Zombies III

Stella patted Aidens back and then smiled at what Danny said. "Awwww Danny, you know you love me." she said with a laugh as she walked up to him and hugged him, kissing his cheek way too many times just like an obsessive mother would. She laughed a little and then hugged him tighter.
Lindsay smirked, and kissed him, "I want you" and kissed his neck.
Aiden smiled at Danny and Stella, and laughed, and looked at Mac, "God, its good to be with you guys again"
Kate rolled her eyes, "You know I was loving you until that part" and lightly hit his shoulder, and then leaned her head on his shoulder, "Yeah you better make that list, cause its not gonna come often" she chuckled.
Ziva nodded at Gibbs, "I understand" and let out a deep sigh, This wasn't going to be easy.
Abby looked at Gibbs, with a smile. She cared about her team, and wanted them all happy, and wanted Kate alive.
-Think she'll listen-
"Mmh.. Stop or I'll take you up on that," Flack mumbled before pulling Lindsay up into another kiss.
Danny hugged Stella back before flailing his arms. "Stella, 'nough with the kisses!" he said before he felt her arms tighten around him. Danny flailed again before sighing and giving another hug to Stella. "Lemme go before you crush my ribs!" he joked.
"Memorabilia book," Tony then said with a light laugh. He looked over at Kate for a moment before he tilted his head and rested his cheek to the top of her head.
Gibbs nodded a bit at Ziva's aknowledgement before he looked to Abby. -Seems like it, yes- Gibbs motioned a bit to Ziva, telling her to come join him and the others again.
"The good thing is, she's not alone now...I don't think anything in this world could get us apart at the moment. As you could probably tell a minute ago from the, er, display of affection."

"Yeah, or you're gonna make me jealous" Mac laughed at Danny and Stella. "Just don't forget who you save the best kisses for" he grinned at her.
Lindsay ran one of her hands back down his back and out to wrap around his neck, while the other went around under his shirt, to go over his chest, and kissed him back.
Aiden started laughing, "This is fun, I missed you guys"
Kate chuckled, and rolled her eyes, "I'm going to hurt you" and sighed and leaned against him.
Abby sighed at what Gibbs had signed to her. She hoped Gibbs is right, -I hope so, We can't lose Kate, not after getting her back-
Ziva nodded, and followed Gibbs over to Abby, Kate and Tony, and nodded at them, and licked her lips.
Flack let out a light moan, brow crinkling a bit as he wrapped his arms around her to pull her up against him, kissing her back.
Danny looked at Mac like he had three eyes and two heads. "You know how odd it was to see you two kissin'? It was like walkin' in on your parents while they're doin' it," he said flatly before looking at Aiden with a smirk.
"Nah, you wouldn't hurt me bad enough to land me in a hospital," Tony said, gently wrapping an arm around Kate. He looked at Ziva momentairily when they came over.

Gibbs stayed standing in front of the three. He looked at them each in turn before looking to Abby. "I know, Abs," he said quietly. Gibbs soon addressed them all. "Now, is everyone clear on my orders? Full co-operation, putting this whole thing behind us for now?"
"Well you *are* like our naughty kids a lot of the time" Mac chuckled. "Maybe next time you misbehave, one of us should spank you." he laughed harder.
Lindsay smiled, and thought about wrapping her legs around his waist, and she smirked at him, and ran her leg up against his.
Aiden laughed, and rolled her eyes, "Mac!" and lightly hit Mac on the shoulder.
Kate sighed, and looked up at Ziva for a moment, before nodding at Gibbs, "Yeah"
Abby also nodded, she knew better then to go against Gibbs, "Yeah Gibbs"
Ziva looked at Kate and Tony, before nodding, "Yes"
Flack's breath seemed to hitch a bit. He pulled her tight against him, leaning down to nip at her neck. "You have no idea what you do to me.."
Danny raised a brow as he looked at Mac. "Didn't know ya liked me that much, Mac."
Tony gave a slight nod, looking up at Gibbs for a moment. "Yeab, boss."

Gibbs looked around at the four of them before nodding himself. "Good."
"Not that way, you wierdo" Mac laughed. He got quiet so Flack and Aiden could have their moment, and kissed Stella again.
Lindsay smirked, "Oh I think I have an idea" and ran her hand back under his shirt, and kissed his neck.
Aiden chuckled, "Oh yeah, he's in love with you Dan"
Abby smiled at Gibbs, and scotted over, so he could sit on the other side of Kate, and patted it.
Ziva sighed, and went around on the end of Abby, she could handle her better.
Kate elbow'd Tony for no reason other then to mess with him.
Danny looked at Mac oddly for a moment before laughing. "Then why's he cheatin' on me with Stella?" he asked.
Flack was nearly driven up the wall with what Lindsay was doing to him. "Dammit Linds.."
Gibbs soon took a seat next to Abby and Kate, sighing a little. Yeah, this was going to be a long day.

Tony's body jerked a bit when Kate elbowed him, his arm moving to his side to shield his ribs. "Don't do that."
Aiden looked at him, and tried to keep from laughing, "I know honey, he's a bad Mac", and patted his shoulder.
Lindsay smiled, and kissed him, "What?" she said in a husky tone.
Kate patted Gibbs' knee a minute, before leaning back against Tony, "Told ya it wouldn't last" she smirked at him.
Abby smiled, and leaned against Gibbs, nudging him, "Zombies, hehe, Don't it sound like a movie?"
Ziva sighed, and just looked at the ground. Wasn't going to get by with much here.
"Appearantly," Danny said before he went over and sat against the wall. He reached up and pulled Aiden down into his lap with a smirk.
Flack's mind barely even registered that she'd said that. "I want you, now.." Flack mumbled to her quietly, almost quiet enough that it barely came out as words rather than just lip movements.
Gibbs looked over at Kate for a moment with a slight roll of his eyes. He then looked over to Abby. "A movie DiNozzo dreamed up," he stated.

"I heard that," Tony then said with a pout.
Aiden leaned back into his arms and smiled, and turned around so she could lean her head into his neck.
Lindsay kissed him, then kissed his neck, and licked his ear, and whispered, "I want you"
Kate chuckled, and patted Tony's knee, "It'll be okay" and smiled at Gibbs.
Abby burst out in laughter, She loved this.
Ziva rolled her eyes at Abby's reaction. She didn't really find it funny, but oh well.