Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Yay buddies! :D
Our party it’s so fun! I’m so happy! :D :D :D

Dutch buddy said:
It’s limbo time!

It’s limbo time? Yayyyyyyyyyyy! *giggles* :D :D :D :D :D

*Cammie joins limbo, than she takes a drink* ;)

Cam is it okay if we use your garden to discuss the spoiler?

Of course, hun! I’m not spoiler free! ;)

Angel said:
*knocks at Cam’s door offering giant soft pretzels*

Awwwwwwwww! I love pretzels! Thanks hon! :D

*Cammie’s devouring a pretzel now!*

We have a problem… where are Liffy and Mer ??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Okay guys, let’s dance!!! :D
I'm sure it's just the piano, Dutch!

I was hanging out in the spoiler-thread - had a discussion with someone about D/L - and I was wondering: do you think Lindsay talked with Danny about her past right after the Montana-trial? Or did she just say nothing about her behavior and went on with Danny without giving an explanation why she wasn't ready before?

I can't imagine they walked out of the courtroom en flew back to New york without discussing it. It was so obvious Lindsay was too focused about her past to start something with Danny, and when her past was put behind bars she was ready. Not immediately, but she was letting him get close to her. They must have talked about it, I guess.

I'm just wondering how you see it.

BTW: Who's best at the limbo dancing?
Cammie said:
You’re not a naughty guy, you’re an angel!
I take offence in that. Great offence. Hmph. :devil:

Catey said:
I wonder who was more shocked, you or him? The expressions on your faces must have been priceless! lol
Well if I know Danny, he'd probably ignore Dutch and continue prancing around :lol: Dutch on the end has been reduced to goop, leaving poor Linds to decipher the unrecognisable mutterings. hehehehe.

Dutch said:
Liff I think the 'all cowboy, no bull' are great for you AND the goat. :lol:
I ain't buyin' Stuffy's goat a shirt, she can buy it herself! :p I'd love that t-shirt though :p hehehehe.

Cam is it okay if we use your garden to discuss the spoilers?
Make sure you whisper!! I'm still SF and dang proud of it!! It's those dang words in the "Spoiler About" section that's just annoying! :lol: hehehe. I will do it and I remember ppl owing me desert!

Ahh...great party guys. I'm like in an uber mature mood right now for unknown reasons. You can probably tell by the lack of naughty thoughts in this post. :p I'll come back later when I've gotten out of it. Wee. (it's starting!)

I can't imagine a CSI:NY without D/L either, but the cases are important too. They would never have met otherwise. I think I'll go read something highly sophisticated and more myself to death. I'm just waiting for my naughty side to come out and play :devil:

Liffy said:
I take offence in that. Great offence.

Okay, okay! Liffy you’re naughty. Very very naughty! :devil: ;)
I was just kidding :( Sorry hon! :D

Liffy said:

Awwwww honey! You’re so cute :)! But very naughty too! :devil:

Hey guys, we have TWO pool tables now!!! :D :D :D
^^ Liff you're already starting to talk Italian, so the naughty side must be coming out soon... :devil:*the 'goop' :p gets 'A fish called Wanda visions again* :lol:

he'd probably ignore Dutch
Hey! :mad: I love the guy and I know he loves Lindsay, but I am not one to be ignored that easily ;) *stamps feet* - he did like me in my teeny tiny bikini! :p :cool:

Jen I do think they must have had discussions about Lindsay's case, her feelings, his feelings and how to proceed once they were back in NY...Unfortunately the writers have chosen not to write anything of that in to the show, which is a shame 'cause I still feel Lindsay had a lot of explaining to do :rolleyes:...so it's only speculation, but it seems logical that they've talked about it. :)

Cam While we're partying others are still working or at school :(, but I'm sure they'll come to the party later tonight. :D

Who's best at the limbo dancing?
The goat is winning every round! :D
*Abby takes a slice of cake and joins limbo*
Hey, this party is really great! We’re sooo many now! :D

Dutch dear said:
I haven't seen Danny and Lindsay yet.
Uhm…probably Cam have forgotten to close the door of the bedroom. Jen is right, probably Lindsay will ask soon for a cocktail for pregnant women… :lol: :devil:

The goat is winning every round!
I’m sure that Danny and Lindsay would win…they must be very flexible with all that training! :devil: :D

Cammie said
Okay, okay! Liffy you’re naughty.
Naughty?! Cammie, this is an euphemism… ;) :p
Hey, what happened with Mo's challenge??? Or is everyone partying in here? ;) You know, those challenges are too tricky for me. I want to know the answer! Please, please, please ... :cool:

And why can't there be any houses north of D/L??? :( If you're going to build some, the nearest is mine! :D
Liffy, your goat is eating my grass. Here, goat goat goat...*stands on Liff's house and waves juicy plant, which distracts the goat and causes him to come over* Good goat, now you're eating Liffy's grass.

Ooooo limbo!!! I love limbo!! Yeah I suck at it, but it's still fun :D

dutch, your little run-in with DL had me laughing so hard. I can definitely see why you had to stop and catch a breath....nekkid Danny would be quite a sight! (Kudos to Liffy for my dirty thoughts)

Looks like we have two pool tables now. I "borrowed" them last night from the resturant. Methinks this is good...we can play pool AND watch DL strip! Nice :D

Yo bartender (aka dutch), hook me up with a drink. I feel the need to party!!

*dances and joins in the wondrous celebrations* Hey, someone tell Danny and Lindsay to get on over here. It's their party too!

ETA: Anyone seen Liffy? Ohhhhhh that's right! I strapped him to the hood of my car (technically I don't have a car but we won't go there). Right, cause according to Anffy, him and I are much like Danny/Aiden. Having fun up there, Liffy? :lol:

ETA2: Yeah, so um...expect more people. I mentioned the party over at DLC :) the more the merrier.
You know, those challenges are too tricky for me. I want to know the answer! Please, please, please ...
Hey SB! You can always use my guestroom; I have a great view! :D And I'm sorry, but this time I didn't know the answer to the challenge either...I figured someone would've already guessed it by now, but I think we all got so busy with this party (sorry Mer :(, but I read it again and I still have no clue :eek:).

Liffy, your goat is eating my grass
Now I'm really confused. Stuffy says it's Liffy's goat and Liffy claims it's Stuffy's goat...are there not only two pool tables, but two goats too? :confused:

*Poors Stuffy another drink* - better watch it if you're gonna ride around our lovely town with Liff strapped to the hood :lol:...not only the drinks are dangerous, but YOU might get a glimpse of naked Danny running around their cottage as well and that will definitely influence your driving skills... :cool:
dutch love, it's definitely Liffy's goat. He just thinks it's funny to drop off a goat at my place. Pfft :lol:

Catch a glimpse of nekkid Danny, eh? I think I can handle it...*peers outside window and immediately faints due to teh hawtness of Mr. Messer running wild around the DL cottage*

I've never been a party girl, but this is one party I could get used to :D loving it! Oh and the girls from DLC are headin' over. *is happy* We can have a DL marathon!!! Woohoo!

ETA: Much as I would love to drive around town with Liffy strapped to the hood, I'll pass tonight. Drinking and driving is wrong, kids :)
How can I be added to the map?

I can even see out of the d/l cottage without being in Gutterville.

Can I please be added?

Liff, you have a PM. :)
Jen said:
I was hanging out in the spoiler-thread - had a discussion with someone about D/L - and I was wondering: do you think Lindsay talked with Danny about her past right after the Montana-trial? Or did she just say nothing about her behavior and went on with Danny without giving an explanation why she wasn't ready before?

I can't imagine they walked out of the courtroom en flew back to New york without discussing it. It was so obvious Lindsay was too focused about her past to start something with Danny, and when her past was put behind bars she was ready. Not immediately, but she was letting him get close to her. They must have talked about it, I guess.

