CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Okay I know I promised Hummerhome action, but that will have to wait until this particular storyline is done. *sigh* So don't worry. ;) ....Not that anyone is worried, but I'm a perfectionist and I get worried sometimes. :p

Bleeding For The Second Time

California, 9 pm

Katie: Hey you're home.

Speed: *rubs eyes* Yeah.

Katie: ...Did work go okay?

Speed: Just fine.

Katie: You look tired.

Speed: Do I?

Katie: Yeah. So did you do anything exciting today?

Speed: Like what?

Katie: I don't know. Did someone start a nasty rumor at the water cooler, or something like that?

Speed: We don't have a water cooler.

Katie: Wow...Bust my bubble.

Speed: I got asked to go out for a few beers.

Katie: Okay what's her name.

Speed: It's a cop thing.

Katie: You're not a cop.

Speed: They know I used to be.

Katie: Oh so you're one of them.

Speed: Not quite.

Katie: I don't get it.

Speed: I said no, and I came home.

Katie: Well you don't have to get mad about it.

Speed: I'm not mad.

Katie: You sound mad.

Speed: I always sound mad. That's the way I am.

Katie: I made you dinner.

Speed: *sigh* You don't cook.

Katie: ...I made you take out pizza.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Hey I know how to dial a phone. It's not that hard.

Speed: I can see that.

Katie: I cleaned the house.

Speed: You don't clean.

Katie: Well don't things look cleaner?

Speed: It looks the same.

Katie: You didn't notice the small things.

Speed: What small things?

Katie: Well they're too small to see.

Speed: Nice try.

Katie: So do you like your new job?

Speed: It's much..Quieter.

Katie: ...Quieter as opposed to the most quiet lab ever in Miami.

Speed: I don't have to leave and try not to die every five minutes.

Katie: Well that's good.

Speed: So what did you do all day?

Katie: I made some friends.

Speed: Friends?

Katie: The neighbors. They came over to introduce themselves, and one thing led to another and we were eating a casserole together.

Speed: We as in...

Katie: A woman and her husband.

Speed: Do they have names besides a 'woman' and her 'husband'?

Katie: William and Morgan.

Speed: ...So I'm assuming William is the man then.

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: So what's so great about these neighbors?

Katie: Well Morgan is a teacher, and William is...*sigh*

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Katie: He's...Um....Teehee.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: He's a *sigh* Doctor.

Speed: And what does this doctor have that I don't have?

Katie: Latex gloves.

Speed: Not funny.

Katie: *laughs* Oh come on Tim you've never been jelous before.

Speed: You've never drooled on someone you just met.

Katie: HEY. I drooled all over you when I first saw you.

Speed: Good to know.

Katie: Oh come on I'm not going to cheat on you with the neighbors.

Speed: I hate to go all Desperate Housewives on you, but it's entirely possible that YOU WOULD.

Katie: Um don't raise your voice at me. I didn't do anything.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Katie: And besides I was just teasing you so calm down.

Speed: *cellphone rings* Great, who's calling me? *opens phone* Yeah.

Police Department

Jody: We need you down here.

Speed: Why?

Jody: The sherrif says you have an expertise in trace?

Speed: What's the case?

Jody: Parents called PD tonight. Their four year old child has gone missing and the crime scene unit found something interesting on the window.

Speed: What do you need me to do?

Jody: Well officially you're just an observer, but I could really use the extra pair of eyes.

Speed: I'll be right there.

Jody: Thanks.


Speed: I gotta go.

Katie: Um...Where?

Speed: PD.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Got a case.

Katie: How?

Speed: I'm just observing.

Katie: They called you to make you stand there?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Well if that's what you want to do...

Speed: *kisses Katie* See you later.

Katie: When's later?

Speed: *opens door* Who knows. *leaves*

Katie: *crosses arms* Fine.

Office, Police Station

Speed: Hey.

Jody: Hey. Take a look at this picture.

Speed: *picks up photo* Looks transluscent.

Jody: It's going to take our guys a few days to get the results but this case needs to be solved fast so whatever you can tell me would help.

Speed: Are you always this uptight on cases?

Jody: We're talking about a missing child.

Speed: The only cases you work are missing children and domestic homocides so calm down.

Jody: And how long were you a detective?

Speed: Ten years. You?

Jody: This is my fourth year.

