CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Love the teamwork. Smart of Jessie to go to her mother's workplace. And hopefully Jason will be able to help as big as he is and all. :D
Okay, there was a reason Jason was brought into the story;)

Melly, keep your pitchfork to yourself:p in this chappie:lol:

When Lawrence was finished yelling at Donna, he noticed the cage was open and Jessie was gone.

"Noooooooooooooooooooo... you..."

Walking up to Don, he sliced his cheek with the knife, followed by the other side.

"Now... because of this set back. There will be no torture, everyone will die. Starting with Gary."

Taking the giant claw like instrument, he held it as he sliced down Gary's stomach. Then removing he organs, he tossed them into the garbage.

Hearing Donna's screams he laughed evily.

Looking to Don, he stalked over, but as he neared him, he heard the door.

"Looks like we have company. Shall we welcome them?"

While Lawrence left, Donna softly cried, she had lost her husband. But worse then that, she would have to live the sight she witnessed everyday. Relive the nightmare over and over.

"Daddy... daddy... "

"Shh... I know baby. It's going to be okay. Try and be strong."

Don was in tears himself. Seeing Gary like that was sickening. Trying to tear at his restraints again, he just couldn't loosen them. Then he heard the banging, pounding of fighting going on. Next thing they heard, were three shots of gunfire. Followed by silence.

"Oh God daddy, now what?" as she heard the footsteps.

Closing her eyes, she prayed it was someone to rescue them, and not Lawrence returning.

When Mac, Danny, Sheldon and Jason got downstairs, they tried not to gag.

"Aww... damn man, no, no... this isn't right."

Taking a sheet, Danny covered Gary up. Then looking to Mac, Danny noticed he was ready to pass out.

"No Mac, come on... stay with me Mac, said Sheldon. Mac... Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeella... hurry, call 911."

Danny knew the pressure would be to much for Mac, he had the feeling that this would possibly kill him. Watching as he seized up, Jason got down, and did his best, to help Sheldon stop Mac from dying.

"Listen Mac... I know you don't me that well, but you can't leave your wife and children like this. You need to stay with me. Do you hear me? Stay with me. why would he stroke?"

"Mac has a history of high blood pressure and a history of Ischemic strokes. All this rush of adreline, then seeing his son, caused him to stroke. His blood pressure couldn't take it."

Coming down the stairs, Stella noticed her son under the sheet. Moaning out a cry she seen her husband on the ground in another stroke. Thinking back to the doctors words, "the next one could kill him." Knowing she couldn't save her son, her thoughts went straight to Mac. She wasn't about to lose him too.

As they heard the sirens, the EMT's came running down and stablized Mac. Then taking him up the stairs, Stella followed.

"Take care of Alan till I call you from the Hospital. Let Claire and the others know about Gary and their father."

"I will stella. You just go with Mac. We'll be there as soon as we can."

While Sheldon and Danny released Don from his restraints, Jason released Donna, and as she fell into his arms, she passed out.

"Donna... is she okay? Who are you?"

"I'm Jason, I work with Donna at the club. She informed me last night about her ex stalking her for revenge."

Passing Donna to her father, he held her close. Watching as they removed Gary's body from the room.

"You need to get some stitches Don. That gash is really deep."
Nodding that he understood. He left with his daughter in his arms.
Kind of had a feeling Gary would die. Poor Donna, she's probably going to be blaming herself for a long time now. She'll also have to live with the fact that the last moments she spent with Gary before they were kidnapped was a fight.

I hope Mac's okay. I had a feeling if he saw Gary like that he would go into another stroke.

Loved jason's words to mac though.
When Don had Donna back at house, he laid her down on the bed.

"Oh God... what happened uncle Donnie, where's Gary and dad?"
Looking up into his little Claire's eyes, he said...

"Gary was killed Claire, your father suffered a serious stroke, he's at the Hospital with your mom."

Saying nothing Claire ran from the house, her only thought being her father.

"Where's mom going, dad?"

"To the Hospital to see papa. Exactly what happened Don?"

"Not with the kids in the room. We'll talk later."

"I want to know now. Your damn daughter can wait. Now tell me."

Taking him into the other room, he told him what had happened with Gary's torture. Feeling sickened, Tony grabbed Alan, his children and headed to the Hospital.

Coming back out of the room, Don seen Jess sitting with her daughter wrapped in her arms. They knew she was in shock. They knew what she had seen would haunt her forever. Watching in the corner, Jason's only hope was he'd be able to help her through the horror she had seen. Not for himself, but for her children.

At the Hospital...

Stella was wrapped in Sheldon's arms, waiting outside the Trauma room for information on her husband.

"Mom... mom... how's daddy?"

" I don't know yet, Claire. He suffered a very bad stroke this time. Sheldon said he went down quick. Too quick."

"Sheldon... what's your honest opinion?"

"I honestly don't know Claire. What I do know, is he could be looking at some serious set backs after this one, if he survives."

"But he will survive, right?"

"Sheldon didn't answer. He didn't want to give false hope."

"I can't believe this. Where's Gary? Who has him?"

"Sid has him. It's a murder investigation. So he has to do the autopsy, before he can be released to a mortuary."

