Police Officer
yup, i dubbed stuffy and liffy our pseudo aiden (bless her soul) and danny. thats what you get, Cuz for being naughty :devil: *hugs my dearest cousin*
:lol: the goat! ohmy the goat is too funny. the scenarios with him are snort-worthy (thanks a lot, stuffy!
). now, whats this little goat's name? he's our limbo champion!
Jen, sweetums, i think lindsay definitely had some explaining to do to danny. im sure they either ate at a small diner in bozeman and talked or used the plane time to chat.
thats some beautiful quality time for D/L. i love it, i wish we saw some too. if only csi:ny spun off mini-online episodes (5-10 minutes each) with the danny and lindsay extended and cut scenes. 
*raises eyebrows as i catch a glimpse of nekkid danny playing hide-and-seek with lindsay*
:lol: the goat! ohmy the goat is too funny. the scenarios with him are snort-worthy (thanks a lot, stuffy!
Jen, sweetums, i think lindsay definitely had some explaining to do to danny. im sure they either ate at a small diner in bozeman and talked or used the plane time to chat.
*raises eyebrows as i catch a glimpse of nekkid danny playing hide-and-seek with lindsay*