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  1. K

    CSI: New York--'Sleight Out Of Hand'

    Whoa, has it been a wicked long time since I've been around here! Crazy. Anyrot, I just wanted to say thanks for the review, that I've never been a DL fan (*avoids thrown tomatoes*), that I hate feeling patronized by CSI:NY's writers whenever the DL 'ship is forced down my throat and that if...
  2. K

    The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

    Happy Birthday, cdg... Well, I'm kinda relieved to see some discussion of our favorite character's character and not just his physical attributes (did anyone count how many ways we were able to say drop dead gorgeous?). Dream and I will have to write a little happy birthday e-mail... I first...
  3. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    ^Nothing! I'm just getting impatient for new eps... I need more to muse about... :lol:
  4. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    Tomorrow it will be exactly 2 weeks since I've heard from Dream. I'm beginning to worry... Anyway, so glad you're enjoying Under the Facade! Let me know what you think of All in the Eyes (that's mine, of course)! Man, those stories were so much fun to write but the hardest things in the world...
  5. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    Thanks for liking the e-mail, MrsG. No response, sadly. Guess he didn't miss us that much after all. :( Dream and I are expecting a bit of a stressfull fall, so I imagine we'll have a great need to find some 'release' in writing our dear cdg clever e-mails if for no other reason than to keep...
  6. K

    The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

    Happy B-day, Bitten! Have you made your birthday wish? ;)
  7. K

    The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

    uhhh.... how did all ya'll get from nekkid danny in the shower to killer penguins? man, this thread never ceases to amaze! :lol:
  8. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    It will be good to get to a new season! Half the fun is writing those e-mails! :lol: How much longer to wait?
  9. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    We have been conspicuously absent, haven't we? I've been busy - vacation, lots of work, etc. Umm...I've lost Dream. She was in Vancouver and we were e-mailing each other like crazy and then *poof* she up and disappears. I think she's in Ontario now... I think. Or with her sister maybe... I...
  10. K

    The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

    Phew! You ladies have had a hey-day in my absence! Only a few comments from me: Read my fanfics and you'll know what I find sexy about Danny. ;) Yay! MrsG for starting a fic! Go you! (Don't get too sidetracked from work - I'm sure Danny would hate if he were the cause of your demise in that...
  11. K

    The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

    ^ WHOO HOO! I get to party with Dream in 10 days! Make sure you hang on to loverboy till then, kay? :devil:
  12. K

    The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

    Oh mylanta - speaking of flip-flops! Birthday girl Dream (happy b-day to the other half of my brain!) is writing a Danny fan fic right now and has included flip flops! Oh, this'll be a good one, ladies!
  13. K

    The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

    ^ I second that motion, Top! All those in favor, say aye! *marvels at the number of hands that just shot up in the room* That's it then folks. The people have spoken! :lol:
  14. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    ^ Welcome here Horatio59! I think almost all of us have e-mailed him at least once:
  15. K

    The Locker Room #3 - Carmine Goes Commando!

    *hops over to to watch clip from Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss...chuckles manically* :devil:
  16. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    Okay, okay, okay. I/we won't stop writing him. Even if we never get a reply again - I'll/we'll do it just to make you ladies happy. :) Udjat - you really think he'd miss me? Naaahhh... But it'd be kinda sweet if he did! :p As far as Carmine-catching-techniques... jeepers, I don't know! I...
  17. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    Udjat - You know, my real name shows up in the e-mails Dream and I send him too. I sometimes wonder (probably just because I'm paranoid) if he's ever tried to Google me. Because I'm not hard to find. There's even a rather ridiculous picture of me to be had. In fact, I've realized that you can...
  18. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    ^ :lol: The hunt is on!
  19. K

    E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

    ^ AMEN to that, sista.
  20. K

    The Locker Room--All Carmine, All The Time

    ^ Top, suddenly your avatar seems so much more appropriate! :lol: