CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Don was dreaming again. He was watching as Gary lay on a table, screaming in pain. He cold see the metal claws dig into his stomach, leaving in its wake torn skin and flesh.

Then he seen his daughter pulling on her chains, while the Jessica was locked in a cage, screaming in fear.

Trying to wake himself, he couldn't. Why wouldn't his Jess wake him? Why would she leave him in this torturous dream?


He had Gary's keys. Carefully opening the door, he walked in to the silence. Nearing the bedroom, he seen his beautiful Donna laying across the bed in a silk nightie, while the breeze gently shivered her flesh.

Walking up with the syringe, he injected it into her skin. Waiting for five minutes, he carried her out to the car by back stairs. Then heading back up he mildly sedated his daughter. Leaving Gary and the baby behind.

Once he was on his way, he smiled. Never did he think one angry customer, would help him play his hand, earlier then planned.

Back at the Flack's, Jess had got home from work. Taking off her coat, she heard Don crying out in his sleep. Running into the room, she woke him.

"Donnie... Donnie, wake up."

Waking out of sleep, he wasn't able to catch his breath. Shaking him again, Jess finally got him to breathe.

"Gary... Doonnna... goooooooooooone."

Getting up from the bed he dressed and ran out the door. Hearing the tires screetch, she called Danny.

When Don arrived at the apartment, he found the door open. Running inside he seen the beds had been disturbed and his daughter, along with Jessie, gone. Running into the nursery he found his grandson sound asleep, then checking Gary's room he found him sleeping too.

"Don? Don? Where are you man."

"Help me Danny. Grab the baby."

Waking up Gary, he carried him downstairs to the car. After placing them inside, he rushed them home. Opening the door, Jess was waiting.

"Donnie... what's going on? Where's Donna and Jessie?"

"He's got them. He has Gary too. He left Gary and the baby. We need to find them. We need to call Mac, and Claire. Now Jess.."

"You need to calm down, Donnie. Please. You need to focus on your dream. You need to see that house."

While Don tried to focus, Danny called the family and informed them that Donna, Gary and Jessie had been kidnapped.
I don't think it's that he sees the future, he's just very in tuned to his daughter. It's a closeness to her. Because of this, he's in tune to Lawrence thoughts somehow.:lol:

Did that make sense??
It was 4am when Tony took the call. Waking Claire he told her that her brother, Donna and Jessie had been kidnapped. Dressing quickly, she headed over to her mom and dads. her main comcern... her father suffering another stroke.

When she arrived her mother wrapped her in her arms.

"How's daddy mom? Is he holding up okay?"

"He seems to be. Everyone is in the kitchen. Will Tony be bringing the kids in the morning?"

"Yeah, we didn't want to wake them."

Walking into the kitchen she seen everyone sitting around, looking at Don who had his eyes closed.

"Daddy... how you holding up?"

Pulling his daughter onto his lap, he held her close.

"I can't lose my eldest son, Claire bear. I just can't."

"It's going to be okay, I promise daddy, we'll find them all alive. Now exactly what happened?"

"Donna's been hiding something from her past. It seems Lawrence threatened her before he divorced her. He told her that when he got back from his trip, he would hunt her and Jessie down like dogs. It seems he is harboring anger at finding out Jessie was not his. By the looks of it, he is back from his trip, and has extracted his revenge. We think he's taken them."

"But why? What does he plan on doing?"

"Most likely to torture them. It seems he's a hunter. He hunts those that betray him. When he catches them, he tortures them with different methods and instruments."

"Um... what is uncle doing?"

"Your uncle has been having dreams of Donna and Jessie being tortured, while he's forced to watch. It seems in his dream he has the seen the place where the are being kept. We figure he is in tune with Lawrence somehow."

"Okay... but if he's there witnessing it. Then that means Donna, Gary and Jessie are still safe for now, right? He can't start his torture till Donnie is there. Which still gives us a chance to find them."

"That's what we are trying to get your uncle, to remember. It's the only way we are going to be able too find them."

"Look, I can't do this here. I'm going to head to the station, and see if Adam got anything from the image I gave him, through the data base, hopefully he's found a hit. I'll call you from the station."

Heading into the garage, Don opened the car door, and as he went to get in, he felt the stab of pain in his thigh. Looking up for the briefest of moments into Lawrence's face, before he passed out.

Pushing Don over, he got into the car and took off. With the capture of his final victim, he could finally begin, his long awaited torture.
Now you know I never rush a storyline, no matter how much you say fix it:)

While they waited for news, Stella answered the phone.


"Stella? It's Adam. I need to talk with Don, is he there?"

"No. He should be with you. He left to meet you at the lab, two hours ago. He should have been there by now."

"he's not here Stella. No one is here but me and a few others. Could he have stopped somewhere?"

"No... listen I have to go. But before I do, what did you find out?"

"Nothing. Not so much as match. This guy isn't even showing up, anywhere in the system."

"Okay Adam. Keep trying. I'll talk to you soon."

