imm gunna rant but whatever i abdolutely luved the episode(im a gsr fan so the veggieburger scene made me smile) but i mean,, the cases wheren't really interesting but that kinda fits w/ the finale. i think they were trying to focus of the cases and onto cath. eveen though i knew she was going to get raped, it still shocked me and was really sad. i love the way TPTB handled her after shock of the rape. not too emo, but she had the emotional strength to do a rape kit on her own. it made me really happy that she was that strong.
as for predictions:
i dont think the dancing girl was in on it, but you never know. i also don't think cath was meant to be raped, let me explain, i think the bartender guys wanted to hook catherine up with the dude, adn like lossen her up with a little bit of a drug, but he put to much in there so she i think wasn't aware of anything,a nd had no way to fight back.......i dunno just a guess.......i extremely dilike griis w/o a vbeard......ick.... yah anyone got anything else?