Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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first and foremost, i saw this online and could not help but think of everyone here:
this is for each and every one of you, D/L shippers posting here: "If there are one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence (in your journal)." (credit to livejournal of risty_was_here)

hi Jen, good to see you back here. and indulge yourself in the treats here: glad youre feeling better. yup, DL is the lovliest couple :)

dutch, we will have to get to the bottom of the real location of that apartment shot in SD. i know that some areas of the city have banners, but im not sure if it defines a section of town. i like the bar image! you have to stay angsty, my dear. im not gonna tempt you to be fluffy, shipper's promise! :cool: come to think of it, im not actually sure what i am...i dwindle all the time...hmmm...*anffy goes to ponder*

*laughing so loud that i woke up my neighbors im sure* the map of Gutterville! ohymyword. im not sure whether to dub you gals (and guy!) crazy or utterly enjoying the fun of tv fantasy. ;)

my Ffy pals: 2 things. (1) anffy's not in wub...this daniel kid is not danny messer in any possible way! *sigh*. (2) you two are hilariously insanely cute and creative. the bakery! the bar! the park! DL currency (see the $100 bill at the beginning of this thread) exists here, right?

life doesnt get any better than in Gutterville!! no RL stuff, instead we have friends for life, treats for the tummy, and fun in the sun, er, in the night. :devil:

mer, next challange. i dont participate but love guessing the episodes at work and the images that follow.

*anffy has no home, she's gonna live in the community park*
beautiful Thursday morning, everyone. well, I hope at least yours is beautiful since here the summer waved us good-bye like 2 weeks ago

I can't get M&M's in this country

I had the same problem before SD, Liff. I searched half the town for a pack. the only place where they sell it is the multiplex

I love Gutterville. are there any free properties left? I had my eyes set on Cowboy Crescent 3 but I think it is already taken. can I have the one next to it? pretty please

as for the HP question - I could totally see Lindsay persuading him to go and see the movie and he not that thtilled with the idea at first but ending totally loving it. and Lindsay teasing him about it

it is such a home-y picture - the 2 of them curled on the couch reading. something like the end scene from Nothing Hill
Good morning guys! :D :D :D
Awwwww Liffy , Stuffy … good job guys! This map’s really cute! And it’s very usefull too.
I’ve noticed the Gutter Tower... wow great idea guys. I think that I’ll spend my time there and in The 8-ball!
Ok now I need a home... :rolleyes: Had my eyes set on Montana Road #9 cuz it’s not far from Dlicious Bakery! :p Can I have this property? ;)
Ok I’m very late! See ya leter. Bye! :)

*Cammie grins and gives everyone M&Ms especially Liff cuz he can’t find them easily in his country*
Good morning guys!

First of all, the picture of Gutterville is awesome! I’m glad that there are some empty slots...Can I take house #2 in Pool Street? :)

as for the HP question - I could totally see Lindsay persuading him to go and see the movie and he not that thtilled with the idea at first but ending totally loving it. and Lindsay teasing him about it
Definitely I think that Lindsay would drag Danny to see HP, and I think that he’d love it. I can see Lindsay coming home later because of a long shift of work and finding Danny asleep in bed with the book still opened on his chest and the other four books on the bedside table. That would be sooo cute! :D :D

I can't get M&M's in this country
Some time ago I had a problem with M&M, too. I was allergic to chocolate and I couldn’t eat them. It was terrible! :(
Fortunately I did again the test and I’m no longer allergic.

*Abby gives Liff a box full of M&Ms and goes out of the thread*
Good morning dear shippers :D How are you doin'?

*takes a trip to Gutterville in the D/L airline company...Wow, this place is awesome...takes out the map Liffy and Stuffy made...Oh, lovely place my dears!*
I have to move to Gutterville too! What would be a better place for all the D/L shippers to live? Er, I was trying to find a place still available and I think I can still have no.10 of Montana Road, can't I? Please tell me if I can stay there :rolleyes:

dutch, I completely agree that we should have an M&M's world there! It makes totally sense considering how much we love them and how many we spend *throws lots of them to everyone in Liff's place while joins to watch the D/L session of the night :devil: *
By the way, in my trip to Gutterville I also stopped by Carly's place and left lots of M&M's packets...The same that I did with Liff. M&M's is something that everybody has to have ;)

Oh, I miss kissmesweet already :rolleyes: Adn where is mer?!
Hi everyone!!! Long time no speak!!! :lol:

just a quick hi, as im desperately trying to catch up with everything that i have missed... i cant believe i missed the opening in thread 18!! :( but Mo you seriously did a great job!! i love the picture of a benjamin with DL on .. hehe soo cute!!! and the 18th list... well that is just wicked!!! :D
How is the petition going?? :D

I have missed you all sooo much, but now im back!!! hehe
Cheffy is back! :lol: Wooo!!! Hugz to all my fave shippers!!!

