Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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It's Friday, it's Friday, lalalalala!! *Mo bounces into the thread, so glad this week is almost over!* Hello my dearies...how are you all this fine Friday morning? Well I hope! :D
Im sure whatever it is it would be on the floor within seconds so it is really not that important
Lol, now ain't that so true!! I definitely agree...but it's still fun to think about! ;) I like the wifebeater idea too, sexy! :devil:

Lol, can't have you getting a bad reputation there Dutch hon! ;) Although I gotta admit, I'm dying to know what they'd say if you did just walk up and order that drink! :lol: And I'd be even more impressed if they knew what it was...can you imagine though, if you ordered it and the guy looked at you and said "This is because of CSI:NY, isn't it!" I'd die right there! :lol: :lol:

Awww Del you're too cute! Thanks hon! :D

And yeah ou love scene was fabulous and way more of a love scene than a smex scene that's true...I just like to think of it as a smex scene every once in a while! ;) And yeah I am curious to see where D/L is gonna fit into the season premiere, I really hope they give them something and don't just make it seem like this didn't happen! This definitely deserves a followup!! :D

Dutch love your avie and banner too...definitely a POTC fan! :D I'm seeing it Sunday and I'm totally excited!! Yay! :D

Alright off to work for mwah...but it's a Friday before a 3 day weekend, so it's all good! Yay! :lol: Have a fabulous day y'all...be back later...as always! ;)

Delia said:
If they're going to have an office secret--I swear I'm going to SCREAM my head off... I hate that. (eg. GSR + Mac/Peyton, again.)
Aww, I don't think it's THAT bad having it an office secret for a little while. Gives us chance to see some of those sacred secret glances between them once again without anyone the wiser. Tho, I highly doubt it'll be kept a secret cos Flack probably knows and ...well, that = no secret :D

Maybe we'll see a 'WELCOME BACK DANNY' banner in the breakroom next season after Linds gives him her own little party :devil:

Alright, this is probably my last post tonight, got a graduation party to attend! YAY!

CHeers fellow shippers! *squeezes Tinkerbell for some fairy dust* Our ship aint sailin' anymore. It's soarin'

PS: Nice banner & avvie Dutch!
Good Evening/afternoon my lovelies!!!!! :D how are we all today? :D


Chell honey...*Mo stares at her buddies avie and banner and swoons!* Gah hon, I LOVE your avie and banner!! D/L kiss and love...ahhh wub!! It just makes me smile...and giggle and swoon and yay!! Heehee!

hehe awwww thanks huni!!!!!! **Chell runs up to Mo and gives her huggles before squashing a butternut squash pie on her head and running off to find Mer 'Hehe' ** I looooove my avie too!! Its by Sugah.. (thanks to Mer hehe) she has soo many gorgeous ones!!! :D And my banner.... its just to die for isnt it!! :devil:

Which do you think Danny prefers...Linds in a sexy little lingerie number...or Linds in one of his button up shirts?

omg.... (naughty thoughts right now ;) ) hehe well, im thinking Linds would soo start the evening off with some hot baby doll lingerie.... or maybe just a gorgeous black satin corset and suspenders... (Now that would sure get Danny feeling better ;) ) hehe and i think in the morning when she gets up to have breakfast, she would totally have on his fave baby blue button shirt, but have it done up crooked hehe aww she would look sooo cute!!! hehe :D


You are gonna do such a fab job of the next thread!!! every one gets better and better.... Just like Danny and Linds!!! hehe and dont fret about the poll hun, we will get there in the end hehe its great to have so many to choose from! :D


CHeers fellow shippers! *squeezes Tinkerbell for some fairy dust* Our ship aint sailin' anymore. It's soarin'

hehe Amen to that hun!!!! ;) no more plain sailing for us ;) we are feeling the heat now ;) hehe (lets just not make it to the bermuda triangle :lol: hehe

right hunis, im off to see if i can get some sleep before i got work tonight :( ssssooooo not fair!!! :( :lol: Laterz!! :D XXX
Which do you think Danny prefers...Linds in a sexy little lingerie number...or Linds in one of his button up shirts?

