Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Angel wubs I must have watched that scene a million times before I heard the moan. I must say, you and Liff sure have sharp hearing. It's barely audible, but it's there :) well done.

I love the TVGuide article! It's so awesome :lol: that's the icing on the cake...Carmine is indeed a DL-shipper. Of course we already knew that ;) didn't we girls? (and guys)

Awww yay honey! I can't wait to go read it! It'll rock I'm sure!
Thanks Mo darling :D. Here's the link to my most recent story: Waiting. I'm currently writing another ficcy, though this one is going to be a multi-chapter one and will have lots of angst.

Hope everyone has an awesome day! I'm off to continue writing this angsty ficcy of mine. Please don't hate me :)
I like the "eight ball is canon ball". Absolutely perfect! I was like "Wha...." when I watched "Snow Day" and I knew there was something going on.

Please don't dash their destiny. If you're going to dash their destiny, dash it by letting them live and Danny outliving Lindsay when she dies at 80 and Danny lives to be 102.
I still like my "Ship that Strips" because it's catchy! :D Whichever one you guys like is fine by me though. :)

We can always use more titles with 'games' or pool tables---the summer will be long, and we'll be in need of some fun. :devil:

As far as dying, gah, I'd rather them die together...makes me sad. *Thinks about something happy* :eek:

Goes off to read some smex!! :devil: :lol: :devil:
Ahoy everyone! *peers around room* Where is everyone on this fine Saturday? I have cookies!!

All the choices are great :D we've come up with some fantastic names for the new thread.

I've been writing another ficcy for y'all :)
Broken Frame

^^It's not completed yet, I just have the Prologue and Chapter 1 up. If you decide to read it, be warned that I am planning to have major angst in this one.

Cheers! *hands out cookies and non-alcoholic drinks to her fellow buddies before skipping off humming another one of Mo's intoxicating songs*
Seems like there is a pesky thing called RL that gets in the way at times...

So are you all still squeeing like mad for what we got in the season finale... I think a lot of you have most likely watched the clips so many times you have lost count of it...I know I have... always have to make sure to watch some of it before I go to bed...so I can have some yummy dreams *lol* (I think I most be nuts) *LOL*

Hrmm what is this that I'm reading about some moaning sound in the clips...hrmm wondering if that is what I think I'm hearing when I've watched them.... is it at a specific point or what?? (I've got to stop ending up in the gutter all the time when I think of those steamy scenes..) ;)
is it at a specific point or what??

NinaM, it's right after the line "don't treat me like a baby" and it's where we get a shot of Linday's head. It's extremely faint but we're positive it's there :)
Anyway...all of that has not much to do with our ship, except to say that when it comes time to plan Danny & Linds' wedding I'm gonna be SO on top of it and prepared! Lol! Fluffy Twin, between us we're gonna rock that wedding...now if only Danny would propose already!
yeah you will be ready! just tell me when danny gets down on his knee...i'll be on my way to the dress shop. i would assume we'd all be invited or maybe even working it! :p

yup, Stuffy, you're right on the ball (no pun intended). thats the spot.

Cuz, sharing the knowledge is always good. :D im hoping its not just part of the song!

its hot here weather-wise...what do you think Danny and Lindsay would do on those very hot New York days? What if the AC broke?
Cuz it's definately not part of the original song cos I have it. So that means it's got to be real moans now don't they :devil: hahaha.

I think hot nights or not, D/L would always manage to make it even hotter :devil:. And it's freezing where I am right now, and the thought of what Danny and Linds could do to...warm themselves up is rather dirty. hehehe.

Signed, sealed and guttered.
dl_shipper34 said:
is it at a specific point or what??

NinaM, it's right after the line "don't treat me like a baby" and it's where we get a shot of Linday's head. It's extremely faint but we're positive it's there :)

Well that's where I thought I heard it...great to know I'm not hearing things *lol*
I didn't hear it, holy cow, will be checking that tonight. No doubt bout it. I got the TV guide with CSI on the cover and read the little DL excerpt. It was cute. I love Carmine, he seems to be really into this ship and he's so optimistic about it. What a guy, what a guy!

Dutch, saw Pirates, it was amazing! By far the best one!
Yes I agree....Carmine...what a guy... it's great that he is such a D/L shipper... just as I'm sure Anna is too.... is good to know they are all for it... and also good to have been reading that even other cast memebers seems to be into the whole D/L thing *lol* as are the ones writing the show... ;)
*pokes head in*

Helooo in here! Where is everyone? *shrugs* Oh well...just dropped by to bounce around screaming "WE ARE CANON" :D

^^It's definately rad to have Carmine and Anna as D/L shippers ;) Now we have leverage against the writers :devil: muahahaha. Right Stuffy?

Angel cuz where are yous?? Are you lurking again? *poke* *poke*

Now I'm going to have to find a excuse to watch the clips again! :) :)

Carmine is the biggest supporter for our couple. He's rooting for us!
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