I'm just wondering how you see it.
Hmm, I think she would have definately have taken the chance to explain herself after the trial. It would be too OOC for either of them to just let it go and get on with their lives. Danny for one would be his curious self and loving self, wanting to know what had been bothering his "Montana" after all that time. Even if he knew bits and pieces, I'm sure he would have wanted the full picture.

Lindsay in turn would have wanted to explain herself after all she put them both through. Especially with the clear intention of kissing him in the courtroom, we know she definately wants him -bad, and she knows he's still waiting for her. I'd say that had a long talk after that case, whether it be right after or a bit later I wouldn't know. Whatever it is, they worked it out in the end, probably with alot of smoochin' and cuddlin'. Our NY native doesn't cuddle -with just anyone ;) haha -takes alot to make the guy swoon.

Between SD and SooH, we can only assume the behind the scenes actions. :devil: They need to work on their ability to keep secrets, their smiled practically scream "HE'S MINE!" or "SHE'S MINE!". Anyone with a pulse can see it ;)
Even Stuffy's goat sees it. FYI the goat is hers. She thinks it's funny to leave it on MY lawn to eat MY grass and write MY name on it. Har Har Har. I am laughing very hard. Har Har Har :p


As for Mer's challenge, I swear I've seen that ep and it's tinkering away at the back of my head, but I for the life of me can't figure out the name of it. Ahh well....clue? :) Pwease? Grazie.

Cam hun! Teach me Italian! I swear I'm going to find someone to teach me italian! It'll be the one language I want to learn! (I am so not a language person).

I'm now stapped to a car? :confused: when did this happen? I see Linds strapping danny onto the roof of the car when she's uber mad at the guy for doing something :p the poor man.

The goat is Stuffy's. She's in denial of ownership. :p

Vex: I replied your PM! Sorry about that hun! :p

And to anyone else who wants a place on the map but is currently not on there, cud ya pls PM me? Unless Stuffy did u keep track of it all? :p I need to find time update the thing. Between writing and running around taking care of the house, I don't have that much free time anymore! My insomnia is definately not helping much. :p
Denial? *snorts* Nice try. I believe you're the one who brought the goat here in the first place. Besides, it has your name on it.

You are strapped to a car, oh dear Liffy, because I put you on the roof. Don't you remember? Or were you too caught up in dirty thoughts? ;) wubs ya!

Moving on to Jen's question: [speech]I do believe she explained herself. Unfortunately we didn't get to see it, but that's what ficcys are for :D. I think she might have talked about it on the plane back, because I'm sure Danny would have wanted to know what was going on. Although he came into the courtroom at a decent part of the trial; I think he managed to get at least a bit of information about her past. I remember he was there when Lindsay pointed out the killer. [/speech]

*plops down beside mer and Anffy and proceeds to throw M&Ms at vex and Auda*
*wanders next door to Cammie’s house*
Oh, goody! The party is still going on! I need a cocktail! :lol: It's getting wild in here.
*grabs a handful of m&m's from stuffy's throwing stash and begins snacking*

Mr Mapquest said:
*whacks Mer* honey it's one road! it goes all round gutterville :devil: That's why it's in there twice. :p
*whacks back* Then it should be Montana Circle or something of the like, the poor pizza delivery guy is gonna get lost when we ask him to bring more goodies to the party at Cammie’s house! :lol:

Nobody knows the challenge? :confused: Dang. Okie-dokie, well here’s the hints again, plus a couple extra at the end:
1. The B case vic died of a fentanyl overdose.
2. Lindsay processes a pair of boxer shorts.
3. “There is no explanation for what happened in the hallway. I‘ve been through them all already.”
4. In the A case, Stella finds a bullet embedded in a mirror.
5. “Seems you and Taylor got a knack for hiring high-tech geeks with a penchant for committing felonies.”

Okay, who knows it now?
mercy, I believe you are referencing 'Raising Shane'. :D

Umm...Stuffy, Liffy, loves? Can you take it easy on the 'strapped to the car' bit? I'm having serious flashbacks to the 'Hush' episode! :eek:

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