Hanging up the phone, Stella said...

"Don hasn't shown up at the lab."

"I want you girls to stay here, I'm going to check the garage."

As Mac headed out to the garage, he noticed the syringe. Tearing off a piece of paper towel, he picked it up and took it into the house.

"Jess... where's your car?"

"It's out front, why?"

"I need to get this syringe to Adam. Hopefully there is some trace on it. I think Don may have been drugged. Which means Lawrence now has everyone he needs, for his torture game to begin."

Once Mac left, the rest of family prayed that their children wold be found alive.


Lawrence was just strapping Don's ankles into the chair, when he woke.

"Welcome back Donald. How nice of you to join us for our torture lesson today. Before we begin, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hornando Cortizona. I'm what you call a hunter. I go around torturing victims that I've been hired to find by their discontented husbands, wives, corporate offices, deligates, etc. I get paid good money to bring them to my home, and torture them to death.

Once I'm done, each client that has hired me, recieves a piece of their intended victim. This way... they know the job has been done."

"You bastard... you have no right to do this to my daughter or granddaughter."

"I have every right. Your daughter is a maipulator. She told me that this young girl was my child. My child. Imagine how it burned... to find out she had lied to me. To escape her love, for her lover. She used me, for that she shall be punished."

"You're sick. Let my grandaughter go, you have no right to hold her. She wasn't even aware of what my daughter did. Let he go."

"Sorry... it don't work that way. They must be punished for their deception. As for Gary, he will be put to death once I'm done with him."

Don was trying to fight his way out of the straps. He could feel his pulse speed up, as he knew what was coming. Looking over at his grandaughter, he noticed Lawrence had forgotten to lock the door. Waiting for the opportunity to let his granddaughter know, he focused himself back on Lawrence for the time being.

"Shall we being? Yes? No? What? Don't you have anything to say? How bout you Donna, you have anything to say to me?"

Donna was in tears. She was terrified. Her only thoughts were that her, her husband, her father and child were going to die because of her lies.
So someone else hired him to torture Don?

I hope Don's able to let Jessie know that the door isn't locked/closed.
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Hey GNRF, the reason is in this chappie:)

With Lawrence's back now turned from Jessie, Don motioned to her with his eyes. Once he had her attention, he mouthed...

"Open your cage door, slowly."

Nodding her head that she understood, she carefully opened it. Watching her grandfathers lips, he said...


Quietly crawling out, she got up, tiptoed out and around to the stairs, praying that the door would be opened up top. Still hearing the guy yelling at her mother, Jessie managed to escape up and out of the place he had them.

Running down the street, she had no idea where she was. Hitting 12th street, she noticed the number 280 W. Knowing she was near her mothers work place, she decided to run in there. She wasn't sure whether there would be anyone there. But she had to try. Noticing the sun coming up, she figured it had about 6am.

Pounding on the door, some big guy answered it. Taking one look at the young girl, he could see Donna everywhere.

"Can I help you?"

"I... need... help... a phone... please... "

Letting her in, Jason decided to wait, till she had phoned someone.

"Grandma... grandma... it's Jessie. I need you grandma, mommy, daddy, and grandpa are going to be killed. Please grandma help me."

Hearing the young girl panic. He took the phone.

"Hello... who is this?"

"Who are you? Put my granddaughter back on, now."

Once he handed the phone to the young girl, he tried to wait patiently, but he couldn't believe how much she looked like Donna.


Lawrence was still yelling at Donna, not realizing Jessie had escaped.

"I guess you are wondering why I brought your father, aren't you Donna? Well... let me tell you why. Your father deserves to know what type of daughter he raised. What evilness he and his wife has spawned. Cause that's what you are Donna. A spawn of manipulation. Do you understand Don? Do you now see why your daughter has to be tortured? Needs to have all that evilness driven from her."

The only thing he knew, was that Jessie had gotten away. To him... nothing else now mattered. For he had saved his granddaughter.


"Listen to me Jessie... where are you?"

"I'm at mommy's work. He's got them grandma. Please hurry."

Hanging up the phone, he kept the young girl there.

"Can you tell me. Are you Donna Taylor's daughter?"

"Yes... why... my mommy, daddy and grandpa are going to die, they need help."

"Can you show me where they are?"

"I can't. My grandma said I had to wait here."

Hearing the cars pull up, Jason let them in.


"Grandma..." running into her arms, she wouldn't let go."

"Okay Jessie. You need to take us to the place where mom, dad, and grandpa are. Okay?"

"Excuse me... I'd like to help. I'm Jason, one of the bouncers here. Donna informed me yesterday what was happening. We talked more on the way home. If this Lawrence guy does have them, according to Donna he's dangerous."

Mac sized him up. He had to admit that he was well built, and he could see he was packing. So obviously... he had training behind him.

"That's fine. But you stay with Danny, and Sheldon, understand? Jessie... show us where they are."

Heading out, they knew they were going in blind. But what choice did they have. Especially when there was no time call for back-up.