CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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YAY! Speedy's back in action! Well, not right away, but soon! Wait, why did Horatio dissapear? Where did he go? Man that Horatio is sneaky lol. The only thing is that you misspelled "lead" unless I'm wrong, but I don't know these things lol.
awwwww horatio is such a good man :) And speed takes his job back!! This is SO great!!!
update soon please
You are totally right Geni. It is just mean!

Katie: HECK YES! I mean....Yes we do.

Hahah. Go me! lol. But yay Speed's ok. I'm ok. Alexx is ok. Everyone's ok.....but there still that criminal. *sighs* No one can catch a break can they? And oh my goshness when I read the (noise is heared) part I was like "Great the jerk came in the hospital!...well atleast were in a hospital" And then I saw that it was Speed's badge Awwwwww! how cute!

Horatio: *takes off shades* Katie.

Katie: AH! Geez don't do that.

I loved that part!

Update soon please!
:lol: Jess, I fixed the word. *bows down* :p

And Katie, yup everyone's okay and that stupid criminal guy wasn't in the hospital...I don't think. (Tries not to pull a Black and White, eh Carly?)

So I'll update a little bit later, and thanks for all the feedback, and everything! *hugs* ...Wow I sure hug a lot. I guess it's a Canadian thing. :p

Horatio: Who shot whom?

Katie: That stupid guy from New York SHOT MY HUSBAND!
That seems to be happening a lot. Now, after we finish with the New York Detectives...any chance we could try and smuggle Delko back into Vegas, I mean I know he got a permenate ban from the city for fighting with a cop, but PLEASE? Anyways, very good, more Speed drama and I definately like the idea of him framing his bullets! WE HAVE ALEXX BACK! Yay! Keep it going!
And Katie, yup everyone's okay and that stupid criminal guy wasn't in the hospital...I don't think. (Tries not to pull a Black and White, eh Carly?)
BLACK AND WHITE! HECK YES! a-hem, I mean...yeah! actually, when I read that bit, I thought "Oh no! Louis has come back! Not again..."
But oh man, Speedy had better catch that guy...using his daughter as bait, what the heck is wrong with him? I hope he gets shot!...not Speed, I meant the bad guy :p but Speed sure does seem to be getting shot alot...but at least he's not dying... TAKE THAT DONAHUE!
ok, I'll just shutup now, please update soon
:lol: Eric going back to Vegas? Well I'll see if I can sneak him back in when they get back in the Hummerhome. ;)

*keeps in mind suggestion, and writes it down*

In Midst Of You

Three days later

Speed: *walks out of hospital*

Katie: Um, you're just going to walk out?

Speed: I have a job to do.

Katie: What about your real job at the Sherrif's Department?

Speed: Phone them and tell them I'm taking a few sick days.

Katie: So what now, you're going to fly to Miami?

Speed: No I'm going to get the bastard in New York.

Katie: Um...Language.

Speed: I'm pissed off.

Katie: I can see that. The guy shot you so you should be mad.

Speed: *stops walking* I spent months getting away from the jackasses that start this crap. I'm not going to let more people die because one man is mad at me for something I didn't do.

Katie: Again...Language.

Speed: I happen to not like people who shoot me.

Katie: If it makes any difference, he almost missed.

Speed: It doesn't. When I find this guy I'm going to personally rip out his eyes, shove them down his pants so he can see me kicking the crap out of his manhood.

Katie: ...You miss being a cop don't you?

Speed: *walks away*

Katie: *follows* So is there a reason you're this mad?

Speed: We should have got him the first time. I should have never left Miami.

Katie: Okay now you're just talking like a crazy person.

Speed: What if he had hurt you? What if he had hurt Alexx? Enough is enough.

Katie: Tim, you're acting insane. Can you just stop, calm down and just....Chill out for a second?

Speed: No.

Katie: Well can you at least stop being mad at me?

Speed: *stops walking* I'm not mad at you. I'm just...Mad.

Katie: Yeah I can see that. So calm down before you do something you regret.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: Alright. I found a note this morning on your hospital room door. Apparently Horatio left you a Hummer.

Speed: Great, where?

Katie: Parking garage.

Speed: Okay. *walks into parking garage*

Katie: And there it is. See? Simple as pie.

Speed: Have you ever tried to make pie? It's not simple.

Katie: Simple to watch someone making it. *grabs doorhandle*

Click sound is heard

Speed: *looks up* Katie....

Katie: What?

Speed: Don't move.

Katie: Why? What's wrong.

Louis: *pointing gun to Katie's head* Its your husband that's wrong.

