CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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I woke up to 3 chapters and all I have to say is wow!!!

terrific updates keep up the great work speed cochrane your stories keep getting better and better. :D
it was a really great update!!!! the part with the bomb in the hummer was great. And somebody has punch GOD... I'm sorry JESUS successfully *clap* :) . Fortunately they both done a great job and everybody is safe. Well not really because katie is always missing.
Anyway *think: shut your mouth up* I really loved this update geni and I can't wait the next one ;)
OH NO! MY KATIE! *hugs*
Let my Katie go! And hahahaha a few chapters up, did you know what word I saw Katie? MANHOOD. Haha, I laughed. Great updates Geni, you always keep me laughing!
Thanks calleighspeedle, and you can call me Geni if you'd like. :D

And Katie I suppose dying COULD be a downside. :lol:

And carole, thanks for reading! And I'm glad you're having fun reading it. :)

:lol: Thanks Jess. :D

My Sonata, No Time To Rest

Lab, 6 am

Calleigh: *walks in* Tim? Tim wake up.

Speed: *opens eyes* Calleigh?

Calleigh: *sits in chair* You've been in the AV lab all night.

Speed: Is Horatio back?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Speed: *sigh* Is he looking for her?

Calleigh: Delko's with him. They just went out.

Speed: He's not going to let them find him.

Calleigh: They still have to try.

Cell phone rings

Speed: *looks at table*

Calleigh: Is that yours?

Speed: No. It's the bad guy's. *picks up phone* Yeah?

Louis: Did you sleep well?

Speed: What do you want?

Louis: I want you to find her.

Speed: How?

Louis: By following my instructions.

Speed: That's what I've been doing for the past day.

Louis: And you've done very well so far. Are you ready for the next game?

Calleigh: *whispers* I have to go phone Horatio. *leaves*

Speed: Yes.

Louis: Very good. I want you to go down to Dade Mutual Bank.

Speed: Why?

Louis: You're going to make a withdrawl of ten thousand dollars.

Speed: You want me to rob the bank?

Louis: *laughs* It's interesting isn't it? A police officer robbing a bank.

Speed: I'm not a cop.

Louis: Of course you're not. You will go down there quietly, and you will make the withdrawl quietly.

Speed: I can't just walk into the bank and demand money without people noticing.

Louis: You had better because if you fail, your wife will leave here in a body bag.

Speed: And what if they refuse to give me money?

Louis: You will do whatever is necessary.

Speed: What if I get caught by the police?

Louis: You won't get caught. I have people looking out for you.

Speed: Well gee thanks, how big of you.

Louis: My men will help you. Just make the withdrawl and then I will call you.


Speed: *bangs head on desk*

Dade Mutual Bank

Speed: *walks up to teller*

Woman: *smiles* How may I help you sir?

Speed: I need to uh...Make a withdrawl.

Woman: From which account?

Speed: It's not that kind of withdrawl.

Woman: ...I don't understand.

Speed: I need ten thousand dollars right now.

Woman: *reaches under desk*

Speed: Please don't push that button.

Woman: *frowns*

Speed: Please...I need this money.

Woman: Why?

Speed: Someone will die if I don't get the money.

Woman: I'm not going to just hand you ...*whispers* Thousands of dollars.

Speed: We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way.

Woman: What's the hard way?

Speed: You die.

Woman: Do you have a weapon?

Speed: Me? No. There are about six men in this bank however who do have a weapon.

Woman: *looks around*

Speed: There should be a briefcase behind you. Fill it up and send it this way.

Woman: I'll call the police after you leave.

Speed: I should hope so.

Woman: *fills briefcase*

Speed: *looks around*

Woman: *closes briefcase* It's filled.

Speed: Did you put a tracking device in it?

Woman: Of course not.

Speed: If you did you can tell me. I need to know.

Woman: No.

Speed: Put one in.

Woman: Why?

Speed: I want to keep track of the money.

Woman: Okay. *puts tracking device in briefcase*

Speed: Good. Send it over.

Woman: *slides briefcase*

Speed: Thank you. *picks up briefcase* You can call the cops now. *leaves*

Woman: *presses button*


Speed: *sigh*

Cell phone rings

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah, it's Speed.

