"Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

thanks. is it the same one that was talked about above?
i tried, it wont let me watch it. the video thing wont come up. is it anywhere else?
The one that is online is not the same one that was talked about above....I have my dvr on overload to find the new one :D
darx2mint4 said:
I was thinking that too..but I thought that the guy at the end of the bar looked like the guy in the photos of the house Cath woke up in...

those pics were of the dead guy that Grissom was working.. I figured that out. because she was in a motel.. and she obviously knew that he totally left for good.. but seeing how it went from her looking around to those pics.. I would think that too.. but it was really that dead rockers.. house with the pics.
Ohhhhh. yeah that confused me. Thanks :).

I've just watched my tape of the football from 11AM-4PM on CBS and was unsucessful in finding the new promo..maybe someone else will have better luck?
aw i loved it how grissom got sara a veggie burger, and told nick [or warrick, i dont remember who she's sitting with] that he didn't know he was there. =P it made ME get butterflies! i love this already, i hope its here for a while.

no greg in the epi pretty much broke my heart, but hopefully he'll get his time this week in part two.

catherine better get this guy who drugged her! and i thought she woke up in a hotel room, but some of you posted that there's pictures of a guy in the room she wakes up in? interesting, can't wait to see part two

the last scenes were amazingly looped together i loved it .. when i heard Grey's beat out CSI i was dumbfounded, i couldn't believe it!

everyone was looking mighty fine, i must say . i loved this episode more than Miami's, and that's the one i was waiting so many months for!

anddd .. when/where did sam braun get shot? was it in the first epi, or is it a rumor because i didn't catch that at all :confused:
No, Sam is shot at the very end of this episode. Well, if the sides stay true. And so far, they have. Anyway, the side I read said that the episode ends with Catherine holding Sam (who's dying) in her arms. He is going to die people. I mean, hello! Major oppertunity to pile more drama on for Catherine.. of course they are going to do it!! They seem to think we live for Cath!drama. And maybe some of us do.. but either way..

Oh and I'll say who shoots him down below SO DO NOT READ IS YOU DONT WANT TO BE SUPER SPOILED!!! I mean it! I've seen other boards *COUGH*YTDAW*COUGH* where the people get VERY angry if you give away a huge part. But if it says that its a spoiler thread, then I think that all spoilers are game. So.. again if you do not want to know who shoots Sam... DO NOT READ BELOW!!!!!!

Ok, it's the partner of the guy that dies in part one of BTK. The one that shoots himself.. yeah.. his lover dude. He shoots him. I am PRETTY certain that this is ture. Like, 97% Which I think is pretty good. But take it how you want it.

And no one yell at me.. Cuz I warned you all!!!
well sam leaving the show i don't think will break my heart too much , he was barely on anyway ..

but still, more to pile on catherine, but i'm excited to see how she copes with it all and hopefully she finds lindsay!
i reas that spoiler. why would the partner guy shoot him? this is a spoiler thread, so any spoler can be here. those who dont want to be spoiled wont come here.
Why the partner of the "suicide" shoots Sam

About a month ago, I read a spoiler saying that Grissom's migraines and the medicine he takes for them would be mentioned in the premiere. Based on that, I think that Sara or Rick will, in passing, mention the drug found in the body to Grissom. Grissom's personal knowledge of how the drug acts will make him realize something is wrong with the suicide theory. The case is reopened and the surviving partner jumps to the conclusion that Sam Braun is responsible.
yes Lindsay is found.. I know that. Cause I saw in promos that Catherine and Warrick were looking down at her and Catherine screamed for an ambluance.. but yeah.. it is true that if Sam dies more drama for Cath.. but that won't effect her as much as if Lindsay dies.. and plus that means that Sam wont be a suspect in any crimes and more and make catherines work life miserable!! and he will also pay for killing that girl.=] any way I really really really can't wait till thursday.
sandersidle said:
I hope Greggo is actually in this episode, and doesnt just watch tapes!

So who put the drug in Cath's drink? I think the bartender. He said the guy wanted to buy her a drink but never did.. So doesnt that just leave the bartender?

greg watching tapes was odd. shouldn't it be Archie watching the tapes??

anyhow, I think I'm one of the few here who kind of like Sam. :) I mean, I don't want him dead... and I'm hoping he'll turn out innocent in the end. :)

I really wish they didn't have KFed showing up at all. *shudders*

and I hope Lindsay ends up perfectly fine, not just alive cause Catherine has waaay too much to deal with already..