CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When they got back out to the living room, Don put on his coat.

"Donnie... where are you going? Donnie..."

"Too find our daughter, and drag her home."

Opening the door, he came face to face with her and Jason.

"You... get in here now. Not a tear, and not a God damn word. I've had it with you, Donna."

Walking in with Jason, she sat down, lowered her head and said nothing.

"Where did you find her?"

"She came to let me know she was leaving. I had to drag her back. I know what's like to be abandoned. My parents left me when I was twelve. I was forced to live on my own. But I made something of my life. I lived a road of hell, to get where I am now. But it will be a cold day in hell, before I allow those kids to be without their parents. they've already lost one, they don't need to lose another."

Don nodded.

"Why don't you have a seat."

Sitting down, Jess headed to the kitchen to make coffee.

"Why Donna? How could you even think, of leaving those kids behind? What the hell gets into your mind, that you have to run away when life becomes to tough? God you act like such a child Donna. I don't understand it, I honestly don't. I've never met anyone as selfish as you are."

"I'm sorry dad. I just can't seem to cope when life becomes to tough. Everyone blames me, and I know they are right. If not for all my lies, things could have worked out different. Now my husband is dead, and my father in law lies near death."

"I don't care what you can't cope with. You are not the only involved here. You have children, and a baby who need their mother, now more then ever. It's no longer about you. You understand that Donna? It's... not... about... you. He yelled with impatients. I'm so disappointed in you. Never did I think you would be such a coward, sorry, as harsh as that is, it's the truth."

Donna was in full tears, she knew every word her father had said was true. She was a coward, she was afraid of facing things head on. always had been.

"I'm sorry, daddy. Please... I just need time to come to terms with everything. I need time to think."

"Take all the time you need to think. Take all the time you need to heal. But wherever you go, your children go with you. Your mother, nor I will keep them. They are your responsibility, and it will be a cold day in hell, before you rob them of both parents. You handle her Jess. I'm done with it."

Hearing the baby cry, Don headed into the room to check on him.
I like Jason too.

Don giving Donna tough love. She needed that kick in the pants. Hopefully now she'll see the error of her ways.
"Mom.. please tell me you..."

"No... don't you dare say it. I don't understand Donna. I honestly don't. All you've done since you've come home is lie to us. Lied to everyone that loved you. How the hell do you think Gary, is ever going to rest in peace, knowing the mother of his children can't handle life. Can't think about anybody but herself. No one else matters, but you Donna. Through your whole life, even as a child. It was always you."

"Mom.. that's not fair."

"There you go again. It's not fair. Welcome to the real world Donna. A world where nothing is fair. Yet each one of us have to live through the unfairness of it everyday. We learn to cope, and brush it away, without abandoning those we love. Life is always going to give you heartache, pain, and torture, cause you allow it too. You allow it too, by not facing up to it. You allow too, by running from it. That is your life Donna, your torturous life, you brought on yourself."

Walking into her room where her husband and the baby were, she shut her door.

Jason sat on the chair watching Donna cry. Feeling his own tears build, wishing that just once in his life, he had parents like that who cared enough, who loved enough, to give him that kind of knowledge and truth, even though it hurt like hell.

Walking over he sat down beside her. Placing his arm around her, letting her know that it was okay to accept his comfort. Leaning her head onto his lap, she curled into a ball. Listening to her cry, he softly heard her whisper...

"I'm sorry you had to hear all that, Jason. As you can tell, I have trouble handling life. It was Gary that kept me all together when I came home. He was always beside me, guiding me. I'm not sure how to guide myself, cause I've never tried. I've just always ran away."

"Alot of us do that when we can't handle life. But when you have children, that's the time you need to grow up, and face things head on. For it's no longer your life, you have to worry about. Now, I'm quite sure Gary wasn't with you 24/7, was he? Which leads me to believe that you can handle life. Am I right?"

"But he always came home. I knew he would always be with me through the decisions we made with our children. He was always the one to solve the puzzles and confusion our children had. He was the one to read, and help them with their homework. Like I said... I spent my life running, never staying in one spot. It use to drive my parents crazy. Then I got pregnant with Jessie.

Knowing Gary was getting married, I didn't want to ruin it for him. So I ran away again, cause I knew my parents would make me tell him I was. Then Lawrence ended up finding out, and he gave me a divorce, telling me to run, that he would eventually find me and my daughter, and kill us. Instead... instead Gary was made to be tortured, and my father in law had a stroke due to the stress. All because of my lies and deceit."

"I'm really sorry that you are being put through all this hell, Donna. But you need to realize that your children should not suffer for your mistakes. Whether you like it or not, you need to move past this."

"How can I? I see Lawrence slicing, pulling, tearing my husband apart."

"I know Donna, but that will disappear with time. I promise I'll help you along the way. But you have to promise me, that you won't run away again. You have to promise me that you will stay, raise your children, help them grow, and heal from all this hurt they've faced today."

Curling herself closer, she nodded her head.

"Not good enough, Donna. I want a promise."

"I promise, Jason."

Smiling cause she accepted, Jason stroked her hair, while she fell into sleep.
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Over at the Staton's, Claire heard her brother softly crying. Opening the door, she walked in and crawled in beside him. Kissing his head, she snuggled him close.

"What's the matter, bro? You worried about dad?"

"I don't want daddy to die. I'm really scared sis. Dad and I still have so many things to do together, and now we may not be able too. Dad and I were suppose to have father and son day at school tomorrow, and now we can't. Then we were going to go away for the week-end. Just dad and I fishing. Now we can't even do that. All because of Donna, I hate her, I truly hate her."