Speed: Now, you want to work quickly but don't hurry.

Jody: Why?

Speed: You'll overlook evidence.

Jody: *nods*

Speed: Okay this looks like sunscreen or body lotion.

Jody: That doesn't help.

Speed: Slow down.

Jody: I am slowed down.

Speed: Think of it in context.

Jody: Well...Everyone in California uses sunscreen.

Speed: Doesn't seem like it helps does it?

Jody: Not really.

Speed: Keep thinking.

Jody: Where are you going?

Speed: Home.

Jody: Why?

Speed: If you're going to call me everytime you need a picture to be looked at, I'm going to be making more money than you.

Jody: *smiles* Thanks.

Speed: Next time trust the crime scene unit. They know what they're doing. *leaves*

Awww, Horatio misses his Speedy...thats so sweet! and YAY! I got to go in the field...I feel really special now :D

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Carly: *looks up* ...You're blocking my light.
HAHA, oh man, that bit cracked me up :lol: Oh Horatio :p

please update soon

EDIT: well, I missed the update again :p...awwww, Katie made friends with the neighbours...who she seems to have a crush on :lol: tsk tsk tsk Katie *waves finger*
Yay I go to the doctor and come back to two updates! Yayness! lol. But awww yay I cleaned, ordered pizza AND made friends with the neighbors. I did a lot. lol. And I loved it when Jody called Speed a "paper pusher" that just cracked me up for some reason. And why do I get the feeling that it just going to be me, this big house and the sunny state of California all the time? lol. Update soon please!
Because you always get weird feelings when I foreshadow. :p

And yes you sure did a lot while he was gone working and such. *le sigh*

In My Mind

Miami, next day

Layout room

Delko: So what are we doing?

Calleigh: Finding any cases that involved Juan Valdez.

Delko: Yeah but even H said it was kind of a random name.

Calleigh: We still have to try.

Delko: Do you think Alexx is dead?

Calleigh: I stick with the evidence Eric.

Delko: You know, if Speed was here he'd t-

Calleigh: He's not.

Delko: ...Okay.

Calleigh: Why don't you start helping instead of sitting there watching me do all the work?

Delko: Did you get up on the wrong side of the ballistics lab?

Calleigh: I don't sleep in there.

Delko: It was a joke.

Calleigh: *opens file* I found it. Here it is.

Delko: What does it say?

Calleigh: Juan Valdez was incarcerated in October of 2005 under suspicion to commit murder. He conspired with another man named Jeffery Palms.

Delko: Maybe our second guy?

Calleigh: Why didn't he come into the lab with the other guys?

Delko: He was the getaway guy. He needed to stay outside with the vehicle.

Calleigh: Yeah.

Delko: So what do we do? Try and find this Jeffrey guy?

Calleigh: There's a good chance he's with Valdez.

Delko: This is stupid. We have no connection to either of them except for some leaves and stupid latex trace.

Calleigh: *closes folder* Well what do you want me to do? I can't make the bad guys appear and then arrest them.

Delko: Well you're doing a bang-up job sitting here staring at paper.

Calleigh: Excuse me but Horatio told me to do this and you're not helping much.

Delko: I'd help but there's NOTHING TO DO!

Calleigh: Don't yell at me!

Horatio: *standing in doorway* Guys...

Calleigh: ...We're sorry.

Delko: Yeah sorry H.

Horatio: Are you two okay?

Delko: *nods* Yeah.

Horatio: Calleigh?

Calleigh: We're fine.

Horatio: Okay. What did you learn from the casefiles?

Calleigh: Valdez was convicted for conspiracy to commit murder.

Horatio: Anything else?

Delko: He had a partner named Jefferey Palms.

Horatio: I know this case is hard, but we're going to have to work through it together.

Delko: Yeah we know H.

Horatio: I know we're a little short-staffed and running out of time and evidence, but we need to solve this problem so put your personal problems aside and work.

Calleigh: Alright.

Delko: Yeah.

Horatio: Thank you. *leaves*

Calleigh: *frowns*

Delko: *frowns*

Calleigh: Okay this is stupid. We're adults.

Delko: I know.

Calleigh: We shouldn't be treating each other like this.

Delko: Yeah.

Calleigh: Okay let's just get to work.

Delko: Agreed.

