CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When Don had Donna back at his place, it was quiet.

"How are the kids Jess?"

"The baby's sleeping, Gary Jr has his sister wrapped in his arms. She just fell asleep. She's blamming herself for not getting help fast enough. Jason headed home, he said he'd be back after his shift tonight. How are you doing, sweetheart?"

"Not good mom. Alan hates me. He blames me for killing his brother, and causing his fathers stroke. I'm sure Stella, Claire and the rest of the family will feel the same, once things settle down."

"Aww... Donna. I'm sure he doesn't mean it. He's just hurting really bad right now."

"But he's right mom. Everything is my fault. All the lies I told to Lawrence, then to you and dad when I got home. Then to Gary, and worst of all... are last words to each other were in anger. We had a fight. Right before he went to get my car. I didn't even get a chance to make up with him. Now he's dead, our world and memories ended on a fight.

I can still remember his final words, the anger in them, as he said...

"To get your damn car. Why wait till morning, when I can do it now."

Not sure what to say, not sure where to begin to help there daughter heal. They did the next best thing they could... they held her close.


Tony had finally caught up with Alan. Sitting down beside him on the grass, he checked on poor Graham. Finding him alert, and gurgling, Tony realized he had enjoyed being bounced around.

"Look at your nephew Alan. He's gurgling from all the bouncing, you want to hold him?"

Placing Graham in Alan's arms, he held him close to his neck.

"Do you want to tell me why you feel Donna is to blame, for these events?"

"It's because of all her lies she told. Think I don't hear my mom and dad talk about things? I do you know. I know all about Donna lying to Gary about Jessie. I know about her lies of running back here, away from this Lawrence guy. If she had of told the truth at the begining, then my brother wouldn't be dead right now, and my father wouldn't be fighting for his life.

Even in the kitchen at uncle Don's tonight, I heard you and Jess talking about how she knew Lawrence would be coming back to torture her and Jessie. She knew all about everything, everything. I hate her, understand?"

"I want you to listen carefully to what I'm about to say. Donna was young back then. Her and your brother shared a night of love that had repercussions. The reason Donna ran away was because she didn't want to ruin Gary's wedding day by telling him she was pregnant with Jessie. She left, because she wanted your brother to be happy. She knew if she stayed here, he would figure it out, or your Uncle Don would.

She also didn't realize Lawrence was crazy. Yes she was wrong to tell him that Jessie was his daughter, but that doesn't change the fact, no woman deserves to be stalked or hunted down like an animal. Donna can't be blamed for what her ex husband decided to do. She was a victim, as was her daugher. She felt his words were given in anger. She didn't think he meant them, which is why she never talked about it, till it was too late."

"I understand all that, but it still don't change the fact, that if Donna had told the truth from the begining, it all could have been prevented, or handled differently. I may only be ten, but even I understand that. And for that... I will never forgive her. I will love my niece and nephews, but that's it. Donna is no longer any relation to me."

Wrapping his arms around Alan and Graham, Tony decided to let it rest. For this was one serious event, that would never have any right answers.
Happy Easter to all my readers.:)

Later that night, after Claire and Tony took Alan home with them. Stella stayed with Mac. She knew it was going to be a very long time before he made any kind of improvement. Taking off her shoes she climbed in beside him and rested her head on his pillow. Then leaning her lips up to his ear, she whispered...

"Hi Mac. Are you having a good rest? You must be, for you look so peaceful and relaxed. I must remember to ask you when you come home, where you visited. Maybe one day I can go there too. Or we can go together.

I love you Mac. Love you so much. But right now, right now Alan needs you. He's very upset and confused with what has happened. He's taken it upon himself to blame Donna. It seems he overheard a few of our conversations, along with one Jess and Tony had in the kitchen tonight.

Tony has done his best to help him come to terms with it not being Donna's fault. Though I can't say I blame our son for having these feelings. As much as I love Donna, I can't help but feel myself if she had been honest since the begining, things may have been different. But I guess we'll never know. The only thing we can do now, is bury our son and move on.

