E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Love it, kmfx! I hope the next email thread will be filled with more letters from the two of you!

And hey - the Diary Entries are alive again! But I've lost my Role-Playing thread... where'd it go? Gotta post those cowboy manips... :D
Its good to have you back kmfx. :)

It'll be a great way to start the new season with a brand new email thread, with new emails and everything. Can't wait. :D
I thought of emailing him the following useful information, just the t hing for a forensic scientist. Did you know that the dNA difference between a male human and a male chimpanzee is less than the diffenence between a man and a woman. Also, if 100 people work togetherin a non air condidioned office on a hot day, they will produce enough sweat to fill a paddling pool. Imagine trying to analyze that lot. "Ths suspext's male but hang on, he's pregnant. Detective, I think you're getting a little confused. Of course I'm enthused.
It will be good to get to a new season! Half the fun is writing those e-mails! :lol:

How much longer to wait?
It will be good to get to a new season! Half the fun is writing those e-mails! :lol:

How much longer to wait?

About a month & a week, I think...I agree, I've got some inspiration for an e-mail, but I think I'll wait for a little while though. ;)
I dearly want to ask about his cat, obviously it has to be his cat, why post a picture of the neighbours cat on your website after all. But, having a cat usually means being covered in cat hair, so how come in his pics he looks so clean and tidy, and how come the collection of ties is neatly draped, and not shredded, my cat would have wrecked that lot in seconds. I also wonder how, as Danny, he stops his glasses sliding down his nose. I wear specs if I am doing something that requires both hands, the glasses immediatly start sliding. Enquiring minds! I am trying to get up the nerve to email, I don't want to be a kind of sick, sad old lady chasing much youngemen.(I'm old enough to be his Mum) Jo
Joak - I believe someone (Brummie, wherever the heck she went) asked him about the cat awhile back and he responded that yes, Mookie is his cat ... and then we all fantasized about what a lucky pussy cat that is and wondered if the cat sleeps on his bed.

kmfx - We have all missed you and Dream. Can't wait until the new season starts up so you guys will have some new material to review. There isn't a whole lot to be said about repeats. Loved the e-mail you guys wrote after the online chat. Humorous and adorable with just the right amount of flirtation. Did he respond?
As for the age thing, I'm sure that really doesn't matter all too much...I know women around that age that lust after men much younger than Carmine is (not saying that you actually lust after him or anything), so don't feel too bad there.

The cat is his...That question was already answerd in an e-mail a while back, and the cats name is Mooky, if memory serves (I don't feel like looking ;))

As for being covered in cat hair, maybe he is using lint rollers like they're going out of style, or maybe he brushes his dear little kitty often...Also, he's got "professionals" to help in the tidy department, or perhaps he's a little OCD in that reguard. ;)

Ties and such, it's a good possibility that his kitty is declawed and possibly fixed, (for spraying or being in heat purposes) and might be well trained in that reguard.

The glasses...It really depends on the shape and type of glasses, as well as the face they're resting on.

I hope that helps at least a little bit, but if you still feel the need to e-mail him, by all means, feel free. I'm rooting for ya. :)
Glasses sliding also depends on the tightness of the glasses. Mine used to always slide, then, when I got new lenses, the lady readjusted my frames and now they dont slide.
Thanks for liking the e-mail, MrsG. No response, sadly. Guess he didn't miss us that much after all. :(

Dream and I are expecting a bit of a stressfull fall, so I imagine we'll have a great need to find some 'release' in writing our dear cdg clever e-mails if for no other reason than to keep ourselves sane!

I still haven't found her. Has anyone seen Dream around? Anyone? I swear, if she took off with Carmine and didn't tell me, I'm gonna start a message board riot! :lol:
Joak - I believe someone (Brummie, wherever the heck she went) asked him about the cat awhile back and he responded that yes, Mookie is his cat ... and then we all fantasized about what a lucky pussy cat that is and wondered if the cat sleeps on his bed.

kmfx - We have all missed you and Dream. Can't wait until the new season starts up so you guys will have some new material to review. There isn't a whole lot to be said about repeats. Loved the e-mail you guys wrote after the online chat. Humorous and adorable with just the right amount of flirtation. Did he respond?

hi i have been laying low for awhile, just got a tattoo on my foot an it hurts!
Thanks for liking the e-mail, MrsG. No response, sadly. Guess he didn't miss us that much after all. :(
Nah, how could your collective charms be lost on any man? He probably just felt too badly about the tailbone injuries you girls sustained on his account.

Has anyone seen Dream around? Anyone? I swear, if she took off with Carmine and didn't tell me, I'm gonna start a message board riot! :lol:
She was alive and well last week when I told her I printed "Under the Facade" to take on a flight with me, having ranked it above my usual in-flight reading material of InStyle magazine or Danny-porn printed off fanfic. But then, upon learning her writing is preferred over both InStyle and porn, well, that's just a compliment a girls gotta respond to right away. :lol:

If she did run off with Carmine, I would expect two of my favorite things, Dream's writing and porn, to intersect into one beautiful masterpiece. So, let's hope for her sake that she didn't. :lol:

BTW - am finishing up "Under the Facade" and love it. Will be moving on to "All in the Eyes" immediately afterward. You guys both rock!

Brummie - Check you out, lurking until your name pops up. :lol: Hope your foot feels better. What did you get tattoed on it?
I get that hurt Brummie :(

I with you when it comes to cat hair. I loathe and detest it. If only my cat were bold, he should be the amount of hair he leaves lying around. He's black as well so if you're wearing a white or pale top or something, your screwed.

My glasses don't really slide down unless i nodd my head a lot and i don't really do that. :D

I'm gonna draft an email and then add to it when the new season starts. I wonder if it will start around the same time our here in the UK? :confused:
No matter how I brush my much loved kitty, there is always enough hair to stuff a pillow. My glasses take to sliding when I'm in a situation that I can't push them up. I tired a Danny Messer style push them on top of the head, didn't work, my head is obviously the wrong shape. Bt do I lust after him -_- Hell Yes, I'd happily trade places with his cat Mook, sit on his lap and purr, great! Jo
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