California, 5 pm

Katie: *sitting on couch* Well this is fun. Just me, myself and I...I wonder why the carpet is that color. How do they get the specks of brown in there? *phone rings* I GOT IT! Hello?


Speed: Hey.

Katie: Hey it's like five. Why aren't you home?

Speed: Uh...I'm actually going to be here a while. I have a referral with a psychologist to get to.

Katie: Yours?

Speed: The department's. We have a victim in the interview room.

Katie: Oh so you found that little girl?

Speed: I didn't the CSUs did.

Katie: *frowns* CSUs?

Speed: ...Yeah.

Katie: So when are you going to be home?

Speed: Uh...Probably really late.

Katie: This is the third day in a row that you haven't come home until three in the morning, and then you leave for work at six in the morning.

Speed: I don't need sleep.

Katie: Well I need you.

Speed: For what?

Katie: Babies don't happen by themselves bub.

Speed: Oh right...I'm sorry.

Katie: You said that yesterday and the day before that.

Speed: Okay I promise I will be home tonight earlier. Just as soon as I can break away.

Katie: And if you can't?

Speed: ....Then I'm sorry.

Katie: Yeah sure you are.


Jody: Trouble?

Speed: What? No, why?

Jody: *sits* Tim, I'll meet with the psychologist. Go home and see your wife.

Speed: Really?

Jody: Yeah. I have it covered.

Speed: Thanks. *leaves*

Speed/Katie's house, half hour later

Speed: *walks in* Hey, are you here?

Katie: *hugs Speed* HI!

Speed: Whoa, I didn't see you behind that wall.

Katie: When you said break away early you weren't kidding.

Speed: I'm calling in sick tomorrow.

Katie: Why?

Speed: To spend time with you, why else?

Katie: How sweet. Do you want to meet the neighbors?

Speed: No.

Katie: Dang.

Speed: *smirks* Now, what did you need me for again?

Katie: *smiles* Oh I don't know, j-

Speed's cell phone rings

Speed: *looks down* ...

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: Excuse me. *walks away*

Katie: *hits head on wall*

Speed: *opens phone* Hello?


Calleigh: Tim is that you?

Speed: How did you get this number?

Calleigh: Oh good it is you. Okay, I'm sitting in my locker so no one hears this conversation.

Speed: Is that why you're whispering?

Calleigh: Yes.

Speed: What do you want? I was...Kind of in the middle of something.

Calleigh: Eric is driving me CRAZY.

Speed: So?

Calleigh: And I kind of miss you.

Speed: Great, I miss you too. Gotta go. *closes phone* I am so sorry. It was Calleigh.

Katie: What did she want?

Speed: Something about hiding in her locker because Eric is driving her crazy.

Katie: I see. Okay rule number one. Turn off the phone.

Speed: *throws phone* Done.

Katie: You broke it.

Speed: I don't care.

Katie: *giggles* That was cool, do it again.

Speed: I'm going to need another phone for that.

Katie: Take this vase.

Speed: I'm not throwing a vase.

Katie: Fine, but uh...*whispers in Speed's ear*

Speed: *drops vase* W-what? What?

Katie: *runs off*

Speed: ...Great who's going to clean this mess up?

Katie: *from other room* TIM!

Speed: Alright geez!

Ohh Cat fight between Calleigh and Eric. And is it just me or is it a little creepy how H appears out of no where like all the time?! lol. And I was talkin to myself for a minute there....that can't be good. Especially for me. Because lets face a lot of the time I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box.

Katie: I see. Okay rule number one. Turn off the phone.

Speed: *throws phone* Done.

Katie: You broke it.

Speed: I don't care.

Katie: *giggles* That was cool, do it again.

I think I giggled myself there. And yeah...not sure I want to know what I whispered. But i guess that's why you didn't type it into the fic. lol. Update soon please!
Okay, so I wrote this big long rant about everything, but it got deleated. anyways, here's the jist of it, I want Delko, Carly can't have him. I'm so beyond impressed with Katie's pool and pool table. I wanna take over Speed's job because if he can do it so can I. I'm so going to visit Katie, and bring Delko with me, just because I can!!! And I so can't type today! Come back quick with an update Geni!
omg love the update geni you just are full of great ideas and lovely writing lol.... (okay everyone in my house is driving me nuts cuase they like all hate csi besides me, my mom and obsession_360....) anyway update soon lol.
Hey, love your avatar, JC! Miss you lots, and I'll try and get over there soon, but workin' and other stuff, don't have lots of time. How long's obsession staying with you?
More chapters to come soon. And the remaining team will be back in the Hummerhome very soon as well. -So that means Alexx will be found shortly. :D

And I don't see too much difficulty for Speed/Katie in the future chapters. I do however know that they will be interacting with the rest of the Miami team in later chapters.

