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  1. M

    "Say Uncle" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Emo Grissom has depressed everyone away?:confused: IMO, I think Riley gets shot at. Maybe hit by ricochet(sp?)?Reminding Grissom of Holly and adding yet another reason for him to burn out.
  2. M

    "Say Uncle" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    My guess for the title would be Grissom giving up, saying uncle and quiting the job he's put his whole life into.
  3. M

    "Say Uncle" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    What about Cathrine? She hasn't been physicaly hurt yet, though she has been beat up emotionaly. Does anyone have a youtube of the promo? cbs hates me.
  4. M

    "Leave Out All the Rest" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    They did not solve this case. I liked it, they always find something, it's a little more realistic if they don't close ever case. I belive this is the second one in eight years. As for the Nick, Greg, Riley sex talk, I think Nick was just sick of all the sex talk. Listening to people go on...
  5. M

    "Let It Bleed" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I really liked the scene between Wendy and Doc. just because I don't think I have ever seen the corners with a labrat (not counting Greg) Hey parents, do people really say crap like bad parenting aloud? because Cathrine had a pretty good case for justifable homicide right then. (RANT) Riley...
  6. M

    Favorite Quotes

    What episode was that from?
  7. M

    "Let It Bleed" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    The promo looks like CSI:saw:lol: Terrifying. Is it supposed to be a halloween episode?
  8. M

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #6

    Squeee:drool: (dies) I love his ears, so perfect.
  9. M

    "Art Imitates Life" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Why does it feel like I know more about Riley after one episode than I do about Greg and Nick after eight freaking years. :scream::brickwall: Grissom, the labrats are there for a reason. They do the horribly complex chemical reactions and give you a peice of paper. Are Nick and Cathrine even...
  10. M

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Where was his weight posted? I remember when he was going through the inquest Greg said he was 150lbs, I remmeber going really? 6ft 150, that seemed so skinny to me.
  11. M

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Heh. It took me a week to realize all the couples are standing together in the group shot.
  12. M

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

    In one of the Keppler-sodes he said he was an a$$ man, while he was playing with the butt implants Doc had just pulled out of a hooker
  13. M

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Some one please tell me that I'm wrong and when grissiom said that thing about the team Greg was in the shot because I'm pretty sure he was cut off and I'm pretty pissed about it.
  14. M

    "For Warrick" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "For Warrick" Season Premiere Discussion *SPOILERS* Yeaaah Nick and Cathrine. Sarah and Greg togther. Evryone seemed to get some really good scenes. The part that pissed me off, when grissom was talking about the 'team' was it just me or was Greg completely cut off there? But a good...
  15. M

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    We know he used to make bombs:lol: from "A la cart" IMO I could see him as having been a little punk for a few years
  16. M

    I Have An Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P1

    Re: Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* So just about every fanfic I've ever read has Nick as the youngest of like five kids. Have they ever said on the show whether he has any siblings or not?
  17. M

    Eric/Greg Leggo our Greggo thread #11

    I was totally confused the first time I saw the shower scene becuase of the lack of scars too.:confused: Now I just pretend that he got some really good skin grafts and the perimedics were exaggerating when they said "full thickness burns" That way I can still enjoy the showering-ness of the scene
  18. M

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    Count me as shocked that we got even a half second of Greggo. And yea, Nick should have found him first. Just thinking, maybe they'll show the first copy of Greg's book with "For Warrick" on the first page?
  19. M

    Favorite Quotes

    The opening dialog from Iced is my all time favorite Grissom: For never was there a tale of more woe... Greg: condom wrapper.