"Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

hey is anyone watching csi on innertube at cbs.com? its pretty cool cuz i feel bad that i have class now on that time slot but im so glad they put the episodes up
iilovecsii I'd have to wait until next year, but I have a lot of friends in the USA.
*giggles and hides from mods*
Did anyone catch Marg on "regis & kelly" this morning. They showed the clip of the car crash & Lindsey being taken. Very frightening, but it was nice seeing Cath & Lindsey having a real conversation in the car.
I just saw it and OH MY GOD. *jaw drops* That was really intense, definitely caught my attention. I had never heard Marg scream like that. :eek:
EricaSJ said:
I just saw it and OH MY GOD. *jaw drops* That was really intense, definitely caught my attention. I had never heard Marg scream like that. :eek:

Darn, I missed that. I'm going to have to watch for that tonight. *Begs* Please time hurry :(
I will be watching it on the west coast time zone (again I love directv) so that means I will be watching it at about 12 am. :lol: but spoilers obiviously do not bother me, since for me its not about what they will be doing in the story but rather what wasn't there or what was changed. :)
They just showed a clip from tonights episode on one of the entertainment shows, it's of Doc and Grissom singing over the body of the character that Danny Bonaduce plays.
W00T only 10 more minutes!! I REALLY hope there's more Greggo in this one... Luckily he was in the promo a couple times so hopefully he'll get to work in the field! :D
Wow - I can't get over how gorgeous Greg looks in that suit during the beginning credits/montage. Here's hoping for more G.