CSI: Miami More Crime.... Great....

Back at the lab the CSI's found traces of heroin and cocaine in the driver from the left cer, whom the wife had identified as Charles Gean Starkweather. The man in the right car was identified as Joseph John Crayne by his fingerprints. After that was figured out Calleigh decided to help with the questioning. So, she went to question the woman.
"I know this may be hard time but I have to ask you some questions. Was your husband a drug addict?" questioned Calleigh.
"Drugs? Never..." said Caril Starkweather, looking a bit unsure.
"Mam, it would be in you and your husband's best intrest if you answered truthfully."
"Yeah, he did. Heroin and cocaine."
"Did your husband havfe any eneimies?"
"Um.... give me a second here... yeah. This drug dealer Joseph Crayne. My husband owed him I think over two grand for drugs."

Dun dun dun!!!!!! Forget what I said everything is fixed. But there is a slim chance of me posting on the eighteenth, I will be on a plane for eight hours, won't get home till 11 pm so...
Today is my old cat Noel's birthday!
Note: Caril and Charles (Charlie) Starkweather are named after the serial killers from Nebraska from around 1958. They killed, I believe eleven people. My grandmother met them before they went on their killing spree because Caril and my grandmother took turns babysitting a child, and Charlie came to pick Caril up a couple times. They also, at one point lived in a house once owned by my family.... WEIRD.
Calleigh was full of shock. "Did you ever meet Mr. Crayne?"
"Yeah three times, he was very... well... intersting."
"What do you mean by that Mrs. Starkweather? Did he behave oddly?"
"Yes. He was very... mean. The last time I saw him he threatened to kill my husband if he didn't get his money."
"Mam would you mind if we checked out your house?" asked Calleigh.
"I think I would prefer if you got a warrant first."
"That can be arranged."

Ryan and Delco were examining the cars...
Even though there wasn't much left Ryan found small traces of marijuana in both cars and a slightly larger amount of trace was found in Mr. Craynes car.
When all the CSI's put what evidence they had together they deicded the slightly larger amount of marijuana in Mr. Craynes car helped define him as the dealer and Mr. Starkweather as the buyer.
*sigh* Another looong day of babysitting well atleast the people pay really well. Yay rich people!

A couple days later with a warrant in hand Calleigh, Horatio, and Eric went to the Starkweather home.
The house heavily smelled of marijuana and in the bedroom you could barley see. However, Mrs. Starkweather claimed she did not smoke the pot and her husband had died nearly a week ago so she was asked for a urine sample which, she amazingly agreed too. Well further examining the house they found traces of pot everywhere, including the toddler Masie's room.
"What kind of example are they settin' for this poor kid?" wondered Calleigh and Eric seemed to read her mind when he said, "I know, it's a nice way to say 'Hey Masie by the time you are sixteen you better be a drug addict or you'll be a major dissapointment..."
"I tell 'ya. It's terrible." said Ryan almost saying it out of nowhere but they then realized he was in the halway outside the room they were in. (whopee)
The Starkweathere' were one of the few with a basement where the CSI's found a poker table, weed, laudry, a bathroom ideal for drugmaking (and it looked like that's what it was used for.) more weed, weed, some heroin, and weed.
Calleigh and Eric went back to the lab to look into Masie being takin into foster care and to check out the urine sample while Ryan and "H" went to Joseph's house.
In a tight fitting closet Ryan and Horatio found stuff perfect for making drugs and marijuana plants.
Going through papers Ryan found a little red book which contained many names all with a check next to it except Charlie Starkweather. That one had a "x" next to it.
In the other room "H" found a little kitten which he grabbed so he could take, see if had any interesting stories to tell. However, well the CSI's were investigating drugs gone from bad to worse there was another crime happening on the other side of Miami.
The woman sat on the couch fresh out of a warm steamy shower in a butterscotch colored silk robe as the woman approached from behind. SHe covered her mouth and dragged her off the couch and then with a gun pointing at the woman, she tied her up.
Sorry about not posting the computer broke and I'm still here in Nebraska because we missed out flight. Long story. It ends with never fly Delta Airlines.

"You wouldn't be in this position if you weren't such a s***."
Not understanding the girl continued wiggling trying to loosen her ropes.
"Sleeping around with married men, my husband! MY HUSBAND!" she yelled as she slapped the woman across the face "Stop trying to escape! Because you won't, I won't let you! I'll NEVER let you escape as long as I let you live! Besides, by the end if tomorrow you'll be to weak. No food, pain. Yes, pain and oh yes, there will be blood..." she said with an evil smile followed by an utterly wicked laugh and this made the poor defensless girl tied up on the floor wonder if she was joking, or if she truly was a malevolent person. But, all she good do was sit, wait, and find out. And she did, face still burning with fire from the slap.

