Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Is it me, or have you all realised that Snow Day didn't churn out as many fics as you thought it would. I haven't actually seen that many - compared to Sleight Out of Hand.

ya know i actually thought that last week... but u guess there are still alot of people (like us!) that are still kinda hooked on the finale, and are using it as their fix for now :lol: :D

Chell you started writing yet?? You said you would!! Eagerly awaiting updates and new fics here! :lol:

hehe im writing, im writing!! Cant u see the steam coming from my keyboard?! :lol:

Steam? :lol: I think i've successfully rubbed off all the letters on my keyboard. They're all BLANK!

Yay for steam! Steam means mucho grande writing :D....unless you're steaming about something else...:devil:

Me? I'm taking a short break to stare at Mer's avvie some more.
Chelle honey! Lemme be the first reader, sweetie! *Hugs Chelle--MY VERY FIRST TALKCSI sister!*
Have you tried going to my profile? That might work...*shrugs*
:( Fanfic isn't working for me at all.

Chelle sweetie: I love your icon & signature... It makes me melt... Those smiles! Those BODIES! :devil: Those lips.... ahhh, I swear: I'll just melt right here staring at your siggy. :)
Fanfic isn't working for me at all.
Aww, don't worry hun - it'll be running again in no time!

Ooh, I just had a thought, think Linds would get jealous of all the nurses at the hospital oggling over Danny? Haha, it just came to whilst I was writing and I happily added a tad bit in there about Linds' reaction with Danny. heehee. Lets just say some ear pulling is involved. *wink*

oh...i can just picture that. Lindsay pulling Danny by the ear...with a look of utter fear on Danny's face. :D ahh...im cracking myself up!

Del honey, tell me when you get a chance to read my ficcy. Don't want to update before then! :lol:
^^ Hell, I think that Lindsay will sneak into his room dressed as a candy stripper (kind of like a nurse) with the short skirt and she'll S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E him! :devil: A dirty and great surprise, of course! :)
Del honey, tell me when you get a chance to read my ficcy. Don't want to update before then!
Awww, *Hugs Aliff & gives him chocolatey M&Ms mudpie!*
Will do! I bet it'll be fine TOMMOROW! :lol:
I read your fic Liff and it is really good. I love your writting it is so full of emotions and understandable.

as for the lack of fics on SD - I think everyone is still in bliss from what happened to come up with something

so we are the Ship That Strips for the next 1000 posts :) nice. hot. us.
^^ Hehe, Delia!! Huni, you know im hopin my 'Stella plays cupid' fic will be updated at some point this afternoon.. ive almost finished the next chapter... so keep ya eyes open :D ;)

Liffy :lol: haha, well i think my letters are almost at that stage... i think imay have to slip a bill in to the broom closet for a new laptop :lol: (Im sure D and Montana wont mind ;) ) hehe And any who.... how can we not be steaming over anything else, when there are all these hawt and steamy avvies n sigs! :devil:

Im currently watching 'Manhattan Manhunt' , and the look of worry in Danny's face when Lindsay says to him "What, you think i havent seen this much blood before?" and then he says "I don't know, to tell you the truth.... have you?" . awwww bless!!! its L-O-V-E!!!! :D
Let's get this party started guys and gals! Our new thread will be here before we know it! :D

Speaking of past episodes, I watched "Stuck on You" a couple of days ago. Oh, my. The eye smex and of course Rough Sects! :lol: D/L had so much fun in that episode. Danny totally thought Lindsay wanted to make it a date at Cozy's. Of course, Mac was there, but he definitely saw them together. ;)

I misses you my Mo! Mer, where is you too? :(

Happy Memorial Day to those celebrating! Later. :)
^^ Hey, Aud! :) How've you been? God, I love it when D/L have "rough sects". :lol: rofl
as for the lack of fics on SD
I don't feel that... I think there's an OVERLOAD of SD fics. :lol: Sorry to ruin you guys' fun, but most of them are nearly the same... :rolleyes:
^^ Hehe, Delia!! Huni, you know im hopin my 'Stella plays cupid' fic will be updated at some point this afternoon.. ive almost finished the next chapter... so keep ya eyes open
LOVELY! :) I love it when Stella tries to do something and make it happen between D/L and it backfires! :lol: But we still LOVE Stella (especially when she goes... RAMBO)!!
Good afternoon all! *waves to all lovely fellow shippers*

I left for a sail trip late friday afternoon, so when I got back this morning and came on this site I immediately started looking for our beautiful new thread :rolleyes:....I was kinda surprised it wasn't there yet :eek:....so nice of you all to wait for my return ;)....

