge, but I raise you lol.

It must contain Sara and Greg getting married, and Greg has to say., "That's my little squishy!"

Now that's a real challenge lol.