Louis: Very good. I want you to drop the briefcase down a manhole.

Speed: Why?

Louis: To get rid of the evidence. Your fingerprints must be all over it.

Speed: You didn't even need the money?

Louis: It's not fun being on that end of the phone is it?

Speed: *frowns* I could be arrested because of you.

Louis: My men will take care of it.

Speed: *throws briefcase down open manhole* There. Happy?

Louis: Very.

Speed: What now?

Louis: I keep up my end of the bargain. I said you could speak to your wife, and I am a man of my word. You have fifteen seconds.

Katie: Tim?

Speed: ...*sigh* Are you okay?

Katie: I've been better.

Speed: *sits on curb* Did he hurt you?

Katie: No.

Speed: Where are you?

Katie: I-

Louis: Now that's not a question I want to hear.

Speed: I don't care about you. I just want my wife back.

Louis: Do you take me for someone stupid? Once you have her back, you'll go after me. You won't find me, but you won't stop either.

Speed: No. I don't care.

Louis: You're a terrible liar.

Speed: *frowns*

Louis: Your wife has three hours to live.


Oh no, Katie! :eek: how is Speedy going to find her? and what a poor guy, having to rob a bank, I hope that doesnt come back to haunt him later...

and Geni, I'm trying with the whole 'constructive critisism' thing like you suggested, but I really can't find anything that I could possibly critisize, because the story is so damn good :D

please update soon :)
This guy is a really mean guy!!!lol but I'm sure that the team will arrest him or better kill him :)
update soon please
3 hours! 3 HOURS! I'm kinda scared now. lol. Poor Speedy had to rob a bank. But the whole tracking device. Very clever! And sneaky. But that kinda went down the drain when he threw it down the man hole. Great update Geni. Can't wait for more!
YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GO AND DIE ON MY KATIE!!! okay, now that that's out of my system I have more pointless ranting and raving to do. Katie's having a baby? God I hope this one lives...I mean *cough* congradulations? No I'm serious, CONGRADULATIONS! You're gonna be a mommy again, after Speed saves you, which he so will, because that's how the story has to go! We will not loose Katie, do you hear me Geni? And He robbed a bank for you, that Louis guy better let you live!
Delko: *looks up* ...Um..Aren't you supposed to be 9000 miles that way? *points to the left*
I really loved that line. Sounds like something I would do.
But that kinda went down the drain when he threw it down the man hole.
Ironic isn't it? Down the drain, and oh...never mind. Glad for the updates, yay! Keep it up Geni.
Ps, we so have to smuggle Delko back into Vegas, do some gambling, end up working with the Vegas Crime Lab? That'd be fun! Can't wait Geni!
speedmonkey2 said

But that kinda went down the drain when he threw it down the man hole.

:lol: Literally.

And thanks Carly, I'm glad you have nothing bad to say about it so far. :D

:lol: Gee I don't know about the Vegas team, but we'll see. ;)

Everyhing Is Beautiful


Speed: *looks around* Well this is great.

Sirens are heard, cop cars pull up

Speed: *frowns* And my bad day just got worse.

Cop: *runs out of car* Get on your knees!

Speed: Wait! Wait hold on, I can explain.

Cop: You can explain it to a judge. Get on the ground, hands facing outward.

Speed: *lays on ground*

Cop: Am I going to find anything that's going to stick me or hurt me?

Speed: No.

Cop: *goes through Speed's pockets* You matched the description of someone who robbed this bank. Where's the money?

Speed: I don't have any money.

Cop: *reaches into other pocket* What's this?

Speed: I don't know I can't exactly turn my head 360 degrees.

Cop: *looks down* It's a badge. You impersonated a cop to get the money? That's low.

Speed: I can explain that. That's my badge.

Cop: Yeah sure it is.

Speed: Run the numbers.

Cop: I'm going to do that right now. *hands badge to other cop*

Speed: Can I explain now?

Cop: Stand up and lean against my car.

Speed: Then can I explain?

Cop: You can explain until your face turns blue.

Cop car

Speed: *leans on car* Okay I robbed the bank.

Cop: I see.

Speed: I'm not a criminal.

