"Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

SinCityx gave me another suggestion! Looks like she’s gonna keep me busy!
Her challenge was: Sara steals Greg's ipod because he wasn't doing his work, and now Greg needs to get even with her. This was a bit harder to write, but here ya go! ^_~

"Greg? Hello? Greg! GREG SANDERS LISTEN UP!"
Sara yelled into his ear and he fell over in a big heap. His paperwork landed on his lap while his ipod clattered to the ground.
"Sara," he gasped, "You better hope my ipod isn’t wrecked!"
"Or better yet, you better hope the evidence is sorted, before I tell Grissom about you’re little private concert," she glared at him, and Greg got up quickly, picking up all the papers.
"I’m done," he replied with his hands up in surrender, "Just taking a little break before it was time to get back out in the field."
Sara grabbed the papers and replied briskly, "Field’s covered Greg. You can help out Warrick on his case. He needs an extra set of hands."
She walked out, and Greg frowned. He wandered over to where Warrick was, in another evidence room.

"Help? Nah I think I got this wrapped up," Warrick replied when Greg asked to join the case. Greg heaved a sigh, and walked to the break room. Empty. Maybe it wasn’t a bad thing. He pulled out his ipod, stuck his headphones in and cranked the volume up. He always found time to rock out with Manson.

He was sleeping. Sara came back to be greeted by the sight of Greg leaning to the side, dozing, while his head phones were blaring.
‘How can he even sleep with all that loud noise,’ she wondered, wrinkling her nose in distaste. She walked over and was about to wake him when she got an idea.
Taking care not to rouse him, she slipped his headphones off and grabbed his ipod, making sure to turn it off. He didn’t even stir.
‘Hmm. He’s a heavy sleeper. I wonder what he’s dreaming about,’ Sara thought, looking quite amused. She walked out quietly

With a yawn, Greg woke up. He looked around slowly. He was sleeping at work? Good thing no one caught me… then he looked confused as he realized something was missing.
"My ipod," he exclaimed. ‘Maybe it fell,’ He jumped up and searched everywhere.
It was no where to be found.
The only other explanation was that someone stole it. Who could have taken it? Why? He racked his brain thinking a bunch of CSIs would know how to cover their tracks if they robbed someone. And suddenly it hit him -- he knew exactly who stole it.

"What are you smiling about?"
"Huh," Sara turned to look at Catherine. "Nothing. Have you seen Greg?"
"No. He might be in the break room," Catherine guessed.
"Yeah," Sara laughed quietly, "If he comes by, tell him I might have something he wants."
Sara walked past the break room but saw he wasn’t there, ‘He must’ve woken up.’
Before she left, a small slip of paper was sticking out of a cushion. Sara went to check what it was. It was a note.
She unfolded the paper, which had Greg’s scrawled handwriting:
I know you ‘borrowed’ my ipod. Hope you don’t mind if I borrowed something from you. Meet you at your locker. Greg.

"My locker!?" Sara dashed off towards the locker room, nearly knocking down Hodges on the way.
"Hey! Where’s the fire," Hodges grumbled.

She found him leaning against her locker.
"Greg? What did you take?"
"First things first," he held out his hand, "Where’s my ipod?"
"How do you know I even took it," she tried to deny it.
"You dropped this before you left," he held out a tiny, hoop earring. Her hand immediately shot up to her left ear. Why did she choose today to wear earrings?
"Fine," she huffed. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the ipod.
"Earring first."
"You started it. Ipod first."
"You weren’t getting your work done," Sara explained in her own way, "Just give me what you took and we’ll call it even."
She reached for her earring but he hid it behind his back, making sure she was within reach. He was able to snatch his ipod, but he didn’t hand over the gold hoop.
"Hey! Give me my earring!"
"Apologize first," he looked smug. Sara fumed.
"You’re the one who should apologize!" She made another attempt to grab her earring, but he ducked and dropped it in his back pocket.
Seeing no way out, she sighed and made a face as she apologized.
"Alright you can have your earring," he had a quirky grin.
She gave him a hard look, before reaching behind him and grabbing what was rightfully hers.
"Ow! You pinched me," Greg was a little surprised. It was unexpected but not unpleasant.
"It was the earring," she grinned putting it back on.

