CSI: Miami More Crime.... Great....

*sigh* It said the post went through. It did not. I won't be able to post for a couple of days though, not until after the fourth. Sorry.
Ok, can I just say sleeping 'till 4:30 in the afternoon is what happens when I get wasted on the fourth of july. lol so if something dosen't make sense or doesn't add up let me know so I can fix it.
The door was open so the CSI's went in with there guns ready and they saw a man in the corner sobbing.
"What's your name?" asked Eric.
"Jake Boran." replied the man. So Eric walked over to check him as Calleigh and Natalia went to go checkout the house. Natalia went into the kitchen, and Calleigh went into the bathroom.
In the kitchen, Natalia walked over to the fridge and read a sticky note carefully placed upon it. On the paper was a list of the names of the dead women and more. The already dead ones had a small little check next to it. Natalia took that as evidence.
In the bathroom Calleigh found nothing of interest so she decided to go to a different room until she heared Natalia cry, "Holy s#@$!" CAlleigh walked quickly to the kitchen to see Natalia standing over a large freezer. Calleigh walked over to Natalia and saw the small parts of the women, such as the ears, in ziploc baggies. The larger parts, like the legs, were wrapped in ceran wrap.
"Well, that's just fantastic." said Calleigh.
Desperately wanting to see, Eric glanced over.
"Ewww!" Eric thought a second then looked at Jake. "What are you doing with the body parts?"
"Every needs the perfect woman."
Ryan had found fingerprints all over...
He also found a strand of hair, with new evidence he decided to go to the lab and see if it matched the to Jake Lee Boran.
The CSI's had Jake in custody and were working on matching the body parts to the dead women when "H" walked in.
"How did you get out of the hospital?" asked Ryan.
"I signed myself out, how's the case going?"
Eric was obviously desperately trying to keep himself quiet. And everyone noticed.
"What's going on?" asked "H".
"Yeah Eric," said Calleigh with jaws clenched. "what's up?"
Losing his restraint Eric burst out laughing. He just found it so entertaining how they could be in the same room and not show any attraction. "DuCAINE! Hehehhehehehe!"
"ERIC!!!!" yelled Calleigh "You little untrustworthy FREAK OF NATAURE!"
"Wow, Calleigh. That one really stung. It was like a fire of PASSION!"
Calleigh was extremely angry but Horatio and Ryan found it entertaining.
Just then Natalia came in with a huge smile on her face.
"ALL THE LIMBS WERE A MATCH!" she yelled "I booked him and a trial date hasn't been set yet though.... I'm taking everyone out 'cause I'm so happy! Who want's some ice cream?"
"I bet DuCaine does."
"Eric..... now your getting on my last nerve. Natalis, why aren't you suprised about "H" being here?"
"Oh, I saw him come in."
At the ice cream parlor...
A kid fell over and started choking and was excessively vomiting. The CSI's tried to help, but the young boy rolled over and died, eyes wide open.
NEXT TIME on More Crime.... Great...
Sorry it took so long to post... I had to do a lot of research for this one.

The body was taken to the lab to be examined. Alexx determined that he was poisened with a mixture of common household poisons, the vomitng was normal but the choking was an allergic reaction. She decided the boy was about 11 years old and had not died from the vomiting or the poison itself, he died because he choked. A couple minutes later Ryan walked in and informed Alexx and Horatio that the boys identity was Cristian Keith Walker and his parents were on the way to confirm the identity and to be taken for questioning.
In the lab Natalia was working on finding out what was in the boys ice cream, witch the CSI's thought was was killed the boy.
After a few hours of work Natalia found traces of ammonia and perfume in the ice cream. Natalia went to go tell Alexx and they figured that those two things caused the vomiting and Cristian probably had an allergic reaction to the perfume.
ABout ten minutes later the parents arrived in tears. They were taken to their son where they confirmed the body and started crying even more. Afterwards and when they had calmed down a tad bit they were taken to be questioned.
"I know this is hard for you but I need to ask you some questions." said Horatio.
"We understand, what do you want to know?" asked the mother inbetween sobs."
"What was your son allergic too?"
"Vannilla." said the father "It always made him lose his breath. Was he eating vanilla ice cream?"
"No, strawberry but we needed to know." said "H" "Did your son have any enemies?"
"There was a kid named William Payton that always bugs him at school."
"I think that's about it for now. Thank you. You've been a big help." said Horatio with a smile.
The next day about four hours after school started HOratio and Natalia went to William's school and asked to speak to him.
"William, have you ever met a boy named Cristian Keith Walker?" asked Natalia.
"Yeah, what's it to you?"
"Well, Cristian died of poisoning and we have been informed that you were his bully. And last time I checked, bullies like to pull pranks." said Horatio "do you have a job, Willaim?"
"Where at?"
"Smiles Ice Cream Parlor."
"That'll be all for now, WIlliam."
"Am I a suspect?"
"Yes. You are."
Walking back to class...
"S%$@!" William said to himself "I didn't mean to kill him, just make him sick! Now there on my tail! I have to make a plan..."
Back at the lab...
Calleigh and Horatio were working on finidng the type of perfume that was used. As help Calleigh, Alexx, and Natalia brought in all of their perfumes to see if there was a match. After a few hours they got a match to Calleigh's Miami Glow by Jennifer Lopez.
"You always smell good when you where this one, Calleigh."
"Thank you!" With just one compliment another kiss began. With them still kissing Delcko walked in without them realizing until he spoke.
"Oh HELL NO guys! Not in the lab! You freaking fifteen year olds..."