Cop: Yeah I know. You're just stupid.

Speed: Look, I'm trying to save my wife.

Cop: From what? Welfare?

Speed: She was kidnapped and she's being held somewhere and I need to find her. I have less than three hours.

Cop: Sure you do.

Speed: I was told to rob the bank. I didn't hurt anyone, and the money is in a briefcase in that manhole. *points*

Cop: So I'm guessing we're going to find it and just...Let you go right?

Speed: *sigh*

Cop2: *walks around car* This badge was terminated almost two months ago. It doesn't belong to anyone.

Cop: Interesting.

Speed: That's because I work in California n-...Oh nevermind.

Cop: You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an att-

Horatio: *walks up* Gentlemen.

Cop: *looks over* Lieutenant. There are no crime scenes right now.

Horatio: Cut him loose.

Cop: He robbed a bank.

Horatio: *takes off shades* I'm not going to repeat myself officer.

Cop: This is unbelievable. First you take my collar, and then you threaten me?

Horatio: No one's threatening anyone.

Cop: Fine. Take him. Come on man, we have some actual criminals to catch. *gets in car*

Car drives off

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: I heard the call on the police radio.

Speed: We don't have much time left.

Horatio: Okay. Eric and I tracked down two docks where heavy machinery is being used.

Speed: And?

Horatio: We need a warrant to search them.

Speed: You know we don't have time to get a warrant.

Horatio: I have Calleigh working on it.

Cell phone rings

Horatio: You'd better answer that. I'll be at the lab with Calleigh. Oh, and Speed, I left you a Hummer. *leaves*

Speed: Thanks. *opens phone* Yeah?

Louis: You have fun with the cops?

Speed: *looks around*

Louis: I'm not going to tell you how I know. I'll leave it up to your imagination. I have one last task for you.

Speed: Really.

Louis: Your wife is in a warehouse three blocks from your current location.

Speed: *starts walking* Okay.

Louis: Do you see the warehouse?

Speed: Yeah. Kind of obvious to have her in the dock that was closest to the bank huh?

Louis: I have a flare for the dramatic.

Speed: More like a tiny flame.

Louis: Go inside the building.

Speed: Unarmed? I don't think so.

Louis: This challenge is called 'Find the antedote before the snake venom kills your wife'.

Speed: *stops walking* What?

Louis: I told you I had a flare for the dramatic.

Speed: You poisoned her?

Louis: It's much more fun to see her suffer slowly than to end things fast isn't it?

Speed: *walks inside* Where is she?

Louis: Follow the cries.

Speed: *looks around* She's upstairs.

Louis: There are three storeys to the building and four antedotes. One of which will cure her right away, and the other three if injected, will kill her. I'll leave you to find out which is which.

Speed: Are you kidding me? I don't even know what kind of venom you used!

Louis: I guess you'll have to play the game and find out.


Oh what a sneaky sneaky man! *raises fist* I really hope Speed or someone beats the tar out of him lol.

Speed: Look, I'm trying to save my wife.

Cop: From what? Welfare?

That cracked me up for like ever. lol. And you would think the cop would have recognized Speed. But not all cops are the brighest crayon in the box I guess. lol. But oh man that whole antidote venom thing....this isn't a game! Ok yeah it is but not when I could die! lol. Update soon please this is getting really GOOD!
Ah, ah, ah, ah...nope. No words, just utter disbelief that this guy is such a f***ing jackass! wow, Geni, you made me swear...impressive!
Well I'm glad it's getting good. :devil:

:lol: You swore? Oh no. I don't want bring that out in people. :eek: ...Enjoy!

Another Cry In My Heart

Warehouse, third storey

Speed: *runs in* Katie? Oh my God. *runs over, kneels down* Sweetheart wake up, come on.

Katie: *opens eyes* ...Tim.

Speed: That's right. I'm going to get you out of here.

Katie: Mhm.

Speed: *looks around* Do you know what he injected you with?

Katie: ...What?

