"Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Hey everyone! I'm new here, but glad to be here.

What I'm about to say is just my view, and not a spoiler...

I think the writers are going to make Catherine have an emotional breakdown?!?!?! Seriously how much can one person go through.

I noticed that some are wondering if she was actually raped, and I never thought of that until it was mentioned. After I watch the show I felt so uneasy, and it really disturbed me. She basically damaged any evidence she collected on her own crime scene because she did it herself. Somehow I knew that she wouldn't call someone. Then again...if I had her job, and that happened to me I wonder if I would really want someone I know or work with collecting the evidence. Oh wells...

Anyhow can't wait until thursday.
Yah!! Nick Deserves a girlfriend after all he's been through, and i wouldnt miss Sam Braun alot anyway. 2 More DAYS :D
Just something that popped into my head...
What if the whole "One moment will change a CSi forever" thing, referred to Catherine, means that she might leave the job?
That's something I can not think about. I mean, then I'm the one who's going to have a nervous breakdown, really.
Ok, so this is just a theory...what if Cath collected her own evidence (while knowing that it could pretty much make it inadmissable in court) on purpose? I don't know, maybe she was just too embarrased for anyone to find out or somethin?

I'm just trying to figure out why Cath would've done that...does anyone else know?
she's been a csi for quite a long now, i suppose she didn't think "well, they will say evidence's not good because i caollected it", but probably "Time will delete everything, i better move and collect those, or i'm def screwed"
I think she was embarrassed, emotional, and confused. I bet in her mind she is battling with herself if something did occur. So when she called the crime lab I think she hung up because she did not know how to explain herself. Plus, she didn't want to get upset or lose her emotional balance. I also think it is a pride thing.

Think about this: Catherine isn't one to openly admit she needs help. She likes the fact that she is strong and doesn't need to lean on anyone.

Then for the sure fact...that she can not remember what happened to her had to be very terrifying for her.

It really bothered me to see this happen to her because all her defenses were gone. She had no way of fighting back.

Though I don't think she will quit because knowing her she will need work to keep her mind at bay. I knew when she woke up that she wouldn't tell anyone, and when she called the crime lab I knew she was going to hang up...admitting that she is weak is her down fall and something that is hard for her. Rumor has it that Sara is suppose to find out about it, and if so...I wonder how.
Maybe she'll understand somthing comparing Catherine's behaviour with her mother's (if i remember well, she was mistreated from her husband, wasn't she?)...Or however, she's a woman too, probably she'll realize something's wrong.

And probably she (Cath) still remembers what happened the last time she "let go" (Adam Novak and that stuff) and she thinks that telling something about the matter to her friends will let them down...even though she's guilty of NOTHING.
You know, after rape (or thinking so) it's not easy to trust people and you feel like the world's blame is on you
Dardeile said:
Just something that popped into my head...
What if the whole "One moment will change a CSi forever" thing, referred to Catherine, means that she might leave the job?
That's something I can not think about. I mean, then I'm the one who's going to have a nervous breakdown, really.

no.. I don't think that she leaves the job.. she is just having a dramatic time. life changing could just be sam dying. or the fear of Lindsay for the rest of her life.. or...Warrick. You never know... Till tomorrow of course.
i love catherine and i really am pulling for her. i think at the end of the promo when she's calling for an ambulance, it's for sam. because i've been hearing all over the place that lindsey is going to be fine [AKA not dead] and sam is going to be the one getting seriously hurt.

i know they will not have catherine leave the show. she's too involved in other episodes after this one to be leaving the show already.

27 hours to go. *sigh*
Um actually if you saw the previews it showed lindsay in a deserty place.. and when they showed a body being put into an ambulance..it was about the same setting.. I think that she called an ambulance for Lindsay.. I mean common Sam slaps her. =]
^ However, according to the spoilers, Catherine and Sam are in a fight when he gets shot. He slaps her doesn't mean she won't call for an ambulance for him. And I think the screen is either black or just has the line "forever changed" on it when Catherine screams "somebody call an ambulance" in the preview. So I guess we won't know until we see it when the episode airs. ;)
oo yeah I know if that is from the CBS promo.. It was in the other one though.. they had one before that.. and it showed an ambulance in a desert like scene. and lindsay too, both cath and warrick find her I think.. and yeah I was just saying that after slapping her I don't think that she would have been there during or right after his shooting. And plus that was like after the car accident I think so she would probally be looking for Lindsay.?.?.
Actually Catherine doing the kit on herself might not even be for evidence purposes persae, but rather if this guy isn't a first timer then if she can use what she got to give her some leads on the jerk, then all she would have to do is follow that, to some evidence that would stand up in court, and catch the creep.

I have more thoughts on the rape but I am going to wait for this ep before voicing them even what I said above is speculative.
My point is, iilovecsii, that everyone writes their assumptions here since nobody really knows what's really going to happen until they see it on TV. There's no point arguing certain things over and over.
Good theory- ;) maybe- your right-and on everyone blaming Nick or Gris, their not her babysitters, Nick was having his own fun, :lol: what's he supposed to do? watch Cath's every move,? who'd think this would happen? and Gris wasn't even there :( scary -I'd just like to know how the low-life got her out of the bar, without anyone noticing :eek:to even think this would happen, GROSS- but if reversed, would Cath be watching Nick's every move- I think not!!!!!lets just hope something good transpires :(from this mess