"Thats why it's called knocking Eric."
Grrrrr! I'm so freaking mad right now Mel! This stupid person on IMDB.com thinks that if you support Creasy in the movie Man on Fire you have no morals! I just got done rambling on the fact that is so stupid! Grrrr! :mad:
Horatio and Natalia, and Ryan went to the ice cream parlor and asked the manager some questions. While Natalia questioned "H" and Ryan went to go investigate. There was a storage area out back where they found ammonia, witch the parlor probably used to clean, they took that as evidance and continued on. Right by the service counter was a garbage can, and right on top Ryan noticed an empty bottle of Miami Glow perfume. With those to things, Horatio and Ryan went to go see how the interrogation was going. Natalia informed them that William was indeed working at the time of Cristian's death. WHile getting ready to go back to the hummer Natalia turned around.
"One last question, sir. Do you have a security camera?" questioned Natalia.
"Yeah, we do. Do you want the tapes for that day?" replied Sindy, the manager.
"Yes, that would be fatastic."
"I'll go get them."
She came back with three tapes in her hands.
"Thank you." said Natalia politely.
"Anything to help, I feel so terrible for the boy and his family."
Back at the lab the first thing Ryan and Horaito worked on was searching for fingerprints while Calleigh and Eric searched for evidence on the tapes.
Ryan and Horatio found fingerprints all over the bottles. They then went to the school and got Willimas fingerprints. Afterwards, they went to his house to speak to his parents.
"Your son, William, is a suspect in a murder of an eleven year old boy." Ryan told William's parents.
"What?" asked the father in surprise.
Ryan turned to the man's wife and asked a question aimed directly at her.
"Do you own a bottle of Miami Glow by Jennifer Lopez, Ma'm?"
"Yes I do, or used to. It went missing two days ago."
Ryan and Horatio were pleased at that, because two days ago was when the Cristian died.
"Was your son a bully?" Horatio said almost without emotion.
"Not that we witnessed, but we are always recieving letters from the school about him misbehaving in a bullyish type way." said William's mother.
"Do you still have those letters, because we'd like to see them."
"Yes, we do I'll go get them." said the father.
He came back with a whole stack of letters. Ryan and Horatio quickly scanned over them and saw about 90% of them were about him beating up Cristian.
"Thanks for your time," said Ryan "that should be all for now."
When they got back to the lab they found Eric, Calleigh, and Natalia extremely happy.
"We have William poisoning Cristian on tape! Yay!" said Calleigh.
"And we have his fingerprints to back it up! Yay!" said Ryan with sarcasm.
"Oh, shut up Ryan! Your no fun when it comes to happiness." replied Calleigh.
"Yes, well your too cheerful."
"Oh whatever, let's just go add all this stuff up."
With all the evidence the CSI's could convict William, but they decided to do one last interview.
"We have you on tape poisoning Cristian Keith Walker, along with your fingerprints and more." said Horatio flatly.
WIlliam sat for a moment before he spoke.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kill him just make him sick! It was an accident, I swear, please believe me. I didn't mean too." he said with tears in his eyes.
"So, you tried to make him sick, not kill him, by shoving ammonia down his throat."
"I know it was a stupid plan. I just hated that little twerp!"
"Why did you hate him, William?"
"Because he had everything better than me. A nice house, a loving family, money perfect grades. And look at me! A small two bedroom house, me and my family liveing paycheck to paycheck, and my highest grade is a C-."
"That's truly no reason to hate someone, William."
"To me it is."
With that last interview, the CSI's convicted William.
"So who wants ice cream?" said Natalia laughing.
"I think I can do without for the next year or too." said "H".
"Ditto! I tell you that case almost made my appetite for everything sweet and tasty and completely against my diet! Hehehe." said Calleigh "So with that out of the question, how about Pizza?"
"Sounds good to me." said Alexx.
"With the things you see on a daily basis, I'm surprised anything sounds good when it comes to food." Ryan said without reconsidering it.
"SO when are you two gonna go out?" asked Eric out of the blue "If you wait much longer, Calleigh, Horatio is gonna shrivel up to dust in the wind. Wooosh! Hehehehehee."
"Well, Haha Delcko. Aren't you just the funny one." said "H" almost sounding angry.
"Well, yes. Yes I am, Tita---atio..."
"Let's just get the pizza." said Horatio as everyone was laughing but him. But he did find it a little funny.
The CSI's had just finished their pizzas and were on their way back to get everybody's cars, because they only brought two hummers. In the first hummer their was Natalia, Hotatio, and Calleigh. In the hummer following behind was Eric, Ryan, and Alexx. The CSI's came to an intersection. The left intersection was moving, but the CSI's noticed one car on the right side not stoping until, in the middle of the intersection the car and one from the left lane slammed headfirst into eachother.
"Oh my god!" yelled Calleigh, and the two hummer's quickly pulled over to a parking lot right next to them and all the CSI's ran over to the accident. The cars had already started flaming so they tried to get everyone out, with the music still playing from one of the radios. "'Cause I still don't have a reason. And you don't have the time..." In the car from the left lane there was a man, a woman, a small toddler, and a little english cocker spaniel puppy. The CSI's saved all of them except the man, who was driving and the dog just barley made it. He jumped out the door as soon as the CSI's moved the toddler out of the way they did that just as the whole car was surrounded in flames. In the second car was a male driving, but he had died from the force of impact, but they luckily got the body. When the police and fire department showed up the flames were completely but out and the CSI's got the other body.