Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*stops helping with the cleaning to say something to everyone*

This party was awesome :D As always with D/L around, anyway! We have so much fun, it's unbelieveable...

Yeah, we have a few languages in here...But D/L is international and doesn't need speaking comunication :p :devil: Well, but english makes it for us in here, actually. I'm really glad that my english is enough to be in here, I think you understand me, even though I mess up :p I don't think there's a Portuguese message board around there, so how would I have this great time?! :rolleyes:

:D :DYou know what, I have that smile again (I don't really know if it left my face :p) I saw "Sleight out of Hand", and it was soooo cute :D I loved when Danny was 'seeing' her in the lab, but then he realizes it's just another girl :lol: It's so funny, but so cute! Then "go with your instincts" and give strenght to your Montana girl ;) Loved when they heard the "guilty" word, the hug and the so-close-to-be-a-kiss thing :rolleyes: :) Just perfect for them :D

I agree, I don’t think that they have problem with that. Or Danny could try to convince Lindsay that Friday the 13th is unlucky only to persuade her to stay at home all the day…
Great theory Abby :lol: Seriously something that would make them (as well as us) happy ;)

HillHarperHOT, you're more than welcome to post more often! We love new people to party around with us!

Well, see you all later guys!
Oh so when I show up then the party stops? I see how it is...
I wanted a chance to whoop that goats boo-tay in limbo, darn.

I got a question for you guys, that is if you guys are sober enough to think straight. From what I read that was one wild party.

So anyways back to my question. Does the team know about D/L? I wasn't ever really sure. If it's really obvious then feel free to think Im an idiot :)
What's all this talk about the party being finished, eh? This is a DL party...it's never over! :D

ILuvJonathanTogo: The team doesn't know yet, although they must know that the two are pretty close. Now I can't say the same for Hammerback :lol: that infamous "crush" line is priceless. I heart Sid :)
Psssttt...Aud I need to go shoe shopping...wanna come?
Uh, we share a brain. There's no need to ask---just lead the way. I'm a shoe whore. ;) Apologies to you and Mer though. I haven't owned a sweats in ten years. I do like nice fitting t-shirts though. Danny rocks! He's all about the wondermuss 't'. Linds needs more t-shirts. :)

Between Goats and Gutterville, I must say I'm terribly lost. A goat? Two goats? Maybe you shouldn't tell me...I'm a little concerned though. :eek: :lol:

I don't know that Danny speaks fluent Italian. He might speak some. I think he's like me...part Italian. We both stick out like sore thumbs at family reunions most likely. But I bet he would sound wonderful whispering Italian sweet nothings into Linds' ear. :devil:

I can pretty much understand most common languages. I wish that I could write and read well in those languages though. :)

I think Hammerback definitely knows about these two. I could see him giving them advice also. While the rest of the team might feel they like each other, I seriously doubt they know that Danny and Lindsay are involved yet. I heart Hammerback as well. :D

Hammerback and Sex 101:

Sid(as Danny walks into the ME's office): Somebody got 'some' (or shall I say 'sum') last night.
Danny: Don't go there man. Now about the vic? What's COD?
Sid: Yes, COD...uh...using protection I assume.
Danny: I'm not discussing this kinda stuff with you next to a dead guy. Or ever for that matter.
Sid (turns his head up and sighs): Awww, young love. Reminds me of the time I met my first wife in 60's. We first made sweet love in the summer heat. It was right in the back of her Love Bug...awww...those were the days...
Danny: Dude, stop now before I hurl my pepperoni pizza. Now, COD please. (Meanwhile...Danny's thinking "Thank God Montana doesn't have a Volkswagen...I'd never be able to get over the idea of Hammerback gettin' his grove on in that car.") :eek: :eek: :eek:

Corny Crap I know! :p

Well, I'm melancholy today. I'll see y'all later. Have a great weekend. :)
Dutch , your italian’s fine!
Grazie Cam, tu sei proprio gentile! :D

Danny could try to convince Lindsay that Friday the 13th is unlucky only to persuade her to stay at home all the day…
That's actually something I can imagine he'd do Abby :)...Lindsay wouldn't buy it though, but she'll convince him she believes that too only to spend the day at home with him. :devil:

how do you pronounce it? Pa-var-otti?
Stuffy it's Pà-và-rò-tti; I named him after the famous Italian tenor. :)

what's with the goat? And how the heck did I miss what's up with the goat and why we're naming it?
A goat? Two goats? Maybe you shouldn't tell me...I'm a little concerned though.
Mo, Aud actually nobody really knows...the goat showed up in Liffy's and Stuffy's garden and they both thought the other put him there (which is why I at first thought there were two goats *hips* ;))...so it's probably a stray animal, but since it joined the party AND won the limbo contest :lol: we thought it deserved a name...and I just saw him go outside with Jen's giraffe so I guess he will be here quite a lot... :)

phrases in Dutch to know when my mom and Oma are talking about me and think I don't know what they're saying!
Completely of topic, but the last two weeks I've been watching season 3 of House and I was surprised when in one of the ep's House suddenly started talking about his Oma too...Mo, you know that whenever your moeder and oma ;) are discussing something you can't understand you can always ask me (or Jen) :D

I think Danny has an Italian background (both parents probably ..th generation of immigrants)...And it would be so funny if Lindsay comes with him to visit his family and they're all being Italian (quite noisy - which I love btw) at dinner and she suddenly joins the hot-headed discussion...Can you imagine his surprise when he finds out she has been taking lessons... :D

LOL Aud, I love your Flower Power Hammerback story...peace :cool:
*Can I hang out at one of your houses? I don't have a house on Gutterville, and I have to see Danny topless, washing his car.