[Chell Belle runs off after splatting a big chocolate fudge pie in MO face :lol:
Oh Dani , Mer it’s fantastic! We’ll be neighbour soon! :D!
I can’t wait! Maybe we can go to the 8-ball together to have a drink! You all are invited, dears!

Welcome back Chelliyah ! :D

Del I miss you! Please, have fun in France :D :D :D

*Cammie throws to everyone a slice of sacher cake!* Sorry guys, I love sacher cake! :p
Liff from Gutterville said:
[/i]The-one-carrying-the-next-generation-of-D/L-shippers Jen said:[/i]
Liff, that's absolutely hilarious, but I can totally see Danny do that! Can you imagine his face as Lindsay walks in on his search? :lol:
I believe his response to that would be: "Err...I lost my sock"

Now who was the one going sock shopping a while back? :lol:
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about ;)

BTW: how long did it take for you to come up with that supername for me? :p

Danny imposing james bond would be fun. Maybe TPTB read this suggestion and make a little funne scene about it next season!
There's plenty of room in Gutterville for everyone. Liffy informed me last night that he'll add more slots later. In the meantime, him and I have some extra rooms in our places, so y'all are welcome to come in and put your feet up. So far the slots that have been taken are:

#8 - mer
#3 - catey
#1 on Cowboy and Montana - Phyx
#9 - Cam
#10 - Dani (sorry hun. I'm whacking myself for that)

:lol: I love this. I could definitely move here; I'd never leave :D

ETA: Dearest Mo, I was *not* flirting! *stomps foot down* Can't I give my friend a kiss on the cheek? Sheesh, what has this world come to? ;) :p
^^What about me?! :(

Thanks for the invitation anyway, Cammie! I want to go of course! Let's have fun ;)

*Dani is indeed super happy :D and excited and can't stop squeeing for now...sorry* :p
Want to know why? I finally saw the amazing, unbelieveable, unforgettable fantastic season 3 finale, aka "Snow Day" aka "The one whit the pool table" aka "The one where it all happens" :D :D(does this sound like Friends? sorry, I have been watching them the whole week :p)
Well, I can't really say anything for now about it except for a whole bunch of the best adjectives in the dictionary. I even think we should make up some new adjectives to describe the feeling of D/L love :rolleyes: So yeah, that's it, you all know how exciting it is so I don't need to describe the feeling, I guess :D :devil: I just love them together so much, I even start to think it's not healthy...But who cares?! :p I loved every scene they shared, from the pool table to the crime scene. It was so sweet to see Lindsay taking care of him. And I just love when she reads the note (his voice sounds even more beautiful and sexy :p)"Enjoy your snow day. D." I imediately went like "aww, how cute!" Just awesome :D *Dani keeps squeeing insanely, and can't take the stupid smile out of her face* :D :D Oh yeah, this is what a good D/L moment can make for me *brings some more M&M's to "The 8-ball" and continues celebrating*
Hi buddies! I’ve an idea :)! I’ve decided to organize a party to inaugurate our cute Gutterville! :D :D :D
But give me an hand guys!
We could have this party on No. 9 Montana Road, Gutterville (my home).
I’ll make a M&Ms cake! I’m good at making cakes! ;)
But there’re many things to do! We need music, M&Ms, choccolate sauce, drinks (champagne included) and a lot of fun! :D :D :D
Any volunteer? ;)

*Cammie grins and hopes that someone could help her to organize the party*

By the way... recapitulating:

#2 Abby , Pool Stret
#3 Catey , Pool Street
#4 Stuffy , Pool Street
#5 Liffy , Pool Street
#6 Mo , Pool Street
#7 Dutch , on the corner of Pool Street and Montana Road
#8 Mer , Montana Road
#9 Cammie , Montana Road
#10 Dani , Montana Road
#1 Phyx , Cowboy Crescent
#3 Carolina , Cowboy Crescent

See ya later guys! :D
^^I'll supply the M&Ms. I've got a container in our cupboard at home that I can bring. Sounds like it's going to be a great party Cam! Great idea.

Apologies for missing some people on the list. Bad Stuffy, very bad.
Stuffy , hon!
Can you take care of music? Please don't forget 'Far away' and ‘Janny don't be hasty’ ;)!

*Cammie now is singing ‘Far away’*

Thanks guys :D
Cammie hun , I love the idea of the party! I could help ya, I can bring some M&M ice cream and something to drink! :D :D

Dani, I had the same reaction when I saw Snow Day. I couldn’t stop squeeing and yelling, my dad and my grandma were going to kill me! I’m sure that my family and my neighbourhood will never forget that eppy! :lol:
How can I forget those two amazing songs? They define our couple. I'll bring my MP3 player along; it's chalk full of DL tunes. It's also got some lovely backgrounds that we can oogle over hehe :)

Anything else you want me to bring Cam? Maybe we can persuade DL to join us.
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