eszmanda_luver said:
I wasn't overly impressed with this one I hate to admit. But, I probably dodn't like it that much for the wrong reasons. I'm not a huge fan of Cath, I mean, I like her, I just feel that they put her thru too much and it gets redundant. And then theres the fact that I am OBSESSED with Eric/Greg. And there was more Hodges than Greg. But I told myself i wouldn't womplain because I know he has stuff coming up..
HOWEVER!! I did like the Greg scene.. he is looking mighy fine as usual. I also liked the exchange between Warrick and Brass... it was really sweet. I couldn't help but to keep thinking of the pilet when Warrick screwed up real bad.. it was just a nice scene. I'm not a ship fan at all, but I liked the glances between Gris and Sara for continuety's sake.. Im not against it, I just.. don't care over all.
Oh.. And I really did not like Catherine doing her own rape kit thing and then the breast trying so hard to make an appearence. It just seems that because Grey's is now up against them, they tried to work in as much risque stuff as they could. Didn't really care for that much.
But, through the eyes of either a Cath!drama lover, or just anyone who likes the show with no particular obsession with a character, then it was enjoyable.. So, I'll give it that.

Sorry if this isn't the opinion that you all wanted to hear but.... what can I do?