*Can I join the party even though I'm not on the street with you guys?
Is their any houses available for my to live in :D I don't care what street as long as it's near Danny's so I can come out at midnight and join the late night raves :)
Ladies and gentleman, may I present a new member to our lovely community of Gutterville. My best friend Lauren has chosen #5 Montana Road to be her new home. Since the party never ends, she has joined us in the celebrations at Cam's house.

Random note: ILuvJonathanTogo, I heart your banner :)
Buongiorno ragazzi (Good morning guys)

I have a bad cold!!! :( It’s not right! I have a party tonight! :(
By the way…
Last night I saw ‘A man a mile’ (S1). OMG!!! Danny was very cold without Lindsay!!!
My poor guy!

My mother said: “ Who’s this awesome guy???”
And I said: “Mom, this is Danny!”
M: “ Wooow he’s beautiful!”
I: “Yeah, I agree! Do you remember Lindsay, in S2?”
M: “Yes, I do. But… Is she Danny’s girlfriend?”
I: “ Oh yeah! Wait the S3!”

Unfortunately, in Italy, we haven’t seen S3. Only S1 and S2. It’s so sad :(

Vex said :
Can I join the party even though I’m not on the street with you guys?

Of course, hun! :)

I’ve bought cannoli siciliani !!! There’s plenty for everyone!!!

ILuvJonathanTogo , I love your banner and your avvie too! :D

A dopo… Ciao!
The-one-that's-carrying-the-next-generation-of-D/L-shippers Jen said:
Liff, you let me down....you didn't type my full name!
Sorry hun, I haven't been 100% lately and my poor little fingers were too tired. You have to understand that your name's quite a mouthful hun! :lol:

Aud said:
Between Goats and Gutterville, I must say I'm terribly lost. A goat? Two goats? Maybe you shouldn't tell me...I'm a little concerned though. :eek: :lol:
There are two goats now? Erm...I'm lost too.

Mmm....I'm not pretty well right now so this might be my last (measley) post for a while :p I'm going to go make friends with my bed now :D Maybe I'll meet someone on the way hehehehe.

Umm...anyone else who wants a place in gutterville (besides Vex cos she's special :lol: ) can ya pls PM me with an incling of a location? So I can keep track and I'll update the map as soon as I'm around 70% ish :p

Ooooh. Dutch ya think Dutch and Italian is hard? Try Mandarin :D

Wo bu hen hao :(

Tzai Zien! :D
*Mo shimmey's into the thread, snapping her fingers and swinging her hips...Frank's hat low over her eyes...singing...."Ive got you under my skin...I've got you deep in the heart of me...So deep in my heart, that youre really a part of me...I've got you under my skin!" :D
Good morning my dears! Thought I'd make a bit of an entrance today! ;) Heehee! :lol: How are y'all this morning?

Cool bud Dani said:
I don't think there's a Portuguese message board around there
Mmmmmm, yeah not sure about that! ;) Wait so are you from Portugal Dani or Brazil? Or neither...? :D

Newbie but definitely welcome bud ILJT asked:
Does the team know about D/L? I wasn't ever really sure. If it's really obvious then feel free to think Im an idiot
Mmmmm, that's a good question! D/L hasn't formally "announced" anything to team or really told anyone that we know of! Personally I'm pretty sure most of them know....they are all CSI's after all, so they're paid to notice small things. I'm almost positive Flack at the very least and probably Stella too know. But yeah I wouldn't be suprised if they all "knew" already! :D

My Fluffy Wub Aud darlin' grinned:
Uh, we share a brain. There's no need to ask---just lead the way. I'm a shoe whore. Apologies to you and Mer though. I haven't owned a sweats in ten years. I do like nice fitting t-shirts though. Danny rocks! He's all about the wondermuss 't'. Linds needs more t-shirts.
Lol, sweet! So I still need those shoes...shall we?! ;) Any good summer shoe places or suggestions hon? :D Lol, I can be a bit of jock sometimes...and plus it can get COLD around here for at least half the year...so that's whats up with the sweatshirts I own! :D And I agree, I love Linds' wardrobe, but her in a couple t-shirts would be totally hot!! :devil:

