E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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:lol: Likewise, if someone is writing something I'm really enjoying reading, you better believe I bug them for new installments! There are a few people around here who can attest to that. :lol:

Here! Here! I'll attest! God FORBID you leave this woman with a cliff-hanger!
Top doesn't do well with cliffhangers. There's lots of foot-stomping and curl-shaking involved. I don't like to wait to find out what happens! :D
Patience is a virtue, woman. Where were you when they were handing that out? Drooling over Danny?
What can I say? I'm just not especially virtuous. :lol: Suffice it to say, I never made it to the patience line. :D
:lol: I'm the same way, Top. In the virtue department, I was grabbing onto the end of the stick, and got a few splinters as it pulled away from me, and I could never seem to catch up. ;)
Meh, I didn't even make a grab for it! Who wants splinters? Or to be virtuous for that matter. Remember, good girls go to heaven; bad girls go everywhere else. :devil: :lol:
Meh, I didn't even make a grab for it! Who wants splinters? Or to be virtuous for that matter. Remember, good girls go to heaven; bad girls go everywhere else. :devil: :lol:

Damn straight...Why live a mundane life as a good girl when you can taste the rainbow as a bad one? :D :devil: :lol:
I am so in the Vegas mindset it's not even funny. :lol:
I am so in the Vegas mindset it's not even funny. :lol:

I wish I was there right now, actually...With some hot piece of man chicken giving me a strip tease and such...That's some Campbells MMMMMMM, good, right there. :devil: :lol:

Anywho, to stay on topic...E-mails anyone? To or From? ;)
That's what I'm hoping for, lol! :D midnight is already there--hopefully she's scouted out some great places for us to find male strippers! :devil:

We have gotten waaaaaayyyy off topic here, haven't we? :lol: Well, it seems like it's winding down anyway--we're almost at the close # (1000 posts) and no one has gotten any e-mail recently. Has anyone written any good ones they want to share?
Male stripper with a heart of gold...it's not too far off subject. :lol: But I haven't heard or written, for that matter, anything in awhile, but I'm not concerned or feeling dejected. It's not really that big of a deal to me anymore. If he keeps responding, great. If he doesn't, that's fine too. I give him a lot of credit for even starting in the first place and keeping up with it for the past 4 months.
not written another email as of late. I'll probably write one when the new season starts. I haven't got a response either, not too bothered if i do though. I'm happy with one way traffic in this instance. :D

I'm quite a patient person, i think its because i'm laid back. Basically its not very often i can be arsed. :lol:
Last thing I wrote was the Q about who was leaving NY... but we already know that so there's no need for a reply. :) I'm with lookaboomerang. Yay to Carmine for letting his fans contact him directly like that. And cool. We'll have a new chapter to this thread in time for the new season. :) New chapter, new emails!

And speaking of new emails, where have those writing geniuses Dream and kmfx disappeared off to?
And speaking of new emails, where have those writing geniuses Dream and kmfx disappeared off to?
Was wondering the same thing! Did catch a mail letting me know a new chapter to one of the stories was up. I miss the diary entries! :(
We have been conspicuously absent, haven't we? I've been busy - vacation, lots of work, etc.

Umm...I've lost Dream. She was in Vancouver and we were e-mailing each other like crazy and then *poof* she up and disappears. I think she's in Ontario now... I think. Or with her sister maybe... I feel so lost. :( Dream? Hello? Come back to me!

We need new episodes, that's all there is to it. It's so hard to maintain an obsession on re-runs....

We did e-mail him a couple months ago, just to be sure he didn't forget about us (ha! as if he could forget about us! JJ!). I think this was right after the chat he did...
Subject: you button-pusher you
You really do enjoy provoking us, don't you? Read the transcript of your chat on csifiles.com the other day. Seriously, was it necessary to send all the little fangirls into a tizzy with that comment about the no underwear? I mean really, you are the cause of a lot of tailbone injuries from woman falling off their chairs! (us included =0) It's just not right. It's a good thing we know that you know that there's more to life than being really really

You missed us didn't you? It's okay you can admit it, we won't hold it against you. Just think - you're going into work in a couple weeks making an episode that WE will get to review! Exciting isn't it? Yeah, we thought so. So stay tuned, more reviews from this dynamic duo coming up!!

Once I find Dream back I promise we'll write some more. *Sigh* I need a cookie... or maybe a sandwich... :devil:
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