Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*reads sign on Mo and casually sprays whipped cream on her and dumps diced peaches too*

good questions for thought, Auda:
1. here’s a gutterville answer :devil: --- danny and lindsay know where to tickle each other just right. so, they are equally ticklish in their own ways.

2. i was thinking an M&M cake too. but im a traditional girl: i like white wedding cake. given the choices: me likes pineapple cake! reminds me of white coconut cake! YUMMM! ALOHA! the only problem is that we have to make sure no guests are allergic to pineapple (or lemon!)!

3. if they can afford to live in manhattan, then danny and lindsay would definitely live there. i’d love to see them continue to work hard and save up and rent/buy a beautiful luxury condo/apartment on the upper east side overlooking central park. danny’s current apartment (the one that houses the FAMOUS pool table) is in manhattan (see the flags on the lamppost…it looks like upper west side area…i could be wrong…any confirmation?). i thought i heard that lindsay takes the BLUE train home (Murder Sings The Blues). the general area of her apartment would be in upper west side or queens or brooklyn.

BUT if danny and lindsay want to live in a quieter more suburban area, they should live in staten island. can you imagine: a cute white/beige messer house with the green grass on a sunny saturday afternoon? :cool:

dutch! is that a real bar? ohmy, and youre commenting on my artistic abilities (took a couple of test trials to get the brush really fine :D )? look at your stellar ones :p! do you have the original picture of it?
dutch continued. love that clicking tongue pic from NWILL!! i remember when i first joined the thread i asked you about that picture, you sent an explanation of how you made an av with it; it was the first pic we bonded over! :)

stuffin muffin! Dlicious cookies. squeeing? that was some loud squeeing when that hug happened! heres to your week of breaks with loads of DL! check in with us here when theres a commercial break/after your viewing! *hops on couch and playfully nudges :p stuffy with the ‘danny’ pillow (shaped like danny’s face with all the features) that Anffy made. then leans back on the ‘lindsay’ pillow*

Cuz, your profile is too funny. you are just the loveable one, arent you? :D you are like the king of gutterville :devil: . *hands crown* gimme some of that M&M cake and the recipe too. seriously, will ya? has anyone tried to make an M&M cake??

hihi to phyx, abby, dani, nina, carly, cammie, SvartaBaskern, fallenthrough! dont think ive forgotten about you! ;)

ps daniella for D/L's little girl's name! :)
pps my coworker named Daniel just came over! we just had an interesting exchange and he took a piece of candy (gotta have my sugar rush) off my desk! for a second there, i sort of felt like miss lindsay monroe. okay, no, i didnt. sigh.
Good afternoon at all!

Welcome back Jen, we missed ya!

has anyone tried to make an M&M cake??
I never have seen a M&M cake, yet, but I’d like to taste it, I think that I’d love it. :D Unfortunately I’m not good at making cakes, the last time I tried to make one I added too much butter…my friends were doing to die! :lol:
However, once I saw a M&M ice cream...I love it! :D

xxAnGeLheArtZ said:
can you imagine: a cute white/beige messer house with the green grass on a sunny saturday afternoon? :cool:
Aww, I’d really like to see them with their children and a puppy playing in their beautiful garden! That would be awesome!!! :D
Well isn't this great? I'm sitting here listening to 'Far Away' :D total DL song.

I'm slightly annoyed at the moment though. I was just watching LOLD and a co-worker was there with me, but he left before he could see the "phone sex" convo! *is mad*. Ah well...hopefully he'll be back tomorrow cause SM is on :D

A Danny pillow? Intriguing. *snuggles into pillow, but not before playfully whacking Anffy with it*

Look like we're getting more people in the 8-ball. Some girls over at DLC have joined us for the celebrations :D

pps my coworker named Daniel just came over! we just had an interesting exchange and he took a piece of candy (gotta have my sugar rush) off my desk! for a second there, i sort of felt like miss lindsay monroe. okay, no, i didnt. sigh.

Awwwww that's so cute! :lol: is our dear Anffy in love?

