CSI: Miami More Crime.... Great....

At the hopital...
Ryan sat bored but was hopeful because after another week and a half he was outta there. He was counting the days with a dull pencil (wouldn't want to give the psychs a dangerous weapon would we, was Ryan's thought on it earlier.) and a pad of paper beside his bed. He was een so bored he wrote a poem.
"I'm bored.
Yes, I'm bored.
Trapped in a hospital bed.
Another week and a half he said.
So I'm counting the days.
Like I'm trapped on a cay."

At the scene...
Horatio found the other two shells, they were all the same size which made one killer, or a very small gang shooting. Alexx had found about seven-hundred, fifty in her bra. "Must be a popular one..." was her thought. Eric had found blood splatter that he obviously pictured to help identify where the murderer was standing.

At Calleigh's house...
Milo had finished his tuna and was not walking around her feet, it appeared as if he was trying to trip her.
"Can I help you?" asked Calleigh playfully.
"Mew!" replied Milo.
"Yes? Well, what do you need?" questioned Calleigh and MIlo started trotting in a different direction and Calleigh followed. Milo went to the bathroom and hopped on the counter.
"Water? Hmmmm... Ok!" and Calleigh turned the faucet on and milo dipped his head into it and drank gllefully for a little bit then he raised his head, shook the water free and meowed.
"What do you want now? Wait I know what you want now! Not now."
"Meep!" Is what Milo's answer sounded like.
"Fine." and Calleigh stuck her hand under the faucet and Milo drank the water as it dripped of her hand.
"Weird little thing..." thought Calleigh out loud and Milo immediately looked up surprised and said, "MEOW."
"Yes, you!" laughed Calleigh.
But Calleigh didn't know Milo raised his head a sound she could not hear, not her. The sound of a window opening. Horatio may have been wrong a few weeks ago, but his feeling just came soon.
After a couple more minutes of water drinking Calleigh turned of the water faucet and was walking towards the door but Milo ran ahead of her and stood in front of the door. "Meow!" he meowed. Calleigh lifted Milo up and moved himout of the way and walked towards her bedroom. She got to the door and saw a man going through her jewelry chest and gasped as she turned and but her back to the wall. The man heard her gasp and started walking towards the door. So, Calleigh picked up Mio and ran back into the bathroom. There, she took her phone and called the police as she went into the towel closet with Milo.

At the lab...
Horatio was saving the shells for Calleigh who obviously was the best with shells, bullets, and guns. So he went to help with the splatter.There he and Eric decide the murderer was standing in front of the prostitute who was identified as sixteen year old Jaycee Lane, slightly to the left.

At the hospital...
Ryan had officially become so ored he was sining.
"In the hospital,
In the hospital,
In the hospital today.
I'm so bored here,
Wanna get outta here.
Just another week and a half
to gooooooo."
more more he better not hurt her lol I'd say the kitty should attack...those scratches hurt lol But then she might get hurt :(
Milo and Calleigh could hear footsteps outside the closet so they sat still until the knob started to turn the door opened and they all stared at eachother for a moment until he reached down for them so at that Milo dug his claws and teeth into the mans arms and just hung there as the man screeched in pain and swung Milo around trying to shake him off. The men continued their battle until sirens could be heard and the front door opened. Before the man could escape two police officers showed up in the bathroom and gently removed Milo. They handcuffed the man and rolled up his sleeve to dee if he needed medical attention. He did not, but Milo attacked the arm that hidden under the sleeve was weed.
"You seem to have a very good cat on your hand, CSI Duquesne." said one of the officers "has he ever been around drugs before?"
"Yeah, is former owners did marijuana."
"Well, were testing something new. You know the dogs that sniff out drugs? Well, we're testing it with cats. I think you should bring him down to help the study."
And from that day forward Milo was....
(That's what you get in Fan FICTION! lol)
Yuck, I just accidentally ate a some-what moldy honey bun! EWW! I wanna throw up so bad right now. Yuck!

Two months and many dates later...
Milo was a fully trained professional and Ryan was out of the hospital, but the 'Night Walker' was still on the loose. She hadn't killed anyone else... until now.

"How much?" asked the walker.
"Well, your wantin' a girl so double. Three-fifty. An extra seventy-five for every kinky act." replied the prostitute as she scratched her chin."
"Well, your quite the professional. How many married men have you f***ed, b****?" said he walker as she pulled out her gun an the prostitute froze in her little black leggings. The walker shot her in the foot, "One for fun." She then shot her in the stomach and said "Two for luck." but before she could point the gun at the prostitute's head the prostitute pulled a gun out of her coat and shot her attacker in the knee. "S***! Oh god!" yelled the Night Walker and without even thinking she got back in her car and went to the hospital without fininshing off her victim.