Back at the lab teh CSI's decided that the kitten being so little had taken in way to much marijuana smoke to live more than one business week.
"What should we do with it?" asked Eric.
"We should let it live it's last days in happiness, I'll take it with me." said Calleigh as she picked up the cat and went to her car to take it home. Since that was unexpected a few moments of silence followed until Natalia burst out and set what also wasn't expected...
"Everytime there is an awkward silence a gay baby is born!" and everyone burst out laughing.
"WAIT!" yelled Eric and everyone shut up "Calleigh takes a kitten home, but she won't take "H" home?"
"Burn..." said Ryan but no one heard him.
"GOD Eric do you just lie awake at night and think of ways to make fun of me?"
"Yes, I do." Eric said as he took out his phone and dialed "Hi, Calleigh! "H" wanted me to ask me to ask you on a date."
"Mm hm, uh huh, yeah. Ok!"
"You have a dat "H" go to the Blue Typhoon at 7 o clock. Wasn't that easy? Oh your welcome."
Eric walked away as everyone stood shocked and amazed.
My labtop broke again, hte only reason I can post is because I'm back home in B-E-A-UTIFUL Miami! Yay!

The woman was forcefully fead a pill and hours later awoke chained down to a table in a cold, damp room and all she could see was her captor standing abover her and a little table beside her with ranges of knifes, three different guns, several differently sized axes, and a chainsaw. There were many more tortuous devices but being in the state of shock she was she could not identify them. All she knew was she was gagged, tied down, defensless, and was soon going to experience the pain of a lifetime.

At Calleigh's house...
Calleigh played with the kitten by lightly tossing a little toy bell ball and the little kitten, whom she named Miko, would go chase it. When Miko curled up in his fluffy blue cat bed Calleigh went to go get ready. She but on a light baby pink lip gloss, she but some rose blush on her cheeks, and a a ligh neutral eyeshadow on with some eyeliner and mascara. She put her hair in a tight, elegant bun. SHe slipped into a tight, smooth, little black dress (so she obviously used Degree for Women! Hehe!) with a criss-cross back made of lace.

At Horatio's House...
"CRAAAP!" he said under his breath "I'm going to kill Delcko! I have nothing to wear...that sounded extremely girly..."
He looked through his closet and found nothing so he just tossed on another suit that was in the back of his closet.

In the room...
The captor, whom's name had turned out to be Lea, searched through the teh items on the table and chose the largest ax there. SHe the went to the end of the table WACKED it against her victims foot continuously as she watched the woman try to scream, but her screams concealed, and she watched the tears stream down her face... but tears weren't going to save her. Once the foot was fully removed she toook it and tossed in on the floor. She then took a large piece of paper put a lot of salt on it, stuck it on her victims and tied the paper on to keep it sealed until she used that leg again. She then took a sledge hammer and slammed it onto her wrists so hard he swore she could hear CRACK!
7o'clock came and both the CSI's were at the restaurant barley speaking at first but then everything went from silence to words and laughter right after a waiter walked by with an extremely long piece of wet Charmin Ultra sticking out of the back of his pants.

At the Starkweather home...
"Nooo! He can't be dead... I will get revenge on that evil dead man, he may be dead - but I'll find away."

On the other side of the Blue Typhoon...
Eric and Ryan sat with just some cups of water waiting for something interesting to happen.
"Don't you think this is kind of weird Eric? I mean spying on our boss, whose ON A DATE, with the only hot girl in the lab?"
"EEEWWW! Ryan! GAW! Eww! How do you even think like that! Yuck! Besides, Natalia is the hot one! That was really weird Ry- YOU LIKE HER!"
"Wha? I, come now! I didn't say that! Your blowing this way out of proportion Mr. Delcko!"
"No I'm not! It's just EWWWW! YOU LIKE "H"'s DATE!" the only thing was, Delcko yelled that without realising it.
Calleigh and Horatio immediately looked over along with eight others.
"RUN!" yelled Eric, and they were out of there.
"Uh.. mmmm awkward, huh?" said Calleigh quietly with a giggle.
"Um, yeah. Yeah. That about sums it up."
"Yep..." and with that Calleigh and Horatio got up and left too.

In that cold, damp room...
The torture vctim sat tied to the tale alone, she was weak and could barley talk and she felt numb all over. Knowing this Lea removed the 'gagger' while she went to the store. Cassy was gonna scream, she had to! She just wanted to be sure that Lea wouldn't here it. Five minutes after tLea left she screamed like there was no tomorrow! She prayed someone had heard and was sending help and two people had heard and one sent help, but the other one was Lea who had just come back and heard some of it. Lea knew this was it, so she had to fit in some more pain. She went down stairs and gagged Cassy once more and took a very sharp needle and without a secong thought, shoved it through Cassy's eye. She teh took a saw and sawed of three fingers, it was then that the cops arrived. Sent Lea to the squad car and Cassy to the hospital.
"Retard." said Ryan as he walked in the office the next day with Delcko.
"Me? It's not my fault you don't like normal people who are NOT dating."
"What's not normal about Calleigh? Besides, you were the one who screamed it to the world."
"Let's think about this, she's dating "H", she shoots guns or a living, not an everyday job,"
"Alright! God. Stay away from both of them as much as possible?"
"You got it."

When Lea was finished telling her story the police brought in her husband.
"Is that your wife, over there?" asked "H".
"Yes." said Richard
"How about this woman, is this woman your mistriss?" asked "H" showing him Crissy's picture.
"No, but that's her sister and they live together."
And that explained how Crissy got caught up in her sister's game.
"What is her sister's name?"
"Margeret Elizabeth Brown."
"Thank you, you can leave for now."

The kitten was having a blast at Calleighs house alone. It clawed the couch some witch was lots of fun! Then the kitten went and peed on the bed, ignoring the litterbox in the bathroom. After that it cewed on her shoes, witch was even more fun than that silly old couch.