CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Speed: *opens door* I need to find a way to soundproof this house before the neighbors call the cops. *walks outside*

Hey now Mister Miami I can't help it that I like to yell occasionally. lol.

Horatio: ...I know that. Tell me something I don't know.

I gasped when I read that and I don't know why. But they had better find Alexx! lol. Update soon please!
yay! cookie! *takes cookie*

Oh no, where did Alexx go? and who took her? well, I'm sure these questions will be answered in due time...and WOAH! by the sounds of it, I wanna live in the house that Katie and Speed have...it sounds impressive :D

please update soon
More to come soon. :)

I just need around eight hours of sleep, and we'll be back in business! So get comfy, it's going to be a while. :p
Congratulate with new thread! :D Let's hit the balls guys! :lol: he he i imagine how they runing in slow-motion LOL :lol:
meeen, how i love this Road Trip! :p

Sleepy, sleepy, lil Geni ! Wake UP! Speed is in your room! :eek: :devil:
OMG alexx was kidnapped. She's such a good women that's not fair.

I loved the "...I know that. Tell me something I don't know" from horatio. It is so horatio you know I know I recur about horatio but I don't care because I love that guy !!!and of course is not THAT old he always can hold a gun and shoot some bad guy. They don't understand they lose everytime did they watch CSI sometime???

And I think speedle's house is the house of my dream with a pool and a pool table what a great house!!

great update and please update soon ;) :)

Haha, I remember when Katie told Lauren and me that she had been using that phrase a lot lol. She can do laps teehee, Katie cracks me up, in both RL and this fic.
:eek: Speed is in my room? I wonder what my father would say. :p :lol:

Thanks for all the nice compliments, they mean oodles to me. :D

Calling All Units...


Horatio: *walks into DNA lab* Valera, what can you tell me about the blood?

Valera: I ran it yesteday, and sent it through priority.

Horatio: And?

Valera: I got a hit. *passes over paper*

Horatio: *looks down* Juan Valdez. That doesn't exactly narrow it down.

Valera: Two of the most common names in Miami.

Horatio: *nods*

Valera: I was speaking to Eric this morning, apparently they found some trace outside where the getaway vehicle was. Maybe that can help.

Horatio: *looking down at paper* Yes it would help if we had a Trace Analyst.

Valera: ...We don't have one?

Horatio: I haven't gotten around to looking at resumés yet.

Valera: I could run the trace for you if you'd like Lieutenant.

Horatio: No it's alright, I'll take care of it. Thank you. *walks away*

Valera: ...Glad I could help.

Trace Lab

Calleigh: *walks in* ...You're running trace?

Horatio: *looks up* I know my way around a Trace Lab.

Calleigh: *smiles* I don't doubt it. *puts down folder*

Horatio: What's this?

Calleigh: Tripp's guys found the ME van this morning near Coconut Grove.

Horatio: *looking through microscope* Mhm don't they always.

Calleigh: Is that the trace Eric and I found?

Horatio: It's latex.

Calleigh: From a latex glove? Alexx would have been wearing them.

Horatio: Nope. Hevea brasiliensis.

Calleigh: And that translates to...

Horatio: Rubber tree.

Calleigh: *crosses arms* Those aren't native to North America.

Horatio: No but they are in wildlife parks aren't they?

Calleigh: The transfer was passive. It could have been on the guy's shoe. Do you want me to check with Florida Parks Service?

Horatio: Do that.

Calleigh: *smiles* I'll canvas for zoos or wildlife parks, and then me and Eric are going on a little road trip.

Horatio: In more ways than one.

Calleigh: What about the van?

Horatio: I'll process it.

Calleigh: Did you want to take anyone else with you?

Horatio: Tell Carly to glove up.

Calleigh: Great. *leaves*

Van, Coconut Grove

Carly: *places down kit* Why didn't you ask for anyone else?

Horatio: *opens van door* I asked for you.

Carly: ...Fair enough. So what are we looking for?

Horatio: Evidence.

Carly: Wow, could you be a little more vague?

Horatio: *clicks on flashlight* Now what does that look like to you?

Carly: Leaves.

Horatio: Calleigh and Eric found traces of a rubber tree at the getaway site.

Carly: And you think that maybe the bad guys transfered leaves in here? ...Maybe they work somewhere, where they would have a lot of access to these trees. A zoo maybe.

Horatio: *looks around outside* You have a camera?

Carly: Sure. *walks around van* What do you see?

Horatio: Tread marks.

Carly: So they stopped here, and had a second vehicle waiting.

Horatio: And more rubber tree leaves right here.

Carly: A company truck or van? *snaps pictures*

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Carly: *looks up* ...You're blocking my light.

Horatio: *moves out of the way* Better?

Carly: Thank you. *snaps pictures* So the word around the lab is you're hiring a new trace tech?

Horatio: Word gets around fast.

Carly: One of us could always run trace.

Horatio: Yes but in this case I'd rather have a professional do it.

Carly: *lifts brow* It doesn't take much to do it.

Horatio: No one touches that Trace Lab right now except for me. Got it?

Carly: *nods slowly* ...Yeah.

Horatio: Thank you ma'am. *walks away*

Carly: *snaps pictures*

First of all...Jess I'm glad I amuse you.

Second of all is it just me or is H man being a little crabby? Yes I know Speed was your favorite but come on lighten up. lol. And they still haven't found Alexx. I hope everything's ok!

Valera: ...Glad I could help.

That made me laugh and I don't know why....ok no more kool aid for me! Update soon please!
Yes, Horatio does seem pretty crabby doesn't he? I was trying not to use the words 'lost' and 'son' in this post, but it's like he lost a son. *snif* :( :p

Please Come Back Home

California, Sherrif's Department

Speed: *writing thing down*

Woman: *leans on wall* So you're the new guy?

