CSI: Miami More Crime.... Great....

Here I am bored, so I'm going to try to do some romance to spice things up. Hey, if it comes out sucky - it's called the edit button.

Natalia has removed the splinters from the Pete's hand and had to go check out the dog so she called Ryan to get him to do the interagation, (can't spell it sorry.:()
With the dog Natalia found out that he was indeed covered in his owners blood, because of the DNA and his tag, and the smear marks in the blood could've helped just a little bit.

The killer watched from a distance...
"That IMBUSAL!" he said to himself "That freaking IDIOT! He's to dumb... they'll crack him and I'll be done for... I'll have to move faster. To complete her, complete my bride."

At the hospital...
Calleigh and Eric were waiting patiently, both thinking completely different things.
Eric was thinking...
"GOD! It's great that dog took me there... I wonder what they're doing in there, it's been an hour or two..."
Calleigh was thinking...
"Well, this just feels like freaking forEVER!" glances at watch "Yet, it has only been fourty five minutes. God if he dies I'll be so... GET OVER YOURSELF CALLEIGH! 1. He was just knocked out. 2. It AIN'T EVER gonna happen if it hasen't yet." *sigh*
"What's wrong?" said Eric.
"WHA? Nothing just tired! God do you ever SHUT UP! I mean come on so many questions!"
"Ok..." said Eric a little freaked out but he knew what was she was really thinking so he laughed out loud in his mind.
The next day...
"Ok three girls on the list for today. Let's get cracken."

At Natalia's checkup...
Sitting in the room Natalia was finding it hard to stay calm as the doctor walkied in.
"So, how are the results Doctor?"
"I'm afraid I have some bad news Ms. Boa Vista..."

The killer sneaked into her house and waited in a closet. As she walked by he jumped out and shot her in the head. He then, took out his kit. He grabbed a saw and removed her legs.

Calleigh had decided to check on Horatio before work, she'd be a little late but it wasn't the end of the world.
When she walked in "H" was pretty much sitting there watching the little tv without sound.
"Well, it looks like your having fun."
"Yeah, barrels." he said with sarcasm "At least they got that huge splinter out of my head, it hurt liked hell. They kept it for you guys to use though, front desk."
"Good, hopefully it's a match to Pete's splinter."
Horatio looked like he was thoroughly deciding to say something, so Calleigh, wanting to hear it gave him the stare.
"I hate it when you do that."
"I know you do, that's why I'm doing it. I'm not stupid I've seen the look you have before."
"I really like you Calleigh."
"I really like you to."
So she walked over to him and kissed him then said,
"I gotta go to work, see 'ya."
"B-b-b-b-bye, Calleighhh."

At next victims house...
"Yesss... she will be the arms" he thought as he waited in the bathroom for her. Little did he know, he was going to get sloppy this time.
Back at Natalia's "check-up"...
"You have cancer." finished the doctor.
"I'm sorry, m'am." she said sadly "We have some pamphelets you could take by the front desk."
"Keep your pamphelets." said Natalia as she stormed out in tears.

At Horatio's hospital room...
"H" sat in shock.
"Now THAT was worth the the uncertainty..." he thought to himself.

At the newest victim's house...
"She's dead now to get her arms." Just as the killer was about to begin he heard the doorbell ring. Running on instinct he left his kit and his gun and ran out the window and just kept running.
"Hey, sis" said a man before he walked in. Then he saw his sister, dead shot in the head.
"AHHHHHH!!" he screamed, then called the cops.

When the CSI's arrived they knew this was going to be the big break in the case. They all got to work with the. The woman's brother identified the woman as Casey Lee Heron, 21. Eric, brought him in for questioning while Calleigh, Alexx, and Ryan stayed. After a long silence of intense searching Ryan said "Where's Boa Vista?"
"Sick day." said Calleigh.
"Oh... so anyone go see how "H" was doing today?"
"I did." said Calleigh.
Ryan knew she would, and he was pretty sure Alexx knew too. He also knew Eric did because he and himself talked about it yesterday.
"So, did anything... interesting happen?" asked Alexx with a smile.
It was then Ryan knew Alexx knew.
"Interesting? No. No... Just the usual. GOSH your just like Delcko - you talk to much!"
"Well EXCUSE me. I guess this means you wouldn't be interested in this bullet. You know, the one I just took out of her head."
Ryan had finished talking to the brother and personally decided he wasn't a likely suspect. Since the questioning with the arsonist got cut short he called him in.
"So, I stayed late last night and came up with the fact that the splinters from your hand match those that were in Lieutenant Horatio Caine's head."
"The angle they were in your hand and the angle they were in Lieutenant Horatio Caine's head proves you hit him over the head. Oh, and the wood used to hit him was found in the basement. So that just builds a case against you."
"I want my lawyer back."
"I thought you might."
When the lawyer arrived Ryan asked Pete to remove his shoes. When the lawyer gave a nod of approval Pete handed his shoes over Ryan took out the pictures of the muddy footprints from the first crime scene.
"Well, I don't know about you but it looks like a match to me. And if it does turn out as match your also tied to arson." said Ryan as he got up and left the room.