Sitting down, Claire tried to hold back to her tears. Feeling the touch on her shoulder, she seen her husband standing above her. Wrapping her in his arms with their children, she finally let go.

In the Trauma room they were doing everything they could to save Mac. While Mac was enjoying the warmth and peace of the land he was on. Walking further into the mist, he seen his son with his wife, and their children.

"Hi papa... we've missed you. Have you come to stay with us too?"

"No son. Remember I told you... papa is only here for a visit. He has to go back too nana and Alan. They still need him."

"It's so beautiful here son. Such peace and warmth."

"I know dad. But you have peace and warmth down their too. Mom... she's going to need you more then ever now. So is your Claire and Alan. They are all very scared right now. Scared of losing you, forever."

"But I don't understand son. Why did you have to suffer."

"Don't think like that dad. Everything happens for a reason. Most times we never know why. So we just accept it and move on. Do you understand dad, go back and move on. Now you need to get back. I can here them fighting to save you. You've flatlined dad, go back now. I love you. Give everyone a kiss for me, and my love."

Watching as they faded into the background, Mac turned and followed his way back into his shell.

"We've got a pulse doctor, he's back."
For some reason the only thing I thought of during the whole part with Claire is about when gary rang her, I wonder if that'll play on her mind incase she could hav halped.... Glad Macs back though :)
For some reason the only thing I thought of during the whole part with Claire is about when gary rang her, I wonder if that'll play on her mind incase she could hav halped
No, there is nothing to play on her mind. For he asked to meet her for lunch the following day. So they would have talked then.

"Hey sis, are you busy?"

"A little. Julia just got over the flu, and now Jimmy has it. Why? What did you need?"

"Too talk. Can we make some time for lunch tomorrow?"

"Of course. Stop by anytime during the day. I'll be home. But are you sure you're okay, now?"

"Yeah... I'm fine sis. I'll see tomorrow, tell Jimmy to get better."

With Mac now stablized. There was nothing left to do, but wait to see if he'd wake. Taking him to CCU, they made him comfortable before sending in the family. Entering the hall, the doctor walked down to give them the news.

"Stella... how are you Doing?"

"Oh Dr.Timmons, how is he? How's my husband?"

"We've stablized him Stella. He crashed on us once, but we were able to bring him back. I don't have very promising news for you. Except to say that the fight is now in Mac's corner, it's up to him to bring himself back.

We've been through this before Stella. This time around, the stroke was very, very serious. Once he wakes we'll be able to do some scans, assess his situation with the therapists, and hopefully get him well enough to be able to go home."

"Thank you doctor. I appreciate your honesty."

"Always Stella. My apologzies for you loss with your son, too."

"Mom... is dad going to come home to us? Or is he going to die?"

"I don't want you to worry about this Alan. That's my job. Your job is to help your father want to come home. It's up to us as a family, to bring him back."

Walking into the room, Stella neared his side. Bending down towards his lips, she kissed him tenderly.

"Hey my handsom husband. Here we are again, back where we started all those years ago. You just can't seem to get enough of those nurses, can you Mac? Or is it the fact that everytime you get better, we take advantage of the hospital bed, and pull the drape across," she laughed against his lips, allowing him to feel the vibration.

Alan watched his mom. He couldn't understand how she could be laughing, when his father was laying there paralized. Walking up to him, Tony said...

"It's okay sport. This is how your dad knows we are here. By talking to him, by reminesing with him. It helps him heal, hopefully enough to bring him home to us. Why don't you try talking to him? Just hold his hand, and talk into his ear. I promise you, he will hear you. He may not answer, but he will hear."

Walking up to the bed, Alan wasn't sure. His father didn't look like himself. His whole right lip, and cheek was curved up, his fingers on the right side were curled into hand, tightly. Tearing up, he turned and tried to run from the room.

Grabbing him before he could escape, Tony held him in his arms as he cried. Then hearing in the barest of whispers, he said...

"I don't want to look at dad, I want to go home."

Tony knew this may be to much for a Alan.

"Claire, I'm going to Alan to the lounge. You and the boys can meet us there when you're done. Come on Julia."

"Why do I hafta go dad. I want to see grandpa."

"Just leave her Tony, she'll be okay. Just take Alan and Graham."
Walking back down the hall, Alan seen Don and Donna. Looking at her with anger, he ran up...

"You... I hate you. You killed my brother, and maybe my dad. I hate you, you hear me? I hhhhhhhhhhhhhhate you."

People stared, as they listened to this child scream in tears over his loss. Running down the hall, Tony had to chase him with Graham in his arms. Leaving Don and Donna standing there in shock.

"I don't want to go in daddy, I change my mind. I want to go home. This is all my fault. I brought this on everyone. I don't want to see what Mac looks like, I still have images of Gary being tortured in my mind. Please daddy, take me home."

But they never got that changce to talk, or did they?
It would make no difference Natty, for Claire had no idea what was going on. For all she knew Gary could have wanted to talk to her about anything. It didn't have to be about Lawrence. So nothing is even going to weigh on her mind about this. For she had no idea in the first place. The only ones who knew were Don, Jess, Gary,Donna.
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