Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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catey, hun, no worries! :) *hugs* you did a good job here.

im trying to imagine the Messer/Montana apartment right now. what would be the color scheme? are they leather type of people? hardwood floors or carpet (heehee city of dolls)? decor?

dutch, lindsay indeed deserves a cape! *hands you material to make it*
Angel Cuz! You de-lurked! *offers wub a slice of the D/L Lurve Cake*

I would so love to design D/L's new apartment. I can actually imagine it right now. Nothing fancy, more comfort, I can see Lindsay wanting something real homey, dark green walls accented by mahogany skirting and alot of wood-framed pictures of them both as well as their family down the hallway. Soft carpeting in the living area, teak flooring down the hallway too.

Dark brown leather couch that fits the two just right, and alot of comfy cushions that they could have alot of fun with :)

Oh, kitchen? More wood! Wood and green suits them :) and the pool table smack dab in the centre of the the apartment, just waiting for some action, correction, waiting for a rest from all the action.

I think their whole apartment would be real "homey" plus i dont think danny would mind if Linds did most of the decorating. He loves her not the apartment :p

D/L are LOVE! What ever it is, their place would be sweet and full of love! *sigh* I love interior design! It's a personal interest of mine :D (you've probably noticed, but I love wood and green!)
The poll is going fantastically... don't worry about it Catey in the end, we'll have a fab new thread name. This ship amazes me. Each day At least once I smile because of this ship, but what can I say, I'm obsessed! You guys in here all make DL worthwhile. Not gonna lie, I couldn't even imagiune shipping these two alone... :rolleyes: it would be WAY too much to handle!
Thanks everyone! Let me know when you think we are all finished voting in this one, and I'll break it down in to a smaller poll and we'll go from there! We'll have a new thread name in no time, and still plenty to choose from for any new thread. There was so many great ones, I actually had more than 25, but drew the line there. It's been tough enough on everybody.
Hello my lovelies! *Mo pops in, humming softly to herself...happy over her ship as always!* :D

Chell honey...*Mo stares at her buddies avie and banner and swoons!* Gah hon, I LOVE your avie and banner!! D/L kiss and love...ahhh wub!! It just makes me smile...and giggle and swoon and yay!! Heehee! :lol:

BG, MINION!! Hello hon!! *Mo giggles and huggles her minion!* How's our ship you ask...well hon let me tell ya..we are CANON! that's right baby, our ship did it on the pool table!! And they were cute and romantic and hot and gah so smexy! :devil: YAY!!

Angel asked:
Mo, or should i say 'Moo', you always have a song in your head! hee-hee. let me guess: when you hear a song anywhere, do you see if it can pertain to Danny and Lindsay in some way??
Heehee, something like that hon! ;) I just love music and pretty much always sing along with any song that I hear, whether I know the words or not...I like to sing and music just makes me happy! And then good love songs or fun songs...well yeah they're easy to relate to our ship! :D

Catey hon, you're doing an awesome job! No worries about re-doing the poll or not doing it right! You're doing fabulous...you'll rock the new thread opening I know it! And like my lovely Fluffy Twin said, we've got a long summer ahead of us to whip through a bunch more of these other thread titles....so don't sweat it! ;)

Aud hello my Fluffy Twin! *Mo tackles her Fluffykins and snuggles her!* So I think we need to plan a summer party to celebrate our ship being canon and to work on our plan to support our ship this next season...we can eat candy and drink "Sex on the Pool Table"! What do ya say Aud wub? ;) Heehee! :D

Alright...I'm off to go get Bridal shower stuff...yay for that! Should be fun! I will talk to you all in a bit!

*Mo skips out of the thread...humming..."Here comes the bride...!"* :D
I looked up the "Sex on the pool table" and the recipe looks delish!

And I voted for my 2 thread titles and I hope they win.! Catey you did a great job at the chart. Catey, our spoiler queen!
Yeah Vex babes, it really does! Aud wub posted it on her LJ and I want to go order one! (Plus how freakin' cool would that be to go out and actually order that! :devil: I would be thinking of D/L the whole time! :lol: )

Yup Catey you're rockin' the poll babe, can't wait to see this new thread! ;)

So yeah, got all the bridal shower stuff...it's gonna be purty and fun and I just spent a butt load of money, but it's well worth it! :D But now I totally have weddings and lingerie on the brain...so here's a :devil: question...
Which do you think Danny prefers...Linds in a sexy little lingerie number...or Linds in one of his button up shirts? :devil: :D
Darling Mo asked: Which do you think Danny prefers...Linds in a sexy little lingerie number...or Linds in one of his button up shirts?