Speed: *sigh* Great. Just...Don't move okay? I'll be right back. *runs out of room* Okay...Where would he hide the antedote? *runs downstairs*

Downstairs, large area

Speed: Okay okay okay...Okay...*looks around*

Corner of room, ground disturbed

Speed: *runs over* This better be the spot. *digs*

Few minutes later

Speed: *stops digging*...A porn magazine? Great just what I needed. *stands up* This is going to take forever. *looks up*

Small box hidden in the rafters

Speed: Geez, you'd think being a CSI, I'd look UP every once and a while. *throws rocks* COME ON! *throwing rocks*

Box moves

Speed: Come on, come on. *throws rocks*

Box falls

Speed: *catches box* Thank you, finally. *runs upstairs*


Speed: *kneels down* Katie? Katie look at me.

Katie: *looks up*

Speed: *opens box*

Four needles are seen

Speed: Okay Katie talk to me. Say something.

Katie: ...About...What.

Speed: What does uh....What does GCMS stand for?

Katie: Um...*blinks* Gas...Chromatograph Mass *cough* Spectrometer.

Speed: Good, that's excellent. *picks up needle* Oh geez these all look the same. Katie keep talking to me, tell me about...Uh...Louis. Which direction did he go? What was he wearing?

Katie: Uh...White shirt..Black pants, um....

Speed: It's okay, keep going.

Katie: He left out....The back stairwell, heard a engine. A boat engine.

Speed: Good, what kind of boat?

Katie: A...Small f-fast one.

Speed: Okay good. Look at me Katie, listen to my voice. What am I wearing right now?

Katie: ...I-I can't see you.

Speed: *sigh* Okay neurotoxin it is then. Katie is everyting white or black?

Katie: Black.

Speed: Do you know any snake names? Any at all. Just remember any.

Katie: *sigh* Um...Those green ones...Boa snakes...

Speed: Okay honey give me some venomous ones. Think back to all those stupid school books and the Discovery Channel.

Katie: Um....Uh....Diamond back?

Speed: Good, keep going.

Katie: Rattle snakes.

Speed: *picks up needle* Nope, not this one.

Katie: King Cobra, Viper...Something.

Speed: Wait, *picks up needle* King Cobra. I have it. I think this is the one.

Katie: This would uh....Be a hell of a *cough* time to get it wrong.

Speed: Funny. *pulls cap off of needle*

Katie: Did I ever mention I-I hate needles?

Speed: Sorry but you don't have a lot of other choices.

Katie: Crud.

Speed: This might hurt.

Sirens are heard

Speed: Wow it only took them forever.

Katie: Is it working yet?

Speed: I don't know, do you feel any better?

Katie: ...A little.

Speed: Good. At least you don't feel worse.

Katie: *smiles* My hero.

Speed: *holds Katie's hand*

Horatio: *walks up stairs, gun drawn* Is she okay Speed?

Speed: We should get her to a hospital.

Horatio: Fire rescue has been called. Did you see where Louis went?

Speed: He's on the ocean. He's been gone for over an hour.

Horatio: So we're not going to find him.

Speed: At least not today. Come on Katie, I'll bring you downstairs.

Katie: You can carry me?

Speed: You're not that heavy. *picks up Katie*

Katie: *wraps arms around Speed* If you drop me, I'm going to beat you up.

Speed: You're in no condition to beat anyone up.

Katie: I could still take you.

Speed: Yeah sure you could.

Katie: *laughs*

Horatio: *follows* I'll tell patrol to seal off the area and I'll alert the Coast Guard. They're going to have a long day ahead of them. Good job. *walks away*

Speed: He has to stop just showing up. *looks down*

Katie: *asleep*

Speed: *smirks* Alright then.

I just want to take a moment to say AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWww! really loud. He saved me how cute. lol.

Speed: He has to stop just showing up. *looks down*

Seriously! Like come on man! And don't even get me started on the Discovery Channel! I hate that channel and I don't know why! And why do I find it so suprising that I knew what a GCMS stood for? *shrugs* Maybe I'm not so dumb after all. lol. Great update! Speed's ok, Alexx is ok, I'm ok. Life is good!
Speed found Katie!
YAYYYYYY! My Katie is okay! *points gun* NO ONE TOUCHES MY KATIE AGAIN! lol Look Katie, you're so loved! Great update Geni, this story is REALLY good! :)
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