Milo and Calleigh showed up the next day late due to someone spending to much time in the litter box... MILO. They were met there by Ryan who was just leaving to the crime scene.
"Hey, Ryan! The Night Walker again?"
"You got it, except this time she forgot the head." said Ryan.
"Ok, well since it's the walker it looks like you get a day off today Milo." said Calleigh.
"Meeew!" replied Milo.
"Come on, I'll but you in your little kitty corne of the lab." When Milo was set for a day of relaxation Calleigh and Ryan left.
Milo curled up in his little kitty bed and just sat for awhile before he fell asleep. After a little bit he felt hands raising him, he figured it was Calleigh one f his other co - workers until he was dropped in a sack.

At the scene "H" was absent because he was at the hospital speaking to the second victim. Eric was taking samples from all the bloody areas in order to try and get a sample of the walker's blood. Ryan had found shell casings, Calleigh identified them as two 45 calibers and one 50 caliber. Calleigh, was taking pictures. After they collected all they ould find they went back to the lab anc Calleigh went to go check on Milo.
"MILO IS GOOONNEE! yelled Calleigh and Eric, Ryan, Natalia, and Alexx came quickly. Natali a was the first out of the state of shock and noticed a piece of paper on the bed. Put on a glove, picked it up and read out loud,
"I have you cat, CSI's Nana nana na!" Natalia read with a weird look on her face. "Oh, well that's real mature."
Just after she finished her sentence Alexx's phone rang.
"M.E. Woods."
"I have your cat!" said the voice on the other line.
"But, it's not my cat! It's Calleigh's!" said Alexx.
The person on the phone hung up and a couple seconds later Calleigh's phone rang.
"I have your cat!" said the voice once more.
"You, have Milo? What the hell would you want with my cat?"
"I want revenge!"
"What for? Who are you?"
"Because you all sent me away!" yelled the man.
"WHO ARE-" Calleigh got cut off by a click.
"Well that was awkward, but atleast it was recorded. I hope Milo's alright." said Calleigh starting to tear up.
"Awww! Calleigh!' Come on! We'll find him. We can see who was recently paroled or released, and we have the recordings." said Alexx
"I know, but in these past few months I've grown close to him." replied Calleigh frowning.
At that moment Horatio walked in all happy.
"We have a suspect, the prostitue recognized her in the hospital." "H" stopped smiling when he noticed everyone else's faces "What happened?"
"Milo got kidnapped." Ryan said for Calleigh.
"Kidnapped? But how? In daylight with a building full of people?" Natalia showed him the note and everyone thought about the point Horatio had just made.
"The window." said Eric and everyone moved the direction of their heads to the open window. The CSI's moved closer and found some clothing fiber that they bagged.

The catnapper dropped Milo out of the sack onto a couch and Milo hissed as loud as he could.
"Don' hiss at me you little b******!" as if on cue Milo hissed again followed by a long growl.
"Just shut the hell up Macho or whatever the hell your name is." said the napper.
Milo raised his head and took a sniff. He hopped of the couch and started trotting in a certain direction.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Milo went over to a small little cabinet and rubbed his head against it.
"What do you want in there?" said the man as he opened the cabinet "Oh, you want my maryjane, do you?" he said as he through a bunch at Milo's head and kicked him. "Now shoo you little monkey!"
Milo went, curled up in a corner and let out a little squeak of pain.
Under close examination the fiber appeared to be denim.
"So, what's the suspect's name, "H"?" asked Calleigh purposly letting his mind wander
"Wha?" said Horatio, apparently awakened from a zoned in state."
"Who is the suspect?" repeated Calleigh.
"Oh, um Carmen Pastin. Laycee Beacon, the prostitute, recognized her in the hospital by the shot in the knee, and just her looks." said "H" quite blankly.
"Oh. Has anyone talked to her yet?"
"No. We'll worry about that after this though."
"Ok..." said Calleigh letting the 'ay' drag off.
After they had finished examining the fibers the CSI's worked on the paper. On the backside they foound some indentations. Looking closer the indentatios gave them the address of 1437 Sweetberry Lane, and they left.
"Listen Milk, Macho, I don't really care. I'm hungry, so I'm gonna get some food. Want anything?"
Milo let out a little meep of hunger.
"Nothing? Are you sure? Ok! Less money for me!" he said with a smile as he left.

The CSI's arrived and found Milo alone and covered in weed.
"Awww! Poor Milo." said Calleigh as she went over to pick him up. As she started Milo let out an extremely loud MEOW! Alexx took a look. "Well, I'm a doctor not a veternarian but it appears he has a broken rib."
"So, do we wait for the guy to come back?"
"No, lets just worry about Milo's rib." said Calleigh as everyone shrugged and started to leave Calleigh pulled out a piece of paper and wrote and set it on the counter. It read...
We got the cat!
Nana nana na!