CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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:lol: LtKitty, you make me laugh.

And that's an interesting theory Katie, I never thought of it. Well, I guess that happens when the author isn't paying attention to her own writing. :p

Thanks calleighspeedle, and Jess! :) I'll be posting another chapter shortly. Thanks for the nice compliments. :D

EDIT: I've just been sitting here thinking, and I've noticed that some of the responses in here are getting to be a little short. Not that it's a bad thing, because you can really only say what's relevant and sometimes all we want to say is 'nice update' or 'keep it up', but as far as a good and constructive discussion goes, it's lacking in here.

So I have some suggestions on how we can make the thread discussion after these chapters bounce with substance.

One thing I would like to see (not absolutely see - like to see) is some constructive critisism. Fan fiction at TalkCSI thrives on what the author writes, as well as what the readers think. It's one of the great things about posting stories here. The authors love to hear feedback!

And of course I love to hear what everyone thinks, whether the feedback is good or not so good. (Now, just a reminder that constructive critisism is not bashing and plain old flaming, it's giving an opinion and stating the reasons by handling one's self respectfully to the other poster.)

Please tell me what you liked - or didn't like about the chapters, so I know how to improve my writing as well as apply what I've read from you guys to the future chapters. (I'm not saying you have to, because I'm not the moderator of this forum but it would be really nice to read what you all thought) So don't hold anything back, I would love to read your honest opinion. :)

Secondly, I've been thinking of posting chapters less frequently than before, so that all the people who come to this thread can catch up before I post another update. :p I know it can be frustrating sometimes posting a response, and then scrolling up to see a new chapter. So, I'm going to give you guys more time to respond, and hopefully it will aid in getting a really great discussion going. ;)

If you don't have much to say, that's fine too. But to keep this thread from getting slightly spammy, we should all be aware of how much we're contributing to one post. Short responses are good (in moderation) but it doesn't make for a lively conversation amongst ourselves. :p So let's keep that in mind.

Again, I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, I'm just giving some suggestions on how we can keep this thread really fun! What do you think? If y'all have any other suggestions or anything, give a shout. :)

-And I'm going to post my chapter a tiny bit later, because time isn't on my side at the moment. Stay tuned... ;)
alright Geni, you got it. Constructive Critism...you have an amazing sense of story line, whether it's completely random or case based, you always keep us wanting to know what crazy and absolutely insane thing we'll all do next. Ho will we solve the case, what trouble will Katie and Speed get into now, How far in love with JC is our red headed leader, will Delko ever be mine and so on and so on. You always seem to have a massive supply of never ending ideas. As for not updating as often, I actually think that's great, so that those of us who work for a living *coughmecough* have a chance to keep up. Update when ever you feel like you have an amazing anti-donahue idea going on that combines comady, romance and mystery with the amazing Miami team. We love you soo much because you fill everyday with laughter and the chance for something so unworldly funny it's like a second reality. As I've stated before, this could very well land me in the loony bin, the fact that I'm finding your reality much more convinient and much more better then my own reality. But by all means, go on and continue to enlighten our days and fill our lives with humour, because lord knows this world would be so beyond dull if it weren't for you. Can you believe it's been over a year since we started this amazing trip? I really can't believe it! But go on Geni, let your creativity give us life and come back with an update! Please?
I too want to no about H's love for menad dleko for missy. And i work for a living too there is just 24 perfectly usable hours in a day lol... opps empire records lol. Anyway update when u can and go at ur pace. Its alright we will still all be here. And ya no donahue stuff lol... i already watched lost son today.
Thanks for all the feedback so far, it's much appreciated. :) (Don't forget that you can tell me what you didn't like as well. :) )

I'll leave you guys tonight with an update, and then I'll be back in the morning with hopefully a few more chapters. :D

Fields Of Evidence

New York

Mac: Okay Lindsay we have another case so grab your kit.

Lindsay: What case?

Mac: Our friends from Miami want us to track down Louis Gravano and someone else named Juan Valdez.

Lindsay: Isn't that the one guy from the police shooting last month?

Mac: Yeah so we have to work fast.


Katie: Wait! Wait hold on.

Speed: What?

