"Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

CSI_Kitty (cute name) requested a gil/cath story. Gil/Catherine? You got it!

His phone had been ringing for the fifth time and he knew it would only be a matter of time before she would be at his house.
As if on cue, a loud, incessant knocking came from his door.

He was not in the mood for this.

"Grissom! Open up! I know you’re in here! Open up, right now! We need to talk," she was yelling so loud, he decided to open the door for fear someone would call the police.
"Hello Catherine," he addressed her with a polite weariness.
"I need to talk about what happened today," Catherine managed to shove her way in while Grissom closed the door behind her. He sighed, and looked at the confused, irate woman.
"No," she cut him off. "I just want to know why you almost kissed me right in front of Brass!"
"I’ve been drinking," Grissom replied wryly.
"You were drunk at work?" she was not expecting that answer.
"Actually, I meant I’ve been drinking after I got home. So I wouldn’t know what to tell you even if I could..." Grissom trailed off as he went to take a seat on the couch.
"Oh no! You’re not getting out of this one! I’m not leaving until you tell me what happened back there."
Grissom gave her a look as if she would be in for a long wait. Catherine muttered something about him being childish but took a seat opposite of him.
"Maybe, I felt in the mood."
"What?” she looked at him. Was he even speaking coherently? "You mean, you were in the mood... to kiss me." she looked at him as if he was speaking German. Although from her experience, he could speak it rather well.
"Would you believe, I was finally roused to act on some feelings... I’ve been harboring."
She was dumbfounded.
Feelings? He’s been harboring for her?
"Grissom... how long have you been...?"
He gave her a small smile, "I never wanted to fall in love with a married woman."
Catherine stood up as if to leave. Grissom couldn’t blame her. Springing this bombshell on her. In the middle of work no doubt.

As he thought about what happened earlier, he realized the parallels between the victim and himself were what got him to react so strongly. The victim was a lone bachelor who died after he found out the woman he loved was not interested in him.
‘Just friends’ he remembered sardonically. Catherine had said something about how she wished a guy would be interested in her, and Grissom was overwhelmed. He was so close... she was as surprised as he was, but it didn’t compare to how they looked after Brass caught them, ‘keep it behind closed doors you two.’
He felt like a teenager being caught by his parents.

"Are you okay?" Grissom looked at the door.
No, not there.
Catherine was at the kitchen, pouring herself a drink.
She was still here? She didn’t leave?
Catherine walked towards him, drink in hand. She sat next to him and looked right into his eyes. He was taken aback at her directness and he almost backed up.
"Gil," she said his name in a tone he never thought he’d hear. Only in his dreams...
"If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was ask."
She smiled at him, and he took a minute to register her words.
He finally got to complete what they had started at that crime scene...

Okay, hope you appreciated the story, and I hope they weren't too out of character. ^_^ Remember to leave any comments or corrections here! And if you actually liked it, tell you friends!
Ohh... Greg and Wendy? Oh cruel fates! I am a Sara-shipper with a leaning towards sandles... but I must not let my bias affect it! I'm a writer and I'm open minded... plus I can't resist you batting your eyes at me! ^_^

I’ll hint at a relationship between the two, and make it a snicker story. How’s that, SaraSidleStokes?
Hope you like it anyway... ^_~

She heard the two laughing in the DNA lab, so she decided to walk in and find what’s so funny. As soon as they caught sight of her they straightened up, as if nothing happened.
"What was so funny?" Sara had an amused look on her face.
Greg looked like a kid caught with his hand in a cookie jar. Wendy just smiled at her, "Just reminiscing on how stupid some criminals can be."
"Yeah," Greg was quick to agree. "We’ve gotten some crazy crimes here in Vegas..."
Wendy continued, "He told me about the time there were some people in plushy animal costumes-"
"I didn’t investigate it," Sara cut her off. Not really keen on the idea of yet aother weird fetish. Particularly, a furry one.
"Oh, well what about the time you investigated that clown-"
Sara interrupted her. "I don’t suppose you’ve got my results ready?"
She wanted to make sure they weren’t neglecting the case. Those two have been really friendly lately.
"Oh! Yes, the fingerprint on the car matches the one found on the vic’s sunglasses," Wendy said with ease.
"Alright. I’ll leave you two alone now," Sara shook her head at how embarrassed Greg looked.

She made sure to report her findings to Catherine, and they were glad they got a good lead. After a confirmation, they went to the brother’s house and arrested him.
He confessed to everything.

‘That was too easy,’ Sara thought happily to herself, as she walked towards the locker room. I guess some criminals really are stupid. She looked around, making sure no one was around to hear her, before she laughed to herself.
"What’s so funny?"
Sara smiled at the voice. She didn’t know anyone else was in the locker room. But she didn’t mind the company.
"Nothing. I got the results, Nick. Looks like I was right. Her brother was the killer."
"Oh. Is that it?"
"He also confessed. He saw the prints and completely spilled everything."
"Alright. I guess that could be sort of funny..." Nick felt like he was missing something.
Sara walked over to him and smiled.
"Never mind. You have plans tonight?"
"Actually I don’t. And I’m done with my case," he gave her a knowing look.
"Well, we’re both done early. Should we go out and celebrate?"
"I’ll take any excuse," he replied circling an arm around her waist. He grinned at her, "My place or yours?"
"You can pick this week."

A little short, but there you go! I hope you liked it, and if you have any qualms, don't hesitate to tell me! And tell your friends. ^_~
I might as well right a new Lady Heather/Grissom fic. Hmmm, it could be a sequel. ^_^
Catherinesmyidol said: I really loved the Gil/Lady H one! Nice! I'd like to see another one...
I'm treating that as a request!

