Zombies III

Flack smiled a bit, gently hugging Lindsay to him. He tilted his head and kissed the top of her's gently.
Danny nodded a bit, smiling appologetically for a moment. "It's a 'I would if I could but I can't so I won't' type of thing."
Gibbs nodded a little bit, shrugging off his jacket and folding it up to lie it under Tony's head. He motioned for Kate to keep and eye on him before he stood and walked over to Abby. "What's up?"
Lindsay hugged him tight, "I love you" She said with a sigh. This was a happy moment, just being in his arms.

Aiden smiled, "Its okay, Dan, really" and kissed his nose.
Kate looked at Tony, and sighed, "Tony, such a badboy"

Abby crossed her arms, "Ziva admitted she's after Kate"
"I love you too," Flack replied, hugging her back tightly.
Danny smiled and nodded a bit. "So.. Questions? Comments? Concerns?" he asked.
Gibbs groaned lightly, rubbing his eyes. "That's it.. I'm taking her topside and making McGee look after her," he said, not amused at the least. "She say anything else?"

It was a few moments later that Tony began to come to. "I feel like I've been hit by a train.." he mumbled, opening his eyes. He looked right up at Kate before he began to sit up, but the whole room spun and he was on his back again staring at the ceiling. "The hell happened?"
Lindsay smiled, and kissed his neck, and ran her hand back up under his shirt.
Aiden thought about it for a minute, "So tell me what all that I missed"
Abby grabbed his arm, "Gibbs, I know this is a bad situation with her here near Kate, We still need her help, I hate the idea just as much as you, if not more, We'll be on hawk watch on Kate 24/7" She wasn't sure why she was defending her, but she knew that they needed her help.

Kate put her hand on Tony's chest, "Lay still, You took a kick to the head from Gibbs, to calm you down, Want to tell me why he did it?"
Flack had an involuntairy shudder go up his spine. "Dammit, Lindsay.. You're not helping my brain.." he muttered.
Danny thought over everything for a moment. "The regular cases.. That bomb case with Don and Mac. Stella's case.. Ah.." Danny paused for a moment, quieting quite a bit before he spoke. "There was a case with the Tanglewood Boys. Sonny put Louie into the hospital in a coma."
Gibbs looked at Abby for a few seconds, a hard look in his eye. She was right, but everything could go to hell in an instant. "I'll have her stay for as long as possible.. but I make no guarantees. Ziva wants to kill Kate, Tony wants to kill Ziva.. This is not working out good."
Tony grunted a little, raising his hand to lightly touch the bandage on his temple. "Because I attacked Ziva and I wouldn't let go," Tony said plainly. He didn't need Kate to know what Ziva said.
Lindsay smirked, "That could be part of the plan" and ran her hand all the way up his back.

Aiden's face went sad, and hugged him, "I'm sorry Dan, How is he?"


Abby smiled at him, "We'll figure out something, Tony will calm down in a few, Ziva really got under his skin, and I'm sure she would've you too, if you heard, but he knows we need her, and he knows we have to watch Kate" She hugged him, "It'll be okay, Kate will be fine, She has us"

Kate nodded, "What are you hiding from me?" She knew he was hiding something, but she couldn't figure it out.
Flack bit his lower lip a little as he looked at her. "I should really make you stop.."
Danny hugged Aiden back lightly. "No change.." he said quietly, his gaze diverted to the floor. The topic was still a little touchy with him.
Gibbs lightly hugged Abby back, sighing for a moment. "Yeah, but what happens after all this is said and done?" he said before pulling back to go over and kneel next to Tony and Kate. "Tony, you're a stupid SOB," he stated flatly.

Tony glared at Gibbs before looking at Kate. "It's nothing," he said before trying to sit back up again, ignoring the fact that his head was still spinning and he was seeing stars. A hard kick to the head, and he should be in the hospital, but that wasn't an option.

"Lie down and stay down," Gibbs said, reaching out to pull Tony back to a lying position.
Lindsay leaned up and kissed him, and bit at his lower lip, "But you won't"

Aiden ran a hand through his hair, "I'm so sorry, Dan, I wish I could've been there for you", and hugged him, "I'm here now, sweetie"

Abby put a hand on his shoulder, "We'll work it out" and smiled at Tony, "Tony, You ok?"

Kate smiled at Gibbs, and then up at Abby, before looking back at Tony, "Fine, but I want to know, and your going to tell me" and poked him the chest, "Yeah Lay down, Tony" She said smirking.
Flack gently kissed her back, trying to keep a leash on his actions and thoughts. "Should.."
Danny shook his head and hugged Aiden tightly. "Don't.. Don't worry 'bout it.." he said quietly.
Gibbs nodded at Abby's words before looking to Kate with a raised brow. "Not untill he tells me first," he said.

Tony looked at Abby. "Yeah, I've been better though," he said before looking at Kate then at Gibbs. He was still seeing doubles of them. "Dammit, I'm not going to say anything to you guys, okay?" he snapped.
Mac was looking on as well with concern, still feeling bad for Danny. He put a comforting hand on the other man's shoulder for a moment, recalling Danny's hospital breakdown that night.

To Aiden, he said "Don had a lot of people looking out for him."
Lindsay kissed on his neck, and smirked against it.

Aiden kissed his forehead, "I've missed you so much" and smiled at Mac's words, and gave Mac a smirk, "Thanks for taking care of him"

Abby figured Gibbs and Tony would want to talk, "Kate? Can I talk to you?"

Kate looked from Tony, to Gibbs, and to Abby, and sighed, "Sure" and looked back at Tony and Gibbs, "I still want to know" and walked over with Abby.
Flack let out a light sigh of contentment. "I can't wait to get home.." he mumbled.
Danny looked over to Mac with a light smile. Mac was a really good friend, and a father-figure for both Danny and Flack. "Dammit.. Stop, the both of you, or I really will start cryin'," Danny said with a soft laugh.
Gibbs looked at Abby for a moment and waited till Kate got up and left before he turned back to Tony. "DiNozzo, speak now before I put a hole thru your head."

Tony suddenly wished Abby and Kate were back. "She pissed me off, Gibbs. She tried to seduce me to go against Kate. 'She'll be gone before you ever even kiss her goodbye'," he quoted Ziva. "Ziva'll kill Kate given the chance, she wants Kate gone."

"Tony, we need her help down here," Gibbs then said. "We need everyone's full co-operation.. Got it?"

"...Yes, sir."
Lindsay kissed him, shutting him up, but added, "Neither can I"

Aiden rolled her eyes, and hit his shoulder, "Girly"

Abby waited for Gibbs to signal that they could come back.

Kate raised an eyebrow at all of them, She wanted to know what happened, and she wants to know it now.
Flack kissed her back, pulling her close and holding her tight.
"Ay.. No, don't start that.." Danny said lightly.
Gibbs looked at Tony for a few moments before standing and going over to check on Ziva. He nodded at Abby once.

Tony soon sat back up, clutching his head a bit when the whole corridor swung, but he didn't collapse back. Gibbs had a point, and he knew the consiquences of going against orders, so he complied.