CSI: Miami More Crime.... Great....

Examining the little red book from the Crayne home lead tothe closure of the case, there was a detailed plan in the back of the book that described the murder. The murder followed it completely except Joseph was supposed to live, it also had Charlie's schedule in it and a little check next the time when the Starkweather's crashed.
Afterwards the CSI's went to court to keep the baby away from her mother, and they succeeded. Mrs. Caril Starkweather lost custody of her child.

Calleigh got home and turned on the light in the living room.
"MILOOOOOOO!" at that the Milo who was in the kitchen ran and hid in Calleigh's room. Calleigh walked in there to find him "God, what is that sm-" She said as she sat on the wet bed. At that Calleigh hit her boiling point
"Where are you, you little DEMON!?!?" she got him and put him in a little cage so she could go to the store and buy new bed sheets. When she got back she went to put her shoes away and saw all of chewed up shoes.
"What've I gotten my self into with that little monster kitten?" she said under a sigh.
Losing her baby made Caril even more upset. She had to do somehting. She had to get revenge on the police, and Crayne. So she grabbed a large nknife and left the house.

Calleigh left for work the next day and forgot only one thing. To put Milo in his cage.

Calleigh was extremely excited she had another date tonight and they were going to the Rainforest Cafe. The date was for eight o clock and she was pretty sure Horatio was lookg forward to it too, and they were sure not to tell Ryan and Eric the location.

Ryan lived only three blocks away from work, and it was a beautiful day so he decided to walk. Little did he know he was being watched, stalked, hunted.

Eric was the first to arrive at work and when he got there he found a woman yelling and crying hysterically outsidew the building.
"M'am, calm down. M'am, what's wrong?" asked Delcko.
"I was walking! And he was walking! And she came up! And he's dying!" she said between sobs and deep breathing before bursting into tears again.
"Where? Take me there!" said Eric, and the woman started running with Eric following her as he called for paramedics and back-up at the same time.

"H" was running late. He hadn't even left the house yet because his pop tart had decided to stay in the toaster. He wasn't going tobe late, but he liked arriving early. That wasn't going to happen today. So he finnally picked up the toaster and shook it and the pop tart fell out."
"It's fixed!" he said to himself. He was on his way out the door when he felt that something was wrong. He couldn't put his finger on it so he left. Little did he know, something was wrong and going to the office would help him put his finger on it.
Eric got to the scene to find Ryan stabbed and bleeding, barely breathing.
"Holy s*%$!" yelled Eric "Ryan!" Ryan didn't answer.
The paremedics and police showed up. The paramedics took Ryan and Eric wanted to go but decided to stay to gather any evidence and get on the case right away. When "H" and Calleigh finally got to the lab they found Eric entering with splatter photos, a bloody knife, and blood swabs.
"What the hell happened Delcko?" asked "H"
"Ryan isn't going to be in today."
"What does that hae to with it?"
"This is Ryan's blood a girl came up to me when I got here and took me to him he was repeatedly stabbed. The paramedics took him."
Calleigh and Horatio glanced at eachother with a look that read "HOLY CRAP!"
"I'll go help Eric with the stuff, and when Natalia comes she can help, Caleigh go with Ryan."
"Alright." saidCalleigh and she got in the hummer and pulled away.
"Let's get to work I guess." said Eric and they went inside.

At the hospital Calleigh was informed on all of Ryan's slices. There was one that just missed his spinal cord and one that almost went completely through his shoulder. The other two weren't deep at all and were not nere and major organs. The one that just mised his spinal cord made him lucky, he could have been paralyzed. The other one, the doctor informed Calleigh, was in a slightly bad place. However, worst scenario is he has shoulder pains for the rest of his life. However, they should not be painful enough to affect work.
"Thank you doctor. May I go see him?"
"Not yet, we are still working on stiching him up nd tendong to the smaller two. You should be able to in about two and a half hours though." replied the doctor
"Alright, I'll check back then. Thank you." said Calleigh.
"It's our job." said the doctor with a smile as he walked away. At that Calleigh went to go inform the others.

The kitten was again having an amazing time. Milo found his way onto the kitchen counter and knocked a little container of sugar on the floor. Milo hopped off the counter and played in the sugar. When he got tired he took a nap, but when he awoke he caused mpre havoc. He broke a glass vase, knocked Calleigh's toothbrush in the toilet chewed on her headphone cord.
Two and a half hours later.......
Calleigh and Horatio were examining the knife so Eric decided to go check on Ryan.
"Hey dude." said Eric.
"Hey. You know this dress is really annoying, I wonder how women do it."
"Probably because they were weqaring them since childhood. Did you see who attacked you?"
"Yeah! It was that freaking Caril Starkweather." said Ryan sounding like he was about to yell.
"Ok, so we can talk to her. How are you feelin'?"
"Like someone stabbed me."
"Makes sense." said Eric "Well, I'm gonna go tell everyone you saw who it was. Bye."
"See 'ya."