I think he'd like her in one of his shirts...or maybe a t-shirt and some lacy lingerie underneath. I think he might like her in something cotton or country girlish---A city boy's fantasy! :D

Now don't ask what Linds would like Danny in...NOTHING is required for him. :devil:

Double Dog Dare me to go and ask the bartender to make "Sex on the Pool Table" because D/L did it on a pool table? I bet you do Mo! :lol:
Aud! Hello wub! *Huggles!* :D Yeah I think I agree with you on the t-shirt and lacy panties or something...something simple yet still way sexy! ;) And as for what Danny should be in...I say...yeah *Mo starts to drool just thinking about what she's gonna say... :lol: * ummm, pretty much...dog tags...and nothing else! ;) Ohhhhh yeah baby! :devil:

Ohhhh hon I SOOO do! I double double dog dare you to go up to the bartender and ask for that cuz D/L did it on the pool table! :devil: Totally! ;) :lol: That would ROCK!! :D

Time for bed for me...night night all! ;)
but ive started attributing random songs to Danny and Lindsay.

I have been doing this with my ships for some time now but lately every other song remind me of them. like I hear A puro dolor and go wow, it totally describes Dannys feelings after Lindsay left or I hear Hallelujah, I just love him so and go this is just like Lindsay feels about her City Boy most of them are country or Spanish. I dont know why, but country just suits them

Which do you think Danny prefers...Linds in a sexy little lingerie number...or Linds in one of his button up shirts?

in sexy lacy lingerie before and in his wife-beater after? as for what he should be wearing - Im sure whatever it is it would be on the floor within seconds so it is really not that important
lindsay indeed deserves a cape! *hands you material to make it*
Txs for the fabrics Angel! Well I'm not that great in sewing anything, but I've mananged :rolleyes:...it's pool table green with a large daisy in the middle.... :D

i dont think danny would mind if Linds did most of the decorating. He loves her not the apartment
Although he loves her or is in love with her I do hope he still has his own opinion and taste...I'd like it better if they went out to get stuff together...after all..he has to live there too... :D ;)

Which do you think Danny prefers...Linds in a sexy little lingerie number...or Linds in one of his button up shirts?
I think for lingerie Lindsay likes to wear some nice satin baby doll in off white...and Danny will love to see her wearing that... ;)

And I'm in total agreement with the 'outfits' you've all suggested for Danny. :devil:

The recipe for 'sex on the pool table' sound delicious, but I don't think I will be ordering it any time soon....the place I usually hang out in is more of a pub -yes WITH pool table- and the bartenders are great guys, but I don't think they know how to make cocktails or know many by name...So if I went to them and asked for 'sex on the pool table' I will get a bad reputation... :eek: :p
Ducth! I love your Avvie and Banner! I'm seeing that today! I'm so so so excited!

I think Lindsay would be in one of his button up shirts. And I think he'd like that better, It would seem that she's so confortable with him, she is okay with wearing his clothes.

Too bad I'm not 21, no 'sex on the pool table' for me any time soon. :D
Del sure thing hon , now you get to remind us when we get closer to needing #18 that you called it!
AWWWW, Thanks Mo! You're totally my hero!


hehe hey huni! yeah he is good thanks for asking! (and yeah so is Danny ) hehe
Haha, I'm glad you guys are doing well! *Hugs Chelle*

Hey, guys!

Sorry I haven't been around anymore to see you guys and our favorite couple...... I just haven't had enough energy to do so ...

Anyways, how are we going? and how is the D/L lurve?
Hey, Jasmine/Bullet Girl! How you today? The D/L lurve is pretty E-X-C-I-T-I-N-G with the love scene(sounds so much classier than "sex scene" :rolleyes:) and everything--we're on a HIGH! :lol:
^ You're right! love scene sounds better than sex scene :)...and the only sex scene we actually had, was what we gutter people :cool: imagined happened after that kiss :devil:...the waking-up-love-scene was way more intense imo AND on screen ;)...

Now that the initial euforia starts to wear down -a little ;)- I'm starting to wonder why TPTB decided to bring them together in the finale...there already was so much happening and although I loved those scenes it was pretty soon after Lindsay's trial and could've been postponed (giving us some more flirting/explaining :cool:)...I'm more and more convinced that they did it because of something they've planned for the start of season 4...Not anything bad per se ;), but I think/hope this will get a follow-up... :D

Ducth! I love your Avvie and Banner! I'm seeing that today! I'm so so so excited!
I've seen it yesterday :)...you won't be disappointed Rad...it's awesome! :D
^^ I saw it too on the world premiere day! :lol: IT'S AMAZING! THE WHOLE CAST RULES! But the ending is great as well, as it leaves a BIG OPPORTUNITY for another movie!
I'm starting to wonder why TPTB decided to bring them together in the finale...there already was so much happening and although I loved those scenes it was pretty soon after Lindsay's trial and could've been postponed
Ummm, I can answer that! :lol: I think that its because its the finale and they want to shock us a little, even though we were ONTO Danny/Lindsay. (eg. GSR, gag me.)
)...I'm more and more convinced that they did it because of something they've planned for the start of season 4...Not anything bad per se , but I think/hope this will get a follow-up...
If they're going to have an office secret--I swear I'm going to SCREAM my head off... I hate that. (eg. GSR + Mac/Peyton, again.)
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