E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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What a fibber. I write to him about the dumbest stuff sometimes and I've only once not gotten an email back. Hm... That must mean that he loves me the best. I'll tell you all my secret to that though...attach some nudez at the end. :lol: Actually, if you kind of make nice all throught, kiss a little ass and then ask him a question, he'll almost always reply. Tried and true method here ladies.
What a fibber. I write to him about the dumbest stuff sometimes and I've only once not gotten an email back. Hm... That must mean that he loves me the best. I'll tell you all my secret to that though...attach some nudez at the end. :lol: Actually, if you kind of make nice all throught, kiss a little ass and then ask him a question, he'll almost always reply. Tried and true method here ladies.

Totally agree!! :D Thats what I did the two times I emailed him, and I got two responses back. :)


EDIT: Sent him another email just now. :) I want to know what his middle name is. :D Thats all. Honest. I didn't mention anything that would give him reason to NOT email me back. Even though I wanted to ask him about the probability of a shower scene in the future. I decided that a restraining order (even a virtual one over the internet) would be to unbearable. So I didnt. :D
I got a reply :D... I said I was going to wait until the season started to email him again but I couldn't stop myself hehe.. I had to cover my mouth when I saw it hehe...I was just a tad bit excited to see his name in my inbox :D
I got a reply :D... I said I was going to wait until the season started to email him again but I couldn't stop myself hehe.. I had to cover my mouth when I saw it hehe...I was just a tad bit excited to see his name in my inbox :D

Well now, EllaJ can't keep that message all to yourself! Spill, spill! :)

I wrote thrice and looking at the one message he did reply to, yeah, I'll have to agree. He wants to be buttered up (you can take that as literally as you want :devil:) and humored at the same time.

But for crying out loud! Catch his attention? Knick's subject was "hi there!" :lol:

csi007, why not write him another e-mail to ask why he's neglecting you? :( Then tell him he doesn't know what he's missing. ;)
Everybody likes a little ego stroke now and again. His happens here more like, everyday though. :lol: Like everybody else and he said, write to catch his attention. This does not mean writing in capital letters or like a crazy rabid fan. Say something he'll actually give a crap about reading. And I don't think deluging his inbox with emails about why he hasn't gotten back to you yet is going to work either. Above all else, just be patient. The new season should start shooting really soon here; he seems to respond more then. *steps off soapbox*
Good point, good point. :)

Meanwhile, I went back and read Dream and kmfx's email review about Til Death Do We Part, which I saw earlier this week (finally). Now I understand what you two meant by the urban myth comment. Totally agree!

We've got eight more weeks left before the first season ends... the way schedules are over here, it'll be next April when season 2 begins! Isn't that tragic? Oh, well. :(

*books flight to LA for late September*
You may not get season 2 till April, but know that you have some fan-freaking-tastic episodes coming up pretty soon. The last half of the season was so much better.
Like everybody else and he said, write to catch his attention.
Don't know what people's experiences are, but using a regular mail addy (as opposed to a strange lookin' webmail addy) might also come across as someone who is at least serious to an extent. The subject box of my message displayed total crap (which I couldn't do anything about), but he read the mail and replied. So maybe it's not just trying to catch his attention, but making sure you're not only joking around either.

Happened by accident in my case. I sent a message using the form on the website, but the message was sent through Outlook at my work, displaying all my work contact details. So what? The man knows my name, I doubt he's gonna try and track me down... and even if he did, I sure as hell don't mind! :lol:
its good you've had replies. I haven't yet but i'm not going to give in.

I think i'll wait a few more weeks and then i may email him again. It'll take me those weeks to not only think of something that will catch his attention but also for me to pluck up the courage to email him. :lol:
I use my regular email address, but when mine comes up, the part where it says it's from has my real first name followed by the first initial of my last name. I also once used my address for college, which is 8 random numbers followed by an hvcc.edu and he responded to that one too. A good subject line is sure to catch attention. He's probably sitting there laughing at our Carmine-attention-catching techniques. :lol:
Udjat - You know, my real name shows up in the e-mails Dream and I send him too. I sometimes wonder (probably just because I'm paranoid) if he's ever tried to Google me. Because I'm not hard to find. There's even a rather ridiculous picture of me to be had. In fact, I've realized that you can actually find out just about everything about me merely by typing my name into a search engine. How embarassing. As funny as it would be...I am a married woman! Geez, like I would need that temptation...

Aw man, I don't think I'll ever write him again... :confused:
Oh I do believe many people here are fairly serious when sending him a message, but I firmly believe he gets loads of crap as well. Anyone ever consider the fact that he might have a spam filter activated? Lots of webmail addies might not make it through the spam filter. Just a thought! :)

Carmine-catching-attention techniques? Do they exist? Tell me, tell me! :D

Nah, just kidding, be yourself is what I say!
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