The Locker Room #4: Crazy For Carmine

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I think I really started to notice Danny in Night, Mother..or maybe the episode before. My interest in the show wasn't all that great until then. I started watching the show originally because I love Gary Sinise and wanted to check the show out.

whatever happened to the 'bring back the cheesy highlights' thread?
I think the Cheesy thread sunk. :lol: We pretty much exhausted that one anyway.

It seems like a lot of people started watching for Gary Sinise. I mainly wanted to check out the new CSI show, but Sinise was a draw. He grew up pretty close to where I did, and I've always liked him.
Speaking of Danny's hair...That is what first made me notice him. Not the cheesy highlights. But the fact that he has a little cowlick on the back of his head. For reasons I can not fathom, I think it is adorable. Maybe it's that whole alter boy fantasy.... :devil: But yeah, the cowlick got my attention.
I never noticed the cowlick! Just that his hair seemed a little spikey without actually being spiked (thank goodness--I'm not a fan of that usually). I loved the blond highlights though. At first they cracked me up because they were so obvious, but then they grew on me cause they're hot.
^I also like how Danny is so real. I just watched On the Job and, well, I guess the praise should go to Carmine as an actor here because every line he delivered and every gesture he made really captured the emotion Danny was supposed to have felt. It was a beautiful performance. And I'm not just saying that to kiss ass to birthday boy. *explains to PG-13-o-meter that the last line was not meant to be taken literally*

lol. :lol: Just in case I'm not on tomorrow, I send my sincerest birthday wishes a day early. So if anyone opens up a thread wishing him happy birthday please send wishes from me. :D

And don't worry, I've sent email to him telling him almost the exact same thing. It's not kissing ass to tell the truth.

Hmm, I don't know when I first noticed Danny, I know it wasn't right from the start, but it wasn't too late in. I think it was pretty much a gradual thing. Didn't help that down here they messed around with episode orders. 'Outside Man' was the first episode we got.
I didn`t notice Danny all that much in the first few ep`s *holds head in shame* I think I was a work, and just thinking about CSI, and suddenly thought OMG that guy is hot!!! How the hell did I miss that. :lol:
Didn't help that down here they messed around with episode orders. 'Outside Man' was the first episode we got.

I didn't get the eps in order either. I didn't watch during the regular season. *hangs head in shame* It was Ren Faire season, and I was busy hanging out with men in tights and kilts. :devil: And when I did start watching (thanks to my best bud), the reruns were out of order. Still, I did notice Danny right away. It just took me a couple of episodes to get past my Mac obssession and focus on Danny. :D
Happy Birthday, cdg...

Well, I'm kinda relieved to see some discussion of our favorite character's character and not just his physical attributes (did anyone count how many ways we were able to say drop dead gorgeous?).

Dream and I will have to write a little happy birthday e-mail...

I first noticed Danny I think the second or third episode, but I didn't think much of him until much later on when they really started giving him depth and a story, and then, well, the rest is history, I guess. I started watching NY because it was CSI and I was already addicted, so I thought why not.

I've decided that the reason I like NY so much is because I was a big Law & Order fan for years and years and feel comfortable in the New York setting. It feels familiar and I like that.

Anyway, that's all I really had to say. Happy birthday, Carmine, in case you've snuck in here for a little ego stroking... :p
^I can't remember which ep it was for me... I definitely watched the show because I was a mild fan of CSI and of Gary Sinise. Then I just noticed him one day. I may have even gone for a few more episodes before I even knew that his name was Danny!

For the Love of the Game was on a while ago. First time I saw it! What a brat he was at the end! Loved the little dance at the plate. :lol:
I noticed Danny twice actually. I noticed him initially in the "MIA/NY" crossover, there was something confident and intriguing about him, of all the characters he seemed the most true to life, the one I identified with the easiest, and then for some odd reason I missed him in the first two episodes of NY. I can't understand how I missed him in "Blink", because unlike many I actually liked the dark and gritty nature of the episode, but "Creatures of the Night" I don't remember at all, and don't think I've seen it since the original airing. Then he smiled in "American Dreamers," and I was a goner. It was the confidence that attracted me to Danny initially the physical came later.

To me, Danny is the most 'real'. He can be overconfident at times, annoying at times, vulnerable at times. Even lacking in common sense at times. And that's what makes him real.
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