I had all these different ideas, which made it hard to settle on an ending. Oh well, hope you aren’t too disappointed. Leave comments and other suggestions right here. ;)
Haha! I loved it. I also like Adzix's idea. Funny stuff.
I gotta another. I have a million (laughs).

Here it is:
Greg walks into work happier then usual and whenever he talks to sara he talks in song. Lol a musical for greg anyway. Good luck its a hard one. Funn!
Yup! Definitely busy! Adzix requested first, so I’ll take a crack at that. Grissom and Lady Heather getting caught? You got it! :)

She remembered when he first invited her over to his job for a break. She made sure to wait outside until Grissom came out.
He encouraged her to come inside, get away from the heat. He assured her that he didn’t care what the rest of the CSIs thought of her. But she knew him. He was a creature of habit. He wouldn’t relinquish his hold on his job so easily.
This was why she felt a little uncomfortable sitting in his office.
"Are you alright," Grissom caught her glancing around for the third time.
"Yes. We should go if we want them to save our table at the cafe."
"I still have some last minute paper work to do. It will only take one minute, I promise," he sat down at his desk, pulling out some papers, writing down a few things.
She let out a low hum, and got up to look at his various oddities.
“Pig in a jar... interesting,” her hand traced along his shelf. The scratching of his pen was soft but noticeable. Lady Heather seemed to wander around aimlessly... like a restless lionness.

He softly put down his pen, watching her as she walked around slowly, pausing every so often to examine a book or a knick-knack.
She felt his eyes on her back, without turning around she asked, "Are you done?"
"I am. What are looking at?"
"Hmmm? Just a diploma. You were able to get you’re PHD after a few years in Harvard. Remarkable," she turned around slowly her fingers still tracing the letters on the framed certificate.
He was right beside her. His hand rested lightly on hers as they moved together. He turned her around slowly.
She gave him a knowing look, and he leaned in to kiss her.
She wrapped his arms around his neck, he in turn took her by the waist, pressing her against the wall. Both were enveloped in each other’s presence unaware that the door squeaked open.
"What the hell!?"
They pulled back, Grissom looking like a deer caught in headlights, while Heather simply wiped off a bit of the smudged lipstick on her lips.
"You’re making out on company time!?"
It had to be Ecklie, Grissom cringed. Catherine he could handle, but Ecklie would make this a public scandal.
"Ecklie, we should talk," Catherine tried to help Grissom out.
"No, I think Gil and I should talk. With the sheriff," Ecklie was stern and scowled at the two.
"Ahem, Ecklie, leave them alone." she had her arms crossed and looked directly at the angry assistant supervisor.
"Why should I?" Ecklie directed his deadly glare towards the unflinching blonde.
"Because if you don’t, I’m going to tell everyone that..." she leaned in and whispered something into his ear
Grissom was surprised at how flustered Ecklie became.
"Fine. This is your only warning. Keep this out of the lab," Ecklie shot one final glare at the graveyard shift supervisor, before stalking off.
Grissom just looked at Catherine, "What-?"
"You owe me one," that was all she said and she left the two alone.

Alright, definitely some humor at the end. You can all make up your minds as to how Catherine blackmailed Ecklie! :lol: Hope you liked it.
I shall post the sandle fic some time tomorrow. ;)
SinCityx, this was indeed tough. Making Greg speak entirely in lyrics... It required a little more research than usual! Alright. Hope you like it.