Back with Calleigh, Eric, and Alexx...
"But of course I want the bullet! Hand that over here." Calleigh examines the bullet and says "Well, it's another .22 short caliber."
"Guy's I'm going to take this killing kit to the lab, see if I can tie it too the other murders."
"Ok, Eric. Hey, Alexx how's it going over there with the Casey?"
"Pretty good, Cal..."

Boa Vista's place...
*cry* "I can't believe it came out posivtive. It must've been a mistake. I can't have cancer!"
Just then the phone rang. Natalia didn't want to talk to anyone so she let it ring... until she heard sofe of the message.
"Hello, this is Doctor Janice. I have some good news. You don't have cancer! The tests were accidentally mixed..."
Natalia picked up the phone.
"No, you don't. I'm terribly sorry about the mistake, but you do not have cancer."
"YESSSSS!!!!" she yelled "Bye, thanks!!!"
With her new found happiness Natalia decided to go to work on the way there she thought about how lucky she was not to have cancer. But she realized, that meaned someone, somewhere just got the news they had cancer. She now knew how that felt. However, they were first told they didn't have cancer. That probably didn't help the person.

Calleigh had decided to go with Eric so she could work on the bullet...
"So, Calleigh, were not stupid. What's going on?"
"Oh, well we all went to the crime scene and now I have this bullet." she replied with a smile.
"Hahaha. Ha. Very funny. What happened well you were alone in "H"'s hospital room before work today?" That should classify it more."
"Geez just shut up and drive, Delcko!"

Back at the killer's pad...
He was freaking out hugging himself in the corner.
"No, no, no! I messed up big time! They're gonna get me! They're gonna get me! No, no, no, no, not me!" he said to himself in a whisper scream with tears coming out like waterfalls of depression. He then sat, waited, and cradeled himself in the corner.

"Tell me, Calleigh. Tell me, Calleigh. Tell me, Calleigh. Tell me, Calleigh. Tell me, Calleigh. Tell me, Calleigh. Tell me, Calleigh. Tell me, Calleigh. Tell me. Tell me. TELL ME! TELL ME! Please! Just tell me!"
"Fine! God now I believe that you never shut up crap. We freaking kissed ok! But you can't telL!"
"Hehehehee meow!" Calleigh glared at him and when he said nothing she pinched him reall hard and twisted. "OWWWWWW! Ok, ok I WON'T tell. I promise!"
"Good. Now shut up and drive again."
I had a dream last night where I went to go write some more and see what everyone said. luvingmyHoratio read it and said it was the worst fanfic ever and no one should read it. I'm really glad that post didn't come up when I was awake. lol
But hey ya'll if your not, you should read some of LMH's fics they are really good.
Back at the lab Eric was able to match the blood in the kit to the other two murders, giving him the amputaion tools. So, he decided to check the gun. And he found a fingerprint. He took the fingerprint and ran it to try and find a match. A match came up...
Jake Lee Boran, 41, palistic surgeon
1284 Starberry Lane
Miami, Florida
He was once arrested for shoplifting a $250 suit.
Eric then found the this guys fingerprints all ofer the kit and the kit and the amputation devices. Eric also found the DNA of another woman, Jaline Marie Heart. The reason CODIS is great. Natalia offered to go, so to Jaline's house she went to investigate a scene. Eric went to go let Calleigh know and they went to go get a warrant.

Two days later...
The warrant was accepted so Eric, Calleigh, and Natalia were on they're way. (Ryan went to Jaline's house.) They knocked on the door and they could here muffled crys on the inside. Those of a psyco killer.
ack more more! You better not hurt them...or at least nobody should die lol. If they get hurt at least they can recover.