Katie: Do you really think that's a good color for a baby's room?

Speed: What are you talking about?

Katie: *flips catalogue pages* Well it's blue.

Speed: So?

Katie: So blue's oppressive. It says 'I'm crying, feed me.'

Speed: Yeah and so do most babies.

Katie: I don't want to make it look like a swimming pool in there.

Speed: Fine, we'll take all the water out.

Katie: Very funny.

Speed: Will you stop worrying about the room? We have plenty of time to paint it.

Katie: Ooooh look at this little crib.

Speed: What about it?

Katie: It's so SMALL!! I didn't know they were this small, aw can we get one?

Speed: It's your choice.

Katie: It's your credit card.

Speed: Okay fine.

Katie: So should paint teddies on the wall, or clowns?

Speed: ...Clowns?

Katie: Kids like clowns right?

Speed: Kids hates clowns.

Katie: How would you know?

Speed: I was a kid once. I hated clowns. I mean, they're big, they're over-animated, they're stupid, and they don't leave much to the imagination. Plus they give kids nightmares and I don't want our child to be traumatized everytime he or she walks into McDonalds.

Katie: Do you read up on this or something?

Speed: No clowns.

Katie: Fine. How about cows?

Speed: ...Cows.

Katie: Cows are fun.

Speed: They're not exactly cuddly.

Katie: Well when the baby can't sleep, it can count cows.

Speed: Okay first of all, the baby is not an 'it' and second of all, babies can't count.

Katie: ...Well if you want to get technical. Have you thought about names yet?

Speed: No.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: I tend not to think this far ahead anymore.

Katie: Oh come on, everything will be fine.

Speed: Do you have any ideas?

Katie: Well...Not really. It depends whether it's a girl or a boy.

Speed: Like...Names that could be used for both?

Katie: Yeah like...Morgan, or Jamie, or Rory or b-

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: ...So not Rory?

Speed: Aren't you worried the Earth will implode?

Katie: Well I wasn't before, but I am now. Okay let's look at baby stuff. *flips through pages* Oh this is cute.

Speed: They're bibs.

Katie: And they're very cute. Hey we should order you some. *grabs phone*

Speed: *takes phone away* Funny. Keep looking.

Katie: *flips page* OH! WE HAVE TO GET THAT!

Speed: And inflatable pool?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: We already have a REAL pool.

Katie: Yeah but we don't have one I can spend three hours blowing up just to learn that it already came pre-holed.

Speed: No pools.

Katie: Aww look at this. A little cop outfit.

Speed: *leans back on couch* You want to ruin our child.

Katie: *slaps Speed* OH HEY LOOK AT THIS!

Speed: *rolls eyes* What.

Katie: Little tiny baby sunglasses! *squeals*

Speed: Did you just squeal?

Katie: *grabs Speed* WE HAVE TO GET THIS!

Speed: You're not even with child.

Katie: What are you, Doctor Phil? I want to plan ahead.

Speed: I have more hair than Doctor Phil.

Katie: *leans back on couch* Well what do you want to do?

Speed: I want to wait until we know for certain.

Katie: Okay I think if this doesn't work, we can consider it your fault.

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: Fine. *closes book* We'll wait for a different shade of green.

Speed: What?

Katie: Nevermind. *looks at watch* Ten at night already?

Speed: Time flies when you're looking through hundreds of thousands of catalogues.

Katie: They had nifty coupons.

Speed: I'm sure they did.

[Noise is heard outside]

Katie: ...That was weird. It sounded like the barbeque.

Speed: We don't have a barbeque.

Katie: Are you sure?

Speed: Pretty sure.

Katie: Well maybe it's a raccoon.

[Noise is heard]

Speed: *sits up*

Katie: Okay that got closer. *grabs Speed* Please tell me the Wubba monster didn't follow us nine thousand miles.

Speed: It doesn't exist.

Katie: Yeah tell that to the thing in our backyard.

Speed: *grabs broom*

Katie: Oh what are you going to do, sweep it to death?

Speed: *breaks broom*

Katie: Okay so you're just going to make stabbing motions and hope that it's scared of big broken brooms.

Speed: *reaches inside broom*

Katie: There's an inside to the broom?

