"Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

Wow. Your fics are all good Hestia. How about a Yobling one? :D I specially love the Greg/Wendy, C/S and G/C fics u wrote.
Two requests? I feel so loved! :) Okay, Hottie_Cath suggested first. Hope you like this YoBling fic. ^_~

He arrived in early, expecting someone else to be there. 'Will wonders never cease...' he thought.
No Sara. No Grissom. He was in before the early birds.
He walked over to brew himself a pot of coffee, and soon he heard some footsteps.
‘There’s someone now. Probably Sara.’

As soon as she walked in, he could tell something was wrong. She looked tired, and he watched her as she walked towards the couch, and slumped down. Her head rested on the arm rest beside her.
"Is something wrong, Cath?"
When she didn’t answer him, he figured she didn’t hear him. He strode over and sat on a nearby chair, "You okay?"
She lifted her head and heaved a sigh. "Just a fight with Lindsey. It shouldn’t get to me but... never mind."
"A fight? What was it about this time," he asked her.
Lately those two had been getting into heated arguments. She wasn’t one to back down, but at that moment she looked just that.
"We got into this big argument over her curfew. It escalated in to me ‘neglecting her’ and her failing grades. She said I didn’t understand and she... she called me old!" Catherine put a hand to her forehead, finally glad to have gotten that off her chest.
Warrick was trying not to chuckle, Catherine heard him and raised her head to look at him.
"You’re not... laughing are you?" She looked like she was ready to tear his throat out.
"No... is that what was bothering you? Your daughter thinks you’re old?"
Catherine frowned at him, "I’m sure as hell not young! I might as well be... an old milk maid!"
"Catherine, you’ve got it all wrong. I don’t know why she said it, but she was obviously trying to push your buttons. Believe me, you’re no milk maid."
He got up and walked to the coffee pot.
"So, I’m not a milk maid. What am I then?” she looked at him, almost daring him to answer.
"Alright, you want to know?" Catherine just gave him a look as if to say ‘give me a break’.
Warrick put his cup down, "I think you are a vibrant, beautiful, exciting, kind, sexy woman." he paused to survey her expression, "But that’s just me."
She stared at him for a minute before replying, "You didn’t say I wasn’t old."
Warrick laughed, "Cath, you’re definitely not old."
"Thank you," she said in a low voice.
Now she was getting warmed up, "You seriously think so?"
"I seriously do."
"You’re not just humoring me," she warned him.
"I'm not. Actually, I know you could have any guy eating out of your hands if you wanted to. You just need to find the right guy," he advised.
"Like a guy who’s not married," she gave him a suggestive smirk.
"That would be best," he raised an eyebrow, knowing what she was implying.
"Well... thanks for the advice. I feel a lot better," Catherine sighed, and beamed at him.
Warrick watched as she walked out the door. He let out a soft whistle.
"She’s still got it."

Yes, Warrick's stil married, but here you go. Make any suggestions or remarks right here! ^_^
Wow, now I got to go, but I'll be back to post that snicker fic later. ;)
great second G/LH Hestia!! loved it!! :) you may want to check out my G/LH one too - it's called "The Ball" :D
Hestia , I loved it! Very wonderful, considering I love both art and G/LH; Amazingly done! You are a talented writer, to be able not only to capture G/LH in a perfect way, but also being able to write all the Snickers, YoBling, etc. Nice job! :)
Gilbert since you said please, here’s that snicker fic that was requested. It can be read as a sort of continuation of the first two fics, or as a stand alone piece. Enjoy! ^_~

When she drove to the hospital she was filled with dread. She didn’t know what to think, and she was there when it happened. He took a nasty fall, and she was overcome with fear.
Why did these kinds of things always happen to him?
Now that she helped him home, she found herself chastising him for making her worry.
"Sorry about that, mom," Nick teased her.
He could be so exasperating!
"You’re lucky you only got nine stitches on your hand. That horse practically sent you flying!"

She had taken a few unofficial riding lessons with him, and grew to appreciate how well he got along with horses. She thought he was untouchable, which is why she was so surprised that on their recent trip, the horse he was riding started to buck, and flung Nick off the saddle. She just stared at the whole scene. Only when she saw the blood gush from his hand, did she yell for help.

"The horse must’ve been spooked. Even the best experts fall off their horse," Nick could tell she was still a bit concerned, and he tried to reassure her.
"Well, I can’t believe I froze up like that," she handed him a glass of water. "Are you sure you’re okay?"
"My back is a little sore, but I’ll be fine in a week or so. You know the old saying, when you fall off a horse-"
"I know," she interrupted. She didn’t want to talk about it anymore.
"Do you need anything? I’ll make you something to eat. I got a few things while you were in the hospital: cereal, pasta, soup..." Sara ran down through the list of what she bought. It was the least she could do for him.
"Actually, some soup sounds good," he said
"Sure. Coming right up," she smiled at him and headed to the kitchen.
Nick looked down at his bandaged hand. Some of the pain was starting to come back, and he would need some medicine soon. He decided not to make too much of a fuss. Sara was rattled enough...
"Anything else?" Sara called from the kitchen, "crackers, juice?"
'Well, that didn’t mean he couldn’t take a little advantage of the situation,' Nick thought slyly to himself.
"Actually... I hope you could feed me the soup."

