CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

The following morning, Jason helped Donna home with her children and the pups. Donna knew it was going to be hard for the next few days without Gary there to keep things together, but Jason had promised to stop by each evening after his shift.

"Mom... when do we have to bury daddy? He shouldn't have to wait."

"He won't be sweetheart. Nana has decided he's to be cremated, placed in the plot with Janice and his children from his first marriage."

"Are we at least having a funeral to say good bye?"

"No love. It will just be you children, myself, and close family saying good bye at the plot on tuesday. Papa will have to say good bye when he wakes."

"But what if he doesn't wake. How is nana going to be able to survive without papa?"

"With our love and strength honey. But papa is going to come home. He's very strong, and is not about to leave without nana. Okay? Now how about you and your brother walk the pups, okay?"

Once they left with the pups, Jason stopped by before heading into work.

"How are they doing now, Donna?"

"They seem to be okay. Though I can't really tell how they feel, with what has taken place. For all I know they could secretly hate me, for having their father killed."

"You need to stop this Donna. Your children are not blaming you. But if you keep sending negative thoughts, eventually they will. For this is what you are leading them to think."

Donna knew she was right. Hearing Bryan cry, she headed into the nursery. Picking him up, she changed him, and sat him with her in the rocker. Laying him across her knees, she rocked him gently until he fell back into sleep.

"He's missing his father. He knows Gary isn't here. Baby's always know everything that goes on. They can tell by the scents, the aura, and energies that fill the home."

Jason was impressed, how cold Donna not notice she was a caring mother. She certainly understood her child. Leaving Jason to know, that even though she may be frightened, she'd survive.

Hearing the kids come in the door, Jason smiled. They certainly weren't quiet.

Seeing Jason looking so comfortable in Bryan's nursery, Gary didn't like it. In fact he felt Jason shouldn't be there at all. This was his fathers home. Not Jason's. He had no right to make moves on his mother. Oh yeah, Gary knew what he wanted.

"Hey Gary, how you doing?"

Not saying anything, Gary walked by him to his brother.

"I'd like to hold my brother please."

Donna wasn't sure why Gary was acting so cold.

"But he's sleeping, Gary. I really don't want to wake him, he's teething."

"I said... I want to hold my brother, I want to take him in my room."

Jessie knew why Gary was upset. But she wasn't about to tell. For she felt the same way. Jason shouldn't be in their home. Not when their father's death was still fresh in their minds.

Passing Bryan to Gary, he took him in his arms, and carried him to his room with his sister.

"What was that about?"

"I think your children are feeling hurt. To them, this is their fathers home. I should not be in it, this soon. Too many wounds are still fresh. To them... they feel like I'm trying to take over their fathers territory. It may be best to keep our visits at night, after work when they are asleep. There is to much pain right now, for them to understand anything, even if we tried to explain it to them."

"I understand. I'm just not sure I can help them through this."

"Look Donna. You need to try, else you are going to lose them. They will end up wanting to be away from you, forever. You need to step up now. Before it's too late. I'll see you tonight."

Brushing a kiss on her cheek, he left.
Back at the Hospital, Claire, Peter and the kids came to visit.

"Hi mom. Any change yet?"

"Not yet love. He still sleeps."

"Why don't you come downstairs with us for coffee, you must need a break by now."

"Sure. You coming Alan?"

"No... I want to stay and talk with daddy."

Leaving Alan with his dad. He just eyed at him for the longest time. Allowing himself to become accustomed to his father's looks. Then reaching for his hand, he held it.

"Daddy... daddy it's Alan. I miss you daddy, I wish you'd come home. The father and son day was today. But I didn't go. It just wouldn't be the same without you daddy. Nothing is the same without you. You need to come home daddy, I love you so much, and I'm so scared you are going to leave me and mommy alone. I don't want that daddy, I don't want to be alone."

Mac could hear his sons plea's. He could hear the fear in his voice, as he cried his love onto his chest. Raising his right arm, Mac brought it up to his sons hair, and softly brushed it back. Just stroking with comfort and care.

Looking up, Alan seen his dad staring at him, watching as his tears continued to fall.