Speed: *pulls out key*

Katie: ...You keep keys in the brooms?

Speed: *turns key, opens drawer*

[Noise is heard]

Katie: AH!

Speed: *pulls out gun*

Katie: Okay you have GOT to be kidding me. You do NOT have a gun in there. And why did you put the key inside a broom?

Speed: A little thing I learned from the FBI.

Katie: You never worked for the FBI.

Speed: *tilts head* Okay TV.

Katie: I thought you didn't have a gun.

[Noise is heard]

Speed: No, I said I didn't need a gun.

Katie: Is there anything else you have hidden in that broom?

Speed: *stands up* Stay here.

Katie: *rolls eyes* Oh come on, I'm not THAT helpless.

[Noise is heard]

Katie: AH! Yes I am, yes I am! *hides behind couch*

Speed: *walks to sliding doors*

Katie: Oh my God don't get shot, don't get shot.

Speed: *opens sliding door*


Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Sorry, do your job.

Speed: *grabs flashlight*

Katie: Oh, yeah and you say you're not a CSI anymore.

Speed: I can't see in complete darkness honey.

Katie: Yeah sure you can't...Sugar puff.

Speed: *looks outside*

Katie: Yeah that's right, blind it to death with your mini maglite.

Speed: *clicks off flashlight* Do you want to do this?

Katie: No way.

Speed: Then please stop talking.

Katie: And what? Ruin your concentration? Pfft. All you've done is walk around.

Speed: *walks outside*

Katie: ...*looks around* Okay...Big scary quiet house..TIM! *runs outside*


Katie: *bumps into Speed* AH!

Speed: Shh.

Katie: Sorry. *trips* OW! STUPID ROCK!

Speed: *catches Katie* Will you stop being so loud?

Katie: *looks up* Whoa...That was sooo cool. Do it again.

Speed: Stop. Being. Loud.

Katie: Geez. Stop. Being. Fragmented.

[Noise is heard]

Katie: AH! *latches onto Speed*

Speed: It's coming from behind that garbage can.

Katie: Kill it, kill it.

Speed: *cocks gun*

Katie: What are you waiting for? Shoot it.

Speed: *moves garbage can*

A little girl runs out from behind the garbage can, into the bushes


Speed: It's a child.

Katie: ...That's what I meant.

Speed: *puts gun away*

Katie: Why didn't you give me the gun?

Speed: I'd rather not get shot.

Katie: ....Hey.

Speed: *kneels down* It's okay, no body's going to hurt you.

Katie: Oh thank God.

Speed: *looks up* I wasn't talking to you.

Katie: ...I knew that.

Speed: What's your name?

Girl: Ayla.

Speed: Okay Ayla, I'm a police officer and I want to help you.

Katie: You're not a cop.

Speed: *elbows Katie*

Katie: HEY.

Speed: Shh.

Katie: Fine.

Ayla: Who's she?

Speed: Oh she's just my crazy wife.

Ayla: *giggles*

Katie: I resent that.

Speed: *extends hand* Do you want to come out for me?

Ayla: *takes Speed's hand*

Speed: Good girl.

Katie: How come you're never that nice to me?

Speed: Can you tell me where you live?

Ayla: Um....I don't remember.

Speed: Do you know where your parents are?

Ayla: *shakes head*

Speed: Okay I want you to take her hand, and follow her into the house. We're going to get you warmed up.

Katie: She's shivering in weather like this? Good God it's like 93 degrees out here. *grabs Ayla's hand* Come on.

Speed: *stands* Katie....

Katie: What?

Speed: *looks down*

Katie: *looks down* ...Ayla were you hurt anywhere?

Ayla: I hurt my leg.

Katie: Okay we'll get you cleaned up. Come on.

Speed: Katie, preserve the evidence. Cut the clothes, don't rip them.

Katie: Yeah okay I get it Horatio.

Speed: *sigh*

Horatio's office, 11 pm

JC: *knocks on door* Can I come in?

Horatio: *looks up* Sure.

JC: *walks in, sits down* You've been in here all day.

Horatio: I was just uh...Looking over some casefiles.

JC: You never sit in your office.

Horatio: It's a desk, it's a place to work.

JC: I see. So sitting alone in a dark office by yourself at night, is work?

Horatio: *looks down at table*

JC: ...Is something bothering you?

Horatio: ...I let him go. *looks down at badge laying in his hands*

JC: I thought you were okay with it.

Horatio: *nods* I thought I was too.

JC: I see those are resumés on your desk there.

Horatio: I've gone through every single one of them, and I don't want any of them.

JC: ...I think you should pick one of them. Give someone a chance.

Horatio: *shakes head* No. I don't want a replacement.

JC: He's gone. Moping in your office isn't going to make him re-appear.

Horatio: What am I supposed to do?

JC: You're asking my advice?

Horatio: I guess I am.

JC: Well, really there isn't anything you can do except move on. And I'm not saying forget about him, but what's done is done.

Horatio: What do I do about Calleigh and Eric? They're at each other's throats and honestly I would be too if I didn't have this office.

JC: Nobody likes change. *gets up* I'll see you in the morning. *leaves*

Horatio: ....*looks down at badge*

AWWWWW poor little H, *gives big huggle* its okay, but we let anyone get into our little group lol, he should teach one of us to run trace lol..... anyway great chapter I was like almost in tears cause H was so sad.
critic, critic...gee, bad thing, my system is blowing up! :p
ok, maybe some day i will find something what i don't like :)
but right now, everything was cool, especially H sadness..
you made me CRY! *crying, sorrows splashing everywhere*
I think it's so adorable that Katie is planning ahead for her and Tim's baby, and Horatio misses Speed *giving Horatio a hug*.

great update speed cochrane :D
Ok, Geni that was like the funniest update ever! That whole thing with me and Speed had my stomach hurting even more.

Katie: What are you, Doctor Phil? I want to plan ahead.

Haha, I'm sorry but that was sooooo funny. I think If I was Dr. Phil's wife I'd kill myself. And its very true Speed does have more hair then him. lol. I loved the part when I was saying baby names and I said "Rory" and YAY you brought up the whole Earth imploding thinger! And oh! Cows! You would think that would make Speed happy. lol.


Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Sorry, do your job.

Leave it to me to say something like that. lol. And i think I told myself to shut up a couple of times lol. I mean you hear a noise outside and leave it to me the big dumb blonde to keep talking lol.

Speed: Katie, preserve the evidence. Cut the clothes, don't rip them.

Katie: Yeah okay I get it Horatio.

That would be a very bad thing that Speed would turn into Horatio. before you know it he appears out of no where, wears sunglasses, and speaks in fragments *gasp* he already did that....and he doesn't work in a lab anymore. See...one step closer to being H man. lol.

But poor H man he misses Speed. Awwwww! lol. Update soon please!

Oh yeah and the whole thing about the "Crazy" wife line. I'm not crazy..a little weird...but not crazy!
Katie: *rolls eyes* Oh come on, I'm not THAT helpless.

[Noise is heard]

Katie: AH! Yes I am, yes I am! *hides behind couch*

Hahahaha Katie, you crack me up woman!

Speed: I can't see in complete darkness honey.

Katie: Yeah sure you can't...Sugar puff.

AWWW! Katie! He called you honey! And Katie........Sugar Puff? lol Keep up the good work Geni, I've been trying to think of constructive critisism, but I really can't find anything bad to say about this RT, it's perfect, except for a few spelling errors maybe.
I never noticed the Horatio-ness of Speed either....It must be a subconscious thing. (And I probably spelled that word wrong) :D

And yeah I seem to have a problem with spelling sometimes. It's because I type to fast. So I'm going to slow down a bit more, and then try to notice these tiny mistakes before I submit the chapters. ;)

Thanks for the excellent feedback. :D *hugs everyone and passes around cookies*

Be Quiet Angel, Don't Make A Sound


Katie: So what am I supposed to do?

Speed: What do you mean?

Katie: Well you're on the phone with the cops, and I'm standing here not being very helpful. I mean, the kid is fixing her own booboo.

Ayla: I'm ten, not stupid.

Katie: Hey we got you out of the bushes kid.

Speed: *warning tone* Katie...

Katie: Ugh fine. How did you get in our backyard?