Would she really fall for this?
Sara walked in, holding a small bowl.
"Feed you? Oh, because the hand you use is injured? Okay." She set the bowl down on his stand, and pulled a chair next to him. She scooped up some soup, being careful to blow on it, and placed the spoon to his lips.
He almost laughed out loud. She was actually doing it! What else would she be willing to do...?
"How is it?"
"Very good. I take it you heated up a can," he grinned.
"As a matter of fact I did," she stated with a half smile.
"I forgot to get you your medicine," Sara got up and left. She remembered what the doctor advised. He was surprised and felt grateful. How could he take advantage of all her kindness.
"Anything else? Anything at all?" She was back with a glass of water and some pills. Concern etched in her features. He sighed, and smiled softly.
"Just on last thing... stay by my side. Until I fall asleep,"
She swallowed a lump in her throat. Were those tears in her eyes?
"I’m not going anywhere, Nick."

Awww.. I made this so sentimental! I didn’t expect it to turn out that way... But it's still sweet, right?
Any comments or corrections are welcome, as usual.
I'm glad everyone has enjoyed my "ficlets" so far! This is really helping my writing, and giving me a bit of a big ego! :lol:
I got a challenge over at the sandle thread: SinCityx wanted me to include: nail polish, and Greg smelling it. Also Greg has to end up with lipstick on.
Hope I was able to fulfill the requirements ;)

She walked in, not expecting to see Greg in the lab. He was checking something in a microscope, and his back was turned to her.
"Greg? What are you doing here?" Sara asked him with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh," he turned around to see Sara standing by the doorway, "Wendy called in sick, but it’s been rumored she’s on a date with some guy she knew from college."
"Oh," her stomach did a sort of flip flop. He sounded a little upset.
"Are you disappointed?"
"Well yeah," Greg exclaimed.
Her stomach did another flip flop. Not now... why was she behaving this way lately?
"I get stuck with lab duty!"
"Oh," she looked relieved, "Is that all?"
"Well yeah. What did you expect?” Greg looked at her funny.
"Nothing," Sara mumbled, "check this sample out, will you?"
"Sure," he grabbed the container from her, "What is it?"
"It’s cherry syrup," she replied sarcastically. She thought it was pretty obvious what it was.
Apparently Greg didn’t get it, so he stuck his nose in and took a whiff. He coughed and almost dropped the sample. "That’s not cherry syrup! It’s nail polish," he gagged.
Sara was staring at him in disbelief, "It was sarcasm. I didn’t think you’d smell it."
"I didn’t think you’d purposely mislead me," he fired back.
Sara smiled at him, "I think there’s some drops of blood in there. See what you can find."
Greg grumbled, "It really did look like syrup... that’s the reddest shade I’ve ever seen."
Sara was suddenly intrigued.
"You mean in a store or on a girl?"
Greg looked up and smirked, "Why so curious? Want to know what kind of polish my girls wear?"
"Not exactly," Sara rolled her eyes.
"My nana used to tell me red is worn by ‘loose’ women. I have yet to test that theory."
"First of all, many girls like a bright red as a change of pace. Second of all, that shade of red isn’t as uncommon as you think. I actually have some lipstick that same color." Before he could ask anymore questions, she left.

It was nearing the end of shift when she spotted Greg running towards her.
"What’s the rush," she asked him.
"I got the results of the 'cherry' nail polish."
"Really," she stared at him as he was trying to catch his breath. "What were the results?"
"Actually, the blood was inconclusive. I couldn‘t get anything out of it."
Sara frowned, "So why were you in such a rush to tell me?"
"Actually, I’ve been thinking about what you said. I need proof."
"Proof?" Sara started walking towards the locker room, Greg not far behind.
"Yeah. You said you owned a shade of red lipstick just like that nail polish. Do you have it with you?" He gave her a boyish grin.
"As a matter of fact I do," she stopped in front of her locker and pulled out her handbag. She reached in and held out a shade of lipstick. Greg just stared at it as if it was a foreign object. Sara decided to go the extra mile; she uncapped it, and slowly put the lipstick on. She puckered a few times before checking her self in the mirror.
"Wow," Greg looked at a loss for words. Sara was smiling at him, pleased at the effect it produced.
"You look good in it. I never expected you... wow,” Greg shook his head, "I wish a girl would’ve kissed me with those lips."
Sara looked at him, smiling like she knew something he didn’t. She leaned in and planted her lips squarely on his. It was for a brief second, but she left her mark. Greg’s lips were almost as red as hers.
"I don’t know what that says about your nana’s theory, but I do know you’ll have some trouble getting that off. It’s long lasting," she gave him one final grin, and left him there to contemplate what just happened.
Greg decided his new favorite color was cherry red, and found himself grinning as he wondering if Sara’s lipstick matched her undergarments...

Woah! That ending had a bit of a twist :lol: I figure the sandles would definitely get a kick out of this! Thanks for the interesting suggestion. Leave any comments or corrections right here, I won't mind! :)