Katie: *wide-eyed*

Speed: Louis, you don't have to hurt her.

Louis: You know, I remember when you were just a whipper snapper. You'd run around the house with your sister and your brother, you were always playing some sort of cops and robbers game.

Speed: *frowns*

Louis: By the way I heard what you said about me up there about ripping my eyes out. I'm touched but I don't think you could pull it off.

Speed: What do you want.

Louis: I want to teach you patience.

Speed: ...Patience.

Louis: Mhm. You know, Horatio's got a lot of patience. Everything he does is well thought out, and uh, pretty much by the book.

Speed: What would you know about him?

Louis: I found him on his way out of the hospital the other day. He wasn't too eager to take a ride, so I...Gave him a little encouragement. *looks in Hummer*

Speed: *looks in Hummer* Oh my God.

Horatio seen in the back seat, unconscious

Louis: If you catch my drift.

Speed: How does this teach me patience?

Louis: Because you're not going to open that door, and you're not going to see your wife for a very long time.

Katie: Tim...

Speed: Tell me what you want.

Louis: I already told you. You can either break the rules or...You can play the game.

Speed: Game, what game?

Louis: It's a little something I like to call, 'Find the bomb before the bomb expert dies.'

Speed: *blank stare*

Louis: For the meantime, myself and your wife are going to leave.

Speed: Don't take her. She didn't do anything to you.

Katie: *starts to cry*

Louis: If you save your boss in time, which I doubt you will, you can call me on this phone. *throws phone* When you phone me after the present task is completed, I will give you another task. If you complete that, we'll see if your wife lives.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *crying*

Louis: Oh and one more thing...If you call the cops, I'll put a bullet in her brain right in front of you. *grabs Katie, leaves in large SUV*

Speed: *knocks on window* Horatio! Horatio wake up! H!..Oh crap. *looks around* Double crap.

Cell phone on ground rings

Speed: *picks up phone* Yes?

Louis: Your wife is pretty I'll give you that.

Speed: Let her go.

Louis: I've decided that since she's so pretty, I'll give you a hint as to where the bomb is.

Speed: I'm listening.

Louis: Think about your old cases. You'll find the grand prize.

Speed: What? What does that mean?

Louis: Be a good CSI and figure it out. You have oh....About ten minutes before the bomb expert meets his fate.


Speed: *looks down at phone*

Since this story is so interesting all of the sudden, it deserves some more chapters. (Plus it's very late in the evening and no one's online)

Just wait and read what happens Jaci. Don't worry too much. ;)

Somewhere In The Sky

Parking Garage

Speed: *looks around* What in the hell is that supposed to mean? Old case files? ...Great. I've just gotten Horatio killed. *runs hands along Hummer* I don't see or feel anything....*sigh*

Inside Hummer, Horatio wakes up

Speed: *looks in Hummer* HORATIO DON'T MOVE!

Horatio: *concerned look* What happened?

Speed: There's a bomb somewhere on, under or in the Hummer.

Horatio: Don't panic.

Speed: Panic? That lunatic took my WIFE!

Horatio: Just stay calm. How much time did he say you had?

Speed: Ten minutes.

Horatio: And you believe that.

Speed: So my time's cut in half.

Horatio: Did he say anything about the bomb?

Speed: He said to remember my old case files and then I'll find the grand prize.

Horatio: Okay think Speed, think.

Speed: Why can't you help?

Horatio: Just think, and don't panic.

Speed: Okay um....Uh....Grand prize...Some kind of reward.

Horatio: Keep thinking.

Speed: Uh....Prize....Trophy, I don't know.

Horatio: Think about cases we had where there were prizes, or trophies involved.

Speed: There was uh...That one case with the, the uh...Treasure hunters. What does that have to do with a bomb?

Horatio: Think.

Speed: Millions in gold and silver, uh...The package that was given to the husband at that house was rigged to explode. I don't see a connection.

Horatio: Think of other cases. You can do this Speed.

Speed: I still don't see why you're not helping.

Horatio: You don't have time to sit this over for a few hours.

Speed: Um...Okay grand prize...Grand prize, grand prize um...A case with a grand pr...*laughs*

Horatio: What?

Speed: I'm so stupid.

Horatio: Why?

Speed: Grand prize? No, Grand Prix.

Horatio: That case with Jimmy Hutton.

Speed: Yeah his car was tampered with but it was to make the car go faster than CART rules allowed.

Horatio: What does that have to do with a bomb?

Speed: The popup valve was glued so that it would explode when the engine got too hot.

Horatio: ....I'm not seeing a connection.