But in order to that, Mac. I need you to come home. Please don't make me bury our son alone. We all need your strength, your love to get through this as a family. I'm not ready to live my life without you. Just as you are not ready to die without me. We are suppose to go together, Mac. As two, never as one. Our love was meant to end with the two of walking hand in hand through those gates, so don't you think of going ahead of me, you just keep fighting your way back, I love you, Mac."

Taking his hand she held it. Then resting her head closer to his shoulder, she closed her eyes.


When the house was quiet, Donna got up and wrote a letter...

"Dear mom and dad,

I'm sorry to be doing this again. But I can't stay here with all this guilt I feel. I need to go away for a while. I don't know when I'll come back, but I know you will take good care of my children for me. I'll leave you my bank card, with all the money inside, along with my pin number. There is enough in there to keep you all going for a while.

You can also have Gary's benefit pension when it comes in, I'm sure when you explain it to the company, they will allow you to have it for the kids. Once again, I'm sorry mom and dad, I just can't be here.

Give all my love to my children, and tons of kisses from me. I'll call from time to time, and check in.
Love always, Donna

Leaving it on the table, she grabbed her bag and headed to see Jason. When she arrived he was on the front door.

"Donna... what are you doing here? You should be at home."

"I needed to tell you I'm leaving. I don't know when I'll be back. But I want to thank you for everything."

"Hold it... what about your kids? What about your parents? Christ Donna, is that all you do is run away when things get to tough?"

"Nooooooo... i just...."

"Just nothing Donna. You're not going anywhere but back home to your children. You are going to face this head on. Running again isn't going to solve anything. You made a mistake, you learn from it and move on."

Dragging Donna inside with him, he told manager he needed to book off. Then taking Donna by the hand, he dragged her to his car.

"This is it Donna. You will stay and face this. I won't let you abandon your children."

Putting her in the car, he slammed the door. Then getting into the driver side, he drove her home.
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Don wasn't sure what woke him. But something told him to get up. Walking into the kitchen, he turned on the light and seen the note.

"Dear mom and dad,

I'm sorry to be doing this again. But I can't stay here with all this guilt I feel. I need to go away for a while. I don't know when I'll come back, but I know you will take good care of my children for me. I'll leave you my bank card, with all the money inside, along with my pin number. There is enough in there to keep you all going for a while.

You can also have Gary's benefit pension when it comes in, I'm sure when you explain it to the company, they will allow you to have it for the kids.

Once again, I'm sorry mom and dad, I just can't be here.

Give all my love to my children, and tons of kisses from me. I'll call from time to time, and check in.
Love always, Donna

"God damn it Donna, is that all you ever do? Is that your answer to everything? To run and hide from what hurts."

Taking the note, he walked into his room and woke Jess.

"What is it, Don?"

"Your daughter has taken off again. She left us the children."

"What? Oh come on. She wouldn't leave the kids behind, would she?"

Tossing the note onto the bed, she read it. Shaking her head in shame, she sighed.

"Where did we go so wrong with her? What mistakes did we make, to have her have such a weak spirit?"

"I don't know Jess. But I've had more then enough. We cannot look after all three children. We have enough with Donald. I can honestly tell you this... I have half a mind to hunt her down, and spank her ass."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh... noooooooooooooooooo... daddy."

Hearing the scream coming from their granddaughter, they ran into the room.

"Shh... it's okay Jessie. Grandma's here. You're safe love. It's okay."

"I see him nana, I see him coming for me. He had a huge knife. He wants me, he wants me."

"Shh... I swear Jessie, you are safe. He's dead. Danny, Sheldon and Mac shot him three times. He can't come back sweetheart. It's just a dream."

"I want mommy. Where's mommy."

"She's out right now, sweetheart. Try and go back too sleep. I'm right here with you."

"I want our puppies. Can I have our puppies."

Don walked out and brought in her pups, laying them beside her, they left the room. A few minutes later, Gary walked in.

"Hey sis. I'll stay with you. I'll protect you."

Crawling in beside her, with the pups sandwich between them, he said...

"I promise to protect you Jessie. I promise to help you heal. Together you and I will help each other heal from this. I love you, sis."

Snuggling in closer, they fell into sleep.