Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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yup, i dubbed stuffy and liffy our pseudo aiden (bless her soul) and danny. thats what you get, Cuz for being naughty :devil: *hugs my dearest cousin*

:lol: the goat! ohmy the goat is too funny. the scenarios with him are snort-worthy (thanks a lot, stuffy! :p ). now, whats this little goat's name? he's our limbo champion!

Jen, sweetums, i think lindsay definitely had some explaining to do to danny. im sure they either ate at a small diner in bozeman and talked or used the plane time to chat. :) thats some beautiful quality time for D/L. i love it, i wish we saw some too. if only csi:ny spun off mini-online episodes (5-10 minutes each) with the danny and lindsay extended and cut scenes. :D

*raises eyebrows as i catch a glimpse of nekkid danny playing hide-and-seek with lindsay*
Ummmm hellooooooo? *Mo knocks briefly on Cam's open door before poking her head around the corner and peering into the house...* So it looks like the party's still hoppin' :lol: *Mo giggles as she steps around slightly intoxicated shippy buddies, ducks flying M&M's and globs of ice cream, and stares in awe at nekkid Danny being chased by a hot Linds!* :devil: Wow nice party y'all! *Mo grabs a nice cool Sex-on-the-Pool-Table... ;) and snuggles into one of the many comfy couches to enjoy the fun!*

Oh and Jen on the one hand yeah I think they talked about it between MT and Snow Day...because I don't see them being that at ease with each other without clearing the air first...ya know. I really wish they would have let us see that talk, just even a snippet of what her explanation was...I would have appreciated that. I mean I can rationalize it all for her...as well as any of the writers I imagine...but I still would have appreciated hearing her actually say it.

Awww well....I still wub them! Of course, they are my Canon ship...how can I not love them! :D :D

*Mo grins and settles further into the couch as she sips her yummy drink!* ;)
so Im not late for the party? thats great. Im bringing some chips and chocolate ice-cream *sits in an arm-chair with and ice-tea and tries to find out what is going on*

Jen as for your question, I too think that they discussed it. maybe even right after they stepped out of the courthouse. she kinda owned it to him.

and its a pity they didnt mentioned it at all in the show. it was quite important not only for DL but also for Lindsay as a character

as for being SF - i have no problem not reading whats in the boxes but I might get weak when there are pictures
*opens her eyes - WoW party's still going on* :eek:

I have been dancing so much that I fel asleep on the couch next to the giraffe and it seems like the goat has joined us. :D

whats this little goat's name?
Angel I don't think one of the other -ffy's has named him. Since Lindsay likes opera and Danny has an Italian background I think Pavarotti is a great name for the goat! :lol:

I swear I'm going to find someone to teach me italian! It'll be the one language I want to learn!
Liff you can borrow my study books, but then you'll have to learn Dutch first :p...I've been studying Italian for two years now and still have two more to go and I can tell you it's really hard :rolleyes: - still love to do it though. :)

mercy, I believe you are referencing 'Raising Shane'
Phyx I believe you're right...well done! Not so much a D/L ep, but there was that little moment in the beginning when Mac sends (an already pissed) Danny to check out another cs...Lindsay feels so sorry for him

Everyone's sitting down now *grabs one of Mo's champagne bottles, shakes it and when the cork comes off sprays everyone in the room* ;)
*Yay, the party still going until 3pm (to me), according to Cammie, I believe...which is great*

Today is Friday the 13th :eek: Does any of you have problems with that? Personally I don't. Do you think D/L have? I don't think they have :rolleyes:

dutch, your cocktails were great :cool: I am sure Danny would have loved if you had give one to him when you saw him before, if he wasn't busy with something else :devil:

By the way, have they ever came to the party??

Jen, I believe they talked, too. I mean, I think Lindsay could do it now that the man was in jail, and I think not only Danny deserved to know but she needed to talk with someone :rolleyes: Someone especial, if you get my point :p So yeah, I believe they talked, like in a very sweet conversation :)

dutch_treat said:
I swear I'm going to find someone to teach me italian! It'll be the one language I want to learn!
Liff you can borrow my study books, but then you'll have to learn Dutch first :p...I've been studying Italian for two years now and still have two more to go and I can tell you it's really hard :rolleyes: - still love to do it though. :)
I would love to know Italian. Or dutch anyway. I just love to hear new languages, though it's always hard to learn a new one *thinks about her poor french and how much she needs to improve it* At least my english is good enough to be in here :p I have tried to learn a couple of words in dutch and I found them so hard to pronunciate :rolleyes:

I am glad that I have your support in the fact that Danny and Lindsay (as every other character and their stories) are important to the series. Mom can't be right all the time :rolleyes:

I think Pavarotti is a good name for Stuffy/Liffy's goat ;) Really good! Oh, and congratulations on his victory on the limbo. Unfortunately I came too late for it, but I am so bad in it, anyway :lol:

*Dani continues to dance, while throwing the M&M's that are left to everyone*
Good morning!!! :D
Awwwww my buddies! Do you like this party?

*Cammie drinks the champagne that Dutch sprayed*

Dutch hun said
I think Pavarotti is a great name for the goat

Pavarotti ! Yay, I agree. The goat name’s officially Pavarotti .
Congratulation Pavarotti ! You’re a champion! :D

Where are Danny and Lindsay?