Speed: ...*mumbles to self* The gas tank was a fuel source, it killed the guy...Too much heat, chemical reactions....

Horatio: Speed?

Speed: It's the gas tank. The bomb's in the gas tank. *walks to other side of Hummer*

Horatio: The gas tank?

Speed: *pull cap* It's stuck. Like it's been *pulls cap* Glued down...

Horatio: How do you get the glue off?

Speed: We need a heat source. When that car popup valve was glued, the more the engine radiated heat, the hotter the glue became and melted. I think we're looking at the same principle here.

Horatio: So you need to melt that glue.

Speed: Yeah well easier said than done.

Horatio: You don't have much time.

Speed: Uh...Okay I need a heat source.

Horatio: Near a gas tank?

Speed: Yeah I know, it sounds stupid. If there's one spark, boom. I need to get this to emit an endothermic reaction.

Horatio: You're going to heat the glue with some sort of chemical.

Speed: Yeah, the only question is which chemical?

Horatio: *Grabs doorhandles* They're locked from the inside...Mechanized. I can't deactivate that bomb until these doors open.

Speed: *rubs chin* Okay um...*looks up* Thank you God.

Horatio: Why?

Speed: *points* Nice hot light bulb up there.

Horatio: Well get it down here.

Speed: *climbs up onto Hummer*

Horatio: Are you insane?

Speed: You want that lightbulb or not? *unscrews bulb* OW! Okay these are hot. Good. *climbs down* Alright, here we go. *puts bulb up against glue*

Horatio: Is it melting?

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Good, keep going.

Few seconds later

Speed: *grabs gas tank cap* I got it open.

Hummer doors unlock

Horatio: *opens door* Well look at that. That's an interesting way to keep the doors locked. They were being kept locked by a mechanism inside the gas c-

Speed: Maybe you can explain that another time. Come deactivate this bomb.

Horatio: *walks over* Okay here we go. *looks inside tank* ...Hmm...*grabs wires*

Speed: Try not to kill us.

Horatio: I'll stay out of your office if you stay out of mine.

Speed: Fair enough.

Horatio: *pulls wires*

Bomb turns off

Horatio: I'd say that did it. *grabs bomb* Safe and sound.

Speed: Excellent. You get to the police department and tell them what's going on. I have a call to make.

Horatio: I'm not leaving without you.

Speed: He wants to teach me a lesson, so I'm going to learn.

Horatio: Alright. *gets in Hummer, turns key* Good luck Speed.

Speed: Thanks.

Hummer drives off

Speed: *dials phone*

Louis: I see you accomplished your task.

Speed: Yeah that was clever. Did you get one of your inside lackeys to look through some case files?

Louis: Why do you think Boa Vista was hired?

Speed: Yeah we all knew she was a snake.

Louis: *laughs*

Speed: Where's my wife?

Louis: She's safe.

Speed: I want to talk to her.

Louis: You will talk to her when the time comes, if at all.

Speed: I want proof she's alive.

Louis: She's very alive and...Kicking.

Speed: What did you do to her?

Louis: You're not in a position to be making demands my dear boy.

Speed: I just want to hear her voice.

Louis: In time. For right now, you do as I say.

Speed: Please don't kill her.

Louis: So we're at 'please'. I like that.

Speed: Please.

Louis: Your next task is to get over to your house. I left you a note with written instructions.

Speed: Yeah, what other kind of instructions would be on a note?

Louis: Sarcasm isn't getting you any closer to seeing your wife.

Speed: I know, I'm sorry.

Louis: Go to your house.

Speed: Okay.

Louis: When you find what the note is asking for, phone me.


Speed: *frowns* Great, how am I going to get there?

Two hours and four bus transfers later...

Speed: *runs in house, sees note* Well at least he's consistant. *picks up note* ...Paint the baby's room blue...He has to be kidding me. *reads note* The paint is upstairs...Well at least he's helpful.


Speed: ...Oh lord. This is going to take a while. Well...Okay maybe he didn't mean the whole room. What about one wall?

Twenty minutes later

Speed: Good enough. *dials phone*

Louis: Only three hours later and you're finished?

Speed: They don't call me Speed for nothing.

Louis: Take a picture from the digital camera on the desk. Then e-mail the picture to my laptop. The address is on a piece of paper under the camera.

Speed: Why?

Louis: I want to see if you're telling the truth.

Speed: Are you kidding me?

Louis: No.

Speed: And if I don't?

Screams and crying is heard in the background

Speed: OKAY! Okay I get it! I'll send you the picture.

Louis: Finish painting the room first.


