Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*Dani finally has a chance to pop in, after a long afternoon helping grandma with boring summer cleaning...uff*

I would like to say 'Hey' to Stuffy's best friend Lauren :)

Cam, I'm sorry for your cold *enters the house next door with a 'hot chocolate' (I have no idea if it's called this way in english :p)..."feeling better"?!* I'm also sorry about you not having season 3. I have delay in here as well, but CSI:NY is the closest with the USA air dates.

Moriel21 said:
Cool bud Dani said:
I don't think there's a Portuguese message board around there
Mmmmmm, yeah not sure about that! ;) Wait so are you from Portugal Dani or Brazil? Or neither...? :D

Smart Liff said:
ya think Dutch and Italian is hard? Try mandarin
I wouldn't even think about it. Though I am sure it would be really interesting and challenging, oh my, it seems way too complicated :rolleyes:

Dear Mo said:
Linds is a lucky woman!!
Absolutely. I couldn't agree more ;)

dutch, the idea of Lindsay learning italian just to be able to participate in Danny's family discussions is awesome and so cute! Linds could do that :)

But I bet he would souns wonderful whispering italian sweet nothings into Linds' ear
That's just soo cute *melts along with Mo* Italian and Italy seem such a romantic language/place :rolleyes:

About the team knowing about them, I do think that if Danny and Lindsay haven't told them, at least they have an idea...Oh yeah, they can't hide it :lol: Linds would tell Stella and Danny would tell Flack. I do think they have an idea that they're together, that's just too much cuteness for them to not notice. But I don't think they know that there was pool table night yet :p I heart Sid as well for being so direct :)
My tummy bug seems to have gone AWOL on me. *waves goodbye* Don't come back now! :D

Catey said:
I lost you all some where with the goats, but hey, I've come to accept a lot with this group. I mean that in a good way. I never talk like this in real life. I find it amazing what I read and write in this thread.
Ahh I know what you mean hun, I think we all use this place to show our 'inner selves'. The one side RL hasn't oh so beautifully tarnished :p

Having Linds learn Italian would be awesome. I can definately see Danny spouting off in Italian when he's annoyed at someone and Linds would be whisperin' some comfortin' words in Italian. He'd probably get shocked at first and drag her off into some broom cupboard. :devil:

My naughtyness is back, I'm healthy again :p yeah!

Where has everyone gone?? Still walking off the hangovers? :lol: Good thing I don't drink - takes away the hassle of putting up with them hangovers. I once read a D/L fic where Dan goes out with the guys and comes home drunk. Linds wakes him up by putting earphones on him and cranking up "Achy Breaky Heart" :lol: -pain.

ILTJ asked:
Does the team know about D/L? I wasn't ever really sure. If it's really obvious then feel free to think Im an idiot
Hmm...I think Flack knows, and Stella knows -something :p Sid knows everything and Mac's gonna be happy for them if he knows what's good for him. Otherwise we might just see him being dragged out of his office by the ears by Stella and Peyton *whistles* :D

I think the rest definitely knows there's 'something' going on between them
Mmm....probably but they'll never know why Danny and Linds keep smirkin' at each other when the team comes over to Danny's place for somethin'. :lol: In my head Danny and Linds already live together there; I think I've spent too much time writin' again :p


Hey as a precaution against my own lack of self control when it comes to spoiler boxes and y'all put "Nothing interesting, Go away Liff" as the subject?? :D Please? It'd be amusing.
***Is it alright if I claim #3 on Gutter Drive next to Chelle?

I don't see anybody else in that position so is it alright?

I feel like I can't get into the conversation since I don't have a residence in Gutterville.
Vex, you can always join in on a convo. Just yell really loud and say something that can be spun in all sorts of dirty directions. :) Hope you all have been doing lovely, I haven't been here because I've been in Orlando since well yesterday but I've been swimming and all that. Wonder if Danny and Lindsay would like Orlando, yea it's hot, but there's Disney, Universal, Clubs.

Oh, I forgot, there's an arcade at my hotel, and my brother and I won like 365 ticekts and for 200 tickets I got a (get ready) mini pool table set. Oh yes, it's true. I'm gonna hang it on my wall, possibly with a picture of DL in the middle.