*hands around bucket of M&Ms from cupboard admist the "awwww's" and "squees" from the DL clips being shown on the big-screen TV with surround sound*
Liff when I see Danny's look in your avvie I really, really wanna know what he's thinking :devil:...can he be even naughtier than you? :eek:...Love your location and since were neighbours I believe my address is: No. 7, Pool Street, Gutterville... :D

<---- :lol:

Jen! Glad to see you made it to the new thread too...I've missed you, but it's usually quiet here during the weekend so I wasn't worried...yet... ;)

Angel does every part of NY have different flags on the lampposts? I didn't know that...let's see if we can find out something more about that... :D

And I love the idea of a Staten Island house...sunny afternoon, kids playing on the lawn with Danny's (?) adorable dog, Danny and Lindsay on the porch waiting for their friends/colleagues to arrive for a BBQ...aaaah!!! :mad: HELP!! those fluff plastered gutter walls are starting to affect me... :(*runs into The 8-Ball and turns on some angsty scenes* - sorry Stuffy! :D

And that bar is real! This is the original pic before I made the necessary :) adjustments and here's some info...

And that pic from NWILL is still one of my favorites...I just love the way they look at each other; so much is said in that one second and yet not a word is spoken... :cool:

Mo hasn't been in here yet today and ever since we started talking 'bout that bar I have this song stuck in my head *grabs the karaoke mic and sings for all her lovely shippy buddies* "Sometimes you want to go, Where everybody knows your name, And they're always glad you came; You want to be where you can see, Our troubles are all the same; You want to be where everybody knows your name..."
:lol: *Jen hugs all her pals here in the greatest thread*

I'm so glad I'm still not suffering from morning sickness :) The last time I was so sick, I saw green!

Still no spoilers about the loviest couple ever? I'm so curious what'll happen to them in S4!

Dutch, you're avvie and banner are great! Will Danny and Lindsay see HP?
I bet thy would:) I love that film i'm going to see it thursday!! Can't wait.

Jen I know wht you mean I hope the next spoilers have something to get us excited about!
^^ Yeah I totally agree 'bout the spoilers guys...I hope we get to find out at least something that'll tell us what direction TPTB are going to head for with them next season...

And I think that Lindsay is more a HP fan than Danny...I can totally see her curled up on the couch reading the books (I bet she's as excited as I am for 07/21)...and I can just imagine her being lost in the world of magic while watching one of the DVD's on a night that Danny's working...
*Cammie hugs Jen , then she throws to her some confetti* ;)
Sorry hon, but it's so fun :D
Jen said:
Will Danny and Lindsay see HP?
Yeah Jen , everyone loves HP!

*Cammie now is listening to ‘Far Away’*
Yay Stuffy I agree. It’s a great song. I love Nickelback!

Hey guys, I need some spoiler! I wanna know what’ll happen in S4!
And I think that Lindsay is more a HP fan than Danny...I can totally see her curled up on the couch reading the books (I bet she's as excited as I am for 07/21)...and I can just imagine her being lost in the world of magic while watching one of the DVD's on a night that Danny's working...

I agree, I think Danny wouldbe more of a James bond guy and lindsay would tease him because he new most of the words especially the Bond, James Bond part!! :lol:
Um, basically enjoying the Lindsay loves HP discussion. That's amazing! But yea, I don't think that Danny would have the patience to read HP. Lindsay will just have to read it to him. Danny does love James Bond. End of story.
*Liff pops in slightly peeved*

Okay I had this awesome long post and talk decided to make itself retarted! I guess I'm going to have to start over *sigh*.... oh well :D

Stuffy wubs said:
Liffy I just read your bio. "Loveable nature is hard to resist" made me chuckle. It's so true :D you do have a very loveable nature
*blink* I do don't I? :D

Carolina: Loved the pic of the cake hun! I can definately see Linds smooshing Danny head first into it :lol:

Cuzzie wub said:
BUT if danny and lindsay want to live in a quieter more suburban area, they should live in staten island. can you imagine: a cute white/beige messer house with the green grass on a sunny saturday afternoon?
*swoon* That's such a pretty picture you painted hun! I can definately see Danny and Linds sitting on the swing watching their kids play on the lawn. Aww, so sweet... dang, my brain's gone to mush now. Thanks hun! *waves*

you are like the king of gutterville :devil:
and Mo is thy (absent) queen. Mo! Where art thou?!? (Yeah my shakesperian has left me after reading twelfth night.)

gimme some of that M&M cake and the recipe too. seriously, will ya? has anyone tried to make an M&M cake??
*nods* Sure hun! :D *fires up the ol' oven* I haven't baked anything in a while, I think a new chocolate cake is in the works! But you guys wanna know something depressing? I can't get M&M's in this country, I have to import them from our neighbouring nations :( It's sad...help me!