"Daddy... daddy, you are back. You are back daddy."

Trying to speak, Mac could only mumble to his son. But somehow Alan knew exactly what he was saying.

"I love you too, daddy. I love you too."

Laying his head back on his fathers chest, he hugged him as the rest of the family walked in.

"Mac... oh Mac. You're awake. Claire, go get the doctor, honey."

Running to get the doctor, Stella tried to get her son to let go.

"I need you to let go of your father, Alan. Just for a few minutes."

Alan wouldn't let go. He kept hanging on tight. Wrapping his arm back around his son, he looked at his wife, telling her with his eyes to leave him. He knew his son was scared that he would disappear again. Leaving him alone, once more with his mother.

"Hi daddy, did you have good rest? We've missed you."

Mumbling out some words, Claire tried to understand him, but failed. Yet Alan didn't.

"Daddy said that his rest was good. And he missed you all too."

Everyone looked at Alan. Trying to figure how he knew what his father had said. Then lookingat Mac, he carefully nodded. Then Julia started in.

"Hi papa, I'm glad you're awake. We missed you. I knew you would come home. I just knew you wouldn't leave us. So what is this papa? And this?"

Tony laughed. Julia was just so interested in everything hooked up to her grandfather, that she didn't know where to start, or stop.

"Good morning, Taylor's. Welcome back Mac. How you feeling?"

Mumbling out some words, the doctor tried to listen carefully.

"He said that he's feeling better, and he's thirsty."

The doctor gave Alan a quizical look.

"You can understand your father?"

"Of course I can. He's my dad. I know exactly what he's saying."

The doctor laughed.

"Well that's great then. You can be my interpreter, okay?"

While the doctor worked his way along Mac's left side, he asked...

"Can you feel me touching your arm, Mac?"

Mumbling out, no. The doctor continued down his left side. With no sensation till he got to his calf, the doctor realized he was paralyzed on the left side, from his knee to his head. Testing the right, Mac had all never responses working normally.

"Okay. Can you swallow Mac? Are you able to show me you can swallow?"

Swallowing down, the doctor seemed to feel their was no obstruction. With extreme caution, he allowed him a sponge stick with water on it.

"I'll send the speech therapist in shortly. Once she gives us the okay, we can give you a drink, okay Mac?"

Mumbling out yes, the doctor left the room.
While Tony left to phone Don and Danny. Alan climbed up into his fathers arms. Holding him tightly once again. Stella knew Alan was terrified of letting his father go again. He was afraid if he did, he would leave him.

"It's okay Alan. Dad isn't going anywhere, you can losen up your hold, honey."

While Alan cautiously let go a little, Mac wrapped his arm around his son. Letting him know he was still with him. Mac also knew it was going to be a while before Alan let him out of his sight. Which he could understand. For Alan shared everything with his father. Each secret, each story, each girl he liked. All secrets his father held within.

Stroking his son's hair, Tony walked back in.

"Don said he'd be stopping by this afternoon with the grandchildren. Danny said that he'd be by tonight."

Mac mumbled out, "thank you."

Looking to Alan, he told Tony... "he said thank you."

Mac gave his son another squeeze. Then looking at his daughter, he asked her for the baby. Bringing Graham to the bed, Claire laid him on her fathers chest, while Alan's arm wrapped around Graham, so he wouldn't roll.

Watching his grandson suckle his fists, Mac attempted a smile. As he drooled a little, Stella wiped the left side of his mouth.

"Good morning. I'm looking for Mac Taylor?"

Looking up Alan seen the pretty young lady, while Mac seen his son. Giving him a little squeeze to stop gawking, Alan giggled. Climbing down out of his fathers bed. Alan stood straight up and smiled.

"Hi... I'm Alan. This is my dad, Mac Taylor. are you single?"

Stella stood shocked. Claire and Tony laughed out loud, as did Jimmy and James. While Mac mumbled out..."that's my boy."

"Alan... you stop that, right now. As for you mister, stop provoking him." she laughed.

"Sorry mom. But she's beautiful. so are you?"

