CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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OMG great updates geni, I woulda read them faster but I was kinda sick today..... don't think I will eat food from work for a while lol. Anyway glad to see that katie is alright, and that she didn't die, I just hope that the fetus is okay. Can't wait for more.
Thanks guys, the feedback means alot! :)

You're all so supportive. *snif* :D

And it's good that you guys can't wait for more, because I can't wait to write more! We've found a nice happy medium. :p

Now My Answer Is You

Hospital, 10 pm

Katie: *opens eyes* Hey you're here.

Speed: How are you feeling?

Katie: Pretty groggy, but otherwise good.

Speed: That's good.

Katie: You stayed here all evening?

Speed: Pretty much.

Katie: Are we still in Miami?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Did you catch that jacka-

Speed: Not yet. But we will.

Katie: We?

Speed: I'm not leaving Miami until we get him.

Katie: That could be months.

Speed: Or it could be days.

Katie: Where are we supposed to stay?

Speed: Eric offered us a room at his place.

Katie: *laughs* What did you say?

Speed: I haven't said anything yet.

Katie: Well no offense to Eric but I don't really want to stay at his house.

Speed: Did the doctor talk to you about the baby?

Katie: Yeah. Everything's fine, there was no damage.

Speed: Good.

Katie: I guess this one's a survivor.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: So now that you've been shot, and I've been kidnapped and poisoned, is this enough action for you?

Speed: More than enough.

Katie: Good because I kind of wanted to die an old old woman.

Speed: You will.

Katie: What about you?

Speed: I don't know, I think maybe a nice handsome corpse...

Katie: *rolls eyes* Funny.

Speed: Did you want some water or something?

Katie: Oh no you don't.

Speed: What?

Katie: You are not going to get protective of me AGAIN.

Speed: Me protective? No way.

Katie: Tim, I'll be fine.

Speed: I know it.

Katie: Good. Rule number one. Do not anger the pregnant lady.

Speed: I'll try not to.

Katie: So we really have to stay at Eric's house?

Speed: His house isn't that bad. I've stayed there a few times when my girlfr-...*clears throat* I had nowhere to stay.

Katie: Your girlfriend? Which girlfriend is this?

Speed: It doesn't matter. She hates me now.

Katie: Aw who could hate you?

Speed: The point is, Eric's house isn't that bad.

Katie: Fine. I'm being released from the God awful hospital soon anyway so I'd like to just get some rest in an actual bed.

Speed: You will.

Katie: Good. So uh...Were you worried about me at all?

Speed: Not at all.

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: I robbed a bank for you, be happy.

Katie: But you weren't worried about me.

Speed: Of course I was worried about you.

Katie: Did you cry?

Speed: No.

Katie: Dangit. Would you have cried if I died?

Speed: *stands up* If you died, I would have killed myself. *leaves*

Katie: But I-..Wait what's that supposed to mean?

Speed: *walks back in, with pitcher of water* You heard what I said.

Katie: Aw you'd go all Romeo and Juliet on me. How romantic.

Speed: I'm no Leonardo DiCaprio.

Katie: Oh yeah?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *narrows eyes* Car scene, Titanic remake.

Speed: ...Besides that.

Katie: Isn't killing yourself some kind of immoral sin in your religion?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Wow you really love me then.

Speed: I'm not very religious.

Katie: You could have said 'Yes Katie, I love you very much'

Speed: Does 'Get well soon' count?

Katie: No.

Speed: *kisses Katie on the cheek* I'm going to pull the Hummer around front.

Katie: I'm leaving?

Speed: Yeah the doctor released you. Get dressed and...All that jazz.

Katie: Yeah well....*shakes fist*

AWWWWW, THAT WAS SO CUTE! and haha, Titanic remake...I remember that! Jack! Rose! Jack! Rose! :lol:

and woah! major Lucas flashback:
Speed: I know it.
Joe: You deserved that, you know it right?
Lucas: I know it.

yay! Empire Records!

Geni, this story rocks! please update soon
Awwwww speed is SO romantic. I still have nothing bad to tell you about the story It's always great :)
update soon please
Jack Rose Jack Rose Jack! Oh man that was so hilarious GEni!

Speed: I'm no Leonardo DiCaprio.

Katie: Oh yeah?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *narrows eyes* Car scene, Titanic remake.

Teehee. That was my favorite part. lol. But yeah we get to stay at Eric's place...how....awesomly awesome! lol. But he would have killed himself if I would have died. How sweet is that! lol. Great update as usual. Can't wait for more!
I knew that Empire Records thing would be mentioned. But in all honestly, I was thinking that after I was done the chapter. That movie plays with the mind...*sigh* I did it again. That darn...Lucas! *shakes fist*

*looks up* Hmm...There are mosquitoes in my window just lying there with their butts sticking up in the ai...*clears throat* I'm slightly random today. *goes back on topic*

I Am On The Safety Of Floating Freely In Your Arms

Eric's House

Speed: Okay now just sit on the couch or something.

Katie: I'm fine.

Speed: Yeah sure you are. Sit.

Delko: *runs in* WHOA! I thought there were people in my house.

Speed: No Eric, we're not people. We're just your friends.

Delko: Oh good. So did you find the house okay?

Speed: I've been here before.

Delko: Yeah but that time was because I drove you and you were drunk.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: I was not drunk.

Delko: You were playing the drums on my dashboard and then you fell over one of my plants and said 'sorry ma'am'.

Speed: ...That was a long night.

Delko: If only you remembered it.

Katie: So any other reasons you were here sugar puff?

Speed: No.

Delko: Oh! Oh! Pick me! *raises hand*

Katie: I pick Eric.

Delko: He broke up with his one girlfriend, I think her name was Tammy or Bambi or something but she was a real ditz. Anyway, he was so depressed that he stayed on that couch for a week and half without eating.

Speed: Eric...That was you. I came over to make sure you were still alive.

Delko: Oh...So it was.

Speed: And her name was Amber.

Delko: How would you know? *gasp* She broke up with me because she was SLEEPING WITH YOU!

Speed: Are you finished?

Delko: I think so.

Speed: I didn't sleep with her.

Delko: Why not?

Speed: I'd rather sleep with Horatio than her.

Delko: Ouch. She wasn't that bad.

Speed: She was like Janice from Friends.

Delko: Yeah but at least she was nice.

Speed: ...Do you watch Friends?

Delko: Sometimes. Hey what about that one girl you brought over once? She was blonde and pretty and...Well kind of short for you, but you were both drunk and had a good time. I had to put in ear plugs.

Katie: *crosses arms*

Speed: ....Eric.

Delko: What?

Speed: That was Calleigh, and again that was you.

Delko: ...Oh yeah. *scratches head* We try not to tell people about that.

Katie: Finished?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: Alright I'm going to sit over and watch some tv. Do you guys need anything?

Speed: No.

Katie: Actually I'd like some water.

Delko: I'll do it!

Speed: *pushes Delko into chair* I'll do it.

Delko: But I offered.

Speed: I'm married to her.

Delko: Yeah, your mistake.

Speed: It was not a mistake.

Delko: Sure it was. I heard what you said that one night on the phone.

Speed: What night on the phone?

Delko: You called me because you missed Katie so you called Calleigh over to have a romp in the sack.

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: *looks down at floor*

Delko: *rubs chin*

Katie: ...Okay I thought for SURE that one was untrue.

Speed: ...Not...Entirely.

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: It was a long time ago.

Katie: What's with you men and Calleigh? She's not someone you can just pass around.

Delko: Oh we know that. But Speed actually loved her so I think it was fine.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: *runs to fridge* Wow, um how many types of water do you have?

Delko: One. The liquid kind.

Speed: Do you have ice?

Delko: Why?

Speed: To make the water cold.

Delko: Just stick a cup in the freezer.

Katie: Um HELLO!

Delko: Hi.

Katie: TIM!

Speed: *drops cup*

Katie: Get. Over. Here.

Speed: *walks over*

Katie: You LOVE her?

Speed: Loved as in past tense.

Katie: Why didn't you tell me?

Speed: I did tell you but that was the other times.

Katie: Do you still love her?

Speed: No.

Katie: Really. So you cheated on me like a hundred times with her because why? You were bored?

Speed: It wasn't a hundred times.

Katie: Yeah I shouldn't give you that much credit.

Speed: We're just friends.

Katie: Yeah what a great friend she is to drive all the way to your house to fufill your needs.

Speed: *lifts brow* Are you mad at me?

Katie: NO. *sits on couch*

Speed: *walks around couch* Yes you are.

Katie: You rescued me so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Speed: *sits on table* Are you kidding me?

Katie: No.

Speed: I've been able to let go pretty much everything you've done and you can't let go what Calleigh and I did almost a year ago.

Katie: Well....Maybe.

Speed: What do you want me to do?

Katie: What do you mean?

Speed: Well I don't know how I can possibly fix this so please tell me what I can do.

Katie: You're not going to yell and throw the other stuff in my face?

Speed: No.

Katie: Well for starters you can be completely honest with me.

Speed: Alright.

Katie: Do you love her?

Speed: No.

Katie: That was fast.

Speed: You want to polygraph me too?

Katie: I would if I thought you were lying.

Speed: Good.

Delko: Ah man I was hoping for a fight. I was going to get the dishes out so you could throw things.

Speed: Eric you're not in this conversation.

Delko: Yeah but it's so much fun to watch. OH! Can we play Monopoly?

Speed/Katie: NO.

Delko: ...Okay then.

hahahaha *sighs* Janice from friends. Gotta love her. And is it wrong that I can laugh like her? lol.

But whoa me and Speed didn't get into this big huge argument like we normally do. That's suprising lol. And Eric with his monopoly? Seriously, that game takes like 50 hours to play! lol. Update soon please!

Delko: How would you know? *gasp* She broke up with me because she was SLEEPING WITH YOU!

Speed: Are you finished?

Delko: I think so.

That made me giggle. lol
Great updates and how dare speed want to sleep with my H *clings to H* *coughs* uh ya anyway can't wait for more updates lol. Ur updates even made me feel better when I was sick *huggles geni*
there is a battle again

and that part about H :D , i almoust fell off of my chair! :lol: coman, he is not THAT bad :devil:
The part with horatio was so funny and speed and katie don't fight...are they sick or something???
anyway great update geni and I can't wait for the next update
:lol: Yeah they're not themselves...Well it's good that I had this chapter planned then... :p

Broken Dreams, Broken Hearts

Delko's house, late night

Speed: *flips channel*

Katie: Boring.

Speed: *flips channel*

Katie: Stupid.

Speed: *flips channel*

Katie: Porn.

Speed: *flips channel*

Katie: Crime show.

Speed: *flips channel*

Katie: I didn't say you could switch.

Speed: You don't have the remote.

Katie: Look it's like two in the morning and there isn't anything on so just pick something.

Speed: I'm trying but you don't like any of the channels.

Katie: You switch too fast, I can't see what they are.

Speed: You're calling out what they are before I get there.

Katie: That's because I know what cable Eric gets.

Speed: Good for Eric.

Katie: *angry sigh*

Speed: What is your problem?

Katie: You're being annoying.

Speed: I'm just doing what you're telling me to.

Katie: Well you're annoying. Do something else.

Speed: Like what? Click the back of the remote so the batteries fall around?

Katie: NO! That's even worse.

Speed: Well I'm sorry your majesty I'll try and be less annoying.

10 minutes later

Katie: UGH!

Speed: What!

Katie: Stop breathing like that!

Speed: I'm just breathing normally.

Katie: And it's annoying.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Katie: Don't roll your eyes at me.

Speed: Fine.

5 minutes later

Katie: ...UGH!

Speed: *sigh* What now.

Katie: Would it kill you to shave ONCE in your life? You look like a friggin' pirate! And don't even get me started on that shirt with those pants.

Speed: *frowns*


Speed: *gets up*

Katie: Where are you going?

Speed: Bed.

Katie: We were having a conversation.

Speed: No. You were having a conversation, I was sitting there quietly.

Katie: Would it kill you to participate once in a while?

Speed: Goodnight.

Katie: *stands* No. We're still talking.

Speed: We're not doing anything. You are talking.

Katie: Yeah and I wasn't finished.

Speed: Fine. *crosses arms* Go ahead.

Katie: Everything you do irritates me. The way you walk, the way you eat, the way you sleep, the way you breathe, the way you do EVERYTHING! IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU AND YOUR STUPID PROBLEMS! WELL MAYBE I HAVE SOME!

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: Maybe I don't want to sit with you EVERYWHERE we go. Maybe I don't want to be the one being ditched everytime you have a breakdown. Everytime we're together you get taken away and I'VE HAD ENOUGH! STOP LEAVING ME!

Speed: *lifts brow*


Speed: I'm afraid it would irritate you.

Katie: UGH! And I've had enough of that sarcasm crap. Just say it like it is and BE DONE WITH IT!

Delko: *walks downstairs* Is there something wrong down here?


Delko: ....*backs up slowly*


Speed: ...Okay.

Katie: YOU'RE SO ANNOYING! Maybe next time you can friggin' get pregnant and then YELL AT ME FOR A WHILE!

Speed: *walks up, hugs Katie*

Katie: *starts crying* I'm sorry.

Speed: It's okay.

Katie: I just have my mind on a lot of things right now.

Speed: I know.

Katie: Thank you.

Speed: You can yell at me whenever you want.

Katie: I would like that.

Speed: Now, did you want anything? Something to drink or something? *lets go*

Katie: *wipes eyes* ...Water?

Speed: I'll get you some. Go upstairs and I'll be right up.

Katie: Okay. *walks upstairs*

Delko: *walks downstairs* Whoa, what was that about?

Speed: *grabs cup* It's a woman thing.

Delko: So are you two alright?

Speed: Yeah we're fine.

Delko: You're not fighting?

Speed: That wasn't a fight. The last time we had a fight, she pointed a gun in my face.

Delko: Ouch.

Speed: It wasn't loaded.

Delko: Good thing.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: You know uh...At the lab and everything, we sort of missed you around.

Speed: I wasn't gone that long.

Delko: Still...I mean Calleigh and I were actually fighting.

Speed: Calleigh never gets mad.

Delko: She missed you.

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: No, I mean missed you.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Delko: She didn't want to say anything because well...You're married and everything.

Speed: Are you kidding me?

Delko: Hey man, that's what she told me.

Speed: Maybe you heard wrong.

Delko: *laughs* No way. She's obsessed with you.

Speed: ...I think you dreamed this.

Delko: She's been depressed since you left and now that you're back sh-

Speed: I'm not back.

Delko: Well now that you're in Miami, she's been chipper, bubbly, and just...Herself.

Speed: That doesn't mean she's obsessed with me.

Delko: Well between you and me, I think she likes unattainable guys.

Speed: Good for her.

Delko: Oh come on, if this was...Three years ago, you would jump at the chance to just work with her.

Speed: She's a better conversationalist than you.

Delko: She also looks better in a short skirt and heels.

Speed: I don't even want to picture you in a short skirt and heels.

Delko: See?

Speed: That doesn't prove anything.

Delko: Didn't you have this huge crush on her a while back?

Speed: Yes and that was a very, very long time ago.

Delko: It wasn't that long.

Speed: She had Hagen, what was I going to do? Stalk her?

Delko: Where were you when she broke up with him?

Speed: I wasn't going to just jump in.

Delko: You should have.

Speed: Yeah and then I probably wouldn't have married Katie.

Delko: And that's a bad thing?

Speed: *frowns* Yeah.

Delko: I'm just sayin'...I mean, Calleigh she's....

Speed: ...What?

Delko: She's totally...Crazy about you.

Speed: You had better hope you're wrong.

Delko: I hope I'm wrong too.

Speed: Good, so you can go into work tomorrow and tell her she doesn't have a chance.

Delko: ...Not even a little one?

Speed: I'm going to be a father soon, so no. She doesn't have the slightest chance in hell.

Delko: So should I write that down or something?

Speed: You'll figure out something to say to her. *walks upstairs*

Delko: ...Whatever you say.

Awww katie have her hormones lol. And no no no calleigh doesn't have one tiny small little chance with speed :p
As always great update geni!!!!! :)

PS: I come back here wednesday because I go in vacation and I'm not sure to have a computer then when I go back I gonna have a lot of update ;) :p
Whoa, I just exploded! lol.

Katie: Well you're annoying. Do something else.

Speed: Like what? Click the back of the remote so the batteries fall around?

Katie: NO! That's even worse.

OH. MY. GOD! I flippin HATE that. But of course Geni you would already know that. lol. And awww its cute how your making Calleigh all not so bubbly because speed left like in the show...only well...we know what happend there. lol. Oh well its 8:20 in themorning I have no idea what i'm talking about. lol. Update soon please.
:lol: Oh my stars Katie you crack me up. But aww isn't it cute that Calleigh has a crush on him? :p Now that could start some difficulties on Calleigh's part. (Not so much Speed's part) Wahoo! Calleigh gets a storyline!

And no problem carole, we'll still be here when you get back, and I'm sure with plenty of chapters. ;)

Thanks for reading guys, and I'll have a chapter up soon. :)

EDIT: Well I'm back with that oh-so-promised chapter, so here we go. :)

Take My Hand

Miami Lab, 9 am


Delko: Hey Calleigh.