But I bet he would sound wonderful whispering Italian sweet nothings into Linds' ear.
*Mo melts just at the thought of that!* Awwww, guys who speak a foreign language...are SOOOO hot! And when they're already as hot as Mr. Danny boy...gah...*Mo swoons and melts some more!* :devil: Linds is a lucky lucky woman!! :D

Corny Crap I know!
Lol, nah not corny babes...besides that was spot on with Sid! Seriously I was reading it, going "I could SOO see Sid saying that!" :lol:

Well, I'm melancholy today. I'll see y'all later. Have a great weekend.
Awwww melancholy? Sad day! Here....*Mo tackle hugs her buddy and then sends Danny over with some cute shoes and chocolate...* Feel any better? ;)

My dear homeland of my heart buddy Dutch winked:
Mo, you know that whenever your moeder and oma are discussing something you can't understand you can always ask me (or Jen)
I do! ;) What's funny though...is they go to all the trouble of talking in Dutch so I don't understand them and they feel bad and explain everything they were saying anyway! :lol: Never fails to crack me up! :D

Poor homeless bud Vexxy asked:
*Can I hang out at one of your houses? I don't have a house on Gutterville, and I have to see Danny topless, washing his car.
Ohhhh, you can stay with me in the Gutter Tower or with Aud and I at our house hon...either way there will be plenty of Danny watching! ;) I guarentee that! :D Especially if he's topless! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Buddy who is in store for a squee-fest Cam said:
Unfortunately, in Italy, we haven’t seen S3. Only S1 and S2. It’s so sad
Oh you're in for a treat! I mean I think you "know" all that happens in Season 3, but once you see it, you'll be squeeing for a year! :lol: It's a fabulous season...and there's some angst yeah...but the fluff it ends with makes up for it all in spades!

Okay buddies! I gotta go run some errands...I will see y'all later! :D

*Mo climbs into her Fluffy Bubbles and shimmers happily away!* :D
Danny topless, washing his car
*rushes to the window* Txs for the tip Vex! *drools* :D

Is their any houses available for my to live in
ILJT there are plenty of houses still available...like Liff said, just PM him... :)

There are two goats now? Erm...I'm lost too.
Nope, not two goats Liff dear; that was just my slightly by cocktails and champagne intoxicated brain :rolleyes:...there's only Pavarotti eating the grass of Dantana Memorial Park... :eek:

ya think Dutch and Italian is hard? Try Mandarin
Liff, for the record I don't think Dutch is hard :p - actually I'm quite good at it ;) - others think it is...And I love learning other languages, but after I finished Italian (which I do think is hard btw :() I think I'll start with Spanish :)...Mandarin sounds intriguing, but I don't know when I will ever need that... :)

Newbie but definitely welcome bud ILJT asked:
Does the team know about D/L? I wasn't ever really sure. If it's really obvious then feel free to think Im an idiot
Mmmmm, that's a good question! D/L hasn't formally "announced" anything to team or really told anyone that we know of! Personally I'm pretty sure most of them know....they are all CSI's after all, so they're paid to notice small things. I'm almost positive Flack at the very least and probably Stella too know. But yeah I wouldn't be suprised if they all "knew" already!
I think the rest definitely knows there's 'something' going on between them and either of them might already have told one of the others (Lindsay to Stella and Danny to Flack?) about the feelings for the other, but I don't think they already know they've taken the next step (or hump ;))
they go to all the trouble of talking in Dutch so I don't understand them and they feel bad and explain everything they were saying anyway! Never fails to crack me up!
Aaah Mo, that's so sweet...and I loved the 'homeland of my heart' :) *hugs*

It's quiet in here...everybody's probably still exhausted from the 24h party... :lol:
Can I just say that I'm thrilled that you've adopted my suggestion of "Dantana Memorial Park". Wow, I actually had an idea that people liked!

I lost you all some where with the goats, but hey, I've come to accept a lot with this group. I mean that in a good way. I never talk like this in real life. I find it amazing what I read and write in this thread.

I'm also glad I got in on the Pool Street property when they were available. Man, the real estate went fast! It was nice that I got a property with a view of D/L and it backed on the park. Very cool. And I hope you know how hard it is to look after three kids when you still have a hangover from an online party! I'm getting to old for this!
And I hope you know how hard it is to look after three kids when you still have a hangover from an online party!
I can imagine how hart it is… My sister has two children and she’d never find the time to have a party online. If you managed to do this, you’re not too old. ;) :)

after I finished Italian (which I do think is hard btw ) I think I'll start with Spanish
Yay! I’d like to learn Spanish. For me it wouldn’t be very difficult because Italian and Spanish are quite similar and since I was a child I’ve heard my grandma speaking the traditional dialect of the region that has a lot in common with Spanish, but I’ve always a lot of study. :( We have to do translations of texts in Latin or Greek…that’s sooo hard!

I think the rest definitely knows there's 'something' going on between them
Yeah, I’m sure that the rest of the team knows that, otherwise they’d be blind. :D I’m wondering whether they’ll decide to speak with the team about their relationship :confused:…what do ya think?
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