Ayla: I climbed over the fence.

Katie: Why?

Ayla: There's someone looking for me.

Katie: Who?

Ayla: My dad.

Katie: Well...Why didn't you just wait for him?

Ayla: He was trying to kill me.

Katie: Why?

Ayla: I don't know.

Speed: *hangs up phone* The cops are on the way.

Katie: Where are you from Ayla?

Ayla: New York.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: Why are you in California?

Ayla: My dad brought me here.

Speed: Why?

Ayla: He said we were going on a little trip.

Speed: Why would he be trying to kill you?

Ayla: He got a phone call from someone at work and got really mad, and started yelling and throwing things.

Speed: Okay. What's your last name?

Ayla: Gravano.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: What? What's wrong?

Speed: *gets out cellphone*

[Doorbell rings]

Katie: I'LL GET IT!

Speed: *grabs Katie* No.

Katie: Why? Someone's at the door.

Speed: Yeah I know that.

Katie: Shouldn't we see who it is?

Ayla: My dad had a black woman with him.

[Doorbell rings again]

Speed: Do you know her name?

Ayla: Nope.

Speed: Okay I'll be right back.

Katie: Um...Why?

Speed: I'm going to see who's at the door.

Katie: Are you retarded?

Speed: Stay here. *walks to door*

Katie: *throws hands up in the air* He never listens to anything I say.

Speed: *opens door slightly* Alexx?

Alexx: Timmy...You have to get away.

Speed: Are you alright?

Alexx: He's going to kill you.

Speed: Who?

[Man comes out behind Alexx, shoots gun]

Katie: *screams*

Ayla: *runs outside*

Speed: *falls down*

Alexx: *elbows guy in the face*

Louis: AH! *holds nose* Come on Ayla, move it.

Louis and Ayla drive off

Alexx: *kneels down* Timmy? Look at me.


Speed: *frowns*

Alexx: Okay baby I'm going to apply pressure to the wound so it's going to hurt for a while.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: Why. Does. This. Always. Happen.

Alexx: Did you call Horatio?

Katie: No why would I call him?

Alexx: Call him.

Katie: *grabs cell phone* Geez, get blood all over it, why don't you?

Speed: I-I'm sorry.

Katie: *looks down* That wasn't sarcasm was it? Oh my God when he's serious you know that can't be good.

Alexx: Stop panicking Katie, everything's going to be fine.

Katie: *sigh* ...I can't believe we have blood all over our new floor.

Alexx: *looks up*

Katie: Or...Okay carry on.

Speed: *cough*

Katie: AH! OH MY GOD!

Alexx: What?

Katie: Is he dying?

Alexx: No he's not dying.

Katie: Whew, good because I only know the neighbors and the only thing we've done together is eat a casserole.

Alexx: Weren't you supposed to call Horatio?

Katie: Oh yeah. *dials*


Horatio: *picks up phone* Horatio Caine.


Horatio: Who shot whom?

Katie: That stupid guy from New York SHOT MY HUSBAND!

Horatio: Where did he go?

Katie: He drove off in a white car. New York plates, and he brought his daughter around as bait. Alexx is here by the way.

Horatio: Okay stay there, I'll be right over.

Katie: ...You're like a million miles away.

Horatio: Okay make that a few hours.


Katie: He'll be over in a few hours.

Speed: *grabs Katie's hand*

Katie: DON'T DIE!

Speed: *squints*

Alexx: Sorry Timmy, but if I'm going to stop the bleeding, it's going to hurt.

Katie: ...Well the cops are on the way anyway with fire and rescue so I guess they have a job to do afterall. Okay Tim try not to die right at this second. Give it...At least two more minutes.

Speed: *groans*

Katie: Okay sorry.

Alexx: Alright the bleeding has pretty much stopped so just lay still.

Katie: I don't think that will be a problem for him.

Speed: Tell H, I'm s-sorry.

Katie: Why? You didn't do anything wrong.

[Sirens are heard]

Katie: HECK YES! Just in the nick of time. WE WIN.