Back at the lab...
Calleigh and "H" had just found three fingerprints when Eric came in.
"Ryan saw the person! It was Caril!"
"Starkweather?" said Calleigh.
"No, Hooplenganger." said Eric sarcastically.
"Just makin' sure! Well, anyway, we found prints." replied Calleigh.
"Okay, all the blood samples matched Ryan's blood. I wanted to make sure our attacker didn't get cut and leave us a present." said Natalia walking in.
"Caril. It was Caril." said Eric.
"Starkweather?" said Natalia.
"No. Hooplenganger." said Eric sarcstically once more.
"Yes, Starkweather." said Calleigh "He got me with that one too."
"It's not my fault you two are dumb enough to fall for it!"
The two girls rolled their eyes and everyone got back to work.
Well, hello! Thanks! I was busy so I've been having tuble posting so well I'm not busy I'm going to try post as much as possible, until I have to go to the store. lol

With Ryan as one witness Calleigh decided to get another. She found a picture of Calleigh and showed it to the woman who saw Ryan get stabbed and found Delcko. The woman agreed with Ryan and said that was the woman who attacked. So Calleigh and Delcko went to go get Caril's prints.

At the hospital...
Ryan decided that he was so bored he would have prefered to be on death row then stay here there another month, witch is how long his doctor said he'd have to stay. Ryan threw his head back on the pillow with a sigh. After a few minutes he decided, he has a month of work, why not make the best out of it. With that, he turned on the tv and flipped through and really, truly hoped they'd atleast have the news so he could still learn about the cases. He doughted(sp?) it though.
"Wouldn't want to give the psychs ideas, would we?" he thought thinking about the psych center on the other side of the hospital.

After work...
Calleigh arrived home and decided to watch tv before getting ready for her date tonight. She glanced down and saw Milo playing with a ball of fuzz at her feet.
"Well, hello monster." she said "I saw what you did." and Milo gave her a look as if to say "I did what, now?" she was mad at first but watching Milo stop and breath while playing every couple minutes she didn't feel mad, she felt sad for the poor little thing. She looked at the calander on the wall and saw the date and knew poor little Milo's time was coming to an end.

Eric arrived home and still being banned from learning where the dates were taking place, he couldn't spy. So he had nothing to do. He went over to the computer and went on the internet. A few minutes later he heard what sounded like a small explosion. He went outside and saw his exploded mailbox and heard a bunch of kids laughing on the otherside of the street.
"You freaking MONKEYS. GOD!" he yelled. Well, know he had something to do. Go buy a new mail box. As he pulled out of the driveway, he said "Kids." under his breath "Nasty little f-ers."
Calleigh went to the Pink's to find "H" already there. The conversation eventually led to Milo.
"How is the little fluff ball."
"Like a little pain in the ass." said Calleigh "But I don't think he has much longer."
"I'm sorry, but you knew it was coming." replied "H".
"Yeah, but he is a lovable little demon."

When the recipt arrived the two grabbed a kiss and left. On the way home Horatio felt as if something was wrong. With what happened to Ryan he decided to listen to the feeling and turned away and went in the direction of Calleigh's house.

Eric came back with his new mailbox and replaced the old one. He went inside until he heard little splats. He looked out the window and saw about ten kids in his yard. Some were throeing toilet paper on the house, the trees, and the yard. Others were egging his house. He rushed over to the door and walked out. Until an egg hit him straight in the the face.
The next day at work the CSI's found out that Caril's prints matched those on the knife. After questioning Caril the CSI's believed they had a motive, revenge. With that the CSI's watched as Caril was taken away in handcuffs.
"So, what now?" said Eric.
"I guess we just wait." replied Calleigh "Miami has been really quiet lately."
But it wasn't going to stay like that long...
Two weeks later...
She walked along the street and her mision was clear. SHe had to get rid of the nasty prostitutes. They are ruining the world. They are of course, not the only thing but it's a start. She came across a nice starter. She walked up to the red haired, green eyed woman and said delicatly. "How much?"
The prostitute replied with disgust "Sorry, I don't do lesbians." She flicked her cigarette (sp?) and the woman watched the butt fall down past her mini skirt and fishnets. With that the walker pulled out a gun and shot the prostitue in the foot and said "One for fun." she then shot the prostitute in the stomach and replied laughing, "Two for luck." and with one final laugh she shot the woman in head and said "Three for death." as her screams ceased. With that the now murder took off.

The next day an elderly woman found her outside her house. Wanting to call the police right away, she pressed her Life Alert instead of easing back into the house. The police showed up and the CSI's got the call.

Everyone appeared excluding Ryan who still sat in a hospital bed bored and Calleigh who took the day off to spend time with Milo who miracuously was still alive and getting better.

"Three bullets, on to the foot, on to the stomach area, and one to the forehead. And apparently that woman over there," said Alexx nodding over to the older woman "discovered the body."
"Alright, Alexx. Thank you." said "H" and he took a quick scan over the seen and saw a shell. He went over to it and bagged it and tagged it. After that he decided to look for the other shells.

Milo was now slightly bigger. He was still a little it of a trouble maker but after a few weeks of punishment he had started learning his limits.
Milo was being a good cat today so Calleigh went over and gave him some tuna witch he ate like he'd never tasted food before.