Speed: Well isn't he a delightful person? *grabs paintroller*

Sherrif's Department

Horatio: I understand that he's not your jurisdiction but this guy has one of my people held hostage.

Man: I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do. Unless you bring us a warrant, we can't help you.

Horatio: This is unbelievable.

Jody: *walks over* Is there something wrong officer?

Horatio: Tim Speedle, do you know him?

Jody: Yeah we worked together on a couple of cases. Who the hell are you?

Horatio: Horatio Caine, Miami Dade CSI.

Jody: *laughs* You're kidding.

Horatio: No ma'am.

Jody: So why are you here? I heard he took a few sick days.

Horatio: His wife is being held hostage.

Jody: I see. And that's why you came all the way to California.

Horatio: Officially, no.

Jody: So officially, what are you supposed to be doing?

Horatio: Finding Louis Gravano. He helped murder a few dozen cops three months ago. I thought they were after Speedle, but it turns out, his wife was the target.

Jody: I'll uh...Have my guys call your guys and we'll set up a meeting.

Horatio: Thank you.

Two hours later

Speed: *dials phone*

Louis: I have the e-mail. Nice job.

Speed: I'm a perfectionist.

Louis: Good to know.

Speed: I want to speak to my wife.

Louis: What happened to please?

Speed: *frowns* Please...You son of a bitch.

Louis: *laughs* Nice touch.

Speed: I want to talk to her.

Louis: Unfortunately, it's not in my hands anymore.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Louis: I sent her away with a mister Valdez, I believe his name is.

Speed: Where did you send her?

Louis: I hear Miami is nice this time of year.

Speed: Miami.

Louis: One in the same.

Speed: ...Is, sh-she safe?

Louis: I told Valdez to keep it professional.

Speed: Professional?

Louis: He's a sucker for a pretty face.

Speed: How do I know she's alive?

Louis: Well I can tell you what she said to tell you.

Speed: Alright.

Louis: She said to tell you that she's...Late?

Speed: *lowers head* Oh my God.

Louis: So not only do you have one life to save, but the life of your unborn child as well.

Speed: I swear to God, if you hurt her in any way...

Louis: You have 24 hours to get to Miami. Your instructions will be at the lab. If you don't get there in time, it's bye bye miss American pie.


Speed: *drops phone*

Oh my gosh, Katies pregnant again?! :eek: well, they don't call him Speed for nothing ;)

and woah, this story is so interesting! Poor Speedy...and Katie...and Horatio...I Wanna know what happens! please please update soon!

and by the way, I love the title...I was just listening to that song too :D
*grab a cookie from Geni*(thank you ;) ) *choking*
Speed is shot... :eek: fjuu Speed is ok!:rolleyes: *choking* Horatio gonna explode...fjuu Horatio will stay in one piece ! :lol:

wow, so much action! *clap-clap* love it! :D
Thanks :D I love that song as well. ;)

And well...I mean they HAVE been trying for a while now...So it was bound to happen... :p

And it is quite a bit of action isn't it? :D

If I Lose It All I Have Nothing Left

8 hours later, Miami lab

Speed: *runs in* Paula! Paula don't lock up yet!

Paula: Are you supposed to be in here?

Speed: This is an emergency. Do you have a message for me?

Paula: Actually I do. Someone here left a package for you.

Speed: Great, can I see it?

Paula: Sure. *hands over package*

Speed: Is Calleigh or Eric here?

Paula: I think Eric is upstairs in the trace lab.

Speed: Thanks. *runs*

Paula: You're...Welcome.

Trace lab

Speed: Oh thank God Eric.

Delko: *looks up* ...Um..Aren't you supposed to be 9000 miles that way? *points to the left*

Speed: Katie's been kidnapped and they brought her here. I need to find out what's in this package. Please tell me you'll help.

Delko: Whatever I can do man.

Speed: Thank you.

Delko: *grabs package* So how are things in California so far, besides the kidnapping?

Speed: Well I got shot again, but that was before the kidnapping.

Delko: I see. Have you guys started a family yet?

Speed: We're still trying.

Delko: *reaches into package* Well try no more.

Speed: Is that a pregnancy test?

Delko: Yup. And it looks positive.

Speed: *sigh* Great.

Delko: Congrats man.

Speed: Yeah I'll celebrate when I get my wife back.

Delko: *reaches into package* A tape?

Speed: You have a tape player or something in here?

Delko: Hey this was YOUR lab, you tell me.

Speed: Check underneath in the cabinet.

Delko: *opens cabinet* Yep.

Speed: Put it in, put it in.

