Zombies III

Lindsay smiled, and leaned against him, and sighed.

Aiden smirked, "So what if I am?"

Abby started walking back to where Tony was, Kate followed, and she stood in front of Tony, "You going to tell me yet?"
Ziva sighed, and took in some breaths, and opened her eyes.
Flack smiled a little, content with holding her. "Love you," he whispered.
"Let's not start now, please," Danny said. He really didn't want to get into a big argument.
Tony looked up at Abby and then to Kate. "It's confidential, Caitlyn. Gibbs'll have my neck if I say anything," he said calmly.
Gibbs stood over Ziva for a moment, just looking at the woman with a blank expression before he kneeled down, pulling her up untill she was sitting against the wall. "Ziva, why the hell do you keep doing this?"
Lindsay kissed his neck, and replied, "I love you too"
"Okay okay" She said and wrapped her arms around him, "Love you, Dan"
Abby nodded at Kate, "Yup"
Kate sighed, "Okay" and sat down beside Tony.
Ziva looked at him, and titled her head a bit, and shook her head, "I don't know" She replied somewhat honestly, and somewhat, she really didn't want to tell him.
Flack gently tilted Lindsay's head up, kissing her deeply.
Danny hugged Aiden back, letting out a slightly content sigh. "Love you too, Aid," he said quietly.
Tony looked over at Kate for a moment before looking down at his hands. "I would've broke her neck if Gibbs hadn't interfered," he said in a mumble. "I have the hands and state of mind of a murderer, with training."
Gibbs growled a bit, leaning in to come eye level with Ziva. He was so close, really all he had to do was to tilt his head to kiss her. "You better come up with an answer better than 'I don't know' pretty damn fast," he hissed. "I can't babysit you, Tony and Kate down here. With my luck, we'll all be shot and killed because of it. Now, can you please save this till all of this is done and sorted out? I need everyone's full co-operation, including yours. There's a total of three agents injured. I don't want a death on my shoulders too." Gibbs pulled back a bit, sighing then looking at Ziva in almost a pleading way. "Ziva, please.."
Mac, his arm still around Stella, gave her a squeeze to join in the emotional exchange. "Love you" he told her.
Stella was snapped out of her thoughts when Mac said that. She had been listening, but she hadn't really registered anything until now. She looked up to Mac and gave him a light kiss on the lips. "Danny, you can tell her." she said with a solumn nod.
Lindsay looked up at him, and then smiled into their kiss, and ran her hands down his back.
Aiden smiled, "So What would rather do when we get home, go to the pool, go to the bedroom, or get drunk?" She laughed, and smiled at Stella, and gave her a wink.
Abby sat down beside Kate, and listened to Tony, but stay'd outta it.
Kate put her hand on his, "But you didn't Tony, and you wouldn't have if she didn't push you" She smiled at him. "I know you, and I know you wouldn't have done it without a reason, Tony"
Ziva sighed, "Its just she comes back into the picture, after all this time, and both you and Tony are in love with her, and it just" She trailed off, and looked into his eyes, "I want her gone, but I do want to finish this case, I can control myself" Maybe
Flack gently moved one hand to Lindsay's shoulder, running it down her arm slowly.
"Either sounds good." Danny looked at Stella for a moment, giving her an 'if you're sure' look. He soon looked to Aiden and began to explain what happened. The whole thing with Frankie and the case.
Tony looked up at Kate with a light smile. "Maybe.." he said quietly.
"Ziva, it's one of those life things. It just happens. She isn't coming back to replace you so I boot you out the door, she's coming back to her place she never lost," Gibbs said quietly. "Continue like this, and I'll be forced to fire you, if not arrest you, because majority co-operation rules you out." Gibbs soon stood, pulling Ziva up with him and uncuffing her. "I'd rather not lose an agent and a friend."
Mac kept his arm around Stella, knowing this was a painful subject for her.

"Anyone tries anything like that again, they'll have to deal with me first" he said, a dead serious edge in his voice despite a little laugh at the end of the sentence.
Stella took deep breaths as Danny retold her story. She went through it all again. The images played in her mind of what she saw, felt, smelled and heard that night. She smiled a bit when Mac had said that, and wrapped both of her arms around him. "And that's why I love you." she said with a slight laugh.
Mac wrapped both his arms around her, aware of how her expression was communicating flashbacks and pain. "Nothing will ever hurt you as long as I'm breathing...and I know you'll do the same for me."
Lindsay licked his lips, and smirked at him, "I can't wait to get you home"
Aiden listened to the story that Danny told her, and she instantly went over to Stella, wrapped her arms around her in a hug, "I'm sorry"
Abby wondered if Kate still sketched, but didn't ask her, and watched Gibbs with Ziva. She still didn't trust her, no matter what she would say, but she knew they needed her.
Kate kissed his cheek, "You'll be fine, Tony" and winked at him.
Ziva nodded at Gibbs, "I'm sorry Gibbs, Fighting with you and Tony was the last thing I wanted" No lie there, She may want Kate gone, but she don't want Gibbs and Tony to hate her, Which is why she had to plot this out better.
Stella wrapped her arms around Aiden as well. "It's alright, it's not like you could have done anything about it." she said as she took comfort in Aidens hug.
Flack grinned a bit when she said that. "And God knows what would happen then.."
Danny smiled a bit at Aiden and Stella. "Everyone is always here for you Stel, whenever and wherever you need help. We're all just a call away," he said.
Tony looked fully at Kate, not able to keep himself from smiling when she did that. "Thanks, Kate," he said before smirking. "That's the most heartfelt thing you've said to me yet. I should start making a list.
Gibbs nodded a little. "After this is all done, we're going to settle this. Untill then, I want you three, now, to be on guard and stop acting like a bunch of ten year olds," he said firmly.