I think Danny would probely like the 'hot baby doll lingerie' at night but I think he would prefer his shirt on her when he wakes up!! :)
I like to think Danny prefers his Montana in one of his shirts :)

dutch your avvie and banner are love! I want to see that movie so badly. It's gotten mixed reviews but I tend to think of my own :lol:

Alrighty well I wrote up a short drabble to help everyone get through these loooooong summer months.

Save Me

I've got another idea roving around in this brain o' mine, but it needs to be sorted out first.
Wow, this thread has been pretty quiet for most of the day! No one has posted in almost 8 hours! Anyway, just dropping in to say that I'll post a new poll, with the top 10 picks once we reach page 24, which shouldn't be too long. We'll keep narrowing down the thread titles, until we have one. We've had some great choices, and so far, the winner with 8 votes is "The Ship that Strips". When it comes down to another vote, who knows what the choice will be.

Duh, I guess this is page 24. lol, silly me. anyway, I'll post a poll later on. sorry everyone!
Moriel21 said:
Which do you think Danny prefers...Linds in a sexy little lingerie number...or Linds in one of his button up shirts? :devil: :D

As much as Danny would love to see Lindsay in a little, tiny lingerie, I think he would be just as pleased if she wore one of his shirts.

He would love her if she wore a brown paper bag, that's how much they lovee each other! ;)
^^ I think that Danny would love her in the lingerie, because HEY--who doesn't love lingerie? :lol: But if she wore his button up shirt with panties and half-buttoned, thats totally sexy too! :devil:

I don't know if you guys have caught this yet: the article from TVGUide about D/L next season:
courtesy of belladorka
Which do you think Danny prefers...Linds in a sexy little lingerie number...or Linds in one of his button up shirts?
ive got two takes: 1) a sexy little lingerie number for a top and tie his button up shirt for a makeshift skirt, or 2) a sexy little lingerie number for the nighttime fun, wake up and wear the button up shirt as a robe only to lose it for some morningtime fun :devil:

Danny/Linds are in the They Did What?! section :lol: ; thnx delia.

my crew, all your avvies and banners make me so happy! ;)
Hi, Hi, Hi!! *Mo bounces in...way over tired, but so pumped on something that she's not sure if she'll sleep...!* Lol, seriously it was the weirdest day, it was totally slow at work but I had so much other stuff to do to get ready for this weekend that I felt rushed all day! And I spent my evening drawing banners for the bridal shower I'm throwing my roommate tomorrow and then watching Shrek 3...which is fairly entertaining actually! (Do y'all like the run down of my evening! :lol: ) Anyway...all of that has not much to do with our ship, except to say that when it comes time to plan Danny & Linds' wedding I'm gonna be SO on top of it and prepared! :D Lol! Fluffy Twin, between us we're gonna rock that wedding...now if only Danny would propose already! ;) :lol:

Del honey worried:
If they're going to have an office secret--I swear I'm going to SCREAM my head off... I hate that. (eg. GSR + Mac/Peyton, again.)
Babes, I gotta say I'm with ya a bit on that one...I really don't want them to hush hush this to the point of making it go away just to keep it a secret...that said, I really don't think they will...they've already got one "secret" romance in the office (Mac/Peyton) plus let's be honest...Danny's not the best at keeping secrets! :lol: He'd be able to hide for maybe 5 minutes before he just starting grinning and yelling it from the rooftops! :D

Chell belle said:
hehe awwww thanks huni!!!!!! **Chell runs up to Mo and gives her huggles before squashing a butternut squash pie on her head and running off to find Mer 'Hehe' ** I looooove my avie too!! Its by Sugah.. (thanks to Mer hehe) she has soo many gorgeous ones!!! And my banner.... its just to die for isnt it!!
Ohhhh no you didn't....oh wait, yummy!! *Mo licks pie off her face and then giggling, sneaks up on an unsuspecting Chell and dumps a huge bucket of strawberries and whipped cream on her head before running to hide behind Aud!* And yeah hon, your avie and banner are LOVE!! :D

Stuffy hon said:
Alrighty well I wrote up a short drabble to help everyone get through these loooooong summer months.
Awww yay honey! I can't wait to go read it! It'll rock I'm sure! :D