Stuffy wubs said:
:lol: is our dear Anffy in love?
Aww, she's got her own Danny to play with now! :lol:

Neighbour Dutch said:
Liff when I see Danny's look in your avvie I really, really wanna know what he's thinking :devil: ...can he be even naughtier than you? :eek:
Umm...nah, I think me and Danny are pretty much tied in the guttery naughty business :devil: We do what "young men do" :) hehehehe.

Love your location and since were neighbours I believe my address is: No. 7, Pool Street, Gutterville... :D
Howdy neighbour! Ooh, did ya know we have the best views around? No. 5 is directly apposite D/L mansion, and I can see right into their bedroom with the curtains open. :devil: Private screening anyone? You're all invited!

HELP!! those fluff plastered gutter walls are starting to affect me...
I am going to stand here and grin. -->> :D Dutch IS TURNING FLUFFY!!! PELT HER WITH FEATHERED PILLOWS! :lol:

And I think that Lindsay is more a HP fan than Danny...
On the outside...I can definately see Danny looking around for the HP books when Linds is working late! :lol: So cute... He'll be searching high and low, past all their naughty toys...the closet...under the bed, where he miraculously finds his lost pair of boxers...ripped to shreds :eek: and more...torn clothes... :devil:

Are we all listening to "Far Away"? Cos that's definately what's blaring out of my hi-fi right now!! I love that song!

Nat said:
lindsay would tease him because he new most of the words especially the Bond, James Bond part!!
:lol: I can definately see Lindsay clutching her stomach out of laughter as Danny immitates bond! :D

Oooh..I'm watching Harry Potter on wednesday :D Definately can't wait to see that, and the book too! 21'st is just so darn far away! Managed to catch Die Hard 4.0 today! Definately a movie D/L would enjoy watching! Absolutely awesome!
Liffy said:
I can't get M&M's in this country, I have to import them from our neighbouring nations :( It's sad...help me!

Liff hon, we can send you a lot of M&Ms… but after that you have to have a shower :D

*Cammie throws M&Ms to Liffy , than she hides behind her laptop* I'm kidding hon! :D
No. 5 is directly apposite D/L mansion, and I can see right into their bedroom with the curtains open. :devil: Private screening anyone? You're all invited!

Well, please reserve a seat for me! :devil:
Liff had a great idea:
And I think that Lindsay is more a HP fan than Danny...
On the outside...I can definately see Danny looking around for the HP books when Linds is working late! :lol: So cute... He'll be searching high and low, past all their naughty toys...the closet...under the bed, where he miraculously finds his lost pair of boxers...ripped to shreds :eek: and more...torn clothes... :devil:

Liff, that's absolutely hilarious, but I can totally see Danny do that! Can you imagine his face as Lindsay walks in on his search? :lol:

Until now, I haven't seen or read a HP book/film....I know, I'm hopeless... :( I have to be in the right mood, but that mood stil hasn't got to me. And I'm afraid it won't get to me in the near future... Well, at least it'll pass...had the same thing with the movie Braveheart and I finally saw it last year...great!

Where's that little place called Gutterville? Maybe I should go visit it? :p
Gutterville? Lol Love that! Where can I build my house? And Liff just in case the view from our houses aren't as good as yours, make sure to tell us everything that's going on in the bedroom :devil: I'd like to know if my dirty mind is right or not ;) Hehe I can really imagine tons of M&M's being shipped to you from all over the world, that'll be a tough job for the post! :lol:
lindsay would tease him because he new most of the words especially the Bond, James Bond part!!
:lol: LOL Natty! That's hilarious...I can actually see him stand in front of the mirror with his own gun...striking a 'cool' pose "Bond, James Bond"...and then Lindsay walks in...he will turn even more red than Mo was... :eek:

We do what "young men do" hehehehe
Now where have I heard that before :p ;)...young men these days...*sigh*...what has to become of them :rolleyes:

:mad: AM NOT! :mad: *stamps feet* I've taken refuge in my lovely pub for now :p...and that's at the corner of Pool Street and Montana Road so I can run to my place without having to pass by you and those pillows, Liff! :lol: ;)

I've made plans to see HP&TOOTP next week and I've pre-ordered the final book months ago...even kept my schedule for that weekend (less than 2 weeks YEAH!) free so I can read it.

Everyone should at least visit Gutterville once...and, like me, you will not be able or want to leave anymore :eek:...There's still plenty of room for everyone... :)

*sends Liff some M&M's too* We should get our own 'M&M's World' in Gutterville then we can get all the M&M's stuff we want...there's one in NY, so I think it's only fair if we had one too. :D
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