Delko: Geez, patience. I can only go so fast.

Speed: Sorry.

Delko: *puts tape in tape player* Alright, here goes nothing. *presses play*

Voice: I see you've made it to Miami under 24 hours. Very good Tim. I turns out I answered your phone call before from Miami. So, your wife is still here with me. You wanted proof she's alive.

Voice2: *crying* Help me, please...Help...

Voice1: As you can see she's alive. This tape hasn't been altered in any way. I know you'll try every CSI gizmo in there that you have to find me, but rest assured you will never find me. As for Katie? You have under 12 hours to find her or I put a bullet in her head.

Tape ends

Delko: Wow, what a nice guy.

Speed: *sigh* She sounded drugged.

Delko: Yeah. It was easy to get her on a plane that way.

Speed: I'm going to analyze that tape.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Because there could be noises in the background that can lead us to a location. Maybe there was a conversation in the background that can help us or...Something.

Delko: It sounded quiet to me.

Speed: This guy...Has one of our own. And he's not going to stop toying with us until he gets what he wants.

Delko: What does he want?

Speed: I don't know.

Delko: Horatio called a couple of hours ago. California PD managed to track his movements. He's definitely in Miami. He rented a car from Sunstar rentals.

Speed: Okay good.

Delko: H is on his way back down.

Speed: Anything else?

Delko: Yeah I kind of felt like gambling. You think there's any chance I can get back into Vegas?

Speed: Not the time Eric.

Delko: Sorry.

Speed: *sits in chair* I need to find her.

Delko: I know.

Speed: What if they kill her?

Delko: They haven't hurt her yet.

Speed: I'm running out of time.

Delko: You'll come through, you always do.

Speed: I have no way of finding her. The only thing I have is a tape, and a pregnancy test.

Delko: So let's analyze the tape.

Speed: Good idea.

AV Lab

Delko: *types* Okay I'll take away the voices, and run a reverse algorithm.

Speed: Alright.

Delko: Here we go.

Speed: ....Those are machines in the background.

Delko: Yeah like tractors or something.

Speed: So they're someplace industrial.

Delko: Yeah, let me see if I can pull the sounds up. *types*

Speed: ....I hear..Crashing and wood creaking.

Delko: *smiles* There's only one thing I know that makes a sound like that.

Speed: And that would be what?

Delko: The docks.

Speed: Well great, there are a hundred docks in Miami.

Delko: Only three with warehouses.

Speed: Let's narrow it down a little more.


Louis: Do you want any water. *sets down cup*

Katie: *kicks cup*

Louis: New mothers should drink their fluids.

Katie: I'm not thirsty.

Louis: Would you like anything to eat?

Katie: I'm not hungry.

Louis: What would you like?

Katie: To go home.

Louis: *smiles*

Katie: Why did you drag me all the way back to Miami?

Louis: I'm keeping everyone on their toes.

Katie: Are you going to kill me?

Louis: Why, are you afraid I will?

Katie: It was just a question.

Louis: I hear you can't swim.

Katie: You must hear a lot of things. Try to ignore the voices in your head.

Louis: *laughs* That's very funny.

Katie: People say.

Louis: I told Tim about your little bundle of joy.

Katie: Good. Then he'll have more of a reason to beat the snot out of you when he gets here.

Louis: I'm sure he will. But he won't find me.

Katie: I doubt that.

Louis: You have a lot of confidence in him.

Katie: I trust him.

Louis: Trust is a good quality.

Katie: I'm aware of that.

Louis: I wonder how he'll feel, picking up pieces of your brains from a crime scene, and sticking them in little baggies.

Katie: Is that what you're going to do? Shoot me?

Louis: Maybe. Maybe I'll just tie a cinder block to your foot and you can swim with the fishes literally.

Katie: If there's no body, there's no proof I'm dead so Tim will come after you ever harder and faster than before.

Louis: He loves you very much. I could tell that from his voice. He's done everything I've asked so far.

Katie: So how many other wild goose chases do you have for him?

Louis: Just enough.

*sings*...drove my chevy to the levy, but the levy was dry...*clears throat* Anyway...whoa I wake up and Timmy's out of the hospital, H is unconcious in the Hummer, I get kidnapped and a gun put to my head, the only upside is that i'm pregnant...AGAIN! lol. But the downside to that is that I can get killed.

Louis: I hear you can't swim.

I knew that was going to come back and bite me in the butt one day.

Katie: You must hear a lot of things. Try to ignore the voices in your head.

Teehee. Aren't I clever. And 3 updates! You rock geni. Update soon please!
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