They were walking calmly along. Staring at the paintings, absorbing the bright colors and the interesting forms of the impressionist paintings. They were close enough so they looked like a couple, but not so close that they invaded each other’s personal space. After much talking and wishful thinking, Grissom invited her to see the new Wynn Collection in the Nevada Museum of Art.
"I bet few people know there’s a museum in Las Vegas," Grissom mused.
She glanced at him. It was true, there weren’t as many people as she expected, but she attributed that to a slow day.
"When one thinks of Vegas, the word museum does not pop in to mind," she would know. All the people who’ve come to her for a taste of Vegas, among other things.
"Yes... I guess it’s called Sin City for a reason," Grissom was watching her out of the corner of his eye. She could tell.

Their ‘relationship’, if that’s what it was, seemed a little odd, but not altogether unpleasant. She felt nice when she was around him. But those feelings don’t always indicate love. She had those same feelings when before she had Zoe...
He stopped in front of a painting. She stopped as well.
"Hmmm. This is-"
"Le Reve, by Picasso. Yes I know. A dream painted on a canvas... only revealed to those who can truly interpret it."
He kept his eyes on the painting while talking to her, "Yes. I read somewhere it was one of the five most expensive paintings in the world.
"He’s a very famous painter. His works are one in a million," she was glad to share some information about the great impressionist. Though sometimes, she wished they would do more than have their ‘scholarly’ conversations. Always intriguing the other with a bit of information they might not have known.
Grissom thought out loud, "What do you see?"
"A dreamer. A woman who longs for something, but she can’t pinpoint exactly what it is."
He was surprised by her boldness. So was she.
"I’m sure the painter wanted to capture the very essence of his subject. Even he couldn’t show us what her dream is. Maybe, no one will ever know what she truly wants but..."
She turned to face him, his eyes were still on the painting. He looked like he had trouble with whatever it was he wanted to say. He’s always having trouble with his feelings.
"After we finish seeing all the paintings, I would like you to come to my house," he seemed to hesitate only slightly, "For tea."
Now he was looking at her while she averted her eyes.
He said tea, but was it something more? Was she able trust herself, knowing she would be alone with this man. In his house.
"Maybe, it’s too soon," he was already backing out. She couldn’t let him do that.
"No. I want to go. Let’s go now," she was facing him, and the look that passed between them was intense.
Pure, intense, heat. They held each other’s gaze until a security broke in and told them to move along.
She was ready to go, and so was he.

Okay, hope people read this and liked it! Please give me suggestions and tell your friends to visit! ^_^
Sara getting hurt? Alright, here ya go! ^_~
This goes out to my fellow sandles, (especially SinCityx and Sandles21 enjoy! ;)

They were checking out a body by Lake Mead. Dave pronounced time of death around midnight, and he helped load the body onto the ambulance.
"I guess we’re just about done," Brass commented, while looking around. There were still a few pictures being taken, and the area was being searched.
Catherine was supposed to help Sara, but she got tied up in something with Sam Braun, so Grissom sent over Greg.
"Body dump?" Greg asked, finally able to talk to Sara.
"Could be. There was no blood, but the victim had an open wound."
"Guess we’ll have to wait until the official C.O.D."
"Yeah," Sara looked around, shining her flash light around before something caught her eye.
"What’s that," she wondered. She walked closer, spying a piece of red cloth on a tree. It was dangling a few feet above her, caught in a branch
Sara looked around, and determined if she didn’t get to it soon, the wind would blow it away. Greg caught sight of her just as she put one hand on a lower branch.
"What are you doing?"
"Help me get that cloth down. It could be a key piece of evidence," Sara looked at him, expecting to get a lift.
Greg was unsure. Normally he would jump at the chance to hold Sara steady, but he didn’t think it was a good idea.
"That must be at least ten feet. Sara, I don’t think you should..."
"Don’t worry. I’ve climbed higher before," she gave him an impatient look, and Greg just sighed and held out his hands. Sara smiled at him, and grabbed hold of his shoulders. He picked her up, and she was able to firmly grab a hold of a thick branch.
"Grissom’s gonna kill me," Greg muttered as he watched her hoist herself up.
She was close... she could see it now, and realized it was a shred of bloody cloth. With a cry of triumph, she grabbed hold of it. The cloth was in her gloved hand, and she looked down to see a concerned Greg.
"Don’t worry, I’m-" before she could finish her sentence, she felt her other hand slipping.
‘Crap,’ she thought, ‘I can’t lose the evidence...’
She held the cloth tightly, not realizing she should’ve been more worried about herself. Her foot slipped from under her, and she lost her balance.
Greg saw everything, and could only stand still as she fell ten feet, still clutching the scrap of cloth.

He was definitely responsible. He told Brass and Grissom everything, expecting them to be angry at him. He just received a reprimand from his supervisor, and the rest of the CSIs were considerably upset.
They all visited her at the hospital, even though she was embarrassed by all the fuss.
"I just sprained my ankle. The only thing that’s really hurt is my pride," Sara managed to laugh it off.

It took a while before Greg was alone with Sara, then he let her know how he felt, "Sara, I’m sorry," he began
"You really shouldn’t be. I guess I should’ve listened to you, but I was really focused on getting that evidence," Sara smiled at him, as she laid her hand on his.
"Yeah, well... maybe you’ll listen to me next time," Greg wagged his finger at her, and Sara burst out laughing.
"Well, seeing as how you agree, how about you and I go out to eat this weekend?" Greg waited tensely, not expecting her answer.
"I‘d love to," she smiled warmly.
"Wow... what else would you do?" Greg winked at her, and grinned.
"Don’t push it, Greg," she smirked.

Alright then, I hope you liked it! Remember to leave your criticism or suggestions right here! I don’t mind. :D