Sara was working on something with Nick. It was one of those ho-hum days. The evidence room was quiet except for their slow breathing and the occasional mumbling of what looked correct. Sara was hunched over a photograph on the table, when she heard it.
"Do you hear that?"
"Hear what," Nick was concentrated on his work.
They heard some humming. It grew louder.
"Sounds like Greg," Nick looked up from where he was sitting.
Greg came in, wearing all black. He was humming along, but he wasn;t wearing his headphones. Sara looked him over obviously amused, if not a little confused.
"You seem happy Greg."
"I've got a crush on a pretty pistol. Should I tell her that I feel this way?"
Sara stared at him, her mouth slightly open.
"A pretty pistol what?" She looked at Nick who just shrugged.
"It’s been dormant for many years, I'm only trying to save you," Greg spoke as if it was the most natural thing to say.
Sara looked around, "Am I crazy? What’s going on with you, Greg?" she walked up to him and snapped her fingers as if she expected him to wake out of a trance.
"The beautiful people, the beautiful people. It's all relative to the size of your steeple," Greg tried to sing. He grinned at the two CSIs.
"That doesn’t even make sense," Sara turned to see Nick trying to muffle his laughter.
"You know what’s going on!" she accused.
"No, I... uhh.” Nick was not a good liar.
Dismissing the Texan, Greg spoke (or sang) directly to Sara. "Tell me something beautiful," with a twirl, Greg walked over to her, "tell me something free..."
Nick finally started laughing out loud, "I didn’t think you could pull it off, my man!"
He walked over to him and handed Greg a twenty.
"A bet? This was all a dumb bet?" Sara shook her head. "Unbelievable."
"Don't you want some of this? Don't you need some of this?" Greg gave Sara a suggestive ‘come-hither’ look.
"Play time is over, Greg. You can drop it," she rolled her eyes.
Nick was still chuckling, but he went back to his evidence and notes.
Greg pouted, and walked away. But not before he sang out his last line:
"I'm such a dirty rock star, yeah..."

This was a lot shorter than some of my other fics. I managed to make every line Greg spoke a Marilyn Manson song lyric. Seeing as how I didn’t actually hear any of the songs, I just googled it and came up with these interesting lyrics. If you can guess which song each lyric comes from you get a free imaginary cookie! And I guess a sense that you totally know Greg’s music! :lol:

(I got a new request! Yobling will be posted next, as soon as I can! ^_^)
Gahahaha I loved it.
Want another sandle challenge?
There must be a kiss in the next one!
Sara has to comment on Greg's deoderant, and Greg has to smell Sara and Grissom catches them.
I like the yo!bling stuff too, cant wait for the next one.
Sandles21, you wanted it, you got it! Here’s my second YoBling ficlet. Hope you like it.

Shift was finally over. It was one of those hot, dry days. Grissom stuck Warrick and Catherine with a body dump at the desert which made it even worse. They walked through a huge chunk of the desert, or so it seemed to them. They got back feeling sweatier and a little worse for wear. On the drive over they made sure to curse Grissom and his little bugs for sticking them with a lousy assignment.

"What did we do to him?" Catherine walked slightly ahead of Warrick, reaching the refrigerator in the break room and pulling out a bottle of water.
"Got any for me," Warrick questioned.
She almost downed the whole bottle before she slowed down to answer, "No... but I’ll buy you an ice cream after shift."
Warrick chuckled, "How about a drink? I think we’re a little too mature for ice cream."
Catherine looked at him, ‘did he really suggest going out for drinks?’
"Sure," she replied after thinking it over, "I know a great place."
"Alright, sounds like a plan. How about we clock out early? It’s the least we could do after that lame assignment Grissom stuck us on."
Catherine agreed. As they walked towards the locker room, they were each occupied in their own thoughts.

‘Is this outing just as friends? Or does he want something more?’
‘What will I tell her? Maybe I should tell her how I feel.’
‘His shirt is unbuttoned… should I say something? Nah, he looks better this way.’
‘She looks good tonight. Damn, even sweat and sand looks great on her.’

They were walking past Grissom’s office, and he popped his head out.
"Did you have fun in the desert?"
They both snapped out of their thoughts and looked at their boss.
"It’s just that you were both smiling so much, I assumed you had fun on your case," Grissom shrugged.
Catherine just gave him a hard look and shook her head, "I’ll remember your little assignment to the inferno next time you want me to bug-sit!”
She walked off, Warrick gave Grissom a ‘you just got owned’ look.

She grabbed her things and watched Warrick grab his stuff.
"So, drinks and that’s it?"
Warrick looked at her from the side, "Let’s see where this night takes us. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to be sweating even more tonight," he made it sound innocent, yet loaded with meaning. Catherine made sure to grab her spare clothes before following Warrick outside.

This fic was a bit on the short side but definitely hot (in both terms ;)) Hoped you Yoblingers liked it, and leave all comments or suggestions right here!
hey, it's me again :D you'll have a lot of G/LH work with me snooping around this forum :lol: what about what happened after the final scene of "Pirates of The Third Reich"?? i mean, Griss taking care of LH, she forgives him and something juicy at the end :lol: !!!