Spoiler Queen gonna rock the new thread Catey said:
Anyway, just dropping in to say that I'll post a new poll, with the top 10 picks once we reach page 24, which shouldn't be too long. We'll keep narrowing down the thread titles, until we have one. We've had some great choices, and so far, the winner with 8 votes is "The Ship that Strips". When it comes down to another vote, who knows what the choice will be.
Yay for polls and thread titles and lots of great choices, this new thread is gonna rock just as much as this one has I'm sure! ;) I gotta say I really love "The Ship that Strips!" it's just so....D/L! I mean all the titles are great really...gahhh....our ship is so FABULOUS!! :lol:

Del thanks for posting the link to that TVGuide blurb hon...I read that and saw the pic attached to it when I bought the mag this afternoon and no joke I squee'ed right there in my car! :lol: Like a total dork, but I didn't even care! :D I mean seriously...Carmine said right out...:
"but I think they can't not follow this up. It's the beginning!"
That's right Carmine...this is D/L's beginning and things with this ship are only going to get better and sweeter and I swear they are trying to get my more hooked and more obsessed by the day! :lol: (Not sure I could get anymore obsessed...but oh well! ;) )

Okay y'all...my long day is attempting to catch up with me, so I'm off to fall into bed...and since this weekend is busting at the seams with things I have to do I may not be in here til a bit later...Monday even :( but I will be back and I can't wait to see our new thread...I'll really try to pop in for a final thread title vote...and Catey you'll rock it, for sure!! :D
Alright my lovelies...I'm off to sleep...ahh bed! (perchance to dream of D/L hotness! :devil: )

Night all... :D
Moriel21 said:
:lol: Kate Hi hon! Lol, nah I think we can say it...I just say "smex" cuz I'm weird and I like to say that! :lol: I dunno...I'm a dork, whatever! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Anyone else? Modie?? :D

Sorry guys but SMEX is out. So is any other suggestive titles. I saw quite a few of them.

ETA: Never mind. SMEX is ok for the title Pool Table Smex since the Mac/Stella thread used that word. The rest of them looked ok. There were a lot in the posts that didn't make it into the poll. Good job guys.
Modie! *Mo tackles our favorite Mod!* Hi...when I said "smex" there I just meant that's what I say instead of s-e-x...that's all! Although I would love it as our thread title...simple and to the point! :lol: But I know, it's not allowed and I respect that! :D So how suggestive are we allowed...cuz I know the title I suggested and we currently have over at the Stella/Mac thread is as suggestive as some of the ones we want in here...so I just want to check! ;) Thanks Modie you rock! :D

And now I'm really off to bed...really! :lol:

ETA in response to Modie's ETA: Okay, cool beans....yeah that's all I was wondering too! Yay us then! And thanks again Modie! :D Did I mention you rock? ;)
Good Saturday afternoon at all!
I have a look at the poll, I love the all titles and I’m looking forward to seeing what will be the title of the new thread.

Which do you think Danny prefers...Linds in a sexy little lingerie number...or Linds in one of his button up shirts?
Mmh…I think that Danny would like her in both ways. Maybe he’d rather see her wearing a button up shirt (or his green T-shirt) usually, but sometimes she could decide to do something special for him and wear a lingerie :D.

If they're going to have an office secret--I swear I'm going to SCREAM my head off... I hate that. (eg. GSR + Mac/Peyton, again.)
I think that the entire team supposes that Danny and Lindsay are in love, or at least Flack and Mac. Flack realized it when he saw Lindsay’s face when the mob was holding Danny as a hostage and Mac when Danny was trying to find an excuse for Lindsay’s absence…he wasn’t very reliable :lol:.
^^Haha, that's so true. Danny was very obvious when trying to get any blame on Lindsay moved onto him, "It was my fault for not mentioning it earlier" ~ yeah, I think they were way too busy to take a breather and inform Mac of anything at all. :lol:

Well, I personally hope that they dont make DL into another hush hush relationship, even though it's better than nothing (bright side?). I hope their relationship is just made into a 'normal' thing on the show and let the focus move on to someone else :D

And besides, if anything bad happens, we have Anna and Carmine on our side :devil: (plus torches and pitchforks)


:eek: Thank's to Angel for pointing it out to me! I just watched the smex scene again...and I swear there's moaning! :devil: heehee, or it may be instrumental, but I prefer to think it was moaning. :D
i think its nice to begin a new thread with a chronology of D/L meetings starting from Zoo York.. obviously with a nice new title which leads to the ship that strips... how sweet is that..
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