HAHA Oh Geni. Once again you crack me up! Knowing me in a high pressure situation I would probably act the way I just did. And really? Honestly, did he have to get shot again? But awww he was all studdering and awwww. But when we found out the little girl's name I gasped like really loud and said "Oh no he didn't." and then Tim got shot. Your just fool of suprises aren't you! lol. Update soon please!
YAY COOKIES *grabs one* *huggles geni* thnx for the cookie and great chappie, god speed shot again you just so had me on my seat there *falls off* okay literally then *grumbles about sore bottom* Can't wait to see you write more and I am glad we got alexx back cause I was starting to worry we wouldn't see her again, haha katie ur so funny..... poor poor speed.....*faints from typing to fast*
well you want some critism SO first of all this was really great update. :) and second of all...*think* well I tell you when there will be something that I don't like but for now...*puts on shades* ALL is VERY REALLY REALLY GREAT lol :p ;)

update soon pleaaaassseee :)
OMG! They used that girl as bait! And good! Alexx is okay! And AHHH Speed got shot again! wow, I need to calm down lol I think it's from a lack of food, anyway.....Great update Geni, your chapters always make me laugh! Which actually kinda hurts (soccer) but it's totally worth it! Keep it up! No critisism, everything is good.
Thanks for the feedback once again. :D *huggles for everyone*

And it's too bad Speed had to get shot AGAIN, but it makes for great drama...As long as he doesn't die. :rolleyes: Because that's not drama, it's just mean. :p

Take Me In

Hospital, four hours later- California

Horatio: *takes off shades* Katie.

Katie: AH! Geez don't do that.

Horatio: What happened?

Katie: I told you over the phone.

Horatio: You were going a little fast.

Katie: Well Alexx is back, and that Louis guy shot Tim.

Horatio: I think I may know why.

Katie: Why?

Horatio: They think he heard from his father what the plan was in that restaurant and warned the police.

Katie: He didn't do that.

Horatio: Louis doesn't know that.

Katie: How did he find us?

Horatio: Juan Valdez.

Katie: What about him?

Horatio: He was in our lab, and he took Alexx.

Katie: Alexx wouldn't tell them would she?

Horatio: She might if she had a gun pointed at her head.

Katie: That explains a few things.

Horatio: Have you visited him yet?

Katie: No.

Horatio: Why not?

Katie: He said to tell you that he's sorry.

Horatio: ...Sorry, for what?

Katie: I don't know. I'm going to go see him now.

Horatio: I'll be out here.

Hospital room

Katie: *walks in* Hey there.

Speed: Hey.

Katie: Horatio's here.

Speed: That was fast.

Katie: I guess a badge will get you anything.

Speed: *holds Katie's hand* I guess.

Katie: Why did you open that door? You knew something like this would happen.

Speed: I guess I'm a sucker for lead.

Katie: Not funny.

Speed: It could have been worse, believe me.

Katie: What, like me getting shot? I don't think you have to worry about that.

Speed: I do worry about it.

Katie: I can fend for myself. I'm a big girl.

Speed: Yeah well a bullet can bring you right out of that mentality pretty fast.

Katie: Are you saying I can't protect myself?

Speed: No, you're perfectly capable of protecting yourself.

Katie: You're not making any sense.

Speed: Must be the meds.

Katie: Must be.

Speed: *sigh* I can't believe this happened. We were supposed to be safe.

Katie: Well once we get this retard off the streets, we will be.

Speed: We? No no. No one in this family is catching any criminals.

Katie: Why not?

Speed: Because we shouldn't have to go through this. I'll give my statement to Horatio, he'll bring Alexx back to Miami, and then he'll catch the guy.

Katie: Alright.

Speed: Maybe I should start framing these bullets.

Katie: *laughs*

[Noise is heard at door]

Speed: What was that?

Katie: I don't know. *walks to door, opens door*

Speed: What is it?

Katie: *bends down*

Speed: Katie?

Katie: *walks over* It's your badge.

Speed: *looks at badge* ...Horatio.

Katie: He's gone.

Speed: *grabs badge* ...

Katie: What?

Speed: *frowns* We have a criminal to catch.

Katie: HECK YES! I mean....Yes we do.


Edited, to fix the word 'lead' :lol: Thanks Jess! *waves*
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