"I want you to listen too me. Our father is very strong, there isn't much that can keep him down. He's going to fight his way back to us. You just need to trust in that. As for Donna. I'm sure she's feeling guilty enough, without having to hear it again.

This is hard on her too. She now has to be strong for your neice and nephews. And yes... right now you feel like it's her fault. But it's not Alan. You need to understand, it's not. Try and rest honey. We will go see dad in the morning, okay?"

Nodding, Claire pulled him in closer, as she fell into sleep with her brother. When she was sure he was out, she climbed from the bed. Walking down to her own room, Tony was still awake.

"How is he, baby?"

"Not good. He's terrified of losing dad. I can't say I blame him, for I feel the same way. This shouldn't be happening, and I still can't believe my brother is gone. It feels like a piece of me is missing."

"Come here, baby."

Sliding in beside her husband. He pulled her over on him.

"Shh... it's okay Claire. Let it out. You have every right to feel pain and loss. I know it's going to be hard without your brother by your side. But he'd want you to be happy. He wouldn't want you mourning him like this. You know that, baby. He'd want you to move on."

Feeling her tears soak his shirt, was breaking Tony's heart. He hated seeing his wife in so much pain. Knowing he could help her forget, even if only for a while, he gripped his fingers into her hair, and pulled her towards his lips.

Tracing his tongue around hers, they sensual kissed in fevered passion. While his fingertips slid along her skin, leaving in it's wake, shivering flesh. Flipping her under him, he worked his tongue along her neck, her tummy, her waist, back up to her sweet lips.

Hearing her passionate cries, were leaving him aching to take her into their passionate world. Watching as her body sensually moved , to meet each and every stroke, of his moist tongue.

Bringing up her knees, he carefully pulled her towards him and as she sat upon his lap, he soared her soul with his, lavishly, erotically. Dancing, as their fingers entwined with one another. Leaving behind all the heartache, pain and loss they had suffered.
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Can we have another Mac scene now please? lol. I don't expect anything miraculous, though, I just want another visit lol
Can we have another Mac scene now please? lol. I don't expect anything miraculous, though, I just want another visit lol

:lol:Are you having withdrawl of SMac:confused::lol:

Don't worry it's coming:lol:
Sometimes when two souls connect. When the love is so strong, and so real. They can meet in their dreams. Meet and reunite again.

Enjoy ladies.:)


Stella was about to rest, when Sheldon walked in. He knew it was late. He also hated what he was about to ask her, but it had to be done.

"Stella... how's he doing?"

"Sheldon... it's late, you should be at home."

"Soon Stella. I just needed you to know that Sid is ready to have Gary released to the Mortuary, have you chosen one yet?"

"No... I haven't even thought about. He's too be cremated like his wife and children. Then there is a space in their plot for him. This was his request."

"Did you want me to send him to the same place, Janice and the children were sent?"

"Yeah. Thanks Sheldon. I'm just not ready to handle this without Mac. I really wish he'd come home."

Nodding that he understood, Sheldon left.

A short time later...

Stella was startled when the nurse walked in. Waking from sleep, she jumped.

"It's okay Mrs.Taylor. I just need to check on the patient. Did you need anything?"

"No... I'm fine thank you. I guess there is no change?"

"Not yet. Try and go back too sleep. I won't disturb you again till morning."

Once the nurse left, Stella caressed Mac's chest. Just making little circles and hearts while he slept.

"I love you Mr.Taylor. Love you and miss you. I want you to come home. Everything is lost without you."

Leaning herself up, she placed little kisses along his cheek, his jaw, his chin, to his sweet lips. Softly, tenderly, as her hand continued to caress his chest.

Knowing her heart he could feel her. She slid her hand along his thighs, his waist, back to his thighs, Closing her eyes, dreaming, fantasizing that he was with her. Loving her, caressing her, soaring with her.

Feeling her teardrops fall, she cried upon his lips, not wanting to release the heat of his warmth.

"Please Mac... she cried... please come back to me. I can't breathe without you. We're not ready to be apart. I know you can feel me caressing you, touching you, loving you. I can feel you respond. Please Mac... please come home."

Mac could hear his wife's cries, he could feel her touch, as she sensually caressed him. He knew it was time to come home, home to those who loved him. But at the same time he feared that wouldn't be the man he was before the stroke. The man that had shared his every thought, every desire, every secret, with his beautiful loving wife.

Continuing to cry, while talking into his lips, she prayed for some kind of response from him. Any movement, sound or simple twitch. Finally giving up for a while. Stella layed her head across his chest, allowing Mac to inhale her perfumed hair he loved so much.

Finally falling into sleep, Stella dreamed...

"Sweetheart... I need to love you, I need to sensually love you. Let me love you, Stella."

Feeling the caress of her husbands warm fingertips as they danced along her flesh, left Stella in such emotional pleasure that she felt her soul errupt. So lost as she felt each and every stroke his moist tongue was giving hers, as they dualed and played.

Deeper now, she could feel each whispered breath, as he burned her soul with his thoughts. Then as he slowly, sweetly, moved her, she could not form a thought. For all that was left was the beautiful rhythm of soul dancing with soul. Spirit meeting spirit, in passions true flame.

Slowly waking with deep breaths, Stella was to unsteady too move. Her every nerve, was shivering with heated sweat. Looking up into Mac's handsoms face, she noticed he was still sleeping peacefully, leaving Stella to whisper...

"Thank you Mac, thank you for loving me."
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