Oh, DL. I love you.
^^It would be a crime for you to NOT take a photo of it and show us!!! :p (I'm still trying to figure out whether or not I'm kidding or not Rad ) hehehehe. :lol:


Oh look :devil: Linds dressed up as a naughty maid for Danny :devil:

:eek: I'll just...sit here in the corner and drool with Danny. :)

Vex hon!! You can join in the convos anytime! I'm updating the map tomorrow :p sorry for the lateness -I'm just uber lazy/busy :D

That's all for me tonight, gnite my darlins!
I just took a picture of it and I will be sure to post a pic when I load 'em on to the computer.

that pic of Linds is stunning, and Danny would fall for that again and again.

Just saw a real pool table as a prize on a gameshow and I looked up and smiled.

Geeze we're all DL nerds.
Oh, I forgot, there's an arcade at my hotel, and my brother and I won like 365 ticekts and for 200 tickets I got a (get ready) mini pool table set. Oh yes, it's true. I'm gonna hang it on my wall, possibly with a picture of DL in the middle.
That's a great idea, how creative of you ;)
Hey guys, whens the next party? I'm going to bring Twister so we can invite Danny and Lindsay and they can get all tangled :devil:. Let's see the goat beat us in that :lol:
Hey guys!

Snow Day was on here yesterday! finally! Unfortunately, i didn't get to see it as i was playing in a concert! But, (before y'all faint on me! :lol: ) I recorded it and watched it back this morning! So cool! I was squeeing so loud, my mum came in, saw what i was watching, rolled her eyes and walked out! :lol: At least she understands my obsesssion! My dad thinks i'm so weird! I was telling him to hurry up when we were driving back from the concert, coz i wanted to make sure it was recording! I told him if it wasn't i would die! And he just said, "It's only a tv show!" Am i'm like, "It's not just a tv show, Dad! What would you do if Stargate didn't record, hey!" (He's mad about that show, god knows why!) He didn't have a comeback for that! :lol:

Love the pic, Liff! She looks so hot! I'm surprised you and Danny haven't melted into a puddle! :lol:

I gotta jet, but i'll be back later y'all! Have a good day or night or whatever! :lol:

Love you all! PSG xxx (I'm well hyper! :lol:)
Hi buddies!!! :D
I’m so happy! My cold gets better! More the party yesterday was FaNtAsTic ! :D :D :D
But now… I’m so tired! :(

Dani said
Cam, I'm sorry for your cold *enters the house next door with a 'hot chocolate' (I have no idea if it's called this way in english :p)..."feeling better"?!*

Wow thanks hon! I’m feeling better now! Your hot chocolate is DLicious! ;)
(In Italy it’s called cioccolata calda (hot chocolate) !)

Liffy hun said:
Linds dressed up as a naughty maid for Danny

OMG!!! Her shirt looks like my shirt!!! She’s very sexy in this pic! :D
I love her hair too!
Yeah Liffy, I agree!

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Hey guys, whens the next party? I'm going to bring Twister so we can invite Danny and Lindsay and they can get all tangled :devil:. Let's see the goat beat us in that :lol:

Another party? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I love parties!!!
Ihihih… Twister :devil: Good idea!!! :D
I’m very competitive in this game! Pavarotti Ya can’t beat me!!! :D

PSG said
My dad thinks I’m so weird
Don’t worry! You’re not weird, hun! You just love CSI and our cute couple!!! :)

*Cammie offers a slice of lemon cake to everyone*

Thank-you Cammie! *eats lemon cake* Yum! This is great! Watch out Liffy hun, you've got competition! :lol:

Love the Twister idea! No way the goat can beat us at that! :lol: And inviting Dan and Linds along sounds good too :devil: Mo would certainly like to play twister with Danny, i think all of us would, apart from Liffy :lol: But he can play with Linds! I bet he would like that :devil:

L8er guys! xxx
*Liff pops by with Pavarotti*

He wont stop following me :confused: ... Dutch! You named him, you keep him! Or...I have to go find Jen's Giraffe :lol:

ILJT suggested:
I'm going to bring Twister so we can invite Danny and Lindsay and they can get all tangled :devil:
Oooh :devil: brilliant suggestion. We'll let them have the first go whilst we run a little photography workshop on the side. :D Oh Danny! Linds! SMILE! :D *click*

PSG said:
Love the pic, Liff! She looks so hot! I'm surprised you and Danny haven't melted into a puddle! :lol:
Mmm...hawt *drool* Who said we haven't melted into a puddle? Why do you think me and Danny are sittin' here in jars? :lol:

i think all of us would, apart from Liffy But he can play with Linds! I bet he would like that :devil:
Oooh, I'd love to play twister with Linds :devil: *bounces around impatiently*

*Looks around* Ooh, well everyone's gone :p

Oh yes, before I forget, here's the new map complete with new name changes and a larger than life SMUT Library! *woohoo!*

GutterVille Map:

Sorry if I left anyone out :( Do PM me, it saves me time rootin' through posts and I still forget people :p Hope you're all havin' a DLicious weekend!

My mom just asked me if I knew anyone who really, really, really loves m&m's. I smiled and said, "Not anyone I know personally." Then she said "Because you can personalize them now." I looked at her plainly and replied, "Mom, you have no idea."

Love the map liff.

For those who care, I'll post the mini-pool table ASAP.
Hey was I evicted and moved from my house that was backed onto the park? I swear all those loud noises weren't coming from my house!
*comes in all happy 'cause she spent the entire day at the swimming pool* (I didn't forget my sunscreen ;))

I never talk like this in real life. I find it amazing what I read and write in this thread
Catey I understand exactly what you mean...and that's why I love this thread and all you guys :D...this is just such a great and fun way to escape RL every now and then...talking about two fictional people in a fictional relationship, having on-line parties in a fictional town :lol: and losing a limbo contest to a fictional goat named Pavarotti :rolleyes: with people you've never met from all over the planet...It's just totally amazing... :cool:

I’m wondering whether they’ll decide to speak with the team about their relationship
I think in a while it would be wise to tell the rest; to avoid (more)speculation :p and gossiping and because if at a certain moment they decide to take yet another step forwards (like living together :)) it would make things easier if the others already know...

Wonder if Danny and Lindsay would like Orlando, yea it's hot, but there's Disney, Universal, Clubs
I've never been to Orlanda, but I've been to Disney and Universal in LA and I loved it and I can just imagine Danny as being a guy who is really excited about all the rides and I think our cowgirl is brave enough to ride them with him. :devil: And Lindsay would love the parades and the cotton candy and taking pictures with Pooh and Tigger :) - *ahem* I love amusement parks.. :eek: :eek:.

Dutch! You named him, you keep him!
No problem...we're best friends already :D...but I think the giraffe feels more at home in the Wheatfield Zoo...

ILJT I love the Twister idea...you pick the date and the place and Pavarotti and I will be there... :)

Liff that pic is awesome; looks like she actually is standing in the gutter :eek:...And you did a outstanding job on the new map :eek:...wow... :eek:so many people living in Gutterville already...

Rad love to see that mini pool table... :)

*takes the goat with her to No. 7 Pool Street*
He wont stop following me

Awwww how cute. Liffy has a pet :)

Ahoy and aloha to all my fellow buddies out there! How are we all doing this fine Sunday afternoon, eh? Sorry I've been MIA for a while; I ended up staying at my friend's house for the weekend. But now I'm back and ready to party! :D

Why am I not surprised that Liffy would bring in a picture of Anna? I think his crush on her is absolutely adorable...and I can't blame him. I mean, she's gorgeous! Not to mention that she looks like a total sweetheart.

Twister? I love that game! Granted I haven't played since New Years....but it's still awesome. :lol: I would love to watch DL play. Oh man, the images that can run through one's head :devil:

ETA: *runs around and gives every single person a giant hug* I'm glad I "met" everyone here as well. We've come up with hilarious and wonderful ways to pass the time during this long hiatus, and you girls (and guys!) are absolutely amazing. I love all of you and I'm glad to share my passion (or obsession, either one :lol:) with this great bunch.
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