"Hmm... she smiled. I'm afraid not tiger. But if I was... you'd be my type. You are very handsom."

"Thanks... I know that already. That's cause I have my dads genes. Mom calls them strong Taylor features."

"Well... your mom is right. May I have a few minutes with your dad?"

"Sure... but I better stay. I can help you understand what he says."

"Sounds good. Hello Mac. My name is Willow, and I'm your speech therapist. I was wondering if we could take you down for a swallowing test?"

Mumbling out, Alan said... "he said sure."

"Thank you Alan. I'll send the orderly in for you shortly, Mac."

Watching as Willow left, Stella gave her son a gentle tap on the head.

"Stop staring at her bum. You are getting to be very naughty Alan." laughed his mom.

Being a smart ass. Tony couldn't help but say...

"She's hot... ins't she Alan? 100% grade A beef. Just like on the Wedding Singer."

Claire punched Tony's arms. While everyone laughed.

"Just what have you been teaching our son? asked Stella.

"Not a thing mom. Just ask the boys. Not a thing, right guys?"

"Right. Not a thing." they all laughed.

Laughing they all headed down for something to eat, while Mac had his test.
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he's ten right now. I got the idea from my daughter, when she came home and told me that a boy at school liked her because of her well developed chest.:lol:

When they got back to the room, Alan had ice cream in a dish for his father.

"Hi dad... can you eat?"

Mumbling out yes, Alan took a spoon and started feeding him the ice cream.

"This is great dad. I get to give back what you did for me all those years ago. Now you're my baby."

Everyone laughed. Mac gave his son one of his famous Taylor looks. Then Julia giggled as she walked up with a kleenex for her papa's mouth.

"Here papa, you have some ice cream on your chin. There we go, all better."

Pointing his finger towards his granddaughter, she climbed up on the bed, when Jessie, Gary, Bryan and Don walked in.

"Grandpa... you're awake. Awesome. I've missed you grandpa."

Running up to the bed, Jessie kissed his cheek. Smiling a lopsided smile at her, he then noticed the pain in his grandson's face.

Pointing his finger, he told him to come. Walking towards his grandfather, he climbed up, laid on his chest and cried...

"I want to come home with you and grandma. I don't want to live with mom. Please grandpa, can I come home with you?"

Mac looked towards Don, as did Stella.

"Gary is having a problem accepting Jason helping his mother. He's under the impression he's trying to move in on Donna."

Mac gave Stella a look. They did seem awful close that day. He was also suspicious himself. Especially when he offered to help.

"How would Donna feel about him staying with us for a few days, when his grandfather comes home?"

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I'd have to ask her. She wasn't feeling well, so she didn't come today."

"That's a fib papa. Mom didn't want to come, because she knows Alan blames her for daddy's death."

Don lowered his head. He didn't mean to lie too his best friends. But he only did it, cause he didn't want them to feel hurt.

"Sorry Mac. I seem to forget Gary told them to always tell the truth. I should have known Jessie would say something."

Alan didn't say anything, he just stayed wrapped in his fathers arms.

"Alan... is this how you've been feeling?"

"I don't want to talk about it mom. I love my niece and nephews. But I will not love Donna, ever."

Mac stroked his sons hair, again. He knew the pain right now was too raw. He'd work through this problem with him, in a few days.

Once Don left the grandchildren, Danny stopped by with Adam.

"Hey... look who's awake. How the hell ya feelin' Mac?"

"He said he's doing better."

"How'd ya know that?"

"I'm his son. a son understands his father. Just as a father understands his son. Right dad?"

Mumbling out yes, Danny snickered.

"Anyways Mac. Here's a card from Judy and the kids. The baby's pretty sick, so I didn't bring him. So how long before they spring ya?"

Shrugging his right shoulder. Mac wished it was today. He hated Hospital's. always had. Just something that happened, when you spend half your life in and out of them.
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uhoh I should really start to review on the storys, i've been way to lazy:lol:
i hope Mac get better..
And I loved Alan when he talked with the speech therapist:guffaw: it was pretty cute and funny when Alan said that Mac was his baby now:lol: