Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*whistles innocently as she places the goat next to Liffy, then gets up and dances with her fellow buddies*

"Definitely waiting for you to smile and change your mind, then I'll say I'm sorry and wrap my arms 'round my body. Oh I really hope that you forgive me now, and don't just ask me to leave..."

Come on everyone! "Oh Jenny don't be hasty...no don't treat me like a baby"

Wow, I'm really getting into the party mode!

:lol: I think everyone misunderstood me when I mentioned the two pool tables. I meant that I saw them at a restaurant last night and there were two of them, not just one, which doubled my squeeing ;)

*waves back at Phyx* Howdy partner!

*plops down on couch, all danced out, and throws a couple of M&Ms at dutch just for fun* You know I wubs ya hunny :D I had to throw something at someone. You're the first person I saw *huggles*
Hey Cammie, congratulations! I’m sure that we’ll never forget this party!!! :D :D
*Abby brings M&M ice creams, coke and pizza for everyone*

But, do ya think that Danny and Lindsay will come? I hope that they’ll try to leave their bedroom… :D :devil:

Does anyone like chocolate covered raisins?
Yeah! I love them…can you bring some chocolate covered raisins? ;)

They’re cookies that look like pool balls
Awwww Rad! They look like pool balls? Great idea! I’m proud of ya! :D

*Abby throws a slice of M&M cake to everyone and she hides behind the couch*

C’mon, let’s have fun!!! :D
*knocks on Cammie's door and enters the place* Yay, PARTY :D OMG, I have never seen such a as-in-real-life thread as this one! We have houses, a bar, a park and parties ;) Awesome! :D

Mo, I just loved the sleepover idea! I'm all for it ;)

*notices that the ice-creams are melting because of the D/L love heat* :p Oppps, I forgot these for a while, but I have M&M's ice cream for everyone. I can assure you they taste very very good!(they are one of my favorite ice-creams for real and even before knowing our couple...It's fate, everything that has to do with them was and is always great ;) :p ) *gives them out to everyone*

By the way, I really need to bring my mother to a visit in Gutterville. Can you imagine this happened?! Last night there was this awesome D/L moment on TV and I was super excited (as always when they're on screen), so I was smiling a lot, and I let out a "aww, how cute...aren't they amazing?!" It was a thought to myself, but my mum was like "They are not the most important part of the story, what matters is the crime." :eek: I yelled "Of course they are important, too", and had to explain that CSI has two sides: the crime scene and their personal lifes :rolleyes: (obviously my mum doesn't watch CSI often)

*leaves the computer and joins Stuffy dancing, throwing M&M's to everyone as well as hiding from Abby's flying cake slices*
Hi my buddies! :)
How are ya doin’? :D :D :D
It’s a great party, isn’t it? :) We’ve the music and a lot of food! :D :D :D
Txs Rad for your amazing cookies; Abby and Dani … what could I do without your ice creams?
And thanks to Stuffy for the music, great music !!! (Jenny don’t be hasty!). And Mo your champagne it’s DLicious ! :D
Thank u Liffy ! What could we do without the 2nd pool table? ;) You’re not a naughty guy, you’re an angel! Thanks hon!

Rad hon said:
This is very exciting, have we ever had a party like this in another thread? Cammie you might've started one of the best moments in DL Thread history.

Really?! Yay! Mi casa es tu casa! If you want we can have a lot of parties! Ihihih but, obviously, we won’t forget our DLicious couple!

Dani’s mom said:
They are not the most important part of the story, what matters is the crime.

Obviously the crime it’s important but… personal lifes are essential!!! Can you imagine CSI: New York without Danny and Lindsay? Noooooo! I can’t!!! :( :( :(

*Cammie hugs everyone and spreads a slice of “Tiramisù” on Abby’s face, throws a slice of M&Ms cake to Dani, cuz they’re hidden behind the couch!*

Divertitevi ragazzi!!! Yeah! :D :D :D
*Rings the bell on no. 2 Montana Road and enters the party*

WOW! This looks great Cam! I love what you've done with the place and there are already people dancing and relaxing *ducks just in time to avoid the M&M's Stuffy's throwing* :p

I'm a bit late 'cause this afternoon I was mixing the cocktails and I crossed the road to the cottage to borrow some sugar from D/L...You can imagine my surprise when I was almost run over by a completely naked Danny running through the sprinklers :eek: :eek:...I had to sit down and catch my breath before I was able to talk to Lindsay :D...She promised that when they were done playing :devil: they'd come to the party too... :)

I have brought those cute cowboy and cowgirl shirts for everyone (nope Mo didn't design them :(; you can buy them here ). Liff I think the 'all cowboy, no bull' are great for you AND the goat. :lol:

So here are the cocktails I've promised:

Of course I've made some 'sex-on-the-pooltable' ones too. :)

Can you imagine CSI: New York without Danny and Lindsay?
That would be a crime :mad:

*starts tasting AND throwing all the delicious and creative things everyone brought and dances like crazy to 'Jenny don't be hasty' to quickly lose the pounds again* :D

Party on!
*puts on a hardhat due to falling M&M's*

dutch_treat said:
Of course I've made some 'sex-on-the-pooltable' ones too. :)

What goes into one of those, dutch? I may have to make one of those up right now. ;) Say...didn't I see some Sex on the Beach in that picture? Lots of Sex at this party. Umm....I mean....*cough*

Can you imagine CSI: New York without Danny and Lindsay?

That would *not* be a show worth watching IMO. ;)

*sits down to enjoy the festivities*
I'll start with a margarita, if it's okay Dutch! And Dutch, you lucky girl, almost running in to Danny liked that. I wonder who was more shocked, you or him? The expressions on your faces must have been priceless! lol

And no, I can never imagine CSI:NY without Danny and Lindsay. I wouldn't want to, they are so much a part of this show now, it would never be the same.
*Jen enters the greatest party ever, places her giraffe next to Stuffy's goat and brings some bitterballen!!!!!*

Awesome party, this is! Liff, I missed that part of The Ride-In, but I brought the giraffe just so you can see if it's the same one.

Are Danny and Lindsay in yet? Dutch, where did you put the coacktails? I can't find them... :(
I wonder if it's illegal to drink at an online party if I'm underage? :lol: jk. I wanna try a 'Sex on a Pool Table' first, I like to get right down to business, and that wasn't supposed to be dirty. Even though you all just made it dirty, don't lie. :D
^ *whistles innocently - wasn't thinking that, honestly - keeps whistling* ;)

Seems like all the inhabitants of Gutterville, including the Wheatfields Zoo animals, are joining the party now. :lol:

Jen what a great idea to bring some Dutch bitterballen (did you bring the mustard too?)! The cocktails are next to the pool table and there are plenty of different mixes for everyone...feel free to take whatever you like*hands Rad a sex-on-a-pooltable one when no-one's looking* :cool:

Catey I haven't seen Danny and Lindsay yet. Perhaps I did shock him so much that he's a bit embarrased to come here; someone should go over there to persuade him. :D

*starts a limbo competition with the Giraffe* :lol:
dutch_treat said:
Jen what a great idea to bring some Dutch bitterballen (did you bring the mustard too?)! The cocktails are next to the pool table and there are plenty of different mixes for everyone...feel free to take whatever you like

Have you made one for pregnant women? It's possible that Lindsay will need one as well! :p

*Dutch starts a limbo competition with the Giraffe* :lol:
Sounds great! I'm in!
*knocks at Cam’s door offering giant soft pretzels*

Anffy’s here! i love this virtual board party. cant get any better than this: good food, great music, and most of all: great company! :)

thanks for a wonderful dinner last night at 8-Ball, dutch. dont mind if i take one of those lovely drinks, ms. bartender. :cool:

csi:ny without D/L would break my heart! they are my show. ;)

*dances along with jenny don’t be hasty, then joins limbo!*
I liked our little dinner too Angel...and of course you can have a drink!

The virgin cocktails ( :lol: for a pregnant girl ;) :lol:) are on the right side of the table! Maybe that's why our lovely couple is running late...they're trying to make this special night even more special :eek:...better not disturb them yet.... :p

Okay everyone line up it's limbo time: :D

"All around the limbo clock
Hey, let's do the limbo rock

Don't move that limbo bar
You'll be a limbo star
How low can you go?"

Okay I need a drink now :)...party on dudes!
csi:ny without D/L would break my heart! they are my show.
It would break my heart too, Mac and Peyton don't show us as much action. D/L is like the only source of ship excitement on that show. They are too busy arresting people and solving crimes...:rolleyes:
^ Yes, it's hard to imagine anyone wants to waste time solving crime and making arrests :rolleyes: when it's so much more fun running around (half) naked looking for 'strange' surfaces to 'play' on! :p Welcome to the party btw - here's a cocktail! :)

What if Danny wasn't at all interested in the piano player, but in the piano itself...he was probably imagining what 'songs' he and Lindsay could 'play' on it :devil:...and to keep up appearances in front of Stella he makes some silly remark about the girl :D

SF people sorry for the box! *throws M&M's at Liff* ;) Cam is it okay if we use your garden to discuss the spoilers? :)
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