As for carole, just a little bit more to wait and you're in. -I have to go searching for my muse again to figure out how to write you in. :p

Anyway, keep reading and commenting, I love to hear from you all, even if I don't respond to everything right away. I'm always reading, and I do appreciate the excellent feedback. :)
Katie: *sitting on couch* Well this is fun. Just me, myself and I...I wonder why the carpet is that color. How do they get the specks of brown in there? *phone rings* I GOT IT! Hello?
I can't stop laughing!!!! This one just cracked me up!!!

that really cool geni but like I told you before I can wait lol and take yur time because it have to be a good come in like horatio did...from nowhere lol
Horatio really does seem to appear out of nowhere doesn't he? :p But that's this thing I guess.

We Cry

Interview room

Horatio: *takes off shades* Hello Jefferey.

Jeff: *frowns*

Horatio: Now I understand you want to help us find our Medical Examiner.

Jeff: Yeah I figured if I turned myself in, I'd get a lesser sentence...Right?

Horatio: We'll talk about that in a minute. I want to know where Valdez took her.

Jeff: New York.

Horatio: *lifts brows* New York. That's an awfully long drive.

Jeff: Look, you wanted to find her and I have the information. You want it or not?

Horatio: I do want it. Why did he go to New York?

Jeff: He was going up there to meet some guy...Louis something.

Horatio: ...Louis Gravano?

Jeff: Yeah that's the guy. He's in the mob or something. They both planned the hit on the crime lab

Horatio: Why?

Jeff: He has a thing about CSIs meddling in his affairs.

Horatio: Affairs?

Jeff: Yeah Louis found out that his boss was killed. Greg...Something?

Horatio: Speedle.

Jeff: Yeah. The cops killed him. Louis said something about how the guy had a son and that he was in on it, and thats why the cops brought guns.

Horatio: So they went back up to New York for what?

Jeff: He heard that his kid lived there.

Horatio: *smiles* Really.

Jeff: Yeah. Juan figured that if he brought someone with him as bait, he wouldn't take the shot and that's when I was supposed to take him out.

Horatio: But you came here instead.

Jeff: I didn't know the guy, and I wasn't even being paid enough so what's the point? It was messy enough as it is.

Horatio: Thank you.

Jeff: That's it? What happens to me now?

Horatio: You get to spend some time in a holding cell while we contact an attorney for you. How does that sound?

Jeff: *nods*

Horatio: Good. Officer?

Patrol cop: Come on. *grabs Jeffrey*

Horatio: *dails phone*

New York

Mac: *picks up phone* This is Mac Taylor.

Horatio: Louis is back in New York.

Mac: He is?

Horatio: One of his partners gave him up.

Mac: Great, I'll go see if I can pick him up before he skips the city again.

Horatio: He's not leaving.

Mac: Why not?

Horatio: He has my Medical Examiner with him as bait to lure one of my team mates. Unfortunately for them, he's not even in New York.

Mac: He's not?

Horatio: No, so I want to get them before Louis and Valdez have a reason to kill my ME.

Mac: I'll see what I can do.

Horatio: Thank you Mac.

Mac: I'll keep you posted.


Horatio: *frowns*

uh oh ALEXX!
haha Katie....Me myself and I. Poor Speed dropped the vase.

Stop making my laugh Geni! My abs hurt! lol Double sessions suck........*sigh* Soccer.............
Hmm...so this all ties in to that little trip in new york. And boy is the Speedle family screwed up. And haha in your face bad guys! Speed's waaaay across the U.S. In California. Speed wouldn't have known he was going to get killed did he? Interesting. Update soon please!
*come in room singing*
Thats the way aha aha i like it aha aha! .. :lol:
i mean... your story Geni :D
oh, don't listen to me, i am crazy
just keep up a good work! ;)

*walking away singing in background* Bad boys, Bad boys, what you gonna do,what you gonna do if H come for you laa laa *whistle*
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