See ya soon! :D

Ci vediamo ;)
Today is Friday the 13th Does any of you have problems with that? Personally I don't. Do you think D/L have? I don't think they have
I don't have a problem with friday the 13th or other 'bad signs' either Dani, but I think Danny is a bit superstitious...when they're walking the streets he will avoid walking under a ladder or something like that and Lindsay being much more down-to-earth will find his behaviour really cute :D...And if anything went wrong on a day like today no doubt he'd blame the date... :lol:

French is the only language I've neglected...I might pick it up again when I over go there again, but at this moment it s*cks. :eek: I need to speak English and German a lot at work, so those two I practise a lot...And many people find Dutch quite a difficult language to learn; my Italian teacher has lived here for nearly ten years now and she still has problems with some of the grammar and pronunciation of words. :cool:

Cam the party was great, too bad it's almost over. :( I'm glad you and Dani like the name I picked for the goat...let's see what his owner(s) think(s) of Pavarotti :D

Ci sentiamo ;)
Today is Friday the 13th Does any of you have problems with that? Personally I don't. Do you think D/L have? I don't think they have

This date, in Italy, isn’t unlucky. The unlucky date pre-eminently is Friday the 17th .
I’m not superstitious… And I think Lindsay and Danny aren’t superstitious too! :)
One day (it was Friday the 17th), I took a 9 (a 9 it’s like an A-) in a Greek version! :D :D :D

Dutch , your italian’s fine! :D
Buongiorno a tutti!!! (It’s a bit strange for me to see italian phrases here :))

The goat name’s officially Pavarotti.
Yay! That name is perfect for the goat!!! :D :D

I don't have a problem with friday the 13th or other 'bad signs' either
I agree, I don’t think that they have problem with that. Or Danny could try to convince Lindsay that Friday the 13th is unlucky only to persuade her to stay at home all the day… :lol: :devil:

I just love to hear new languages, though it's always hard to learn a new one
That’s true, I like French and German, but it’s hard to learn them. During the school year I’m always very busy with the other subjects and I haven’t much time to learn a new language… :(

Morning, everyone.....I guess I hit my limit, and fell asleep. Fabulous party, Cammie! Looks like everyone had a good time; I'll give you a hand cleaning up all these M&M's. ;)

dutch, I've got Harry Potter on the brain, and saw the goat's name as Pavarti. LOL
That party's great! Dutch, I do believe you're seeing double....TWO GOATS??? You must have drank to many of your own mixtures :D

I'm glad to see that everyone agrees with me: Danny and Lindsay must have talked to each other after SooH. And it's not like it didn't happen 'cause we didn't see it. A few people in the spoiler-thread like to believe this. That's fine with me, but I was wondering if I was the only one thinking there in fact was some talking. IMO, it was pretty obvious.

Liff, you let me down....you didn't type my full name!

Does anyone know where my giraffe went???
The party is almost finished… I’m very sad but… don’t worry guys! :D
We’ll have a lot of parties! ;)

Phyx said:
I'll give you a hand cleaning up all these M&M's. ;)

Thanks hon! What could I do without ya? ;)

Jen said:
Does anyone know where my giraffe went???

Mmmh… I don’t know… maybe it’s in the garden with Pavarotti !

Ciaoooooooo! :D
The party is almost finished… I’m very sad but… don’t worry guys!

My dear Cam, the party is never finished :D

So the goat has a name now? Very nice :D me like. Only one thing...how do you pronounce it? Pa-var-otti? :lol: I'm only fluent in English.

A goat beat us at limbo? Oy vey. What has the world come to? hehe :p

Liffy, are you feeling better? *hands buddy a daisy* Yes I hear you chuckling Mo :) but it's all good. We're just having fun, aren't we Liffy? *tickles Mo and giggles along with her*
"It's finally Friday, I'm free again...I've got my motor running for a wild weekend, it's finally Friday...!"
Good morning shippy buds! *Mo looks around at the thread and laughs at the mess...streamers and candy and everything soaked in champagne, plus a goat named Pavoratti and enough foriegn languages to impress anyone!* :lol:
Okay so seriously...what's with the goat? And how the heck did I miss what's up with the goat and why we're naming it? :confused: :lol:
And I'm impressed by how many languages y'all speak...me I know some Spanish (thank you high school! :lol: ) and enough phrases in Dutch to know when my mom and Oma are talking about me and think I don't know what they're saying! ;) I would love to learn French though...and Italian someday too maybe.

Speaking of Italian...we're fairly certain Danny speaks Italian, right? Think Linds speaks any other languages? And wouldn't it be great if she and Danny were having an arguement (a small unimportant one, no angst! ;) ) and Danny got mad and busted out Italian and without skipping a beat, Linds fired something right back at him, also in Italian? I bet Danny's face would be priceless! :lol: That'd be SOOO awesome! :D

*Mo watches Stuffy and does indeed chuckle...* You're cute honey! ;) Daisies are good flowers!

Okay peeps...I've only got a half day today...sweet! But for now I still have to head out and join the rat race...oh the joy! Great party last night...looks like y'all had a blast...and I know my "Sex-On-The-Pool-Table" rocked! ;) (That sounds so lovely and guttery! :devil: :lol: )
Happy Friday everyone! I think I'm seeing Harry Potter this evening...should be fun! :D And then I think my CSI:NY Seas 2 DVD's should be here tomorrow, yay!!!!

*Mo grins and grabbing her coffee...climbs into her fluffy bubble and shimmers off!*
Hi everybody. I have made a promise to myself that I will start posting more.

Mercy I knew the challenge before, but I don't know how to post pictures, so I don't like answering. I knew from the boxer shorts.

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