Calleigh: *smiles* Hey.

Delko: Testing some guns?

Calleigh: It's ma' job.

Delko: What case are you working on?

Calleigh: Double homicide case.

Delko: Oh that one.

Calleigh: Yep.

Delko: So I was talking to Speed last n-

Calleigh: Tim? Is he here?

Delko: ...Uh...No.

Calleigh: Oh.

Delko: Anyway I was talking to him last night and well...A lot of things must be on his mind.

Calleigh: Why do you say that?

Delko: Well I mean he's....He's going to have a KID soon with his WIFE and everything and it's going to be such a happy MARRIAGE between THEM and only THEM.

Calleigh: *smiles* It's going to be great isn't it?

Delko: Uh...Yeah. So Cal, what's going on with you?

Calleigh: What do you mean?

Delko: Well you almost attacked me because I said 'Speed'.

Calleigh: Is it bad that I'm in a good mood?

Delko: That depends on why you're in a good mood.

Calleigh: I'm happy Eric.

Delko: Is there...A reason?

Calleigh: *crosses arms* Why don't you just come out and say it?

Delko: Do you like Speed?

Calleigh: Of course I like him. He's my friend.

Delko: *laughs* No, I mean like him.

Calleigh: Eric, we're not in highschool.

Delko: Well you seem kind of obsessed with him.

Calleigh: *laughs* I do not.

Delko: Yes you do.

Calleigh: No I don't.

Delko: Oh come on, you're blushing.

Calleigh: I am not.

Speed: *walks in* Hey Eric I needed to get your signature on this b-

Calleigh: *screams* Uh...Uh...I have to go...This way. *runs out*

Speed: ...What's her problem?

Delko: I told you man. She has the hots for you.

Speed: Very funny. Sign this box before Horatio beats me to death with his shades.

Delko: *grabs pen* So what are you doing in the lab if you're not back?

Speed: Getting you to sign this.

Delko: Where's Horatio?

Speed: He's somehwere around here.

Delko: How's Katie?

Speed: She's at your place.

Delko: ...She didn't see what's inside my closet did she?

Speed: No one cares what's in your closet.

Delko: Still, I mean if she goes in there, nothing there is mine.

Speed: Yeah sure it isn't.

Calleigh: *runs in* ERIC DELKO! I need to speak to you. *grabs Eric*

Delko: Um, alright.

Speed: Hey Cal.

Calleigh: ....*giggles* AH! OKAY COME ON ERIC!

Speed: *lifts brow*

Gun vault

Delko: What is your problem?

Calleigh: Okay okay okay. I can't be in the same room as him.

Delko: Yeah I can see that.

Calleigh: Fine you were right but it's not like it's a huge deal or anything.

Delko: Then what is it?

Calleigh: I'll get over it.

Delko: You know, when you were with Hagen he had a huge crush on you.

Calleigh: ...*blank stare*

Delko: What?

Calleigh: THAT'S NOT FAIR!

Delko: Yeah yell it louder Cal.

Calleigh: *sits on table* Oh this is terrible. What am I supposed to do?

Delko: Um...Nothing?

Calleigh: That doesn't help. Ugh why did he have to get married?

Delko: So get married and throw it in his face.

Calleigh: *whines* But I want him!

Delko: *laughs*

Calleigh: *slaps Delko* It's not funny.

Delko: Yeah it is.

Calleigh: *sigh* You didn't tell him did you?

Delko: N-no..Why would I?

Calleigh: YOU TOLD HIM!

Delko: What was I supposed to do?

Calleigh: Ugh.

Delko: I really hope you don't do anything stupid.

Calleigh: ...I can't even tempt him a little?

Delko: No.

Calleigh: Ah man.

Delko: Good luck Calleigh. *walks away*

Calleigh: ....Well don't leave me alone in here. *follows*


Delko: You're still here?

Speed: You didn't sign this.

Delko: How many more things do you want me to sign?

Speed: You work here, you tell me.

Calleigh: *walks in, looks at floor* ...Hey.

Delko: *laughs*

Calleigh: *slaps Eric*

Delko: Ow.

Calleigh: *puts gun together*

Delko: Whoa, fast enough?

Calleigh: *shoots gun over and over*

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Calleigh: *puts down gun* I feel better. *turns around* Now, wh-....I CAN'T DO IT! *runs away*

Speed: Does she want my autograph or something?

Delko: *laughing*

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