I really enjoyed reading all your posts. Okay some quick responses:

If they're going to have an office secret--I swear I'm going to SCREAM my head off... I hate that. (eg. GSR + Mac/Peyton, again.)
I will be right there screaming with you Delia! It would be a nice change if this relationship was out in the open right away. :D
Ooh, I just had a thought, think Linds would get jealous of all the nurses at the hospital oggling over Danny? Haha, it just came to whilst I was writing and I happily added a tad bit in there about Linds' reaction with Danny. heehee. Lets just say some ear pulling is involved. *wink*
I really like that idea Liff...And if she is acting all jealous and worried and sending away nurses that would probably make it pretty obvious for their colleagues that there's something going on between them :cool:...Great way to have the 'secret' revealed. :lol:

Mo about the 'sex on the pool table'-drink:
can you imagine though, if you ordered it and the guy looked at you and said "This is because of CSI:NY, isn't it!" I'd die right there!
Well perhaps I will try ordering it after this ep has officially aired here (probably around X-mas), at least then I have a legal excuse to save my (already questionable :p) reputation...

coroner "This is my place" I thought he meant that it was his place right there with Lindsay! Did anyone else think that??
Aaah, I hadn't thought of it that way...but if you watch it again what your comment in mind it's even sweeter than it already was..."Where would I go? This is my place"... :)

Dutch, saw Pirates, it was amazing! By far the best one!
I know, there just getting better and better and I really hope there's going to be a 4th one...Maybe (if I ever find the time) I'll write a D/L AU pirate fic :D...after I've read all the fics you guys are writing (YEAH Stuffy you're writing angst! *hugs*)...I'm also having trouble with FF righ now (what else is new :mad:), but I will try and read my fellow shippers' DL stuff... :)

Danny totally thought Lindsay wanted to make it a date at Cozy's.
And it was a date! I think she just used what she knew about Mac as an excuse to hang out with Danny. :D

vex and natty congrats on the promotion! :)
Hey, Happy Monday afternoon at all!

Liff, Stuffy, I’ve just read your fics and I really love them! ^_^

Ooh, I just had a thought, think Linds would get jealous of all the nurses at the hospital oggling over Danny?
Uhm…I think that Lindsay would keep an eye on all the nurses near him and would ask to stay with him during the dressing. Probably the doctors would take all the sharps objects far from her :lol:.
Hi! Haven't been here for a while, I was too busy with a lot of birthdays in my family. Did you know my sister gave birth the 26th of May in 2005? And then I did the same: 26th of May in 2006? And I have a sister who's celebrating her birthday, my mother celebrated her 50th birthday, so BIG party....

Anyway, no time for M&M's.... Only had time to vote for the new thread. Has anything happened here? This 'summer' takes ages... :(
^^Happy Birthday to your mom, JenP. I don't know if much has happened here, but we have been quite naughty with all the smut talk lately. The summer is so slow, and we must pass the time somehow. :cool:

Hiya, Sweet Delia! And hiya everybody! I love this ship and our shippers. We rock! :D

Dutch, you know and I know that it was a date, but we also know that Lindsay was trying hard to make herself think she was just inviting him because of Mac. Actually I see her inviting him so she could get to know him a bit outside of work but also so he could see a more 'human' side of Mac. ;)

Uhm…I think that Lindsay would keep an eye on all the nurses near him and would ask to stay with him during the dressing. Probably the doctors would take all the sharps objects far from her.

Ummmm...jealous Linds! This sounds fun. I could see her headbutting one of the nurses or slamming them down to the ground. :lol: Actually I wouldn't mind it if a good looking male doctor flirted with Linds. Poor Danny lying there all broken and hurt, then someone flirts with his woman! Look at him trying to be all brave again. :eek:
I left for a sail trip late friday afternoon, so when I got back this morning and came on this site I immediately started looking for our beautiful new thread ....so nice of you all to wait for my return....

hehe weel, we couldnt very well go ahead and do it without everyone being here now could we! :D although, we only have, what.... 12 posts left?! yay!!! :D


Hi! Haven't been here for a while, I was too busy with a lot of birthdays in my family. Did you know my sister gave birth the 26th of May in 2005? And then I did the same: 26th of May in 2006? And I have a sister who's celebrating her birthday, my mother celebrated her 50th birthday, so BIG party....

Anyway, no time for M&M's.... Only had time to vote for the new thread. Has anything happened here? This 'summer' takes ages... :(

hehe aww bless... well happy birthday to all of those who had them lol im sure you had a great big party!! :D
Nothing but naughty thoughts are what we have been having in here ;) But just make sure you are here for the opening of #17!!! :D its gonna be huuuuge!! :D

Delia, Liffy(and anyone else ;) )
I finally updated Stella plays cupid yay!! Chapter 5 is up and ready for your reviews :D Not sure if many have read it but hey :D enjoy!!

i thought Mo would have been here by now :lol:

ETA: just been googling Danny and Lindsay... and there is even a Wikipedia page for them lol
Find it here.... and it even talks about them Consumating their relationship ;) !!! WikipeDL
^ LOL Chell! That Wiki-link is really funny :lol:...I'm curious who made it though, since the only other language it can be viewed in is...Dutch?!? :confused: Whoever it was is clearly a D/L fan...there are a lot of facts, but there's quite a bit of personal interpretation too...

we also know that Lindsay was trying hard to make herself think she was just inviting him because of Mac. Actually I see her inviting him so she could get to know him a bit outside of work but also so he could see a more 'human' side of Mac.
That's true aud, but I think that after she revealed Mac's 'secret' they both haven't been paying very much attention to the stage anymore...too bad history doesn't tell what happened later that night... ;) :devil:

JenP congrats!

I'm off to read some more fics...later! :D

PS catey where are you...it's almost time for the new thread! :)
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