Speed: *looks up* Yeah.

Woman: Did you always want to push around paper for a living?

Speed: And your name is?

Woman: Jody Campbell. I'm assuming you also have a name.

Speed: Tim Speedle.

Jody: Well now that we're on a first name basis, what are you doing?

Speed: Paperwork.

Jody: Why?

Speed: It's my job.

Jody: Well my job is to interrogate witnesses but here I am.

Speed: Then go do your job.

Jody: *laughs* Whoa, a paper-pusher with an attitude. Nice.

Speed: Is there something you needed, or do you always do this to the new guys?

Jody: *sips coffee* Some of them are girls.

Speed: Funny.

Jody: Hmmm...Nice tan, breathable cotton button down shirt, and not much for shaving. Georgia?

Speed: Florida.

Jody: *smiles* And yet your attitude screams New York.

Speed: *leans back on chair* If you're done observing me, you have witnesses to interrogate.

Jody: Well right now IAB's having a go at my superiors so I'm stuck out here.

Speed: What did they do, shoot each other in the hallway?

Jody: It was an officer involved shooting yeah, but they didn't shoot each other in the hall. My partner took one to the vest yesterday in the field.

Speed: Is he okay?

Jody: His ego's a little bruised but he'll get over it. So uh, what did they call you?

Speed: What do you mean?

Jody: Oh come on. Your pant loop has wear and tear on it, suggesting you wore a badge for a long period of time and there happens to be a tan line where you would wear gloves. So I'm thinking...Crime scene unit?

Speed: That's perceptive.

Jody: So what did they call you, Speedy Gonzales?

Speed: *smirks* Not quite. My friends called me Speed.

Jody: How'd you pick that one up?

Speed: Long story.

Jody: Well I'd love to hear it sometime. You want to go out for a beer with me and the guys tonight after work?

Speed: I thought detectives don't frateranize with paper-pushers.

Jody: Once a cop always a cop.

Speed: ...I appreciate the offer but I've got some unpacking to do tonight.

Jody: Your loss. Well I'll see you later if I have any paperwork for you to fill out.

Speed: That's cute.

Jody: *smiles* Someone has to do it. *leaves*

Speed: *shakes head*

Miami Wildlife Park

Calleigh: Have you ever been to this zoo Eric?

Delko: When I was nine. Why?

Calleigh: So...Were you that kid that fell into the Chimpanzee Pit?

Delko: ...Maybe.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Delko: There's a reason they put bars on these exibits.

Calleigh: I guess you learned your lesson.

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: Hey let's ask this guy over here. Excuse me? Excuse me can we speak to you for a second?

Guy: Yeah what do you want?

Calleigh: We're looking for this man. Have you see him? His name is Juan Valdez.

Guy: Yeah he works here.

Calleigh: Is he working now?

Guy: He didn't clock in yesterday or today.

Calleigh: Do you know where he is?

Guy: No. Why would the cops be looking for him anyway?

Calleigh: It's part of an ongoing investigation.

Delko: Those are some interesting leaves caught in the cuff of your pants. Care to explain that?

Guy: *looks down* ...I work in a zoo. *looks back up* Leaves could have come from anywhere.

Delko: Except they didn't. Those are rubber tree leaves.

Guy: So? We have rubber trees here.

Calleigh: *smiles* And that's why you're going to take a little ride with us.

Interview Room

Horatio: *frowns* Juan, Valdez.

Guy: What about him?

Horatio: Where is he and don't lie to me.

Guy: I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him in two days. Why don't you guys go look for him?

Horatio: Okay here's how this works. I ask the questions and *puts down folder* You give the answers.

Guy: *looks at folder* They're leaves.

Horatio: Taken from your pant cuffs.

Guy: So?

Horatio: So where were you two days ago?

Guy: At work. That's probably how the leaves got there in the first place.

Horatio: Which part of the zoo do you work in?

Guy: The tiger pit.

Horatio: You see, this is where the evidence starts to contradict your story. My team checked the entire facility and the only place where there are rubber trees, are in the bird exibits, not the tiger pit.

Guy: ...Okay look, Juan works in the amazon exibit. He asked if I could take his shift two nights ago.

Horatio: Why?

Guy: I don't know. He said something about not being back for a while.

Horatio: Did he say where he was going?

Guy: No.

Horatio: I find that hard to believe.

Guy: Well believe it because that's all he told me. I swear to you, if I knew I would tell you.

Horatio: *looks up*

Calleigh, standing outside interview room

Horatio: Okay sit tight. *leaves*

Outside interview room

Horatio: Talk to me.

Calleigh: His alibi checks out. He was at the zoo two nights ago cleaning out the amazon exibit. He's innocent.

Horatio: *places hands on hips* Well mister Valdez isn't, and we have yet to find him.

Calleigh: Why would he take Alexx?

Horatio: Opportunity. He runs into the next building holding a gun and bleeding everywhere.

Calleigh: Wrong place, right time. So he has no reason to keep her alive.

Horatio: The question is, what was he doing in the lab, and what did he want?

Calleigh: Well whatever it was, he didn't get it.

Horatio: But he did get our Medical Examiner, and that's going to be our motivation. *walks away*

Calleigh: *sigh*

great update as always geni... aww poor H misses speed. Hope they find alex before anything happens to her.
Yay so adding to this comment cause she updated rate i posted lol, agian great update and can't wait for more and omg poor alex...
This is really good. I love it that Speedle is back. And Ryan getting killed off is a nice extra too :)
Welcome to the thread CSI007WW :D And we have just begun, so have a seat. :)

And thanks carole, I should be writing a chapter soon.

-And this thing should start getting funnier soon, I swear. :p
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